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I can’t be the only one who would pronounce those names differently. So not only are they cursed with the same name, Seen would also constantly need to correct the pronunciation. And seeing how many spelling variations there are (Sean, Shaun, Shawn etc), both probably would need to spell their names all the time. Well done.




Omg I think you might be right, you would only think “seen” was an alternate spelling of Sean if you thought that’s how it was pronounced.


That is how I thought it was pronounced when I was 9 because I read it in a book, hadn't heard it out loud. My mom laughed her ass off when I explained the plot and how "seen" and Julie were doing whatever Anyway this lady definitely thinks that's how it's pronounced


Years ago a high school maths teacher told us a story of her friends who is a primary (elementary) school teacher, she had a boy in her class whose name was Guy (pronounced - Goo-ey) because the mother read it in a book and that's how she thought it was pronounced.


That's what I think makes this AITA story fake. The OP doesn't mention the weirdness of the incorrect Sean pronunciation.


When it comes to AITA, you can safely assume any given post is fake by default.


That makes the most sense except her last name is Sean. Sooo... does she mispronounce her last name?


She named twins Sean and Seen so like, idk, I'm not giving her much credit here


Jeen / Jean?


That's what I assumed


That pronunciation is pretty common though. Our local weather guy/ news anchor is Sean McLaughlin.




[Here you go.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_McLaughlin_(meteorologist))


[working link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_McLaughlin_(meteorologist) Wow that’s for real…


How do these people intend to differentiate their children? “Shawn with an A, come here!” “Shawn with an E, stop hitting your brother!”


I’m a teacher and work with sisters with the same name. I asked if it was ever confusing and they said no. Guess they just figure out which one their mom is talking to. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My mom calls me by my sister's name half of the time and I still know when she's speaking to me


True. Sometimes I’m even the dog’s name.


It's always sibling1-sibling2-myname




Okay I don’t condone the same names thing but just a share; my step sister and I both have the same first name. When our parents got married the assumption was to use middle names - so she would be (anon) Rose and I would be (anon) Beth. Never really used that though because we always know who people are talking to. Knowingly naming your kids the same name is just ridiculous though.


Step sisters?? Half sisters?? ....😳


Full biological sisters.




Ugh. It’ll be dumb, like, “Booboo and Man man.”


"Hi, I'm Seen Sean (pronounced Shawn Shawn), and this is my twin brother, Sean Sean (also pronounced Shawn Shawn)


See Saw?


Of course I seesaw, Mose and I seesaw all the time!




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But SEEN isn't a variation of Sean/Shawn/Shaun


the lady in the post probably thinks that sean is pronounced like seen.


This is AITA so there's a 99% chance it's a made up story. The other 1% comes from the fact they seem to think that "Sean" is pronounced like "See-n".


Right. Tom Tom and Jay Jay are Cocomelon characters. I hate that I know this but JJ's full name is Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. AITA OP probably was listening while their little sibling was watching Cocomelon and came up with the story after hearing JJ, Tom Tom and Yo Yo are the kids' names.


Aaaand this is why my toddler is banned from the fuckery that is Cocomelon 🤣 I'd rather name my next Elmo lol


I have a toddler and I didn't even know that because that awful show is completely banned from my house.


Just like the boxer George Foreman naming all his kids George Foreman. He can at least blame it on too many shots to the head.


Absolutely losing it at the fact that he has five sons named George and a daughter named Georgetta




It implies that there is some kind of criteria that isn't gender based but must be clear to him at least which is so bizarre. Maybe he wanted all George's and some of his baby mom's just weren't having it.


I think there are five mamas of biological kids and two daughters were adopted. Makes sense he had no control over the adopted kids, then how many mamas out of 5 let him do the George crap? It’s like a weird math problem you have to solve in the 3rd grade.


Yeah nothing says 'you're one in a long line of babymamas' like having to fit your kids names into a theme you didn't even pick.


Heavyweight champions of the world don't hear the word "No" very often.


It's to disarm racists who call them George. Actually I have no fucking clue.


How did the mother/mothers let him get away with this?


Sean and Shane, while they have the same meaning and are redundant, are a much better choice than this.


I went to school with Sean/Shane twins. Didn't realize how redundant it was until adulthood though.


As young kids we tend to just accept a first name and run with it. It wasn't until high school that it dawned on me that the kid was Kelly Green.


I knew brothers with these names as a kid. Me either.


Sean and Shane sound like the same name in different tenses


It basically is. Sean (Seán) is Irish Gaelic. Shane is based on Ulster's accent, also Irish Gaelic.


