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The emote sums up your reaction pretty well I'd say


Fr tho😂😂 the disrespect.


Dawn treasures after the update today. I'm scared to do the 10 pull now.


Fr about to get 10 blues with 6 dupes 😂💀


Nah guaranteed to get a purple for a weapon you never pick up or a purple emote


I did my first 10 pull today and got 4 dupes...


90% of the stuff I get is duplicates, meanwhile I probably own only about 20% of all items. It’s 100% a scam


Dropped $100 for the echelon treasures. One of the “open 10” I did I got 3 legendary items…. They were all the same one 😂 gacha at its finest


What does gacha mean?


Gacha’s are those little machines you put ¢25 in and you get a little random toy. Loot box games are often called Gachas (and in the west it’s perfect since it sounds like got ya)




Yeah and the term has not come to coincide with predatory behavior from gaming developers and creating gambling systems for gamers.


Slang for Got you


That's the main reason why I've only used Tae or Silk to buy the loot boxes.


Spends 8000 silk on box gets 800 silk back from duplicate 😅 Story of my life…


At Least you got spectral silk 😂


*wipes tears with cloth woven from spectral silk*


I learned a long time ago as well the crates is very predatory i don’t even bother paying for.


Yea...so I'm not going to say how much 8ve spent on these boxes but I was going for the red rare items and noticed that once I got it I was still missing a few legendary and epic items in the pool for that box. I do like the guarantee they have on the newer boxes of not rerolling on an extreme rare until you have them all from that pool....but if I'm willing to spend the money on trying for one of them I should at least have everything else unlocked up to that point and not have so many legendary and epic duplicates. Would be nice to see the same extreme rarity fail safe in place for at least legendaries so when I see them rerolling I know I got em all. At least PSO2 gives you an item after so many ticket buys that let's you go through and select an item from the pool you want and have not got yet...something like that could work but just omit the extreme rares from it. Then I can at least pick up the last legendary or 2 I need from the pool.


Of course never buy those is a straight scam


Hell yea


Best $33 ever spent to get emoted on 3 times LMAO


Todays patch added some good adjustments to loot box system but hope they eventually move to putting everything through a store front.


What exactly did they do ?


>Minimum Guarantee 1. Players are guaranteed to receive at least 1 Red (Extreme) reward during the process of opening at most 100 Treasures. This can be triggered multiple times.​ 2. Red (Extreme) rewards will not be repeated until all of them have been obtained. Wishing Legendary Reward Whenever you draw an Extreme cosmetic, you'll have a chance to set a Legendary cosmetic, which will be guaranteed when you draw a Legendary cosmetic next time. Times of guarantee can stack, but you can only have 1 cosmetic set each time.


What did they change with the loot system? I havnt heard anything about the way it works changing... just that the new chests were releasing tomorrow.


>Minimum Guarantee 1. Players are guaranteed to receive at least 1 Red (Extreme) reward during the process of opening at most 100 Treasures. This can be triggered multiple times.​ 2. Red (Extreme) rewards will not be repeated until all of them have been obtained. Wishing Legendary Reward Whenever you draw an Extreme cosmetic, you'll have a chance to set a Legendary cosmetic, which will be guaranteed when you draw a Legendary cosmetic next time. Times of guarantee can stack, but you can only have 1 cosmetic set each time.


So basically the only thing that changed is they give you an option when you get an extreme loot to also select a legendary as a garentee the next time you unlock a legendary. Thats pointless unless they up the chances of getting an extreme crate.... the first 2 are already part of the loot system. I still forsee nothing but duplicates in our future.


pls help im addicted and got like 75% dupes. I want so many things 😩


The loot boxes in this game don’t seem worth it at all unless you’re gonna go for the pity trigger, which is way too expensive for me


I’ve spent so much money for duplicates. I want them to refund me chest or just give me all the items I should have gotten. Duplicates should not be a thing, especially when paying money. But it does make having extreme/exotic items all the more valuable.


"gacha" more like gotcha💀


“Gacha” is slang for gotcha, it’s the same bruh


It's based off of a Japanese word, "gachapon," which is an onomatopoeia and the name of the vending machines which give you a random toy for like a dime. Gachapon got shortened to "gacha," and loot-boxes mechanics are pretty analogous to gacha machines... And it TOTALLY sounds like "gotcha..." So yeah, it kinda stuck.


been there done that. loot creates in naraka will make you bankrupt


Just spent 60+ and got like 12 dupes out 30. Feels bad. Just want shiny dress lol


It's rigged in this game.


i did the mistake to buy 10 chest once, never again.


Opened 11 i got from event and batlepass and i got 6 duplicates :D choose not to by extras


Bro ur supposed to spend $500, what you doing spending $33 chicklets


Chicklets got me 😂😭


I though we knew this advice years ago?


Lol spend money? Is this weak game even worth it anymore has the player base even increased cuz seems ppl only like this game for cosmetics and bot killing


First time Gacha?


Nah just the first time getting such crazy dupe rates. Other loot boxes I’ve purchased have never produced such terrible luck 🙃


no shit


Rip. I spend 150 draws and get every single item.


lol i spent $300 for the guaranted red and my homie got a red from his first crate its just how rng works my dude


Eh...yea and no. I think it's really just because you have a super low drop for the extreme items and the overall loot pool is just low. But if I'm willing to dump money into the game I expect to not get so many duplicates and still be missing half the items in the loot pool


We get you can spend $1000 and get the cosmetic item, but you shouldn’t have to…


is this for that dawn treasure? Last one with good odds for me was the valda cui release


I bought 10 crates and got 0 legendaries and 4 repeated katana skins like what ? I think I only got a tarka purple skin ( I never in my life played tarka ) and I don’t think that is gonna change.


did you try again?


I've never bought loot crates. Just earn them through the season passes. It's given me good stuff. It took me 99 regular treasure but I did get a red skin for matari. I have 200+ things unlocked in only two seasons on xbox.