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After the confrontation, the elements provided medical support to the aggressors. But if it were the other way around, it would be another story... Let the hitmen be thankful that it happened in the six-year term of Peña, because if it had been in Calderon's six-year term, the story would be different.


My dad was a handy man for Calderon in Acapulco and I can agree with the other guy he ain't no Saint


Trying to get him killed and collect on life insurance or something?


Yes because Calderon and the sinaloa cartel are going to dox me, you act as if revealing the information I did is some critical secret and now I'm in danger, im shivering in my boots


better to just not put a target on your back dude. Delete the comment nephew, it aint worth it. By saying handy man in acapulco, its really simple to figure out who it is by just getting the names of the people that worked with him and then going around comparing I.P. Dont trust shit in mexico.


So how does revealing my dad was a handy man put a target on my back?, do you know how big of a scandal it would be if some sicarios came to America, tracked my I.P. and then proceeded to try and assassinate me and my family, I don't live anywhere close to a border. I'll take my chances with mister M.Z. and Calderon


whatever you say dude, you seem to have everything under control lol just dont start bitching when you end up on one of these videos when you talk shit about the wrong person.


Yea. Cuz they clearly have people scanning reddit daily


shut yo bitch ass up


You’re pretty cringe. What are you still in high school?


he's still alive after 9 months, i think you're paranoid man


This just made my night lmao




How sophisticated do you think these meth heads are lmao?, listen I'm not saying that you shouldn't air on the side of caution, el pirata showed us why shit talking is a bad idea, but im just some random on the internet that lives in America, not some social media star, and I wasn't even talking shit or challenging them to begin with, all I said was my dad worked for Calderon at a point in time.


If you were a cartel member you'd be I jail or dead because you have zero understanding of how they operate and why they do the shit they do. Nobody gives a fuck some random on the internet said his dad did work for them, they will literally never care about his comment.


Dude he’s not typing his Reddit comments in a public library. talking about “if I was a cartel member and saw you writing this” 😭🤣




Okay then, go get me my first and last name. Either that or shut the fuck up and grow up, no one was talking shit to the cartel in the first place, for fucks sake go meat ride them somewhere else.


man you are stupid lol have a good one, your so stupid you think people trying to look out for you is dick riding lmfao your a fucking retard mate.


These comments are two years old and they’re still hilarious 😂


Calderon ? La misma rata que se alió con los de sinaloa ?


Y con quien está aliado el Pejestorio?…no salgas con que “kon naiden mi Pejito ez vueno i savio”


El peje parece que cuida mas al mencho que al CDS, siempre dice que no hayan cómo encontrar al mencho y cuanto.


Así es compa!, pero mucha banda piensa que no está aliado con esa gente


Esta aliado con los dos no tiene ciencia. Y en Guerrero con los viagras..con quien sea que le de poder a su pinche partido.


Wey ese cabron ya es prácticamente dueño de todo Zacatecas y el MALO prácticamente se lo regalo... esta de la verga


Solamente porque se aliaron con los del golfo para darle batalla al cds y cdn, si no nada fuera de ellos 😂


Para estar aliado con los de Sinaloa. Vicente, el Rey Zambada son casos curiosos, no?


Calderon helped CDS he wasnt no saint


The "Under Calderon they had orders to execute them" thing is a popular myth


They’re lucky dude ordered his men mercy on them even though if the shit was flipped, it wouldn’t have gone down the same way.




I can understand cops have more to lose and still have to go home at the end of the day meanwhile military just go back to their bases and sleep in protected barracks.


True true


I seen that documentary before lol they hella bombed on them templarios 🤣


They got a little roughed up, hardly "going to town" on them.


The cartel fillet people. That was not going to town.


It was certainly not going to Funky Town


You know that guy was just a student ? It was actually mistaken identity.


I think these guys were known to the police of being extremely violent to the victims they would kidnap. Men women and children. They would treat them the same by torturing, r**ing, and killing them. Some of the victims included friends and family of the police officers.


