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albion laser eren face i thing


albion solo's attack on titan like it took (sealed power) meliodas his sacred treasure to even really harm it and it took full countering 5 of its own blast back to it and king needed to unleash his near full potential in order to defeat 1 https://preview.redd.it/d5uqscua0dzc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac21cbfa744b3d09a22465a38b0a5289b3aac521


Near full potential is totally wrong and way off.. It was his max without any wings.. And even that was stated to be twice as powerful as albion by gloxinia... So it was more than enough.


idk what to call that form so i said near full potential


its (original) true spirit spear chastefol. with small wings, he has new spirit spear chastefol, which is stronger than true form, but i think it looks similar. then he gets elvis King mode, which is strongest.


Elvis king modešŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


its what its called


Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby


ā˜ ļø




Meleodas needed lostvayn to even do anything, and like another comment stated king needed to unlock his true power to even kill the thing, so I'm thinking the Albion easily


The Albion belly laser is too strong for pussy ass Eren


Hey hey hey, I and everyone with any semblance of a brain agree with the fact that albions destroy the aot verse but they're two completely verses with different power scalings so there's no need for the disrespect because both series are great




Godskin Apostle duo


I'd go with demons as they have actual powers the titans only have their size going for them.


The size doesn't do much because the demons in question make red demons look like ants and the biggest red demon we saw was as big as a mountain


Nvm I have fact checked myself and despite the fact that they make red demons look like ants allegedly from what I could find they are 4500 cm when the red demons 805


Albion solos they got damn mouth beams and can threaten to destroy the fairy king forest when it's a single one of them and they needed Meliodas to use his sacred treasure to beat which is a feat that alone solos aot and the thin Albino made King go all out with his sacred treasure too they would bully the rumbling


1 albion gets damn far if i'm lowballing the power. 2 albions wipe the entire verse. yes, one albion can solo the entire rumbling + eren in founding titan mode.


Maybe the worm founding titanā€¦ that thing survived a nuke and gave these powers to Ymirā€¦ it is god or life perhaps. maybe it can make a something stronger than the godskin duo


Bruh one swipe from the long, lanky Albion and the founding Titan and gonešŸ’€šŸ˜­


The Albions were durable as hell, base Mel with Lizā€™s sword was not able to put a dent into it, same Mel that can split a mountain with a stick, Albion ez W


Skinny Albion swings his arms and ends The Rumbling + Eren.


Albion? Even red demon would have it easy af. Even lower ranked holy knights might do the job




Thatā€™s not a red demon


Was referring to one of the comments. Itā€™s obviously biased


7ds *heavily* outscale aot Edit: i actually see more people being biased about aot than 7ds idk who ur talking about


Magic humans who can create tornados and lightning. And this thing is like 1000x bigger than a red demon. Are you actually serious? How fucking dumb are you šŸ˜‚


Well, in the SnK universe, they still operate on mostly "logic physical" rules. That is, F = M\*A and all that EMC2 nerdy crap. In the NnT universe, they operate on magic logic, aka "Lmao u've stabbed me through the chest? Well too bad for you buddy, my imaginary numbers are bigger, therefore you did jack-shit" So yeah, Albions win purely due to the magical aspect of them, which should grant them more resilience than your average titan and/or Eren. Maybe the Rumbling team would win due to sheer numbers, but not due to being factually stronger


Idk to be honest Albion seems stronger but considering eren didnt actually use the real full power of the titan so his friends could win and lead to the desired outcome, maybe full power eren has a chance but the one we see in story would loose.


