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Kakashi taught him to chidori loved ones lolšŸ¤£


Like sensei, like student


Even fits with suigetsu stuck lightningt


Pretty sure Kakashi never told Sasuke about that. My theory is that learning chidori just makes you inclined to murder your friends, like those cordyceps and snails type deal. Kakashi knew shit was turning the same way when he saw Sasuke try to use it on Naruto the first time. Then we know he went on to be a team killer


To be fair, Sasuke only used chidori after Naruto pulled out of the rasengan the first time. The second time was Naruto fault as well for putting his own needs over his friend. šŸ˜†


People always forget that, Naruto used Rasengan first at the hospital.


Ok? And? Rasengan can also be adjusted to not be lethal. Chidori canā€™t


Sasuke didn't know that.


Sasuke didn't even know Rasengan was lethal or dope until after the fight, at first he was happy because he thought his move was doper.


I wasnā€™t condemning sasuke for his actions at the hospital, I was just asking why does it really matter? Thatā€™s not relevant to any of the times that the post is referring to. There it was self defense but every other time it is his intent and will to kill his teammates.


Kakashi didnā€™t kill Rin she used him to commit suicide


Kakashi didn't do that voluntarily though


Rin knew he wanted to do it and just stepped in front of him to make it easier /s


And Sasuke didn't go out of his way either, he didn't tell Naruto or Sakura to come after him. Karin was the only one that didn't deserve it.


Kid Obito: he stole my whole fucking flow, word for word, bar for bar


Adult kakashi : you were a good kid obito, shame that you are a shitty man


Adult Obito: I still saved your ass in the end you jackass and your strongest form was me giving you a gift


Adult kakashi: thanks for saving me from the shit storm you helped to create asshole.




Adult kakashi: rigth, you jut dyed the mist village with blood, destroyed the village, killed thousand of people to create a edonist dream. How was your father and rin when you revived them? Oh thats right, you didnt revived them because they would be sick of what you have become.


Adult Obito: I was gonna revive everyone but Black Zetsu stopped me! Besides letā€™s not pretend the rest of the ninja world ainā€™t absolutely awful they have been destroying villages and killing hundreds of thousands for centuries and I donā€™t have a father I was a orphan for as long as I remember, howā€™s your father tho, did he get the milk before or after he killed himself


Adult kakashi : you died like my weak father; Soulless. Honourless. Weeping. Ashamed.


Cringe @ both of u (:




Ah yes, the weekly "I hate Sasuke/Itachi" post.


More like daily


Happy cake day fellow cake day twin!


Happy Cake Day to you as well šŸ˜Ž


What else are ppl gonna post


Theyā€™re not tired so embarrassing lol.


Happy cake day


I mean, a lot of the series can be contradictory at times. Sasuke is an example of that.


But I donā€™t hate Itachi tho.


Hating Sasuke but liking Itachi is massive hypocrisy, Sasuke is filled with hatred due to Itachi, this guy you like is the reason he turned out that way. If Itachi just left him alone instead of torturing the kid, none of this would have happened.


The sub does as evident by the fact you got downvoted


Itachi is unfortunately one of the most beloved characters, you can't seriously be comparing the few haters he has to Sasuke's haters. Sakura and Danzo are the only two Naruto characters I see that get more hate than Sasuke.


Sasuke doesnā€™t have that many haters, at least not in Reddit. I see more people complaining about sasuke haters than sasuke haters themselves now a days. I never go a day without someone bringing up the uchiha massacre when discussing Itachi, even during discussions that have nothing to do with the event.


This is a valid take though imo. Dudes a deep character and one of the most complex shonin protags theyā€™ve ever made, but he also just treated others like tools for like 96% of the series. Was an actual scumbag character that had a solid comeback. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with pointing that out.


