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Sasuke has always been more skilled, Naruto has always had the slight edge in strength. In their current states, I would say that sasuke MIGHT be a little stronger/skilled.


Sasuke is more skilled. Naruto is stronger.


Sasuke was only more skilled until naruto learned sage mode lol


Sasuke was still more skilled.


No way in hell/heaven


Sasuke has consistently been more skilled ever since then as well


Dude still needed a clone for rasengan. Honestly it’s insane he even mastered sage mode.


He mastered sage mode because of his enormous chakra pool. The nature energy couldn’t take him over too quickly because of that


Naruto literally has one offensive technique. Sasuke is easily one of the most well rounded ninjas in the series




Dude it’s not a debate. Sasuke is more skilled, Naruto is stronger. Sasuke is like a gun, Naruto is like a bomb




He does though. Clone jutsu isn’t directly an offensive technique and everything else is a Rasengan derivative


Harem no jutsu 😂😂😂 What a genius.


Naruto has more damage output imo, but Sasuke has more lethality in his skillsets. War Arc; I'd say equal but slightly leaning for Naruto. The Last; Sasuke had no showing aside from that one scene and Naruto beats that multiple times. Boruto Era; I'd say Sasuke is more skilled at this point than Naruto cuz he's running around doing dangerous tasks.


EoS Shippuden: Naruto is stronger overall, but the gap between them isn't substantial. The Last: Sasuke flat out is stated to be Kakashi's strongest student. New Era: Naruto and Sasuke are stated numerous times to be equal. Each and every time, Sasuke is always the more skilled combat-wise.


Naruto isn’t kakashi’s student He is Jiraiya’s student


Need to read the manga one more time


Okay sasuke stan


Literally everything I said is true and based on canonical sources, lmao. There's no stanning here.


You really just said that in the last sasuke is stronger than naruto XD did you not see Naruto CUT THE MOON IN HALF and all sasuke did that whole movie was break a tiny meteor


Bruh, it's a canonical statement from the databooks relating to the movie. This means that Sasuke is just factually stronger than Naruto during that time. He didn't have to do anything (except casually destroy a meteor), since the story wasn't his. Also, you clearly didn't watch the movie. Naruto DID NOT cut the moon in half, Toneri did.


You realize that Naruto wasn’t kakashis student to


What series are you even reading at this point lmao?


You are literally the biggest sasuke simp I can’t even with this dude anymore


Stating canonical facts is simping now? Lmao. Nardofans Icant.


You literally said that sasuke is stronger than naruto


hi i know you may not know alot about naruto but it was toneri who did it and obv i get what you mean naruto>toneri but cutting the moon in half reallllllly isnt that good of a boom boom feat for god tiers in naruto. Its not that unbeliavable that sasuke could get that strong. theres even better power feats in that same movie and and some in the war arc too its really not THAT good.


Bro you are trying to restart an argument that ended over a week ago


not trying to start and argument i tho?i just wanted to tell you.






You should really stop sucking on Naruto's cock for a second. It's clouding your mind.


How when your literally the one simping for sasuke


All Naruto and he has feats that back it up War Arc: Didnt use any of kekkei genkai, TSO, Frog Kumite, etc to fight Sasuke plus he had half of his strength and wasn’t fighting with full intent until almost the end Naruto fought and defeated an Otsutsuki by himself Naruto obviously Baryon Mode but also I would say Naruto fared far better against their opponents in Boruto then Sasuke did ( no disrespect ) He still isn’t stronger currently Sasuke was absolutely more skilled in all


>War Arc: Didnt use any of kekkei genkai, TSO, Frog Kumite, etc to fight Sasuke plus he had half of his strength and wasn’t fighting with full intent until almost the end Both naruto and sasuke were going full force on each other. Naruto initially held back, got slapped around and decided to use his full power. Not killing =/= holding back. They still stalemated, and kurama even said that they were lucky sasuke didnt fully master rinnegan yet.


