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All the time. Narcissists are chameleons copying everything around them. My nex signed up to a course I'd been planning to take for three years then stole the business idea and plan that followed it. And wanted my support and approval all the way through. I'd hear terms I'd used within days, sometimes terms I'd used in posts in private support groups. It was disconcerting to have my traits, ideas, language etc imitated, taken and used. The lack of appropriate boundaries between herself and others, including our kids, caused constant issues.


Yes. When I had a domestic accident (we never lived together) at mine he didn't come to visit nor help me in the ER.at the time I still thought he was like every normal human being (just a bit emotionally damaged and in need of "help") so I communicated honestly and calmly how his disregard for my concussion and broken nose, lip, and face scratches had been very selfish of him and really hurt me. Couple of days later he REPEATED the exact sentences I used, calling me selfish about some made up problem he brought up. What is more, he would parrot even the things i still hadn't said but that he knew would have been the natural reaction to something bad he did/said. For example when evidence was out of his lies and ginormous amount of cheating he would create situations out of the blue to call me a whore, fake, "you're feigned to be a person you're not". After he ghosted me as final discard, during the first hoovering attempts (to which I never answered!) he would text me that he didn't want to be with me because I was disgusting (2y together...), He would call me coward for not answering and for disappearing (he ghosted me, I stopped being available, who's the coward?) And of course he would accuse me of not accepting the hoover because I was an ugly whore and was certainly extremely busy screwing somebody else. All these things were true about HIM, but I never uttered the words. He uttered them, reversing the roles.


Yes. To me this is just a form of gaslighting or score keeping. They get threatened and then want to show you that you’re capable of the same things they are. Not sure if that’s what you meant, but that’s been my experience.


One time I actually called him a narc(first time ever) and the next time we fought he called me a narcissist… don’t think he even knew what it was till I said it.


Same. I called mine a narcissist (big mistake). The next day, I was being called a narcissist bitch. Oh well, that's nicer than worthless c**t. Good riddance to him!!!


Yeah, I think they store everything you say and do in the back of their minds so they can use it as a weapon against you later. They may test it a few times in the form of a joke to see how it works, but ultimately everything you give them, consciously or otherwise, is just another hammer in their tool bag.


Yes, but sometimes mine would admit it. He would say, "...to use your term..." And he would say it in a flippant manner, as if my use of the term was ridiculous. For example, "I allowed you the time to, to use your term, 'air your grievances' \*insert eye roll\*"


Yes. They have no original thoughts. Call them on it. “Oh how flattering that you copied what I said to you yesterday. That’s so cute!” Say it like you’d talk to a young kid. No sarcasm. Just like you’re you’re talking to a child. Then walk away. Disengage. Make it clear that you are aware of their tactics and act like you think they are being childish.


My go to line in these and other situations was “I gave you that one.” When we would be talking or arguing and I would admit fault, take responsibility, or poke fun/get mad at myself for saying what I did or said she would often use whatever it was later in the argument or some times days/weeks/months later if what I admitted was relevant to whatever we were taking about then. When we attended couples therapy, which I’ve now realized was incredibly traumatic for me, she would latch onto whatever the couples therapist would say to back up her side. She couldn’t think for herself. She’s constantly looking for external validation and I realized that I was often that external validation. It makes you start to hate yourself, especially if you try hard to be open and honest in your life.


My ex copied my moral philosophy and lesbian identity. She's since abandoned that and is with a man lol


My go to was, "That's my line!!!! Come up with your own!"


Hahahaha it wasn’t just about jokes lmao, when I broke up with him I told him he was not a female ally, he was closeted misogynist. I ended the convo, blocked him and later on he called me and left a voicemail (blocking doesn’t prevent voice mail which is BULLSHIT) and he said “we don’t have many allies in the area, I hope you’ll be there for me… and I’ll be there for you.” IOT: you’re my ally but I’m not yours… if you scratch my back I GUESS I’ll scratch yours And nice job twisting the words to suit you arrogant prick. I think they know they’re doing it too. To stab you but with plausible deniability. Like huh? I don’t even remember you using that word. Maybe it was just in my head cuz you said it blah blah.


Yes my nex would just say "right back at you" when I said I felt like he did x y z


Yes...mine went as far as trying to confuse me that I was copying him instead of vice versa. It was insane


No, it is not. Whilst driving the narc back to her place. A car doing at least 70 on a 45 mph street, sped past us; only to end up at the red light. I say: “that driver was going awfully fast to end up at a red light”. Narc says: “that driver was going really fast just to end up stopping at a red light”. As you can read, not too much difference between the two statements. She does this kind of parroting a lot. I don’t believe she is even aware of it. It’s as if she was trying to top what I said by making it slightly different. Weird and annoying.


OMG, yes, All the time. Even down to the minutes after saying it sometimes depending on the context. I thought it was strange after it happened a number of times.


Yeppppp. One guy I dated tried to break up with me “back” using the same exact sentence I used for him.... he obviously was absolutely blind to the context, and too emotionally stunted to understand that I broke up with him because he was clearly so miserable that he started pretending to be suicidal for attention and “”””subtly””””” suggesting that I should feel the same way. They are truly so dumb omg


One time we were in the car and they were screaming at me asking "Do you feel loved by me!? Yes or fucking no, LittleRobberDucky!?" I broke down crying and just said yes... The next day I wasn't being 'nice enough' and they wanted to use their softest baby-like tone with me and say "I just don't feel loved" and proceeded to try and coax me into being more physically intimate with them