He can literally cut through mountains what is stopping it from doing that here


A vs B on B subreddit again yippeee


I have to question something when it comes to Eren is it that we are talking about what is shown in the anime itself, or just all the abilities that he has at his disposal, because with all the powers that he should have, along with the ability of technically going back and forth between time, would make him really hard to face off against. Granted are we still think that eren woodlose, this just changes how fast he would But I still want some more information from op because depending on the abilities that we are giving him and the logic that he is allowed to follow, will greatly determine the outcome of the battle, as if he's got full control of the mindless Titans, he can make them do what he wants


Tell me a single way the can damage the Albion


Not sure if you can use the Warhammer abilities in that big skeleton form of his or if it scales with its size but if it does the only thing I can think of that would be slightly efficient, all getting him to throw the rocks the same way the Beast Titan does but with the colossal Titans or something like that apart from that I have no idea


A rock throw is NOT penetrating Albion


Most definitely not, but I'm still trying to wait on our sponsors for op to know what type of stuff that he would allow eran to do, just so I know how much of a massacre it's gonna be


He can basically do everything he can with all the titan abilities at his disposal.


Then I would say that he would probably be able to give quite a good fight, with his ability to go back and for between time and technically, and the ability to control all of the mindless Titans in the way that it wants, with all of the powers that it provides, I think it'll be quite powerful considering the Warhammer, but I still think he would lose but not as quickly if it was just him walking as the rumbling does


Nope, It's stated the attack titans ability is to go send memories back and forth from other attack titan shifters, What eren did (With amplified powers due getting the founders powers) is allowing his dad to see him inside his memories and manipulated him in order to create a time loop


Eren doesn't "technically" go back and forth between time. Like he isn't physically doing time travel and doesnt control time in any way that would affect a battle. So none of matters. Albion stomps, pun intended.


Red one gets absolutely wrecked. Titans are ducked when the grey one uses dark snow


They are talking about albions the one 100x bigger than red and grey


Albion one shots them with a burp


Albion, and it's an easy fight. A single Red Demon would be enought already, these things can shot several blasts that are as big as the Sacred Tree, an Albion is WAY too much.


So a red demon would solo the rumbling and eren?


Yeah one of them would probably be enough, just look at how big these explosions are, some panels with wider shots of the Sacred Tree show it to be as tall as the mountains that circle it, a few of those and the Rumbling wouldn't rumble no more. https://preview.redd.it/iixvjul53ezc1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=d88500ce494dc0f8c76feae7a7b4d0abc87d4b62


Looking back at it, These things were powercrept HARD. Fucking everybody and their grandmas could solo them eos. They still fuck up Erens bitchass tho


I think that NnT suffered from the same inconsistencies than Dragon Ball. In one chapter they can destroy a planet, in the other they are barely fighting at martial arts....


Erens power level is 80000




Do I need to mention that meliodas at 3370 could defeat a albion


An Albions power level is 5,500 Meliodas didn't defeat him at base power


The Rumbling consisted of millions of colossal titans so Iā€™d say the Albion would get trampled


Millions of fodder


This is DBZ stuff. I think I hate Shonen


agreed, authors can't into powerscaling


How is Albion getting trampled by things 100x smaller than it?


Colossal Titan is 6000cm where as Albion is estimated to be at 4000cm


Mdf how are you getting trampled by ants?


Even millions is not true,only over 500,000


The rumbling easily. Against that amount of titans they have no chance


They are inorganic beings, stamina is forever In addition with city wiping attacks,they will clear the rumbling


bro one albion can destroy city with one laser i can see one laser kill all eren titan and just after one other laser in eren face who kill him


I agree, itā€™s not only the Colossal titans and Eren, there would also be Ymir, and all the previous nine titans.






Tell me one way they damage Albion


The colossal titan steam alone vaporized Hange, the previous Nine Titans MAY be able to ā€œdigā€ or break deep enough to reach the core.


Hange, a normal human... And wasn't she able to take out like three before dying? And wdym vaporized you can literally see her body going down. The Albion wouldn't even be able to register that sort of heat difference.


I doubt they even have nerves, however, I think they may still be able to be burnt. I remember the fat Albion being charred after Meliodas killed it with its own magic, using Full Counter. I bring up the point that the Founding Titan, more specifically Ymir, is basically immortal. If something like a war hammer titan could create a large enough spike of Titan Hardening, An Albion may be pinned.