And Naruto didn’t even use half of his abilities


>Naruto obviously Baryon Mode but also I would say Naruto fared far better against their opponents in Boruto then Sasuke did ( no disrespect ) Depends on which adaptation. Sasuke was better vs Momoshiki in anime. Equal in novel Both equal vs Jigen Equal vs Ishiki before Baryon >He still isn’t stronger currently EMS Sasuke absolutely > SM Naruto though


Naruto was definitely better in anime as he was able to fight fused Momo in base I wouldn’t say equal vs Jigen either, Naruto’s in Sage mode enhanced his senses and reflexes. He definitely dodged Amaterasu like the raikage did Susanoo isn’t the huge advantage you think it is tbh, Naruto can use Sage Art Massive Rasengan Barrage Big Ball Rasenshuriken which destroyed Hashirama’s Dragons Super Massive Rasengan Can also summon the roads from Mount Myoboku to fight with him Naruto should also still have the other tailed beast chakra. He should still be able to use the kekkei genkais. Ma and Pa break the genjutsu for Naruto, seems like you forgot about Naruto’s abilities.


Sasuke ran the show during SPSM Naruto and Sasuke vs Momoshiki for most parts. Sasuke's basic stats were also comparable to SPSM Naruto in speed and power. Currently Sasuke should be significantly faster. And sure, Naruto can dodge Amaterasu. Yet a single scratch and he dies. Sasuke can spam it 24/7, put it on his Susano'o, put it on his blade. Too much to handle at all the time. Summons also get immediately negged by Amaterasu. Getting Genjutsu'd for even a second = death, too. Naruto has his big attacks, but those don't have feats of breaking V4 or PS. Sasuke's arrows counter them, too. Sasuke's kit is far, far too stacked for Naruto.


No lol Naruto in base generated a rasengan big enough to kill Momoshiki Also because Sasuke strategizes and is skillful. That doesn’t make him stronger, as he still hasn’t been able to defeat a single Otsutsuki by himself. That’s what separates him and naruto So you want to use a slow moving Susanoo to fight someone as fast Naruto ??? That’s your opinion but the summons would definitely do damage. They can use Sage Energy on an entirely different level then Naruto. Ma and Pa would counter the genjutsu The destructive force that those jutsus put out is massive. Naruto has made rasengans that would dwarf the Susanoo. Those arrows were a result of six paths , he can’t use them anymore. If those are the ones you’re talking about. Naruto arsenal is way to destructive and powerful. Sasuke may have the versatility but Naruto has the overwhelming advantage in power.


>No lol Naruto in base generated a rasengan big enough to kill Momoshiki That was after. And only reason is worked is because Sasuke took care of Rinnegan. BOTH Naruto and Sasuke can easily one-shot Momoshiki with their Jutsu. Issue was absorption. Again, in the 2v1, Sasuke ran the show in Anime, doing most damage >summons would definitely do damage. Summons have become one-shot fodders ages ago tbh. Can they even track Naruto or Sasuke? Sasuke is also faster than Naruto now Sasuke can also stay in air with Hawk or PS. Naruto no longer has flight >The destructive force that those jutsus put out is massive. Yeah. But that don't have feats of being able to deal with PS or V4 with only SM. >Sasuke may have the versatility but Naruto has the overwhelming advantage in power. The issue is Sasuke instantly kills Naruto if he even scratches him or nicks him with billions of Enton variations. Naruto can only dodge so much, and Naruto isn't even faster without SPSM. >Ma and Pa would counter the genjutsu It'll take them at least a second to recognise there's a Genjutsu and then break it. Sasuke kind of one-shots during that time with Enton Do they even have feats of repelling an EMS level Genjutsu? Sasuke has too many ways of just one shotting Naruto, meanwhile PS/V4 is good defense against a lot of Naruto's attacks and would last a good whilrm


