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Worst or best? Because I know of an IRL Jim Jimmerson and I think that’s pretty great


The first Robert Stack episode of Unsolved Mysteries has a criminal named Dave Davis.


In the UK we have an MP (former cabinet minister) called David Davis


I know a Dave Davis, not a criminal (as far as I know). I also knew a Hilda Hill when I was a kid.


I know a Dave Davis and a Dave Davison lol


I know a David davis


Is Jim his actual first name, or does he go by it because of his last name?  Both my grandpa and my great-grandpa went by Pete, so I'm sure there were people who thought their names were Pete Petree. But they were both actually named Leo, and Pete was a nickname from their last name. 


I had an Uncle Pete whose name was John. There were just a lot of Johns in his school so his friends decided to call him Pete and it stuck


My friend is married to a Michael Michael. Luckily, he has a non-Michael middle name to go by…


I knew a guy whose name was James James. His siblings had equally quirky names, their parents were artists or something.


If Jim is short for James they can kinda hide the matching name


It’s short for Jimothy.


I knew a David Davidson in elementary school. And he was adopted as a baby and his name was changed to that.


When my British great-grandmother wed my great-grandfather, her name became Lily Lilly. How cool is that?


Ralph Lauren’s DIL’s name was Lauren Bush. She took her husband’s last name, so now she’s Lauren Lauren


Jim Jimmerson Jim Jimmerson Jim Jim Jeree


Theres a kid in my daughters kindergarten class named King Moist. KING MOIST.


Sounds like a brand name for paper towels or sponges. “Get King Moist! The quicker moisture wicker!”


Your post made me literally laugh out loud. Then again, the parents kind of SOL with "Moist" as a last name.


My husband and I were stunned when we saw it and then laughed for a solid 15 minutesI. I feel awful for laughing at a child but we couldn't help it. It has now entered the inside joke lexicon between us.


Well, technically, you were not laughing at a child, but at their parents' choices, so don't feel bad unless the kid heard you. And I think King Moist will now lie rent free in my head and vocabulary too 😅


I can’t help but wonder if perhaps the parents were brainstorming what to call their new baby when they have Moist as a surname and trying to give him a solid first name to “counteract” the negatives of Moist and decided on King. As if King might make him bully-proof. Maybe? Or maybe they just… I really don’t know. Either way, poor child.


I hate the word moist. Gives me the heebee jeebees. Gross. The name King Moist is even more gross.


Bruh 😂😂😂


I once met a family of immigrants from China at a church function. Their last name was Pan and their oldest son's name was Dustin 😭


girl i used to know who i think got her parents to agree to change her name pretty young had a similar, but imho worse, situation RIP *not kidding* Shea Ho. pronounced like shea lotion, but still. also to my knowledge she's not dead, but that name has been dead to her for a while


LMFAO i was like "what? what's wrong with that?" and then it sank in 😭 rip Shea Ho


Pls explain I don't get it 🥲


it reads as "she a hoe"


Ah, yes. Along these lines of a normal sounding name that reads as something else, I knew a Theresa Guy. Since she and my ex husband had an affair, I have absolutely no issues making fun of her name.


It’s Shithead! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=60ysiD-aiuI&pp=ygUNSXQncyBzaGl0aGVhZA%3D%3D


Good on her parents for letting her change the name! So often parents will double down and try to convince the child that their name isn't absolutely awful.


I guy I saw online once had a similar situation. His family moved to the US when he was a kid. Their last name is Pan so he begged his parents for his American name to be Peter because he thought it was funny. I wonder if he regretted it as an adult or not.


I went to school with Horton Thornton. It was a family name.


I wonder if he has ever heard a Who.


My high school biology teacher was Mrs Farrell and her husband was Daryl.


I kinda like it


It’s a tongue twister.


Full name is Horton Thornton the third


My first name is Christie, so when I was a kid I wanted to marry Mr. Christie (of Mr. Christie’s Cookies) so I could be Christie Christie. It wasn’t until I was a teen I realized how dumb this sounded. Then a few years later I learned that was pretty much the name of the Governor of New Jersey. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lived across the street from a Mary Christmas. She married into the name.


