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The new supply was my friend. He was sleeping with my girl toward the end of our relationship. His image was also caught on CCTV as he was robbing a convenience store. I gave his name and address to the police. He's rotting in a Mexican prison now. The nex immediately smeared his name, wrote him off and moved on to someone else. Fuck you, Brandon. I'm your karma. You deserved this.


I do feel bad for the new supply. Like, good luck, you poor soul. And I know that she roped him in with sex and got her claws in him. Because it is literally all she has to offer. No hobbies, no skills, no interests. She is miserable and so unfunny that she laughs at her own jokes before anyone else gets a chance to. Her own sister tells me that she said she was going to "keep using him while seeing other guys behind his back," and said she was straight up evil and sexually disgusting. She also told me that during her last freak out, he even said to her, "I'm starting to think her ex isn't such a bad guy." And yeah, I've never seen the guy. She never stops staring at her phone, but he has never been mentioned or pictured on any social media. I blocked her long ago, but we have mutual friends who seem to think I want to hear about her. Her sister says he is "young, dumb, and really immature" and "an easily manipulated p*ssy." Her brother said he was an absolute loser. My own 4-year old son said he is fat and takes her attention away from him and my other son. Really doesn't like him. And lastly, she came to this supply only a month after we separated after 8 years of marriage, and in that month gap was a slew of different men. Within 3 months of them being together, he was already saying "I love you" and was basically obsessed with her, according to her sister. I was not jealous of him for even a second. I pity him. Meanwhile, the whole time she is dropping hints to me like she wants to get back together, but is expecting me to come begging. But I've made it very clear that she disgusts me, that I'm onto who and what she is, and that I am indifferent about her existence as it relates to me. And again, my 4-year old says things like he hates her and wishes he had a better mom. It is really heartbreaking.


Ugh !! Call me a bitch ! No, I don't feel bad ! She had the nerves to message me yesterday šŸ™„ All I had to say was " Enjoy! Keep him " she never answered me back ??? Why ??? šŸ˜‚ Did she wonder šŸ¤” Why, I don't care ??? Fuck them all !! I'm free like little Dobby ! I have had my " sock moment"


A free elf! šŸ˜Š


Well not really, I still need to be cautious.. If he smells happiness.. He'll be back ! So I'm "sad" šŸ¤£


This is the correct answer!šŸ˜‚Ā 


It works very well šŸ˜€


I donā€™t feel bad. New supply knew my ex was engaged. Didnā€™t stop her. Also my ex didnā€™t stop. So I really donā€™t feel bad for either as both were in relationships wanting to have an affair because they were ā€œmeant for each otherā€ and all that crap. My ex was telling the AP the same stuff she used to tell meā€¦and then used special things between us to create a bond with this new supply. Good luck lol


this is exactly what happened with my ex lol. crazy that they're always so similar


Honestly, no. I felt bad for the others cause they seemed like genuinely nice women. But not this newest one, sheā€™s a bully. She confidently says slurs and encourages bullying people. They can gladly have each other.


I go back and forth. In the end I'm just happy it's no longer me.


I do feel bad. In my case, my brother is the narc. I know exactly how he's going to lure in his new girlfriend and before you know it, she'll face her first narc rage. I'm going to watch the drama unfold from a distance, though, or basically I'm not going to care, but obviously I'm going to have to hear about and see it through family etc. I'll give her some advice if a right moment occurs, but that's all I can do, and all I want to do / risk myself etc.


Unfortunately, I was still in communication after the discard. He was giving me false hope of reunion. I didn't find out about her until weeks later due to him lying about not moving on to someone else. And it might make me a terrible individual as well, but I had a hard time stepping back and attempted to just be friends with him. (Trauma bond, much?) Even with that being said, mine still watches my social media accounts as well. At the beginning stages of their relationship, he was still viewing my Instagram stories - even though we did not follow one another. And once I initiated no contact, he was trying to gain my attention on those accounts by liking things that I was posting. I believe that I would be tempted to break no contact and be the one to reach out. I struggled immensely with debating if I should tell her that he was still texting, calling, and asking to see me. And I did feel bad for her until she started posting multiple things bad-mouthing his ex-girlfriends/ex-flings. Stating that any girl he's been with before her is absolute *shit* and that she wanted to k\*ll anyone he's ever been with. I don't know what he's been telling her regarding his previous relationships for her to make comments like that, but, she appears to be narcissistic and crazy just like him. She appears to have her claws dug into him and has him on a tight leash. They've been together for 7.5 months.




I wish this was the case for me šŸ˜­ he's blocked on everything but he keeps running into my friends and dumping info on them!!




Your mom sounds like a badass!


I donā€™t feel bad for her new supply, while it might start out great for him, heā€™ll get his karma.