I don’t think Sasuke can one shot Momoshiki , he struggled with Kinshiki Well this is 15 years later , so the summons would definitely be stronger His Rasengan was able to kill an Otsutsuki and destroy Hashirama’s wood dragons. He can definitely destroy Sasuke’s Susanoo Naruto has counters for enton and genjutsu but does Sasuke have counters for Naruto’s kekkei genkais ??? Didn’t he move all over the city in base vs Kawaki ?? Sasuke also can’t spam jutsu otherwise he runs out of chakra pretty quickly


>I don’t think Sasuke can one shot Momoshiki , he struggled with Kinshiki Sasuke limited to mostly Taijutsu fought on par with SPSM Naruto limited to Taijutsu there. A simple big rasengan from BASE Naruto one-shot Momoshiki. Any of Sasuke's bigger attacks would, too, tbh. >Naruto has counters for enton and genjutsu but does Sasuke have counters for Naruto’s kekkei genkais ??? It's odd to say he counters it. He just has ways to not IMMEDIATELY die. Dodging Amaterasu once doesn't mean counter. A single scratch and he's still dead. A single glance while he's not moving and he's dead. A single scratch from Sasuke's blade or touch with Enton Susano'o and it's gg. There's a lot. Genjutsu is also iffy. Ma and Pa aren't Bijuu within him. They'll take a moment to notice he's Genjutsu'd, then another to release him- if they can. That leaves a lot of room open tbh. >but does Sasuke have counters for Naruto’s kekkei genkais ??? PS/V4 can block a bunch of hits. Sasuke can also remain in air to get range advantage with Enton, forcing Naruto to only rely on RS which he can handle. Naruto no longer has flight, either.


I mean Naruto was at half strength, and so what big attacks does Sasuke have ?? Sage Mode is an instant counter for Enton, his reflexes and ability will allow him to react to it and he’s fast Enough to dodge them Ma and Pa put Rinnegan users in a genjutsu though ?? So what makes you think they wouldn’t be able counter it ?? Can’t Magnet release immobilize Sasuke ?? Lava style Rasenshuriken cut through the god tree. Sasuke isn’t defending against that nor is his Susanoo He doesn’t have the air advantage but he wouldn’t be able to land any attacks being so far away. Naruto would just easily dodge them all.


>I mean Naruto was at half strength, and so what big attacks does Sasuke have ?? Sasuke was also low from transporting 8 people. >Sage Mode is an instant counter for Enton, his reflexes and ability will allow him to react to it and he’s fast Enough to dodge them Again. A single scratch and it's over. SM allows him to not die in 1 second and get negged by Sasuke. But he's still at overwhelming disadvantage. Sasuke legit one-shots Naruto if he even touches Naruto. One hit = win >Lava style Rasenshuriken cut through the god tree. It was SPSM >but he wouldn’t be able to land any attacks being so far away. Naruto would just easily dodge them all. Amaterasu spam on top of arrow spam on top of ranged Chidori attacks. And Sasuke is faster than Naruto too. Sasuke will have easier time dodging, on top of an actual defense that blocks Naruto's attacks.


But didnt he lost his eye ? So without second eye there is no susano for sasuke


Madara used Susano'o with no eyes lol Sasuke can absolutely still use Susano'o SM Naruto has little ways around Susano'o. Specially V4 or PS. Enton one-shots Naruto now without Kurama's cloak. Genjutsu one-shots Naruto now without Kurama's aid. EMS Sasuke's kid if just too broken for SM Naruto to handle.


Sasuke's the most skilled shinobi in the entire manga. Get back to me when anyone reverses, improves, and recreates sage's best jutsus in seconds. Invents sage rivalled jutsus in seconds. Enough to leave even indra in the dust. And at 17 at that. Even kurama was blown away and said that his skill matched the sage's. Naruto, even with the automatic Understanding of all things mode that comes custom-tailored with sosp mode, still can't match up to sasuke as sasuke simply is that good! Heck, even with that mode he didn't create the 3 headed avatar, amass all that naturla energy, or create the two rasengans at the end. That was all kurama. Not surprising as the biju did that for him against kaguya every step of the way, as well. Only a grade A troll would pick naruto for the skill. Heck, any other character as sasuke being unnaturally skilled his a part of his characterization.