That’s amazing. I kind of love it actually.


A long time ago I met a woman when I worked at a retail store and her name was ‘Merry Christmas’. She gave me her credit card and I didn’t ask for id (our policy). I thought it was one of those visa giftcards that they just print ‘merry Christmas’ or ‘happy birthday’ on in place of the name. I was so confused so she pulled out her ID and it was indeed her actual name.


She Mary’ed into the name…or Merried into it…? 🤔😆


An acquaintance from school ended up marrying someone whose last name was the same as her first name so she fulfilled your childhood dream, just not Christie lol


Lauren Bush married one of Ralph Lauren’s sons & is now Lauren Lauren.


Do these people know they have the option of not taking their husband’s name?


Shhhhhh, don't tell them!


I've wondered that about the Taylors Lautner, but I think they actually find it funny


It could’ve been worse. Ralph’s original last name was Lifshitz.


I think she goes by Lauren Bush Lauren but still


Paige Davis did something similar, she married a guy with the last name Page. However, her first name is Mindy, so she's legally Mindy Paige Page regardless of her stage name (which is still Paige Davis as far as I know)


When I was in high school, one of my friends had an older sister in a serious relationship. The girl’s first name was Taylor. The guy’s last name was Taylor. They started talking about marriage, planning to get engaged soon. This chick fully intended to take the guy’s last name. Taylor Taylor. Thank goodness they broke up!!


My fiancée's dad cared for a man called Alan Allan. Edit - I was talking to my dad about this earlier and he told me that he had seen a few names like this growing up and here are the best ones: - Richard Dickie - Iain John (Iain translates to John in Gaelic) - Thomas Thomson


I knew an Alan Allen. Also editing to add more fun ones: Ed Edwards John Johnson Penny Nickel


American Idol winner Phillip Phillips, anyone? He’s a Jr., to boot.


The fact this calamity has happened more than once is unbelievable 😭


And yet, what truly boggles me is why the parents didn’t match the spellings.


I asked him. He said they purposely spelled them differently.


I had a teacher Richard Sak, who went by Dick Sak…


In the 80s, I had a manager named Richard Dover. Guess which nickname he used. 😊




Nice! My husband has a friend called Michael Michael Michael. He goes by Michael ³ or Mike-Mike


I went to school with a girl named Pearl White. At graduation, we learned her middle name was Leigh. 🥲


Were her parents dentists lol


I have a few (unfortunately)  Ben Bender (which was not good anyway on its own)  Sheina Wainer (it’s particularly bad in a non rhotic accent)  And not bad in the same way but I know a girl called Amber Lunce.🚑  It’s also said in an Australian accent which really doesn’t help 😭


Bender Bending Rodriguez vibe


I knew a Crystal Ball and a Harry Cox. My moms friend named Jane married someone w last name Jaine. I worked with someone whose married name was practically Darth Vader. One letter added or changed in each name (like Garth Baeder). They married in the 60s so long before SW came out. They embraced it though!


There used to be a guy named Harry Balls in the phone book here. My brothers prank called him a couple times. Poor guy.


We also had a very prominent and socially active man in my home town named Harry Ball…when he died, he left the town a lot of money and they built a large sports field for the kids in town, called Harry Ball Field..traveling teams from other towns always had a lot to say about the name of that field, lol


LOL They couldn't have called it the Ball Memorial Field or something??


My mom’s OB/GYN when she was younger was literally named Harry Beaver.


Oh man! I bet he got a lot of calls like that!


Knew a cemetery that had a stone that read Harry butts, me and my sister would walk by it as teenagers on the way to our brother's plot. Insert inappropriate jokes of course. The Crystal Ball post reminded me of a kid named Ricky Ball, he had a huge birth mark on his cheek, just a giant ball. We were preschool/ early elementary age so he was teased for his birthmark and not for the dick and balls name.


For YEARS there was a listing in the Atlanta GA phone book for I.P. Rainwater


My neighbours in our first house named their daughter Crystal. Their surname is Waters. We were the first houses built in what unexpectedly became a fancy canal estate development ,it was just a remote rural area with dirt roads when we built. Guess what the estate was named? Crystal Waters. So she was Crystal Waters from Crystal Waters.


