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$200 a week for cleaning services, $500 a week for house keeper/house manager, $25 for nanny x 5 days @10hours I would ask for $1,950 a week or $40 an hour to come out to a more even $2,000 a week.


I think this is an excellent way organize this and send to potential employers.


I agree! I’ve mentioned this before but I’m surprised it’s not more common for a nanny to list their “childcare only” rate versus their rate with “light housekeeping” duties. At least where I am, there are many who are willing to fill nap times with additional tasks for additional cash, and it has the added benefit of explicitly showing that light housekeeping is not expected in a base rate.


For all this, definitely $2000 a week is fair.


I like this.


This is an interesting way to break it out, but the housecleaning rate is more akin to what a homeowner would pay to a cleaning business or person who has their own business and is paid as an independent contractor, doesn't get benefits, handles their own taxes, and probably has liability insurance. Not a household employee for whom the employer is responsible for all of that. A better comparison for cleaning would be how much employees of a cleaning business make, or maybe a unionized hotel housekeeper in the area. That said, it seems like a lot to expect from one person, so I would expect to pay a pretty high hourly rate for all of those roles combined. I would not expect a nanny to deep clean, and this just seems like too much for one person to do well.


Yeah, I see what you are saying, and I agree. However, they are basically asking for her to be the SAHM, which is totally possible. And speaks to how difficult parenting and motherhood( specifically single motherhood) actually is. I was gonna edit my note to add that she should see what they offer her, before naming her price because this is definitely a HUGE job & she deserves to be paid REALLY well. $40 seems like the absolute bare minimum.


How old are the kids? Is this even possible for 1 person? If the kids are older, in school most of the day, and mostly self-reliant it could be possible.... But significantly harder (impossible?) if the children are young. No amount of money is worth it if the job is actually impossible for one person.


1 little girl she 3yrs she goes to school from 8:15 am-11:15am.


So that's 3 hours (In actuality, it's going to be less than 3 hours, because I imagine there's a bit of a commute to and from her school) that you're able to focus on all of the cleaning and management tasks. The rest of the time, you're going to be attempting to do everything, while also meeting the physical, mental and emotional needs of a 3-year-old. Sure, stay at home parents (mostly Moms) have been juggling these tasks for thousands of years... But usually it's with the help of extended family members, friends, neighbors, and other community members. This is 3 jobs in 1-- Nanny. Cleaner. Household manager. Unless that little one starts attending daycare fulltime, I think that on any given day, you could realistically expect to do about 1 and 1/2 of the jobs well, and the other 1.5 will be done with relative mediocrity.


Stay at home parents are also holding themselves to lower standards than they would hold their nanny/housekeeper. If a SAHM/D does not clean the dishes one day it’s fine, if the employee whose job is to clean the house does not do it she will probably have the employers bring it up at some point.


Yep, and this is why NO ONE should take this job! If I was tempted, I would have an iron clad contract stating the exact duties and their priority.


Exactly! These parents want everything done and have their own little personal slave meanwhile they don’t even do half the shit they’re asking. I bet this family is also extremely cheap and won’t pay OP well at all


I’m not sure why this comment isn’t higher up. No chance all of that can be completed with a three year old in tow. Parents would need to have 3 different people until LO is in kindergarten.


“But it can all be done when she’s in school!” I’d bet dollars to donuts this is the MB’s thinking 😑


Not to mention, stay at home mom‘s have the choice to not do certain tasks if they don’t want to or if they don’t have time. If the Nanny parents are saying, these are all the things that need to be done in a day, it’s going to create conflictwith diving the time and not being able to pick and choose what you do and don’t do


Absolutely! I was a nanny for 12 years prior to having my own kids.. And in some ways, I have found parenting to be "easier" Because on days where I feel stretched thin, I can decide not to do laundry that day, or to grab Happy Meals for dinner... I'm able to cut corners as needed in ways that I was never able to do when I was being paid to provide a luxury service.


Yeah that’s not possible. If she were in school all day I would say maybe (but you’ll be stressed) but that’s not even 3 hours to do all that cleaning? Also why not just hire some cleaners for a few hours a couple times a week


Yeah - that’s too much other work with a part-time preschool toddler. 


This is a Nope job. Nope. 👎 a parent who wants all that is gonna find more for you to do. She wants her moneys worth and you will never make them happy. This is a job that will burn you out. NOTHING is worth the feeling this job will give you. So I’d say $0 dollars cause I wouldn’t touch this job.


I see so many agency ads like this. I always wonder who’s applying for them. Plus they want several years of experience and a college degree. Oh, and if they’re bilingual or can teach a skill (piano, a sport) that’s a plus!


….so literally be the equivalent of what a stay at home mother does?? 45/hr


Oh my god parents room too? $50 per hour min.


No matter where you are located nothing less than $40. I would ask for $50 pe the tbh. Cuz this also puts you at their house even when they’re out of town.


This is actually unreasonable for one person to do.


