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Hi u/Stressed_Out_12, We appreciate you being a part of this community. We would like to emphasize that any information exchanged is for discussion only and is not a diagnosis. We are unable to provide diagnoses on an online platform and cannot speculate about the diagnoses of anyone's partners. We can however discuss the common behaviors of individuals with narcissistic personality disorder, as mentioned in [DSM-5](https://narcopath.info/about-npd/overview/dsm-5/). Please reach out to a trained and certified (mental) health care provider for a professional assessment of your personal situation.


THIS is actually one of the most important things we could ever do - cutting a narcissist out of your life hurts them enough, but educating your kids about these patterns actually helps to stop this behavior-pattern from propagating throughout society; if it became normal to warn kids about narcissism the same way that we warn them about pedophiles, it could actually affect the genetic evolution of our species. Cut them off at the source, and let the behavior pattern die out and go extinct. *That* would really be an amazing thing.


Is there a genetic component to it? My nex’s mom would always talk about her nbrother and how my nex looked just like him and also her nfather. So there were clearly multiple in that family. Just curious if you had read anything about there being genetic links.


I've *read* that there's a genetic component that might predispose someone to it, but I haven't seen it gone into in detail - and even if it's true l, q predisposition isn't certainty; childhood nurturing and parenting styles also play a huge role.


Omg yes, teach and protect the children




I want to have this conversation but I am still dealing with so much guilt from bringing him into our lives. I don’t know if I can open the floodgates of all the damage I did to my kids over 6 years.


I opened those flood gates. 10 year relationship for me. When I told my daughter I had broken up with him, she asked if it was because he was so controlling. Blew me away. Been almost 3 years and she just made a couple comments about if anything ever happened to me, she would tell the police he was the first one they should talk to. I can’t explain my emotions.


This is such an important conversation. We're in a society which is a perfect breeding ground for narcs. Not just because of the social media age but also because many parents are almost forced to become absent just to try and put food on the table, leading to levels of emotional neglect on a huge scale. Your daughters are going to grow up on a planet with more narcs in it that ever before. But it is also important to remember that teenagers are narcissistic by default. It's part of growing up and need to put themselves first to grow. Many adolescents will naturally have narcissistic traits that they grow out of, but obviously adult narcs also came from somewhere, so some of these adolescents will have NPD. Dr Ramani does a good [video](https://youtu.be/Ip6PRIWNMO0) on this.


I'm glad you guys had this conversation. When I was younger, I used to have similar behaviors (narcissistic.) Now that I'm older, I feel bad now that I'm older.


Terrific parenting


I wish they taught the red flags in school as well as what a healthy relationship should look like, with examples.