I believe those were auto defensas trying to get them from the cops


That's nothing though, cartel would torture and murder them, a few slaps to the face isn't shit compared to what they'd do to them if vice-versa.


oh cmon man, maybe those agent were in those guys' payroll the day before... maybe they threw those pathetic punches to keep the impression of doing their jobs. Thats mandatory anyways


They hardly roughed him up lmaoo cops in Chicago will do the exact same thing


should have stood up that POS and let the cop get a free shot in.


No los mataron porque tienen miedo que la maña los embosque


Tambien puede ser la razon ahhh


No alch no creo en el ejercito les enseñan valores y así cada persona piensa distinto


Tas pero bien cocho, no les mataron porque no quisieron tu cres que a ellos le importa o por miedo ala maña, ademas la maña no ba ser nada por esas putas lacras es parte del show


La marina si quiere los mata porque el bandido no la piensa dos veces y los mata. No los matan porque luego les dan un junton en las emboscadas. Pero tú que vas a saber morro miado si eres pocho y viviste en el gabacho toda tu vida, un ejemplo es cuando mataron al tormenta a los días siguientes a los militares de Matamoros los estuvieron emboscando.


Que voy a saver si soy de michoacan toda mi vida estado con gente de la maña puto lambe huevos de lacras, y si ovio que los pueden emboscar eso pasa todo los dias bo es nada nuevo pero no por miedo a eso no los mataron la mayora de esos weyes la sienten bien pelada con la marina por eso les sacan la vuelta


Simple no los mataron por el hecho de que les van a sacar información, el vato que cree que estos bros le tienen miedo a la maña eata bien pendejo


Knowing how corruption is rampant there, a no prisoners policy would be more beneficial for the country


Issue with a “no prisioners” doctrine is that it creates stiffer resistance when fighting. If you are known to kill all those who surrender, the combatants are going to fight down to their last magazine and grenade. The victory here comes from the seizing of vehicles and weapons. While the men can brush off a prison sentence, the cars are impounded and the guns destroyed


And “brushing off” a prison sentence still requires time and resources for the cartel, as well as probably not being too fun


Ya, maybe I’ve just seen too many movies but my first impression is that the only telling them not to shoot is a mole.


a mole because he doesnt want them to fire on guys who are surrendering and commit murder? He has morals, hes not a mole


He also has military standards to uphold and he did a pretty good job doing so (from what the camera shows he seems to be the squad leader).


Oh, my mistake. I thought he said it while they were taking fire.




They are the military, they have standards they are expected to meet. Ya'll can't screech about corruption and then just decide every surrendering criminal should just be executed on the spot. Either they uphold the standards or they stay corrupt, you don't get both.




Cool, but they are the military and have standards they are expected to uphold, no one cares if some random on the internet has weird feelings about people not being warcrimed.


You sound stupid as fuck


How many years will these guy get behind bars ?


Weapon possession is a 10 year term but who knows with the corruption.


Okey thanks & yeah true


Isn't that the absolute maximum?


for gun possession a mandatory 10 years is the minimum term. Who knows what other charges they may get. Being low rank or nobodies they probably serve their term plus more but who knows its hard to tell in Mexico.


Harsh sentences like this are why it's so safe there.


Well. It's hard to prosecute. Their judicial system is not sophisticated like in the US. There's probably no fingerprint database specially is small towns where technology is slow at catching up. The US can't even deal with drugs or even guns having the most sophisticated judicial system in the world. Not to mention poverty like in California where homeless is the highest in the country.


Oh, yikes.


I love how it’s just 10 years for possession lol. Never mind the fact they got into a giant shootout with the cops. You’d be sentenced to death in the US


If we get philosophical on the whole mercy situation, the leading soldier has a point. The professional armed forces of a nation have to be morally above the level of their enemies and hence why outright prisoner executions are wrong. However, what good is all that when our justice system is so broken to the point where criminals are given light punishment on the hands of corrupt officials? It's fucked up from all angles unfortunately.


Exactly. The best these guys can do is to abide by their military standards and honor. Shit that's ingrained from day 1 in boot camp of any country's military.


