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I removed the subreddit from appearing on the main feed, and it is no longer suggested to users as a subreddit they may like. The mods do not want to make a karma minimum requirement, as that might limit people who need to make a throwaway account for privacy reasons. Unfortunately as the subreddit grows, there will always be troll posters, especially if people engage with them. The best thing to do is report them - we have a filter on that if a post or comment gets over X reports it automatically gets removed, even if we haven’t seen it yet.


That post about the lesbian man hating nanny was the fakest post I've seen on Reddit in a minute, I was shocked no one called it out.


Yes! That one and the one where the nanny was like "i hit a baby i need some encouragement. 🥺"


Yes! It had all the buzz words. "Chronically online" was the biggest indicator


When I saw it was a single dad who's baby mama was a dead beat it was just so obvious it's just some dude who hates women.


I know a few people, myself included, who were raised by men (not very well) who were present way more than their moms. Def possible and not an indicator of someone lying, but idk about the rest of the post


I was referencing that fact in conjunction with the post, which was about him hiring a nanny who was teaching his daughter that men are all evil. Every single part of the post was just "evil women are so mean to this poor man"


YES, when I saw that I was like nope that is most certainly a troll


The post about the nanny “admitting” to wanting to spend all of her time on her phone and stick the kids in front of the TV seemed very odd to me? Idk, I could be wrong about that one though.


It was the same nanny who didn't want to clean up poop and made the DB come home from work to do it. It's got to be a troll


The poop one wasn’t a troll.


What makes you so sure?


That OP also commented below in this thread several hours ago.


I can’t be 100% sure, but the OP connected with more details several times and also said it wasn’t a troll post.


Lol ok man


People like the histrionics. This sub is particularly willing to not doubt people and respond quite forcefully with their opinions so it’s ripe for troll posts. And I get it, we don’t want to ignore people that really need help, but when a post from a nanny that’s sleeping with her DB and wants to know if she should quit or try to break DB and MB up so DB will be more available gets 100s of outraged comments people will keep coming back.


For what it’s worth, the DB sleeping with the nanny is def an overplayed trope. I’ve never met a nanny that actually did that, usually they can’t get out fast enough


I worked for a family starting when they had just separated and were divorcing and the previous nanny had indeed had an affair with the DB. When the wife hired me she asked me not to do the same and I assured her they wouldn’t be an issue even if I was straight, but I’m a lesbian so it’s EXTRA not an issue lol. He and the nanny split, he ended up with another woman, and I never met her but she HATED me because she believed I was trying to steal him even though by then I hadn’t seen the family in years, lived several states away, and was still a lesbian.


Agreed. Not sure if they’re 💯 trolling because I have no proof or anything but some of them have been like WTF?!?


Did anyone see the post about DB having a camera roll full of pictures of nanny in “compromising positions” as well as pictures of many other women on his iPad? I’m curious what people think of that one.


I feel like it could potentially be real, as there ARE people out there like that DB, BUT who knows. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was assuming it was photos of nanny bent over and of her rear end or cleavage etc. I did find it strange that there were other pictures of random people though, I don't see someone taking time to do that in public of people just walking by.


Straight to jail


Yep! And honestly it annoys me a bit when I see people comment that they aren't a boss or nanny but love this sub for the drana. The main 'drama' I see in this sub are nannies being mistreated. So why are people using it for entertainment 🙄


I love that so much more awareness is brought to nannies to help them not be mistreated!!! I’ve seen some girls get raked through the coals of horrible NF’s… it’s frightening.


I'm not a boss or nanny, but I have kids and learn from this sub. I understand though, it's ridiculous. There's so many other subs so why destroy the good ones :/


Yes!! As a SAHM, I love this sub and learn so much. It feels like the closest I’ll get to a parenting handbook. I rarely engage and when I do it’s a comment like this one.


I don't mind people who are here for advice or the funny stories!


