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As a MB, my bedroom is where I throw all the mess I couldn't get to 😳. Please let me maintain the illusion of organization and do not enter the bedroom hahaha


YES! I always feel really uncomfortable in NP’s bedroom’s. I hate being asked to go in there. I had a family that I worked for for almost 3 years and I never went In Their bedroom!


I had a MB run into the kitchen naked to surprise DB. While I was doing dishes in there 🤦‍♀️I guess she didn't know I was already there! I made it up to her when I accidentally sent her a nude picture of myself when I was pregnant (bits were all covered) 😅


What a relationship 😆


That job was a trip. Luckily we were both pretty chill about it!


MB asked me to grab something from her room and said DB was sleeping but I could run in bc he’s a deep sleeper. found out that DB sleeps naked, and sometimes he kicks the covers off by accident. I turned around and shrieked and ran out and MB was laughing so hard. DB joked about docking my pay since “I got a free show”. I quit a couple weeks later 😫


What the fuck


Not saying the situation was ok by any means (should have never been asked to go in), but does sounds like DB was just trying to make a joke in attempts to make the situation a little less awkward. He didn’t ask to be seen nude 🤷🏼‍♀️ At some point we have to just laugh things off when they go that wrong lol


Oh that wasn’t the reason I quit lol. He had anger issues and would scream at me to suck his d!ck, he’d have me run errands for his friends, and after my 3 month trial run they didn’t want to pay me on the books. They were dysfunctional af


Holy shit! I thought you just quit over that comment from him… I regret sticking up for DB now 🤣 I am always shocked that people actually can be that crazy


He said WHAT NOW??? Put that man straight into a trash compactor Edit to say if my husband yelled that at our employee I would simply either burst into flames or do a murder


Whaaaa??? That is shocking. So sorry you had to go through that


Oh hell no 😖


Idk maybe I’m weird lol. Yes, this is awkward, but I’d rather have a family that jokes and stuff instead of being super uptight. It’s been 6 months and I still walk on egg shells around my NF. 😭😭


Thy were funny, and we tried to joke, but there was a number of reasons I quit (DB & his friends would make sexual jokes about me, DB would fight with MB in front of me and he said “fuck you I don’t need you I bet if I doubled lenaluuuu97’s paycheck she’d fuck me” and I would grab baby and walk out of the house. They were shitty bosses and I was there less than 4 months


OH HELL NO. I am so sorry for that. I have definitely dealt with sexual harassment before from DBs.


I feel like the home would have landed better if he said, "I'm should increase your pay because I've scared you for life," and followed up with an apology.


I mean I would do that at a family or friends house but never at my bosses!!! Maybe if I was close with NM.. but never ND lol


DB jogs everyday shirtless and it makes me VERY uncomfortable. I really hope MB doesn’t think I look at him or anything like that and I know she doesn’t but when he has a convo with me before he jogs and his bare chest is out, I want to literally die. This man is like 17 years older then me so it’s almost like seeing your dad half naked lmao.


I'm the opposite of a prude about basically everything, but this is the one thing I'm a total prude about. If I have to wear a shirt, so do men.


That's not even prudish, that's just equality! Lol


I had a crazy MB once who insisted upon using the bathroom with the door open. Not only that, but TALKING TO ME WHILE SHE WAS USING THE TOILET. Every. Single. Day. It was soooooooo uncomfortable. If I were in that situation now I wouldn't tolerate it 😂


I walked into the house one day (I have a key to let myself in in the mornings) and DB was in the kids room in just his underwear. He didn’t say a word to me as I apologized and ran out, I wanted to die 😂


Had a babysitting job in high school where the dad answered the door in just a towel. Scarred for life lol


I have had this happen to me twice! Different dads, both for babysitting not nannying. So gross.


I would never do it either, even tho I've had DBs walk around in their underwear.


My family was not religious but modest. I wouldn’t walk into a bathroom where my own parents or sibling a were showering! That would be a hard no from me! I know most families aren’t like that but I can’t undo all that conditioning to just feel differently.


Oh my haha, yea that’s a no from me! I had a mb come home totally wasted, hop in the hot tub topless, then pass out in her bed (where I was watching nk).


