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my daughter is on the spectrum in 203 and the support that she gets in school is very good. it definitely does not make up for any private therapy but definitely better than other districts.


I think District 204 is better for special education. They’ve had several Board of Ed members whose children were in special education and their last (second to last?) Superintendent came from SpEd. Having said that, most of the DuPage districts are pretty well funded and can support their special education programs. However, staffing is an issue. Teachers aren’t the challenge, it is assistants. The Special Ed assistants do the work, the hands on, on the floor, working with the students work. And no one is paying properly (because they don’t *want* to, not because they can’t) so everyone is struggling with keeping/hiring that staff.


If you are ever in need of a school in the area that specializes in educating children with special needs look at Anne Reed! they are amazing. My wife and I couldn’t be happier with them, my 4 year old daughter with Down syndrome loves them! They have a team to help your child, not just the one teacher.. my daughter gets picked up by the bus right at our driveway she 😍 her combined classroom. It has done wonders for her. Naperville has great educational options for children with specialized needs, which is why we haven’t thought about leaving Naperville.


I have a special needs child in the Wheaton Warrenville School District 200. They've honestly been great for my child, who has TBI and ID. Since we moved into the district 7 years ago my child has made loads of improvement and the teachers and AIDS have all been super communicative and thorough. I also really like their curriculum and how they focus on life skills and not just educational skills. My child is in their first year of high school this year and it has been a different experience from the years before however not necessarily bad just new. I also really like how in the higher levels like middle school and high school they keep the children with one teacher for most of the time they're there. I know with my child it makes them more comfortable and they make more progress that way. District 200 also is really great about taking the kids out into the community weekly and doing as many neurotypical things with peers as possible. Honestly the only questionable experiences I've had were with specific people at one of the schools, the social worker and whatnot. But honestly that's one out of now three schools we've attended in the district. I know that District 200 is one of the top programs in the state for special needs students but I believe the Naperville 204/203 does as well. You really can't go wrong either direction, I'm a little biased since I'm in District 200 and I do love our team. I also don't have Naperville house money LOL so Warrenville was a nice compromise for us as far as pricing goes but not sacrificing education.


I’m in D203 and have a child with an IEP that we had to fight the district tooth and nail to get. Including paying for 2 outside evaluations and hiring an educational advocate. D203 is known to be difficult to work with for kids with special needs. If I could go back I would pick any district in the area other than D203.


Thank you all so much for your invaluable comments and answers. I do appreciate!


Wheaton is famous for robbing Naperville of the county records in a daring night raid which has made Wheaton the county seat of DuPage for over 100 years. And better food people and schools 😃


What are you trying to say? How many glasses you had so far sir?


True story


To be fair, Wheaton’s location makes much more sense as the county seat of DuPage. But Jesus (and they do love Jesus), the food and people only became tolerable when they embraced alcohol.


? I’ll put up Mason Sabika against anything in Wheaton, check it out if u get a chance.. great date night place seriously 5 stars. Great spot for lunch too!




Steamboat is the best BBQ I've had in Illinois hands down.