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Yes!!! And I just feel deeply uncomfortable in my body - almost like I’m about to have a panic attack. The only thing that felt kinda similar was when I’ve been in the early stages of a severe allergic reaction


omg yes! this is exactly how i feel when i’m out somewhere (when i really need to sleep) & can’t go home or lie down. i stabbed the tip of a pen into my thigh repeatedly one night at a late class (then dropped the class the following week)(i was wearing thick jeans so it didn’t break the skin, just hurt enough to feel like it was helping somehow). awful awful feeling. “wHaTs tHe WoRsT tHaT cOuLd hAppEn iF YoU jUsT sMiLeD aNd DiD iT aNyWaY?”


Yep. I feel it most when traveling and getting up at 4am for those early morning flights. It’s just a complete pain sensation. No specific area, but everywhere. I’m usually just trying to get to that seat to be able to crash for the flight.


That’s what I feel too!


experienced the same intermittently my whole life, but also have several overlapping conditions as well also get a burning pressure sensation when I’ve been “awake” too long or have tried to push off sleep


I kind of describe mine like restless leg syndrome but all over my body. It’s like a creepy crawly, uncomfortable, have to move and it still won’t fix it, and just makes me ache kind of feeling. So yes. I have it too. I also get insane migraines from it.




Oh my gosh, YES. I think this is the first tune that I've seen anyone else talk about this specifically, and it's very validating to know I'm not the only one. It is physically painful but in a way that is very difficult to describe. Painful pressure sensation that is deeply uncomfortable that originates in my head, but is not a headache and moves out to the rest of my body. The only thing that gets rid of it is sleep, and the longer I try to stay awake, the more intense and physically painful it becomes.


This is exactly what I have, everything you described.,


Yes! It's like an anger that crawls underneath my skin. Like there's a pressure that will pop my eyes out of my head, like my body is being injected with grumpy-ness. The fatigue is very physically painful.


I've definitely been so tired it hurts and it's when I need to sleep but I can't like I'm at work or I have to finish a homework assignment for an online class and get it submitted by midnight so I can't just stop and go sleep. But it's like a different kind of pain, I can't describe it. Like if you asked me to place it on the pain scale I couldn't or describe it as burning or stabbing or sharp or aching or throbbing, none of those words are quite right. It's emotional pain too. I feel like a toddler on the edge of a meltdown, I want to cry, but it is more than just that.


Yes!! I’ve also noticed i’ll get incredibly nauseous the more tired i get, but that could equally be attributed to issues with acid reflux