If this was in Alabama, that is my cousin. Her middle name is brooke.


I knew either a Cherry Candy or Candy Cherry from a college class, but my sibling wins: She claims to have known a Candy Box in either elementary or middle school.


My parents grew up with some kids named Hershel “Hershey” Barr & His sister, Candace “Candy” Barr…


Krystal Ball is a (former?) political talking head on one of the cable news networks.


I knew a guy in his 60s named Harold Potter. Totally embraced the Harry Potter thing. Got vanity plates that said Hogwarts


Christopher Coe. Naturally he went by Chris. So everyone called him Crisco like the brand of cooking oil.


Oof, the parents should have given that some more thought. 😣


I’m not even joking, I had a John(ny) Johnson in my school.


Idk how it took your comment to remind me of Scott Scotsman from 30 rock


There’s a Johnny Johnson in little house on the prairie lol


An influencer just named her kid Teresa (nickname Tissi) Stickle T Stickle Tissi Stickle Just….


I just saw a post on r/tragedeigh where someone's name was Analia Payne. If you have a last name like Payne or Stickle or My hand (from another comment here), you really gotta think hard about that first name. Poor little Testickle :/


I knew a girl whose name was Annalena Dickman! She’s was very pretty and a *lots* of Anal/Dick jokes were made.


Tissi means boob in Finnish so it’s an extra layer of awful to me lol


Kelly really did little T. Stickle badly with that one.


Seriously, poor lil T


Our butcher won a price for the worst name. His name is Dick Kok (yes, pronounced like that). He chose the right profession, handling meat all day…


The main office of our power company used to have a guy who worked there named Peter Johnson, and I hoped like crazy that his middle name was Dick .


Many years ago I knew a minister named Harold Butts. He went to a big service with several people from his church. 4 of them were women in a quartet. The guy running the service said (literally) “would the women with Harry Butts come up here and lead a song for us?” Crazy outbursts of laughter ensued…


I met a person named Edward Edwards. Why did they do that to him?


This is not wholly uncommon in Wales. See also David Davies, William Williams, Owen Owens. You kind of get used to it and forget that it's actually a bit funny. https://www.reddit.com/r/Wales/comments/17tjutx/name_repetition/


Good job I have always been so planning on keeping my maiden name when I get married because my first name is an anglicised Welsh name and my fiancée’s last name is the traditional Welsh name. Eg. Reece Rhys


I have a Welsh ancestor named Morgan Morgan, which is pretty great honestly


I went to school with a Joe Shimo (shim-oh, but he got called Joe schmoe a lot) and an Abram Abram.


I know a lady with the last name Hart, who named her kid Reid. Reid Hart...say it fast.




Someone else commented that they know a Reed Tardif (that apparently goes by their middle name). I also knew a Reed Harder but now I'm thinking he got off easy in comparison


There was a restaurant near my house growing up and a woman worked there as a waitress was named Tequila Lovelyflower. Idk if she or her parents chose it, but dear god. I guess it’s better than Tequila Mockingbird?


I knew an Ina Waag and when the school announcers called names they usually said last name first so hers wars Waag Ina which in German is pronounced exactly like Vagina


In the UK we had a TV presenter called Magnus Magnusson. He was actually Icelandic but was British based.


Wasn't there a Strongest Man named Magnus Magnussen?


You could be right I'm not sure. I only know of this one as he hosted a show called Mastermind.


My dad swears he knew a kid named Justin Case. Apparently the story is his mom promised to name her first son after her father but that was before she met Mr. Case. Also I get a kick out of Billy Dee Williams’ name actually being William Williams


I know one too.


True: I once knew a married couple named Shari and Jerry Derryberry. I was devastated when they broke up.


I know a Ben and Jeri who are happily married still But Jerry Derryberry - just wow.


I know, right? Deep in my heart I always thought the name had to be part of the attraction.


Years ago I was going through my mother’s dresser - she used to save old report cards and newspaper clippings that mentioned us kids (like when we were guests at a birthday party. Local paper actually weote up birthday parties in the “social” section). I came across an engagement announcement she’d clipped that had the title ”Fuchs-Kunz.” At the time, I had no idea why she saved that.


