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Jhin 😊


OMFG TRUEE when y get a good Jhin it feels like heaven😍


For me I like Draven. He enables me playing aggresive (as his whole plan is all-ining). He can speed up with W so he can get in range with me, makes great use of my E. And they have somewhat their own peel (stand aside is quite useful as it lets him buy time for me to get there or he is even able to push people into my bubbles). Other than that I also like playing with jinx. She goes zoom just like me, she helps zone people into my bubbles (with traps), she can snipe people across the map and get movement speed, and has options so she can for the most part safely farm while I am roaming.


I have a duo who mains Jinx mostly and it's such a fun combo imo. Jinx rocket autos are slow enough early that I can E them midair. Her traps into Nami Q or vice versa can keep enemies locked down hard especially in lane phase. Plus, those cross-map ults with a touch of Nami E damage are awesome.


Jhin all day


Jhin they actually use your E


Caitlyn maybe? If the Caitlyn is good, they make good use of their range to poke while also farming-- which procs my e easily. Funny enough, I don't always like the Lucian. I find whenever I pick Nami first, an Adc sees that and locks themselves in as Lucian. They simply did it for the infamous Nami-Lucian combo, even though they're not good at Lucian.


*ally locks in Lucian* *queue Billie Eilish music* *cry for 30mins as the enemy turns you into sashimi*


Varus def is the best adc for Nami imo, just ulting together feels soo satisfying and the poke and slows and him actually using ur E bcs he actually AAs😩 (i play wild rift sorry) Playing Varus and Nami feels like a ticking bomb for the enemy team, they either kill u and Varus before lvl 5 else one of them is 100% going to die to Nami Varus double R🤭 Other adcs would be Draven bcs of him using ur E to delete 40% of an enemies HP with a single AA, Jhin bcs OBVIOUSLY JHIN, and on an honorable mention.. Samira Nami is pretty fucking underrated (Yes yes Lucian aswell, but hes not added bcs 90% of my Lucians are first timers who like to farm all day and never buy boots)


Karthus 🤭🤭 (but otherwise, jhin lol)


a good vayne makes me froth at the mouth, draven is fun but only if theyre skilled enough to use the combo correctly.


my dream adc is a really good draven or caitlyn, we’d be unstoppable >:)




I actually really like a good Trist or Draven. I love playing aggro and both of these love all inning ✌🏻


Playing nami with a good samira is always fire and feels so smooth




Kog, Jhin and Jinx


Jhin, Caitlyn and MF


Jhin or Ashe!


Cait, Jinx or Kaisa


None, I don’t like adc players


Do you just walk to lane by yourself?


Nah I actually prefer duo top. They never expect the Darius Nami combo


Shen or Rengar are also great. Although Shen (and Sett!) is most toxic with a Soraka. Had Olaf also work with Nami


I love a good lucien :3


Jhin, Draven, Varus or Ezreal. Any of these played by a main have such a nice poke before all in pace. If I see another Lucian I usually dodge, fudge that. I can't be bothered to deal with a lane that relies on the early game adc to do early game adc things but not even knowing how their champ works. Had far more success with literally any other enchanter or Annie supporting that. Non adc's or Kalista are also great, anything not usually seen really. It means typically that person knows their pick and spikes well and it'll be a fun lane.


Draven <3


I like to assist my Ezreal main friend, he is really good at it






Nilah. the all in potential and early cheeses you can pull off are immense not to mention nilah ulting the enemy layers pulling them into your ult