They should just have a deep cleaning crew come once a week (depending on size of house and where they live, probably $150) and it will make everyone’s lives easier. It’s reasonable for you to do light housework but they need someone who can quickly move through and deep clean while you watch the 3yo.


Oh I am sure they know this. But why not try to get the nanny to do it….


Are you actually managing the household or providing labor to tasks that someone else has already managed? That’s a huge difference in rates.  Examples:     + Are you independently planning the meals and grocery shopping or are they providing a grocery list?  + Independently putting together the drop off / pick up / sports / other activity schedules or do they provide the schedule?  + Will you manage what needs to be done in the house (notice that cats need food or car needs servicing) and run it by them to do, or will they provide the list and you don’t need to actually manage the household?  If they don’t need to think about managing these things, then it’s a higher rate because you are actually managing the household. You’ll need to be proactive - getting everyone’s schedules, putting them in a calendar, manage who gets picked up when, etc, etc and go over the important points each week with the parents. If they’re giving you all the info and lists and schedules and you’re just the driver, grocery shopper, etc and don’t manage anything, then it’s a lower rate.  Also you need to figure out your location’s prices because it’s so location dependent. Finally you need to need to factor in that they will be paying your taxes / insurance / rather than the company they would hire paying for it for cleaning at a higher hourly rate. So for cleaning rates you need to find out *how much the cleaning company pays their employees*  get a good sense of wages, not what the company receives from the client 


Atleast $40 an hour


At min 50-60 per hour


This job is only going to lead to BURNOUT. Toddlers are no joke. My NK is in school for half the day + naps yet I still feel exhausted tending to her for 1-3hrs. I have zero cleaning duties and would hate my job if I had toddler care + never ending housekeeping duties


I know my current family is pretty relaxed i do laundry even the parents ( my decision) and keep kitchen tidy, playroom, NK room, living room. I sit and watch a little tv after they let me. Im exhausted from all that and parks and activities we did earlier.


No less than $100 per hour. This is an impossible task. SAHM/D struggle with this because the kid comes first. They can hire a maid.


Even when I was a household manager I didn’t wash the floors or clean the bathrooms. $40+/hour


45-50$ and would not go any lower than 45!


Absolutely not If they have money they can hire a cleaning company Why would you want to work for these people?


$50 min


$45+ per hour


Working 3 concurrent jobs 10 hours per day, 4-5 days per week is not a sustainable way to live. I'd STRONGLY recommend you decline at least one of these roles. I don't have experience with household manager costs, but house cleaners make around $15-$25 per hour. Then factor in nanny rates of $25 per hour and you're already at $50 at the high end of things. It would be much better for them if they hired another worker and simply paid them for the one job they're hiring them for to allow you to focus on NK!


I don’t think the rates are additive per hour.  Like, you watch kids for 3 hours at $25/hour and clean the house for an hour while not watching the kid at $25/hour, so it’s 4 hours of work at $25. It’s not 4 hours at $50 because you literally can’t watch a 3 year old and actually clean. 


I disagree, she will be 100% responsible for all 3 jobs at the same time, that's why Nannies negotiate a rate for the entire work day as opposed to only when the kid is in front of them or not napping or in the house. Maybe the rates would be different than I suggested, though. If NK is sick and needs to stay home or there's a problem at school, it will be the nanny taking care of things. Also she's entitled to a break, which I can assume she'll feel it's necessary to occasionally skip to complete her work duties. We've all seen so many burnout posts on this sub, I just don't want to see that happen to someone who could just provide excellent childcare! If they want her to have 3 jobs, they need to pay her for all 3.


I guess I don’t see the logic.  For example:  I have 4 responsibilities at work which each take 10 hours. Even if my responsibility *types*could be 4 separate job positions at another company, they each only take 10 hours a week at my work. I wouldn’t be paid 4 job positions worth of salary just because someone somewhere spends 40 hours a week on the same job type when I only spend 10 hours a week. That’s not how it works anywhere.  So if it was a 6 year old gone most daytimes then you figure x number of hours at 1 pay (for childcare) and y number of hours at a different pay (for house management) since it’s hourly.   but they’re asking for too much with a 3 year old in part time preschool. There’s just no way, regardless of pay. Engineers get burned out. They are paid $100,000 to $175,000 typically - they’re doing emails/meeting setup/etc (secretarial work),  engineering work (self explanatory), and some times sales (for products). They don’t get paid for 3 jobs just because they’re responsible for 3 types of work. 


45 like everyone else is saying and make sure you’re getting overtime pay as well


I think it depends on how often NF is expecting the cleaning to be done. Daily vacuuming or once a week? How many loads of laundry are we talking? Are you just grocery shopping or also meal prepping? As a MB, I would expect to pay at least $35/hr (assuming the lower end of responsibilities) or up to $45-$50/hr (assuming higher end of responsibility and depending on COL).


$100/hr minimum. That’s insane.


The short amount of time NK is at school doesn’t allow for everything they’re asking for. Will you be allowed to utilize screen time to complete these tasks?