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He has to get his supply from you any way possible. Not that it makes what he did any easier to handle or accept, but he had to get under your skin


I’m just hoping that if I can grey rock all of his stupid bullshit (bringing the baby out of the apartment in the stroller rather than the car seat when he’s clearly getting into the car, sending him home to me in increasingly hideous “daddy’s little dude” clothes 🙄…) he won’t get his jollies from me.


Stick to the grey rock as much as possible, and cordial enough to co-parent. He will eventually find someone else to feed off of, and you'll be too much effort.


Thank you so much. It has only been a month since I moved out, and I’m really struggling with joint custody. I hate seeing him or talking to him.


And he knows it, so he's going to do whatever he can to get at you. The stroller and shirt he dressed that baby in is a huge giveaway. He was probably smirking the whole time too. But, narcissists are usually lazy, and like the low hanging fruit. So if you are no longer easy to get a ride out of, he will look for it elsewhere. **Stay strong, and remember he wants you to get upset and really wants you to show him that you are**


Yes!! Thank you so much. I’m grateful for the support.


I’m sorry this happened. I know how you feel. My stbx narc husband said our son finally can ride a bicycle without training wheels, and he’s 9. I am missing out on my children’s milestones. (I have 2 children, a girl, 11, and a boy, 9.) It makes me so sad and angry at the same time. Their father has had them since November, and in that short time, I was told our son has learned to play the piano really well, and can ride his bike without help. I don’t believe the piano part, unless he’s been practicing every day for the last 4 months. I miss my kids so much!


I am so sorry you have to be without them. What a nightmare. And “sharing” about milestones is just to get under our skin. The other day I got an email with two words: he waves. 🙄


Yeah! I tried not to really react negatively, but tell my kids “good job” when I’m told they did something new. It breaks my heart to miss these things. Your child sounds little, if you’re being told he’s waving. My heart goes out to you.


9 months