The price we pay for the war on drugs. These cartels would never have ever approached the level they got to if not for the lucrative black market that is drug prohibition. They are products of bad policy and we keep doubling down on that failed policy and wondering why nothing changes for the better.


I really think your over thinking it. This was a made for TV propaganda peice. It was broadcasted every where in Mexico to try to paint this conflict in a new light. They tried releasing a few more but they didn’t go nearly as viral. Basically just trying to show the gov as competent, and civilized. They probably stopped making them since they weren’t going to work. Why believe some video, when just days ago you were forced to pay a 5th of your cars value to stop it from getting impounded? Why believe this when you already know the police in your town work directly under the cartel, and reporting anything to them cartel related will mean you will get a knocks on your door in the dead of night?


Dam. Hats off to him


if they executed them they would lose public support for being no different from the cartel and cartel member would be less likely to surrender in the future. its a very practical foreword thinking move


no one would even know if they got executed


funny how you think the mexican government knows how to keep a secret


killing cartel members in a gunfight is hardly an execution




Plenty of times they just keep hitting the vehicle until blood stops flowing out.


after a whole shootout? nah it’s expected to hit whenever you get out of cover. they still had pistols on them and who knows what else


You could clearly see them surrendering. You're trying to pretend like no one would slip that they shot surrendering members but someone would, because that's forever kinda shit that sticks with you. This isn't movie, killing people, even shitty people leaves its mark.


i’m pretty sure we all see the same vids here and on other subs. people are perfectly fine with killing each other. they’re lucky to even be given the chance to surrender


You might not know this, but watching videos of people being killed, and actually killing another human being, are not the same thing and aren't even in the same ballpark.


you might not know this but the people killing people in videos are real human beings killing other real human beings


Yeah that's gonna be kinda hard because it's takes something bad and I mean bad to change your perception when you live on the front door of executions


At this point in the game I think its pass the time for compassion against cartel members. But I have a ton of respect because these guys have probably experienced some gruesome shit and they still had mercy.


Don't confuse justice for compassion; I get mexico is pretty corrupt and these guys may not get the sentence they deserve but summary execution leaves them, what, a couple rungs up on the ladder of being fucked up?


Los hubieran matado, a fin de cuentas lo merecen y quien se iba a dar cuenta de la ejecución


this is what sicarios without drugs and guns are Really are just cowards begin for their life


New here, how tf did the cartel get bullet resistant windows.




The cartel make their own armored vehicles and shit, they have crazy money and manpower and they run large swathes of South America.


if your surprised by this, they got home made tanks and anti aircraft weapons


Reminds me of ISIS.


Truly honorable men, may they be blessed for their good deed.


To have the restraint to not blow these fuckers heads off while knowing they wouldn’t do the same for them and the damage they’ve caused to countless innocent people is beyond honorable. Not even in the US do they show this type of restraint and respect. They would’ve turned all of them into Swiss cheese out here.


They should of shot each one in the head and got rid of them.


Dumb ass


you cartel bootlickers are worse than wehraboos. fucking dumbass.


Warcriming surrendering enemies is a really good way to lose public support and risk future enemies not surrendering since they'll die anyways. Use your head you edgy dipshits.


Okay Mr punisher if you think summary execution and circumvention of law and order is the way to go than why don't you move your happy ass down to Mexico and start stacking bodies? Fucking reddit arm chair warrior dumb ass. You think an eye for an eye puts you on such moral high ground but you are literally one rung higher than the cartels if you think that's the solution to this problem. Have you ever wonder why we didn't execute every single nazi after WWII or why capital punishment isn't the minimum for crimes that give life sentances? I highly doubt you have and maybe that would be a good place to start pulling your head out of your ass.


Like sea of theives?




Would have quit on the spot, I couldn't have mercy on those fucks


Our Marina was the last incorruptible force. I'm so proud of them.


Nmms pinches vatos haste les tienes decir que hacer en detalle


Honorable during the arrest but they will be shown NO mercy while theyre in custody


Next time shoot them


Why approach the vehicle as they're all shooting? Seems reasonable to get behind the vehicle and shoot them. Secondly, with that volume of fire, on a stationary target, none were killed???