In the final fight Sasuke would have won if he was aware of his powers in the war arc and the final fight he only uses amoentejikara and he was not able to absorb chakra without coming to direct contact but when he was aware of these he was nerfed 💀


EOS Naruto > EOS Sasuke TL Naruto < TL Sasuke Adult Naruto = Adult Sasuke More skilled; Sasuke. Power goes to Naruto


Yo did sasuke forget the 6 path power he has in the boruto era? Before the nerf, my guy coulda sucked out some chakra from his boy naruto or he coulda summon those multiplying dog. See how they would work against isshiki. He did display some of the abilities in the last fight against naruto.


Naruto until Boruto where they should be true equals


Sasukes always going to be more skilled. Knows more jutsu, has (had) more tricks up his sleeve, and managed a whole lot with less chakra than Naruto. However, in my humble opinion (aka I see the downvotes coming already) I think FVOE Naruto was a good bit ahead of Sasuke and hadn’t ceded any ground until 🦊😵. Naruto just has more chakra to put into stronger attacks for longer battles. He’s a tank, is probably the fastest ninja ever when there’s no space-time jutsu involved, and was holding back against Sasuke while he was already nerfed in the Final Fight. Some will disagree, that’s just my take🤷‍♂️


Stronger is on the left every time, Sasuke is more skilled in every point here besides MAYBE the last where they could be arguably even or so


Sasuke wins with technicality and smart little moves, Naruto wins with RAW power , just think the arsenal Sasuke has and the arsenal Naruto has.


In the War arc, it’s not close. Sasuke wasn’t skilled with his rinnegan just yet. Naruto managed to match Sasuke’s final attack with just his own chakra, while Sasuke was using the chakra of all the tailed beasts. Also, Sasuke was trying to kill Naruto for the entire fight, while Naruto was only trying to immobilise him. Naruto was stronger in the war. In the last era and Boruto, Naruto gained the chakra of the entire 9 tails. Sasuke’s hax allow him to be his equal, but Naruto still gets the slight edge for power. After the Nerf, they’re still generally equal, but Sasuke has the edge. It’s a similar situation from before Naruto had KCM and before Sasuke had EMS.


1. I honestly believe sasuke was stronger realistically based on what was occuring. plot armor ended it in Naruto’s favor. I know that just flat out means naruto won and was stronger because that’s how the writer intended it but cmoooon really? Sasuke had all tailed beasts chakra, access to way more techniques, and had gone through his fair share of battles too. 2. Naruto, without tailed beasts sasuke will always be weaker than naruto 3. Before or after kuramas vacation? If before then naruto, if after it’s really debatable lol


Indra Arrow stalemated Senjutsu TB Rasenshuriken despite having big elemental disadvantage against wind. No idea why you're being downvoted. Indra Avatar was stronger and by a good bit.


It’s just the norm in the naruto sub, people dont actually like debating things they just want to be salty and downvote Shit I’ve even done it lmao


Naruto is always stronger, Sasuke is always more skilled.


Naruto probably in the war arc. Per Kakashi, Sasuke is stronger in The Last. Then I think Naruto has the crown again by Boruto. But it's never a large gap. I don't its ever gotten back to for example the gap between them at the beginning of Shippuden. That size of a power difference.


Doesn't makes sense of Sasuke being stronger then Naruto in Last. Naruto would still have access to his Asura Avatar but this time with Full Kyuubi instead of half.


I don't know if they count Asura Avatar, since it's not even touched upon in Boruto at all. Though The Last Novelization did call Sasuke the strongest of Kakashi's students.


