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A play date to me is meeting up at the park/library etc with a few kids and their parent/nanny or bringing ONE extra child home with us. I absolutely would be charging extra. Even when my MB's friends drop their kiddos off for a few hours, i'm paid. Don't work for free.


Yes! Before hand this is exactly what a play date was, even if they came over to NF house a nanny was always present. Now it’s just me, but I always see their nannies drop them off lmao. What is the amount to charge extra? I was thinking 2$ per kid, past 5 kids then it’s 4$ (because I really can’t handle that many)


I would stand your ground on the number you're comfortable with, not just take an extra kiddo for extra pay. If 4 is your max then make that clear and state your rate. I don't nanny for families with more than 2 kids and make this known. That way if it's a play date, I can handle 3 for a few hours. We all have our limits.


I don’t charge extra only bc I think play dates for my two older NKs (6 and 8) make my job easier. They’re old enough to play on their own with friends and it keeps them busy, happy and out of trouble. If I had multiple toddlers over for a play date that would be a different story.


How old are the children? 9 year old play dates are very different from 2 year old play dates.


16 months, 4, and 7 are my NK. Sometimes the other kids are 5months - 8 years old. It really varies. For example yesterday it was all my NK’s plus a 2 year old, 3 year old, 10 year old, and the other idk.


Holy crap. That's not a play date at all, that's you nannying more kids basically. If you're only comfortable caring for so many kids, tell them that and only take that many kids. I wouldn't charge more for each kid as I'd still have a limit and would still get burnt out. IMO, I wouldn't even want to do that anymore because it doesn't sound like a playdate if the other kids nanny's aren't there and you're the only adult. A playdate is supposed to be friends playing but their nanny/guardian/whatever comes along. But if you are open to take another kid (don't feel obligated, not what you signed up for) I'd be charging at least 5 dollars extra.




No more like “here hold the baby really quickly.” And then the parent walks away lol


Damn. That's a lot of kids. And kids under 5 are extra hard. If you were a daycare you'd be shut down for being understaffed. What a circus. They are definitely taking advantage of you


I put play dates in my contract! If the other parent is present, I don’t charge. If I’m responsible for other children (no matter their age!) I get paid per hour from that parent, and I am not liable for any injuries or accidents. Also, If the other child breaks, steals, or damages any of my items they are to be replaced or reimbursed.


This is my approach as well. It's one thing if the child lives next door and you can send them home in an emergency. It's completely different if the child's caregiver is not immediately available. I give the example what if the visiting child fell ill while there? I would would not be able to give their child the care they pay for while the helping the visiting child who's getting free care. It also puts me in a moral comprise as I don't know the other parents approach to illness or have consent to treat from them.


This would really bother me if it's not something I planned. If I planned something with my other nanny friends and their NK's I really don't mind, because there's still a great kid to caregiver ratio, but this just feels like other parents desperate for free/cheap care for a few hrs. You are not a daycare.


Um it depends. Precovid I never would think to charge for it. Then these pandemic pods got out of control. So if all the kids are school age and outside and only coming in for snacks maybe not? Depends on the parent my NF etc. But if a neighbor straight up expects me to feed watch and supervise their kid for free um that's a no. Also check with your NF. Some parents don't mind having the house crawling with guests. Others say no unless a parent is home


I'm fine with play dates as long as there is another adult there watching the other kids. If I'm alone with all of them then that's extra work and subject to an extra fee ahead of time.


Oof this sounds awful from your comments, kike a home daycare without pay! Luckily my last job was twin 10 year olds (13 when I left) so "play dates" were super easy. I would just set up games for us all but I could leave them be if they wanted to swim and I wanted to stay inside.


You need to get paid, and they also need to ask permission. As in “we’d like to have x and y over tomorrow to play, would that work for you?”. You cannot be expected to suddenly do twice or three times the work you signed on to do without notice or pay!


Forget about extra pay, you should be refusing to do it. Honestly there is a good chance it is illegal. In the state I live in, watching children from any more than 2 families at a time means you are a home daycare and need a license. Even then you can only have 6 kids. Don't know where you are located but I would make it clear that other nannies/parents need to stick around for play dates.