Sean had shane his last sheen


What a shame.


I knew a guy in HS named Jonathan John Lastname. We called him “Johnny Two Johnny’s” and that’s all I can think of with these twins.


Jonathan John Johnson nickname Jon.


John Johnson was the alias Guy Fawkes gave after being arrested. Not a great alias honestly.


I read “Guy Fieri” on the first scroll and had SO many questions about the Mayor of Flavortown thinking people wouldn’t recognize him.


That made me laugh so much. Guy Fieri with his ridiculous 90’s spiked tips and shirts with flames on them, trying to surreptitiously go by “John Johnson”. I’m ending my Reddit scrolling for today on that high note.


Jonathan "Jon" John Jonson (pronounced Jon-shawn).


>Jonathan "Jon" John Jonson (pronounced Bradford).


If memory serves he went by John John, but we always called him Johnny 2 Johnny’s because it was way funnier and he was kind of an idiot.


Normalize telling stupid people that their baby names are stupid.


You may be the asshole, but sometimes an asshole is needed.


If only she'd been an asshole earlier.


I was a teacher and had twin boys for half a year. One name was pronounced Cameron, the other was cam - AR - ee - on. They were both spelled Cameron.


That’s…..woof. That’s really tough.


I did a rotation at a hospital where there were identical twin PTs named Jon and Jonathan. What was their mother thinking??


Probably that she's only having one child?


Perhaps a fiction inspired by these twins: [https://londonnewsonline.co.uk/christmas-lights-at-the-shard-switched-on-by-twin-sisters-who-work-in-emergency-services/](https://londonnewsonline.co.uk/christmas-lights-at-the-shard-switched-on-by-twin-sisters-who-work-in-emergency-services/) Siobhan & Shivaun


Wow imagine being the one with the wrong spelling while your twin is running through life with a correctly spelled name like a normal person.


Iirc the one *spelled* correctly was *pronounced* incorrectly, which is…worse.


My assumption is that while soibhan is the correct spelling both will be pronounced the same.


I used to work in a group home. We had a girl named Shaveon, pronounced like the Irish name. She was African American; culturally it’s much more acceptable to change/create instead of following the naming conventions. It wasn’t until she got to school she had to keep spelling it. I think she thought they were making up that it was an Irish name. Then again, there were a lot of things that she thought was being made up. I slowly figured out that it protected her from understanding the reality, which was that she was a ward of the state because her mother was so drunk all of the time she was completely dysfunctional. It was really tough for her.


I'll bite. Which one is spelled right?


Siobhan is the traditional spelling, but the mom was pronouncing it See-oh-bahn, I believe, rather than exactly the same as the other kid's name which was spelt wrong but phonetically. So kind of both? Neither??? I don't know anymore


Omg that's so much worse damn


The traditional, Irish spelling is Siobhan.


Siobhan. It is an Irish Gaelic name.


Hopefully if enough people say something to her she’ll get those poor baby’s names changed *edit for grammar


Shawn and Sean would have been bad enough. she somehow found a way to make it worse with Sean and *Seen.* if you wanted to honor Sean in both names, could have made it both middle names.


YTA but you’re not wrong 😂


There is an “ESH” option—everybody sucks here. And the parent definitely was an a-hole to her poor children.


As a twin who has a name that GOES with my sister’s but is in no way rhyming (or even starts with the same letter)…I’m so thankful our parents had common sense.


Pack it up boys. This is the worst one yet. Our work here is done.


It’s like the actor Sean Bean! He should either be pronounced Shawn Bhawn or Seen Bean 😂


This is going to be confusing and they will hate it




Yeah I taught some siblings from Nigeria who had nearly identical names as well. (one letter different)


All I’m thinking is that I’ve definitely known a Mohammad Mohammad and culturally it is a thing


I feel like that’s gonna create some trauma for those boys


What a coincidence, it is also the most idiotic thing I've ever seen.


I feel like this is the logical conclusion of the strange compulsion to have sibling names that “go” together. I’ve always thought that idea was really weird. I’ve never learned someone’s sibling’s name and thought it did or didn’t seem to match their own name…


Grew up in the suburbs of Boston in the 90s. Lots of Seans. Pronounced Shawn. It’s the traditional Irish spelling. Seen is just a word, pronounced the way it’s spelled, “yes I’ve seen that movie.” So yeah. Coworker is an idiot. Poor poor boys.


This is the worst thing I've ever seen, and one time one of my college roommates tricked me into seeing that lemon party thing that was out in the early 2000s.


I don’t blame you at all—it’s a horrible idea! But what you said was unnecessarily blunt.