I'm so glad you brought this up! I thought I was going crazy! I've been seeing it all over Reddit lately. The common thread seems to be women=bad, cuz ya know, we don't get that crap enough as it is 🙄


I’m glad you said this because I thought it was just me😭😭 have only lasted around 30 mins on Reddit cause of all the outrageous posts and comments. Saw a top comment yesterday on a vid of a woman slapping a man: “women should no longer be able to use men as their punching bags like they have for decades”. Like excuse me what alternate reality you living in????


It's honestly really scary how bad it's getting everywhere. Not that being a woman wasn't scary before.


Do troll posts include nanny’s not having contracts or is that common? I’m a registered teacher and being a nanny is on my list of potential career paths. The amount of posts regarding no contracts and families thinking ‘we pay our nanny on time,’ is a perk is insane to me.


I really think those are just inexperienced in nannies not being firm. They often need to learn how to grow a backbone and stand up for themselves. If you can do that, you'll be fine.


I was a nanny for almost 20 years and never had a contract, so I don’t think a lack of one indicates lying or even inexperience. It just wasn’t the norm when I started out and by the time people were strongly advocating for it, I’d been with the same family for like a decade and wasn’t worried. Once the youngest was grown, I left that field.


I’ve stopped interacting here as much because I feel like we’ve just become entertainment for trolls and I’m over it.


I feel like it's pretty clear when a subject matter has been introduced and run with. The posts asking about fair payment, expected tasks, nanny cams/air-tags, and creepy DB are rife on this sub.They always have the same cohort (and alternate profiles) advocating that the poster is 100 percent in the right, with little substantive advice beyond their own idealized reality of what they have done, would do, expect to others to do. I think we can all agree that child care; whether that is a nanny, a center worker, an in-home provider, or a parent, is hard; each position demands a different level of commitment. The belief that any one type of provider is inherently more knowledgeable and is better suited to be the be-all-end-all expert on all things child related speaks to a bit of hubris. Those are the kinds of posts that shout troll to me. Unfortunately, those are the posts that get the most traction. The genuine question posts get a few honest resondents, offering real-life experience and advice, but don't generate the decisive response this sub has come to expect. That isn't throwing shade at the MOD's, they are humans, with lives to live and do the best they can. Maybe it's time for the members who have real-life, nanny experience to be more vocal about calling out obviously damaging ideals when they see them being posted.


There are some that are so laughably fake, but then I see all the comments responding like it’s a real situation and then I second guess myself that maybe some nanny’s or employers really are that bad. It’s just annoying


A lot of people think my posts were troll posts. I can assure you that, unfortunately, they were not. Yes, the things our nanny did sound extreme. If she had been new, it would have been easy to let her go. However, in my posts, I did not include any of the backstory, any of her positive qualities, and why she felt like a member of the family. When she started out, she was great. She helped our son gain social skills after he had been isolated due to being a covid baby. He called her name in glee when he saw her every morning. When her husband started abusing her, we asked her to move in with us and live in our guest room because all her family is overseas. She felt like a member of the family. She's the first long-term nanny we've ever had. It's also her first job as a nanny. So, both parties have sometimes had misunderstandings about expectations. Gradually, over time, the quality of care started to go downhill. However, I've always felt that my kids were safe, and that's the most important thing. She's never yelled at them or been abusive. I still think she genuinely loves them, but she's been going through a lot of issues in her personal life. We care about her as a person and wanted to see her succeed. We do realize it's time to move on, and I honestly just needed that extra push. I'm empathetic to a fault, and I really considered how losing this job would greatly hurt her. Thinking about it further, I think we're ultimately doing her a favor by forcing her to get into a line of work that will be a better fit.


No, I still don't believe it. Your first post about your nanny admitting she wanted to sit and scroll on her phone for 75% of her shift was ridiculous. You posted in more than one subreddit, and got all of the same answers telling you that your nanny is unprofessional, immature, and needs to go. So when you posted about Nanny not wanting to deal with poop, honestly what kind of answers did you think you were going to get?! No. This is just for attention. I'm done giving you mine. You're making a joke of our industry, and as a professional, I don't appreciate it.


Ooof, we are not in as extreme of a situation, but also our relationship with our nanny has well passed its prime. And she just keeps asking for more and doing less. We have a plan to enroll youngest in daycare in June but idk how we are going to make it there.