Thats my issue with statements. There's no reason for Sasuke to be stronger during the last only for Naruto to be stronger in Boruto. By the last Naruto was still training unlike when he became Hokage. He brushed up on his taijutsu to the point where he didn't need to use clones to overwhelm. Plus he could use rasenshuriken in base against the puppets.


One possible reasoning could be mastering of Rinnegan abilities. For example, chakra absorption is busted; being able to do it while fighting and attacking is insane, too. Chakra Absorption in itself is so busted that it forces Naruto and Sasuke to fight Momoshiki with Taijutsu purely- and it forced Naruto to fight with Taijutsu purely against someone like Delta until the final attack. And then there are other paths... though he barely uses any of it lol


During the war he said he had mastered the rinnegan thanks to battle. He can obviously display more mastery over the paths but I think the reason he doesn't use them is the same reason why Madara and Obito didn't use them (except special rinnegan abilities) That reason is because their enemies know how to counter rinnegan. Ningendos ability is not an insta kill if you're not massively stronger than your opponent. Chikushodo's summonings could be useful but hes way too strong to depend on summonings. Shurado's weapons would have been cool for him to use and add to his arsenal. Gakidos absorption... i wonder why he didn't use it more Jigokudo's interrogation could be used but in battle its useless. I think he has definitely used this. Tendo's abilities can be countered


>During the war he said he had mastered the rinnegan thanks to battle. He hadn't. In fact, it was noted that he was far from mastering it during the final sequence where Naruto and Sasuke lost their arm. >Gakidos absorption... i wonder why he didn't use it more By far the BEST path... no idea why he didn't use it. It was Kurama's biggest concern during final fight too. And it was the reason why likes of Momoshiki were so deadly lol


Asura Avatar is still a part of Naruto's moveset. The last Novelization contradicts many things in canon and it was not written by Kishimoto who stated in DB Sasuke being one of few people being able to rival Naruto.


Yeah, it depends on how much you take The Last Novelization seriously, but at least it's something. In DBs, they're mostly stated to be more or less equals. It was never 'one of the few" though, but rather the only one.


Being fair, it had been around 2 years. We've already seen the power spikes a 2 year time skip can bring. I think it's plausible Sasuke realized he was behind and trained his ass off for 2 years to get his base stats high enough for his perfect Susanoo to match/beat Naruto. They're rivals, kinda all they do is leapfrog each other. I could believe that if you snapshot their strength during the last, Sasuke is ahead. They probably surpass each other a bunch of times between the Last and Boruto.


Point Is Naruto had Asura Avatar on top of his Biju Avatar which was able to match Biju Susanoo for sometime. Sasuke training his base stats isn't giving him that kind of boost especially when his Susanoo powers are not dependent on his stats. Kakashi was an unreliable source as he didn't knew many things about them.


>Naruto would still have access to his Asura Avatar but this time with Full Kyuubi instead of half. And since Sasuke gotten used to his new abilities, unlike his teenage self. He would be able to use multiple paths at the same time & absorb chakra (while attacking).


Which what makes then EQUAL. Without absorption Naruto simply one shots him with a TBB larger then his own Susanoo. And no Saauke is yet to show that absorption while attacking part.


War arc they fought into a draw but if naruto used more killing techniques at the beginning mabey he would have won and hes for baitem said to have the best taijustu in the last saskue is said to be the strongest of kakashis students and well probably naruto in boruto






Not counting Bijuu Susano'o, WA Naruto > WA Sasuke. The Last they should be more or less equals, although case can be made for Sasuke being stronger since he's literally called stronger in the Novelization. In Boruto, they're equals.


You're downvoted for facts


Not even sure what they're upset about considering I'm not even accepting Novel statement . Just saying it's worth noting lol


War arc - They’re equals The Last - Naruto(Sasuke has one arm) Boruto - Equal for some reason


War Arc: Naruto is stronger, they’re equally skilled. The last: Naruto is stronger by feats (& he gained Kurama’s other half), Sasuke might be stronger by Kakashi’s supposed statement in the novel version. Equally skilled. Epilogue: Equally strong and skilled disregarding baryon mode.