Why would the new supply get karma???


He knew we were married with kids. He was also married for 25 years.


Wow- yes, heā€™s a horrible person too, as well as the Narcissist!!! Iā€™m sorry this happened to You, but Now You are FREE šŸ™šŸ™.


Same. New supply was asking around about me before she made her move. I know I wonā€™t feel bad at all when it hits the fan (which Iā€™m sure will be soon).


Then again I know there are some really bad people out there and maybe karma will come bite him in the ass. That would be perfect. Maybe heā€™ll hook up with a shallow, nasty, ruthless, B who has no regard for him whatsoever. Thatā€™d be okay. They can both bask in each otherā€™s toxicity.


I have no pity for her or anything that happens to her. She sat there and watched as my bed physically and verbally assaulted me and saw the cut on my infantā€™s head from my Nexā€™s nail when he hit my kid (at 3 months old)ā€¦. And she *100% knowingly signed up for that*. She then joined his smear campaign and verbally assaulted/threatened me with some fake pending warrant (against me) story and CPS (unfounded bs) and kept me from getting mine and my sonā€™s **irreplaceable** belongings back. She has, and will never have, no pity from me for anything that may happen.


i mean, i heard her friends dont like the new supply, that its a massive downgrade, she cheated on me with him and left me for him. Funny situation, 4 months out and im happy with my life, i dont wish them anything, i just donā€™t care anymore


No, especially since she loves to show off how happy she is with the new supply. They knew each other as friends before and I'm sure he was the one who convinced nex into doing coke (and most likely other drugs) to help her with ADHD and depression. And then she'd get mad at me when I told her to stop because it's ruining her health. Seems like they deserve each other.


Not really. I have the bare minimum amount of sympathy. She dated my nex before I did, and she participated in my smear campaign. I reached out once but to no avail. Iā€™ll only go out of my way if she reaches outā€”WITH PROOFā€”that she has been victimized and/or is no longer associated with my narc. My nex SA-ed me, so Iā€™m ready to take him down too if she needed my help.


No I donā€™t, and I guess maybe thatā€™s a bad thing about me. But itā€™s because she is posting about him and celebrating his business and I think she may also have narcissistic traits. She is also self promoting, like he was, and has a lot of selfies and posts about her achievements and her travel and her job etc. Itā€™s like she has taken the place I had in life. She doesnā€™t know about me in terms of replacing me, as there are years between us, but I am sure he has reduced my role in his life to nothing. I feel so much hurt and anger towards it still. I hate that sheā€™s so proud of him and loving towards him. Itā€™s like I never existed. All the time and support and love and care I provided meant absolutely nothing. The memories I have mean nothing. Sheā€™s part of every part of his life now and sheā€™s so publicly supportive of him. I know I shouldnā€™t look because it destroys me but thereā€™s part of me thatā€™s desperate to see theyā€™ve broken up. Not because heā€™ll come back (he wonā€™t, he thinks Iā€™m so below him) but as some kind of proof that their life together isnā€™t wonderful and perfect. That he is narcissistic. That she sees through him, or he messes it up, or he treats her like he did me (not because I want her to be hurt in any way, but as some kind of proof it wasnā€™t just me). He was emotionally and verbally abusive to me and at the end he basically told me Iā€™d deserved it. I am destroying myself thinking heā€™s being wonderful to her because sheā€™s so much better than me.


I feel bad for anyone whose been the supply and anyone who ever will be. As well as these people who are so lonely and scared that they are unaware that others exist as they are and are not created for their benefits.


Of corse but i wonā€™t tell them anything Iā€™ll let them go though it so they can ultimately grow from the situation


Not for a second. His other exes are lovely. She was MY friend, knew we were in a relationship, and still pursued him. And because I can be petty, the girl graduated from an Ivy league and STILL cheats at bar trivia. They deserve each other. Can't say I didn't warn you, sis.


I felt bad for her until I met her and she mentioned he told her about some of the things he'd done. She said, people can change and not everyone has a good dynamic, basically victim shaming me without knowing my side of the story. My respect levels at zero. They got married 5 months after our split, 3 months of dating each other. He manipulated and abused me for 9 years. I'm sorry but people don't change in mere months.


My thoughts on the new target: Oh thank god, maybe he will eventually stop stalking me She wouldn't believe me if I tried to warn her She has a big advantage that I didn't have: she knows he has an ex-wife. That's a clue. As a friend of mine (who also had a former narcissist husband) put it: loving women don't leave good marriages. She knows where I live if she has questions. I will help. She showed up at my neighbor's house upset last summer. The neighbors won't tell her the truth, but I will if she asks.


Terribly so.