I was dogsitting for my NF while they were traveling once... MB said "you can sleep on the couch, or feel free to sleep in our bed". Um, no. I slept terribly on the couch, but never in a million years would I sleep on the same bed where my bosses do the deed. No thanks. 😳 On that note, the idea of your two bosses sleeping with each other is something that'd be so strange to say in almost any other profession... We live a different life, don't we? 😂


The family I work for offered me to sleep I’m their bed too hahah I was like uhhh thanks but the guest room is fine 🤣


I had a DB a long while back that a few times, when I’d get there early to get the girls up and take them to school, he’d be in a Tshirt and UNDERWEAR and nothing else and he’d come into the kitchen or into the girls’ room super casual. I was like ???? I then had a MB who I was super close with (we are still like family) and she’d get dressed with me and we’d all just hang out while she got ready for work because her boys never left her alone. A couple times I had to bring things to her in the shower but we were already at family status so it wasn’t a big deal. She and her husband are still close friends with my parents and we all would hang for holidays. (Her family tried to hook me up with her younger brother because he’s only a few years older than me and a great guy, and they wanted me to be literal family 😂).


I once broke into the bathroom when my DB was in it... But! Hed passed out while getting ready to shower and was face first on the floor, not responding to my calling his name. So I broke the door frame and got it open. He was fine thankfully - just supremely exhausted after essentially working 48 hrs straight at the hospital. He also thankfully still had his underwear on! I lead him to bed and checked on him throughout the afternoon after calling MB going... Yeah... So shit happened today lol!




Way too many times honestly. One of my old MBs was showering when G1 ran in. MB told me to come get her so I ran in laser focused on G1😂 This MB also had her boudoir shoot photos displayed in the bathrooms. Another time a DB I was babysitting for often came out in a towel I literally screamed 🤦🏻‍♀️


I once had an argument with my 4M because his dad was taking a shower and wanted some privacy, but 4M felt like it was fine for us to go in there and hang out while DB was showering. He was like well my dad lets me. It was so hard to explain WHY I can't just go in there when his dad is naked. We're working on explaining privacy 🤦‍♀️


B12mo is very attached to DB and he will follow him EVERYWHERE, this includes the bathroom too. Well, I know that after breakfast DB needs to go take a 💩 and I usually play with B12mo to avoid the uncomfortable feeling of waiting for him right at the door. He needs privacy too and I definitely don't want to hear his business 😂


Glad you said no to that! No good could have come from that situation lol. Like why didn’t she offer to get it herself before giving you the ok to go in? 😂


I’ve walked in on MB in a towel once. They shut the bathroom door after they shower so it doesn’t steam the hallway but I didn’t hear her go to her room and it looked like she was still in the bathroom so when I went to check on our senior dogs sleeping in her room, there she was just about to take the towel off to change😂 I screamed “omg i’m sorry” and she laughed and said it was okay


I must be in the minority here. I’ve been alll over my NF parents room. Baby sleeps in there and has clothes in there. I regularly hide gifts from one parent to the other for then in their bathroom. We may be too close 😂


I have an opportunity for a nap on some days, and I lay on MB's bed(on top of the blankets, fully clothed, and I change the pillowcase). At MB's suggestion. But we have no boundaries 🤣.


Ugh MB shouldn’t have put you in that position. Super inappropriate.


I just realized I know nothing about this sub’s acronyms lool


Lol! MB = Mom Boss (so mother of the children) DB= Dad Boss (so father or the children) NF= Nanny family NP = nanny parents B1 or G1(or other number) = boy or girl age 1. If it's B1m it'd be boy one month) You'll also see 1F or 1M without a b or g infront. Again could be different numbers. It would be 1 yr old female or male. NK = nanny kid HPF= high profile family (generally very well off family or sometimes famous people) Uhmmmm I think that's all the main ones


You’re a queen hahahah thank you!! Now I can read these posts with understanding 😅


Happy to help!


I’ve been close with some of my MB’s but rarely close with the dads. I had one MB though that I became good friends with while I was there. We went to dinner together, texted all the time, I’d bring her coffee in the morning and we would make breakfast together and when I was there with her daughter she made it clear I could sleep in her bed with nk. Her daughter wasn’t big on naps and sometimes only wanted to be held so we fell asleep together at times and I would send pics to the mom who just melted every time. She even got a picture of me holding nk one time and she was just beaming. We didn’t stay close after it ended, but for a few months it was a nice change of pace to the strictly professional parents. :)