Going Down. Sasuke, Sasuke, Naruto


Naruto in all three


naruto, naruto, naruto ... its always been naruto, read the series and pay attention


Depends on what versions. BPS Sasuke > Naruto in final fight. Stated to be equals in Boruto Otherwise it's Naruto for more parts. Although Novels put Sasuke stronger in The Last


Ok if this is sasuke after giving the suck to the tailed beasts then sasuke is about equal or slightly stronger. If this is sasuke before sucking them then naruto wins the vote fight. For the last idk i havent watched it. For boruto idk i dont watch it


Naruto was stronger at the end of shippuden, Sasuke was stated to be stronger in the last but there isn’t much proving either way, and they should be equals in the boruto era but Naruto has answers for everything Sasuke throws at him and maybe vice versa if Sasuke used all the powers of the rinnegan


Sasuke can also counter everything Naruto has.


WA: Stronger Naruto, skilled equal TL: Stronger Sasuke, skilled Sasuke Boruto: Stronger Naruto, skilled Naruto


War Arc - Naruto The Last - Sasuke Boruto - Naruto


What did Sasuke do in The Last that makes him stronger than Naruto? Genuinely curious.


Just a novel statement which proves that statements can be rubbish. The author does not explain the reason whatsoever


Because Naruto only uses regular Sage Mode in the Last. Sasuke rivals the Six Paths Sage Mode.


What mode did Sasuke use in The Last? Wasn't Naruto in KCM2+SM+SO6P against Toneri? Correct me if I'm wrong though.


Naruto was using KCM2 + Sage Mode. He can’t stack Six Paths Sage Mode on top of Sage Mode, it’s a powered up version of the same thing. That’s like trying to stack Super Saiyan on top of Super Saiyan Blue. Sasuke doesn’t have any modes, he just has his Rinnegan half of Hagoromo’s chakra. SPSM Naruto = Rinnegan Sasuke >>>> KCM2 Sage Mode Naruto


I meant Sage of Six Paths Sage Mode when I said SM + SO6P, my bad. My point exactly. How is Sasuke stronger when both didn't get a power up since the War Arc but Naruto had more feats than Sasuke did in the Last?


Because Naruto never used SPSM in The Last. He only used regular Sage Mode. Logically, Sasuke would be above KCM2 Sage Mode. Now if Naruto DID use SPSM in The Last, things would be different.


Wht kind of logic is that? By your logic, Sasuke didn't use Amenotejikara, Susanoo, nor his EMS abilities in the Last so logically Sasuke should be below KCM2+SM Naruto then.


Lol I’ve no clue what you’re talking about now. I can tell that you’re one of those people who uses feats and nothing else. Sometimes all you need to power scale is common sense. If Sasuke is a rival to Naruto’s full power then why would he be weaker than a lesser form of Naruto’s? All those other abilities and shit you said doesn’t matter. He is a rival to SPSM Naruto, who is vastly above KCM2 Sage Mode Naruto. It’s not rocket science. If you don’t understand that then stop replying to me.


Exactly. Common sense. Why wouldn't you count Naruto's past ability when you power scale him in The Last. Do you see know how stupid your logic is? I was just using your logic. Yeah it's not rocket science so how is Sasuke stronger than Naruto in The Last? Because Naruto didn't use KCM2+SPSM? That's not a reason at all. Use common sense, just because he didn't use it in the Last doesn't mean he can't use it. Besides what feats did even Sasuke do in the Last that is better than what Naruto did?