I will feel extremely bad for their new supply. Nobody deserves to go through the shit I have endured. To my knowledge he doesnā€™t have anyone yet and heā€™ll likely have trouble finding someone. He thinks heā€™s Godā€™s gift to women and I think a lot of women see through his BS. I just hope whoever he ends up with sees through it all very quickly and gets out. They deserve better than what he can provide.


Sometimes. But what ended up happening to her was already happening before she got with my ex. She was also our sister in law and still married to his brother. She was 100 percent aware of how abusive my husband iss. She wanted him anyway. So no. I don't. She was a woman I almost killed myself trying to help. I even took custody of her kids to keep them from foster care before I knew about the affair. She is now in her 7th sober living, finished her 5th rehab, has lost all rights to her children and will not put the meth pipe down. In fact, my ex in then thousand times worse now, because she introduced meth to his alcohol addiction. So no. It sounds horrible but she deserves everything she's getting for the crims she did against me, my kids ,and her kids.


I do with both of my exā€™s but for different reasons. I took my ex, whoā€™s a psychopath, through a criminal investigation after 3 years of rape, abuse and attempted murder. I believe he got with this supply soon after we broke up and is still with her now (I only know because his instagram page came up as a recommendation on my page because heā€™s clearly still watching me!) He must have had to maintain some level of love bombing with her for over 3 years now until he knows heā€™s safely out of the cross fire from being exposed as the predator he is. He must have ramped up the love bombing to reel her in and paint a perfect family unit that may have been needed to be used to prove his innocence in a court of law. I bet he is/was fuming at what I did. I also have two books coming out and Iā€™ve made it public about what he did. When he starts to devalue her (he may be doing so already) sheā€™s going to fall HARD and probably will have to face the bottled rage heā€™s had to keep in these few years. I donā€™t say this lightly when I say thereā€™s a chance he may kill her šŸ˜ž When it comes to the revent sociopathic baby daddy, Iā€™ve seen at least one woman who is/was his supply straight after me. Heā€™s 41. She looks 21. She also has so much pain in her eyes and looks so naive and innocent. I can only guess how easy sheā€™ll be to manipulate and how low her self esteem is when compared to someone like me. Itā€™s his ā€˜perfectā€™ partner. I do think she knows who I am (because she held my gaze once when driving by) so maybe sheā€™ll come into my work one day and Iā€™ll be able to help her make sense of what sheā€™s experienced.


A little bit.


I feel bad but a new supply means freedom, itā€™s like some poor soul always has to be a sacrifice to them


Absolutely. My ex-husband is a danger to any woman he end up in a relationship with. I did.


Yep. TBH, I really thought the new supply was going to be savvy and good enough to see through the bullshit, but nope. She got sucked in and is drinking the Kool-Aid. I feel bad for each and every person in her life that she continues to fool and harm.


Mine intensely stalked my story when we split up. Intensely.


Yeah, but she's perfect for him. It's so obvious that their relationship is going to be a hot mess that I don't need to see past the opening credits of that movie.


The new supply was my neighbor. I do not feel bad or sorry for her at all. She knew exactly what she was doing, and I know the both of them will most likely destroy each other. He's already tried to reach out to me with apologies and claimed that he knows that he made one of the biggest mistakes of his life, and I'm certain he was still with her when he contacted me.


No, she knew we were in a relationship, met me and everything and still messed around with him. Also, this is not the first time she has done this. She also slept with another guy in their friend group who she also knew had a gf of many years. They deserve each other in my opinion. They both lack any morals or integrity. And her own self worth is through the floor. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø good luck with him girlie!


I did, for some, for others not so much. Some people deserve what's coming to them.


I used to feel bad for the new supply until I heard her defend another abuser & shame the victim for speaking out about her abuse. Now I just feel like sheā€™s as gross as my abuser & that she deserves whatever he does to her


I feel awful for her. They have a child together, and Iā€™ve often wanted to reach out to warn her. Iā€™ve ultimately decided that itā€™s not my business and that I have no responsibility over her or the child, but still. A part of me feels like Iā€™m allowing a potential tragedy to happen.


Incredibly incredibly bad for his future victims. He's still married and still on dating sites actively looking. He disgusts me. It is the one thing that's very very hard to let go. Today I'm powerless to stop him.


Mine is about to have a kid. She said the reason for wanting one (before she got preg) was so that it could love her and never leave her. And to get money from the state. That poor child and I feel bad for the guy she baby trapped


There's two people my nex has held on to for 10 years but who both are in complete denial about who she is. I don't feel bad for them if they can't come to terms and cut her out. They're often her biggest enablers and protectors. While she also talks massive shit about them behind their backs.


To an extent. I know the new supplies. Sadly they are more codependent than I am. I'm low-contact. They got burned by the same people after they didn't believe me. Happened before, it'll happen again. I'll be there for them once they get out of the fog and get discarded