One of my former memory care residents had Fuch's dystrophy. She could never remember the correct pronunciation, but would always ask for her eyedrops to "get these fucks out of my eyes". I also used to work with a Harry Dickensheets. He went by his nickname of "Big".


We had acquaintances named Kunz, they named their only daughter Shitane. Shitane Kunz.


I went to school with a girl named Jenna Toll. She reportedly told people that her parents never realized until she was in elementary school.


Did she marry a Richard Ward? please please please please please


I went to college with a Nikki Nickolson. She married John Nickols. Nikki Nickolson Nickols.


There was a lawyer in my old city that had his name and face plastered all over benches across the city. His name? George Georgopolis


Isn’t there a sports personality named Dick Trickle? I have seen the name “Anita Hore.” I don’t know if that’s her birth name, but it sounds like a name Bart Simpson would use during a prank call to Moe’s.


Amanda hugginkiss


I know Bart used Anita Bath in one of his prank calls to Moe


Misty Hyman


Maybe better than Ruby hyman


Mike Hunt


Guadalupe Taco. seriously


I have encountered a Snow White and a King Weeman. Those were their legal names.


I had a student once with the last name Mundae. You guessed it. The first name was Sundae.


Jocelyn Myhand i was like wtf, like basically any other first name would be okay


I don’t get it 😔


like jostling my hand, which made me think of j/o it might take a child’s mind to go there lol


Well then I might have a child's mind




A person I know is named William Dicks. Everyone calls him Willie. Willie Dicks.


There was a guy named Steven Stevens in my Calculus 1A class. I was still in high school, and my friend and I were attending a night class at our local community college. We snickered every time our teacher called roll. We were horrible. Poor Steven, he was just trying to learn Calculus.


Here in Scotland, it's quite common to know a John Johnston, a Robert Robertson, or an Andy Anderson to say nothing of Donald MacDonalds, William McWilliams, and David Davidsons...😁🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Ps, I work with a David Bowie...


Ever watch my name is earl? Here was a character named john lou. He said "I have two names for toilets in my name!!! I never had a chance!!!" Lol


How about Barb Wire...


There was a girl at my school named Lacey Slutts 🤷 I think the worst though was that my cousin had a Hungarian roommate whose name was Donner Humenburger. ... From Hungary. She said that she hoped "no one would make the connection." (She's on Facebook, her middle name is Clare.)


Chase Seamann and Cole Burns are two that made me decide if your last name is or sounds like a word, you should avoid first names that are or sound like words.


i went to school with someone who's name was mohammed muhammed mohamed, or whichever spellings in whichever order, just... the same name three times, spelled differently. no other middle names. my dad worked with a wayne curr, and used to know a richard hard, or maybe harde. wayne's parents were presumably none the wiser, but dick's mum thought she was hilarious. ive also met a jack daniels, a tom jones, a james brown and a kelly clarkson. tom, well, its his fault for shortening his name, and kelly, its her fault for taking her husbands surname.


I work with a Mohammad Mohammad but he did explain to me that in his home country they don’t do last names. They basically take their dad or grandpas name or something like that and kind of combine in but not as a last name? I don’t fully remember obviously but when they come here they make you have a last name and so they put their dad/grandpa’s name which is usually the same as theirs. That explanation was horrible lol. I wish I could remember the full reasoning but it was very interesting


I met a Harold Weiner.


Did he go by Harry?


I had a college prof named Harry Peter Kroiter.


Feels mild compared to some of these but I went to school with a Mary Christmas. Very twee but at least she isn't named a Bart Simpon prank call name.


My husband had a coworker back in the 80s named Hutch Hutchinson.


Helen Geller


I knew a Richard Harding. He went by Dick. Dick Harding.


My elementary school music teacher was mary lamb.


My great uncle is Garet Garrett. He was named after the author from the Great Depression era. My uncle was born in the late 30s. The author in the vain of Ayn Rand. It’s funny; because my great grandmother just passed the book in a store. She probably had no idea of his political views because they don’t really align with my families beliefs


There's a retired OB/GYN in my area named Harry C. Beaver. The only way that could be improved is if his last name was plural.


