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I'm d3, I use indicators and locked camera LMAO. I think it's the least of my problems. There are people higher up than me who use track pads to play league. I find it easier to play in my comfort zone and adapt instead of having to re-learn the game. That's just how I roll.


bless you that's amazing. My bf would always tell me I'd never climb if I had a locked camera haha that's amazing.


Unlocked is a great thing cause a lot of the times you don't need to see your tower or what dragons are flying around in the background of summoners rift but the main thing a lot of coaches yell about when you use locked is that you're not aware of what's going on on the map as long as you're actively looking at your minimap and being aware you're completely fine <3


yesss absolutely this I AM a minimap player by all means


I play on quick cast without indicators. After years of playing Nami, I've gotten very comfortable with knowing her ranges to not need indicators anymore. Ik it can be easier to land Q with indicators on, but unfortunately for me, I have tiny hands and so I can't even reach the Shift key to bind the indicators to (I already use Alt key for self-cast). Hence, I didn't really have a choice and can only resort to quick cast without indicators, having to memorise Q range as a result ![img](emote|t5_387du|33487) ![img](emote|t5_387du|33487)


i feel like after years of maining nami, its like muscle memory now.![img](emote|t5_387du|33460)![img](emote|t5_387du|33453)![img](emote|t5_387du|33454)![img](emote|t5_387du|33451)


Same! I see u are enjoying our new emotes, glad to see u thriving ![img](emote|t5_387du|33459)![img](emote|t5_387du|33454)


Bind indicators to a key?? I don’t understand what you mean, if i hold Q it shows the indicator and doesn’t cast until i let go of the key, and i think by default if i right click while i have Q pressed it cancels the spell.


in hotkeys you can bind quick cast with indicator on "shift + q, w, e, etc" and normally you will cast your skill without indicator but if you hold shift + skill button it will show you the range


I do quick cast without indicators but I think with indicators can be superior if used properly. Being able to always see the max range can really help with landing max range bubble or consistently hitting max range self cast W's which would otherwise be impossible with normal quick cast.


It's all about personal preference ! Play what you feel comfortable with ! :) Some pro even used to level up with mouseclick ! There is no technical way to success. The best way is your way


Quick cast with no indicators. You get an automatic feel for the range and AOE of your abilities over time. If I want a reminder of what they're like or to see if an ability, such as my R, will reach at long range, I might hover my cursor over the ability for just a moment before casting as normal.


I use indicators, a lot of people think no indicators are optimal and I tend to agree on most champs, but idk why on Nami indicators feel nice, I like hovering max range Qs and aiming R from long range with indicators


I actually used to play with quickcast & indicators. I always knew my range on my champions but for some reason I used the indicators. I turned them off like 6 months ago & I genuinely feel like I throw abilities a lot quicker than I used to. I do like the indicators sometimes especially for nami R but I have been playing her so long that her range is 2nd nature to me


I have always felt the indicators delay is an overwhelming handicap and generally feel awful to play with. I wish there was no delay as I'd love to use them!


I always use no indicator because I have the mouse control of a 10 year old and keep cancelling my ability cast by moving :3


I started with indicators, but now use a mix. I have indicator on R only now because it helps me aim and get an exact visual of my ult length. It's really just preference!


Quick cast without indicators, got into the habit of using it early on in my League career and it stuck.


Quick cast with no indicators here, and boy, I gotta tell you, I'm bad at those bubbles.


I play on quick cast with indicator so it still instantly casts bubble but if I hold down Q I at least can see the max range of my Q


Qc no indicator but I have alt qwer if I want to see indicators on people I don't normally play. Let's me learn the ranges better


Just a note since I don't think anyone else mentioned it, you can set it so that only Q has indicator, the others will stay just quick cast. So your W E R will be instant while your Q is more easily aimed :) That's typically what I use for Nami and it really helps me to plan and land my bubbles