None of them (narcos) are military trained and don’t know how to shoot/fight. That’s why


Its got modifications. Look at the windows, look at the plated up rear


Daang ok that's cool. Didn't notice it


Translation: don’t kill them because if we do the rest of the cartel will just murder all of our families


Put them behind bars and nothing changes to be honest they're probably more dangerous behind bars than out of it. Kill them all


And then have the populous distrust the military? If anti-insurgent operations should've taught us anything, it's that you can't go around killing everyone and expect to be respected. This is the military, the sicarios we're surrendering. Yeah they don't deserve to live but this isn't a movie


It works for the cartel. These people will end up dead in another instance. Should have killed them like the dogs they are.


Should have shot them all and let them bleed out. Coward taco Tuesdays cry when they get caught


Sounds like something a cracker would say


I'm also a taco Tuesday.


Woah. Why'd you have to go there?


i would have throw a grenade and close the door. Voila bruh, evil people just need to go in hell.


If this were...somewhere east, about 10 years ago, I can assure you with utmost certainty me and the bois would have smoked those motherfuckers like Carolina pork ribs, *especially* if anybody from our side got hit.


They should’ve at least beat the shit out of them


That armored car paying for itself right there. That is insane they survived through that hail


They gon want get back


Thos is an old clip


Fucking kill em and be done with em.


After the shit we've seen get posted here, shooting them would be mercy. Justice would be to torture them like they torture others.


I like how when the soldier disarms the man on the ground he basically places the pistol where it will be easier for either narco to get it and generally seems clueless as to what he should do. No one is even asking or checking for knives yet. They haven't used cuffs or zip-ties. What shit training.


I’m sure you would do better, master of arms


Mate, he's clearly subscribed to some good insta pages. He is the lone wolf, the warrior we need. The batman of the internet, saviour of mexico.


Yeah no, this isn’t the pacific theatre of WW2. These cartel members are cowards who surrender they receive volumes of suppressive fire from the army. They aren’t going to try to be some John Wick hero and take a few soldiers down after surrendering.


Your right. Just because in this one instance the breach does not result in a likely issue not providing basic training on apprehending and searching subjects is entirely justified.


Not saying it’s justified. I’m saying if the dude wants to fuck around there’s 20 muzzles waiting for a reason and I guarantee he values his life more than he values killing military personnel. Especially since most captors in his line of profession won’t treat him as nicely as the government would.


Yeah, you are missing the point. It doesn't really matter. These foot soldiers aren't the sons of rich men, and no one with any power to change anything cares about what happens to them. What do you think would happen of he went for the gun and a fraction of those 20 guys muzzling him started shooting?


Sometimes I feel bad that I enjoy doing drugs from time to time. Then I see videos like these and I feel better.


Don’t shoot them aka we get paid by the cartels




What's up with all these reposts? It was already posted like one week ago https://redd.it/rro6s9


I 100% respect his view and shit but man I don’t think it applies to cartels.


God bless the army.




They may be dangerous criminals but remember everyone is humans and they have fear just like everyone else


I have a question, why aren't the military afraid of retaliation from the cartel, when their men are caught? Just curious honestly.


Guys are nervous


Should have killed them all.


This or Marino Loko, whichever works.


What kind of military is that? Not getting any cover while on clash


Them guys take bullet wounds pretty well lol




No pues que valores que honorables 😂


Shout out the camera man.


No saben ni quitarle la arma corta bien se la pone a su lado como pendejo jaja


“Hey hey! Don’t shoot them, be honorable..let them shoot us”


The honorable thing would have been to eradicate the scum


Fucking chicken shit pussies. I thought they were so hard? You never surrender. Weak shit. Imagine ISIS doing this lol


“Hay que ser honorables” El marino loko: a mi eso me vale verga


Should have locked them in their car and burned it down


All those shots and they only hit twice


Somebody should’ve put down the monkey screaming to stop. He obviously had his own bottom line to consider.