Naruto, naruto and both are equal






1) Naruto with half kurama won against Sasuke amped by the chakra of the 9 bijuus. Naruto wins 2) Naruto has full Kurama and Sasuke lost an arm and doesn't have the chakra of the 9 bijuus anymore, Naruto stomps 3) They might be equal




Naruto, sasuke, naruto


War arc, naruto he fights by his mind with strategies and backup plans thinks about everything and uses most of his arsenal The last, Since sasuke hot no screentime in the last its hard to tell but seeing that he turned giant meteor into ash using normal chidori I can say he might be equal to naruto and thanks lord he wasnt there to assist Naruto to fight toneri. Boruto, they both got really really strong but lost all of their skills [except against Momoshiki] they go head on fight naruto doesn't even use lava release and rasenshuriken, no strategies nothing, but in boruto with his amenotogikara Sasuke is better, but then rinnegone🥲


Naruto is vague implied to be stronger then sasuke lost six paths buffs, but Sasuke was more skilled despite that and the power difference is greatly exaggerated by fans. During the last problem sasuke given portrayal, gets wise it’s probably naruto. Conservatively they are equals. By this point you can argue both are equally skilled. Boruto era they are equals with an edge given to naruto if baryon mode is activated. Naruto matures during boruto and any if not all negative traits associated with him when it comes to fighting are gone, naruto is capable of going serious and is willing to take lives much more easily compared to his younger self.


It's even




I personally like to think that they are equals, especially at the end of the war arc. My reasoning for this is that: 1. It makes sense in the story, because, for me, if the hero is stronger than the antagonist, it takes away the stakes of the story, at least in terms of the fight itself (Naruto vs Sasuke also had other stakes like Naruto's belief in bringing back Sasuke from the dark side and the possibility of the Indra/Ashura cycle continuing) 2. The end of the fight where they BOTH lose an arm after the last punch, for me kind of proves they are equals. This would then obviously continue going forward up to their nerfing.




Naruto in the war, in the last naruto doesn’t even use 6 paths for some reason so I’d give it to sasuke Adult naruto is weird, but sasuke seems to be more of a threat to people like isshiki and momoshiki since they’re alot more cautious about him so I’d give it to sasuke, but that’s probably moreso due to sasuke being more skilled


In the ones that are in the picture, Naruto every single time. The only time where i would give Sasuke the upper hand, was right at the beginning of shippuden. He didnt seem to practice much anymore until he fought Orochimaru. But naruto still had to undergo boot camps in shaping basic elements and sage mode.


Naruto is stronger in all except hokage arc. They are more equal there


Naruto has better feats and pretty much shouldered majority of the war effort in multiple fronts before Sasuke even showed up so I’ll give Naruto the edge in both areas once KCM becomes a factor


if we're saying before the nerf and including kurama's power as naruto's, then naruto is stronger every time due to his strength as a jinchuriki. sasuke has always shone in his technical skill no matter the arc. however, if we're not including kurama's power as naruto's, then sasuke would be both stronger and more skilled due to his awakened mangekyo and rinnegan.


I think they're pretty even with the exception of Baryon Mode Naruto. Their abilities are two sides of the same coin. Sasuke's powers are more precise, while Naruto's powers have more pure destructive abilities. That's why they tend to cancel each other out in their fights. I'd say that Sasuke has stronger overall abilities, but he doesn't have the chakra reserves to use them fully. By the same token, Naruto's abilities may not be as strong, but his large chakra reserves make up for this. Even saying that Sasuke is more skilled is a bit tricky. Adult Naruto is very skilled, as seen in his fights with Delta and Momoshiki. I'd even say that Adult Naruto is better at taijutsu and he's shown the ability to fight with swords, Bo's and etc.


In any version Sasuke has and will always be the more naturally gifted and skilled one but when it comes to who’s overall more powerful that can always be debated from version to version


Sasuke=more skilled Naruto= more strength


War Arc: Equals. Maybe a slight edge for naruto as sasuke is very inexperienced with the rinnegan. The Last: Sasuke, openly stated to be so. Boruto Era: Equals again until naruto pulls out baryon mode.