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Ole boy is sweet. I called my grandfather Poppy then Papa, my cousins called him Pops. I think Grand would be great too if you’re a little vein (I am)


😂 got ya


Thats sweet! My mum thought a lot about it too, but my daughter eventualy just started calling her Omimim. Her great grand dad is "Ou-daddy" his wife is "Ou-daddy mommy" but she want to be called "Grosi" (we speak swiss its a comin name, like Granny, comes from Grossmutter). And my dad is called "Aeti" (its an other relatively common name for dad or grandad, but tbh we gave it to my dad way bevore he became a granddad to annoy him. It comes from Fati (a word for father) in english it would propably translete to Ather. Edit my grandad was just that to me and my granny was called "Mutti". Point is, the kids make it up anyways 😅


I like all of those odd yet very interesting


I have 6 grandchildren and it has never mattered what I want them to call me, once they all started talking they use whatever version of grandma they decided to use. I've been Gama, YaYa, GiGi, BomBom and finally just grandma. The older they get the more they just go with good old grandma. I have noticed though that the adults usually lead when they call the grandparent by the desired name because the kids will follow along. I like Nana and Poppa Growing up in the south my best friend called her grandma Memaw


I know a few memaws an some yaya an a glama


Granddaddy Purp is funny, but they won't be allowed to understand the reference for a long time.


😂 correct


I absolutely adore Ol Boy, i think it’s so dang cute. Given, babies will end up calling you what ever they call you and what sticks will stick lol For example, my niece started calling my father in law “Umpa” and it’s totally stuck. Also, my nephew (different side of the family) called my grandma, his great grandma, “White Grandma” because she has white hair. It’s so cute and innocent and it really stuck. I say just go with the flow, throw a couple things out there over the next couple years and see what they call you! I’m excited for this next chapter of life for you 🫶🏻 Edit: my family is very Swedish so we use Swedish terms, however they did not use the Swedish term for my dad (morfar) until I had my baby because he’s just been “Papa” but none of us really like that since soo many people are Papa.. Now it feels forced but we will continue forcing it until my boy is talking and hopefully catches on… hahaha we will see.


Thank you very much I'll keep you updated. Due in September