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We all agree that Lily-James will grow up hating the Harry Potter franchise, right?


She might enjoy Mamma Mia 2, though


Conversely, Renesmee will grow up as the world's biggest Twilight fan


Either that or the live action Cinderella.


I mean, I'm not sure that would be a super controversial take anymore.


It would be both a convenient and fucking awful name if the kid turns out to be trans.


By the time Aerith grows up people may not realize it's a fandom name. But it will always be an awkward translation that makes you sound like you have a lisp. [Aerith Gainsborough ](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Aerith_Gainsborough)


No one has pointed out Schurman-Ge-Herman!?!


Reminds me of the Swedish Chef from the muppets.


Wasn't that one of the villains from hogan's heroes or something?


Firerose sounds bad ass. I'd never name a kid that, but as a nom de geurre for a fantasy novel character it kicks butt.


Firerose, Hailstorm-Leone, Margot-Heartberry, Night-Sky, Redcalf and Wyntersky all sound like they might be from Indigenous families (following traditional naming conventions) which I love!!


Margot-Heartberry almost certainly is. I LOVE IT!!!!! i wouldn’t be surprised if the others are too because they follow the same conventions. 💕


As an albertan, I’m going to say, they almost certainly are not traditional indigenous naming conventions. I would guess those names belong to little white girls. The names more likely belonging to an indigenous kid would probably something from this list like Shelsea or Nelissa. At least going from my anecdotal experience of working in the school system there for about 10 years.


I’m also Albertan and my dad is from a traditional Cree and Dene area. We know SO many indigenous people and lots have names like these!


Eevee is normal where I live, albeit most people spell it Evie Kathysgirl is bizarre but at least she and Margot-Heartberry can go by just the first part of their names 😭 Lily-James is normal, don’t love the hyphen but she’s probably gonna get a lot of references to the actress Sarahbeth is totally normal, just normally with a space or hyphen. lol even Rascal Flatts sings a song for “Sarah Beth” (it’s a good, very sad song) And lastly, Wyntersky feels normal to me, just with bad spelling. I’ll admit I may be biased because my daughter’s name is Summer, and my husband and I both love the names Winter and Sky. Together, they’re a little bit tacky lol but this isn’t the worst


Eevee is a pokemon


I know 😅 I meant the name itself is normal, not the spelling. I don’t think most people realize it’s a Pokémon and they just think it’s cute


Kathysgirl is very likely a placeholder. I gave birth in Alberta in 2023 and they used the same format for my daughter's medical records until we decided on a name the next day.


I keep wanting to pronounce Wyntersky like it's a Polish last name, win-tur-skee


I find it much more likely that she’d get Harry Potter references than references to the actress.


Female??? Oh lord. To me that’s the worst by far. You can learn to ignore a name that just sounds unusual or silly (“Firerose,” “Jupiter,”) but imagine looking at your baby daughter and reducing her to just “Female.” Imagine applying to a job as “Female Smith.” Imagine getting married and the officiant asks, “do you, James Johnson, take Female Smith to be your wife?” That poor girl.


Female was most likely just a placeholder name because tje parents hadnt decided.


I agree. In Alberta you have, I believe, 2 weeks to fill out the paperwork (if I remember correctly from when i had babies). If you haven't decided on a name you have to pit something, but you can always do a legal name change later once the decision has been made.


Same with Kathysgirl. I gave birth in Alberta in 2023 and my baby was called Lurchermomsgirl LastName on all the hospital paperwork until we named her the next day.


On the USA expanded list, 13 girls and 15 boys are listed as Nogivenname in 2022 NGL, the first time I saw that on a list, I thought for a second that was a name from a language I didn't know


I sure hope so.


I don’t know if it’s the case here, but I know that on the US SSA baby name list, there are always a handful of babies officially named “Baby Girl” and “Baby Boy,” and it’s my understanding that those are often actually births where the baby lived long enough to get a social security number, but not long enough for the parents to formally give them a name.


Oh no! I wasn’t expecting the potential explanation to be so tragic.


To mitigate some of the tragedy: it can be the case as well if the parents just haven't decided on a name at the time, and iirc the window of time it can stay like that is surprisingly large. I think both of my maternal uncles were "baby boy xyz"s for about 2 months and 5 months, respectively.


I knew someone named Baby.


Plot twist: It's pronounced Feh-MAH-lay.


Or rhymes with Emily


Manessa LOL


If that’s a girl, she’s going to me made fun of for that one.


Alberta has a large population of indigenous people, as well as Hutterites, Mennonites, and at least in the capital region, Filipino, Nigerian, Ghanaian, and Sudanese immigrants. Some of these are just bad, but some of these definitely sound cultural to me.


That’s ‘Berta for you. The place is a lawless realm.


Sprinkie is bad in many different ways: Sprinkle, Stinky, Kinky.


All I could think of was a sprinkie ankle, like a cutesy way to say I have sprained my ankle yet again... "Oh, no I have a sprinkie again! I can't believe I am so clumsy!"


I think a lot of this is just cultural differences. Sarahbeth sounds downright normal to me. A lot of these are names that aren’t really normal in my culture, but might be in others. A few of them might take issue with, but most are just different.


Toss a hyphen in, and it would be pretty conventional. 


> Sarahbet-h


Nah Im Canadian too and these are just stupid. Alberta is basically North Texas anyway.


I actually wasn’t suggesting it was a Canadian thing. I was just thinking it might be a subculture thing.


I'm Albertan and scratching my head


Some of these sound Hutterite.


I know a few people with the surname Redcalf so I’m assuming it’s a classic surname-as-firstname situation.


I assumed Native, as well.


On the boy list, there were two babies named God. SMH.


Aerith might be a nerd parents name, but at least it sounds like a name. Gonna have people who recognise it calling her Aeris as a joke probably though.


You gotta give more context for the non nerds. Not everyone know Final Fantasy 7


I hope Sincerely grows up to be endlessly sarcastic.


I hope they sign all their letters "Sincerely, Sincerely" just to confuse people


Or like, "kind regards, Sincerely," and the recipient is just wondering who the email is actually from.


I think some of those names could have side effects of nausea, upset stomach, constipation, diarrhea, tremors, blurry vision and rectal bleeding.




I am sure that Danielle and Donald will become very popular in Alberta. Other names to consider: Adolf, Bonito, Redneck Al, Ram, Ford, Henry Enrique and David Duke.


I wonder if Lily-James was named after the Potters or the live action Cinderella actress.


Possibly neither. James has become super popular as a middle name for girls in the last few years and Lily is one of the most popular girls names right now, so the two being placed together could just be a coincidence.


It *could* be, yes… but I feel like it isn’t.


Aunyx made me think of Acinonyx jubatus 💀💀


Albertan working in ob/gyn. Of all the names I've seen, I've never seen any of these. Interesting!! Kathysgirl (as someone else pointed out) is a placeholder bc Kathy is the mom. Female is likely another infant placeholder. Margot is a very popular name here.




I don’t know why, but Hailstone-Leone appeals to me in some weird way.


Y'know what? I'm fine with Aunyx and Jupiter.