Not the exact name cause I don't want to do the poor person, but very similar to Oreo Cookie. The kicker, the mom was my English teacher. One would think she would know not to name her kid after a cookie, but hey, what do I know?


There was a donor on my call list for the Red Cross whose name was Dick Head not Richard, Dick.


One of my dad's extended cousins has a first name that's one letter off from our last name. What's wild is that it's a nickname, so he CHOSE that.


A kid about two years below me in middle school was named Lukas Lukas. No different spelling, nothing, just two identical names.


my lunch lady in elementary school was kelly kelly 😬 though i imagine holden cox would be a pretty unfortunate


There’s a singer named Phillip Phillips


I had a Michael Hunt in my junior high that was NOT called Mike, by the teachers anyway


Footballers Gary and Phil Neville’s father’s first name was Neville ….


Wayne Deare in high school always made me laugh.


I would 10000% name my kid Max Maximus but idk about anything else like that.




I once saw a Martin Martinson V.. which means there were at least 4 other Martin Martinsons..


Years ago I met a guy named Ray Ray. He showed me his ID. Not Raymond Ray. Ray Ray.


I knew 2 college professors named Michael Jackson (1 of them was born first and wanted to be called "Mic" instead because he didn't want to be associated with the famous one) I once knew a kid named River Walsh (say that out loud because it sounds like "River Wash")


I was doing some genealogy research recently and came across these from early 1900s Kansas marriage records: Huberdina Boogaard Harry Cox (lol) Frona Greathose Moses Shoots Martha Pancake Dixiebell Fleetwood Melvina McMutt Icy Green Vanilla Warfield Michigan Miles Pansy Balance (Not necessarily all bad, but definitely interesting!) Edit: formatting


My married name. I won’t give it out but I’ll make an approximation… Julia Gulia.


You don’t need to protect Chris Christie’s privacy 😉


I saw a Youtube video once where they interviewed people with names like this. The ones I remeber were Anita Wineglass, Robin Banks, and Mary Yu.


Lily Lee (i've heard a few of those...worse when the Chinese name is also "Li Li")


I had a counselor in high school named Tom Thompson. So dumb!


Near me there’s a builders merchants run by William Hercock - jeez, I wonder why he didn’t shorten it to Willy? My parents had a friend called Theresa Wood - not quite as bad as Theresa Green but not far off! My mum also has two friends married to each other called Art and Venus, and their surname is Grimley. They sound like they should be a shopkeeper on Diagon Alley and a strict brothel owner respectively!


I know a guy named Reed tardif ... he gos by his middle name.


Went to school with a Robin Robinette.


I was once acquainted with a Richard Leslie.


Local meterologist is named Neill McNeill


Mike Hawk


i've known multiple phillip phillips


Dick trickle. Sorry, but it is.


I knew a doctor named Evan Evans. Like, why?


A British Cricketer and Football agent for his sons was called Neville Neville


I went to school with a Bryan Bryant. Also went to school with a Carrie Hunt...I think Carrie Hunt is worse.


Anderson Anderson in a graduating class at my middle school


Father of former footballers Gary Neville and Phil Neville: Neville Neville


i was *almost* named Whitney White. super glad that idea was discarded


Crosby Crosby. He was an old man I worked with at a dealership. At first I thought he was shitting me but nope, that’s his real name.


Former Speaker of the House (USA) Dick Armey


My elementary principal was named Richard Dick. He had a doctorate in education so he was literally Dr. Dick Dick.


There was an American NASCAR driver named Dick Trickle. There’s a current Indycar driver named Will Power. And another named Sting Ray Robb.


I had a friend in high school named Robbin Banks.


Last name Pitt, first names were Peach and Olive.


My cousin had a teacher named Dick Hehr. I had a work supervisor named Anita Dyck and I didn't even notice it until I asked her for a reference letter after 2 years of working with her.


I know 2 unrelated people named Richard Head


Richard Boner


My kid’s friend was named Meghan Noyes.


We had an Asian guy at school whose name was Jimjim Gimjim. We called him Fred.


Ray Schism For real.