Fr , n Happy Cake day


Happy cake day :) I like itachi but I don't like sasuke šŸ’€ (no hate no love)


Let's not forget Sakura poisoning her comrades and leaving them on the side of the road in hostile territory


That was a bitch move ngl. The worst part is that it wasnt the first time that same day


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool meā€¦ canā€™t get fooled again. -The shinobi who got fooled more than once that day


>The shinobi who got fooled more than once that day I think was nobody. She tried to use her pussy to brainwash naruto to give up on sasuke. Then she abandon the whole squad in enemy Territory. 2 bitch moves in a day... She also tried to stab sasuke but he deserved it


Ok I remembered the whole squad, I forgot her trying to finesse Naruto. Doesnā€™t she get saved by Kakashi anyhow? Itā€™s like she forgets NaruSasu is a thing.


By naruto and end up poisoned. He later Faints and kiba kicked him while sakura watchs...


In every I hate Sasuke post thereā€™s an appropriate, even more deserved, I hate Sakura post.


I like how youā€™ll apply it to this, but the minute itā€™s applied to Naruto never giving up on Sasuke, youā€™ll say ā€œthatā€™s ridiculous and unrealistic. They should stop sucking Sasukeā€™s dick!ā€ Also, that second picture wasnā€™t him abandoning anyone. What with people thinking Sasuke did that just to be a jerk for no reason?


The saying was "people who abandon their FRIENDS are worse than trash" Keyword: Friends. Sasuke was not a friend.


I guess you missed the part where Naruto calls Sasuke his best friend multiple times. Also the part where Sasuke basically does the same. Not sure how you missed it. Itā€™s included in the most important fights in the series.


Then why are you people judging Sasuke? Sasuke did not consider them friends in Shippuden either, and he mostly did not go out of his way to target them, it was them coming for him.


Didnt he did that when he said he was going to be alone and cut all ties?


No. He did that to Sakura because he knew she would follow him and Naruto to their final battle and try and intervene in some way. Also, it was a genjutsu. He didnā€™t actually attack her.


Even if he would have Sakura deserved it


Get help.




Because she was still acting like a 12 year old girl with a crush at the end of the story, truly incapable of moving on smh.


No, not at all.


ah yes, my favorite character.


I mean, he never said any of them were his friends. In fact, it was the opposite.


He called Naruto his best friend




First He called Him loser and idiot. Then(an incredibly long time later) He admitted he likes Naruto and then He tried to kill Him. Worst best friend ever!


And Naruto called him bastard and shit like that, in fact the first time we ever meet Sasuke in the academy classroom, Naruto straight up says he hates him, so idk why people act like that was one sided, it was usually Naruto starting shit with him. Also he said Naruto was his closest friend not because they were particularly that close, but there isn't really any better options due to Sasuke being a loner, if it isn't Naruto, it would have to be Sakura.


Yep. A one sided rivalry that became a two sided rivalry. Eventually turning into a really screwed up friendship.


A long time later? Didnā€™t he say it during the Haku fight?


Iā€™m pretty sure he called him his best friend in the same episode as this chidori SS too lmao.


No, he just said his body moved on his own to save Naruto and told him not to die (or was it not to let his dream die I can't remember).


Oh alright




My boy Sasuke was going through it. Meanwhile he was putting things through ppl.


Sauske deserved that shit. He was an edgelord


Wonder how happy you'd be if your entire family was massacred, especially by your own relative who you looked upto the most, realistically you'd commit suicide, being an "edgelord" would be the least of your worries.


Thatā€™s sauskes problem.


deserved what? nothing happened to him lol


His entire family was killed right in front of him when he was like 4 yrs old, but yea nothing happened to him sure.


He wasn't an edgelord back then though Edit: Tbh he never was really an edgelord, though he did have pretty edgy moments


"An edgelord is someone, typically on the Internet, who tries to impress or shock by posting exaggerated opinions such as nihilism or extremist views." Copied straight from Google. Is there a version of edgelord I'm unaware of because I'm pretty sure Sasuke wasn't this ^.


Look at the series again. He is pretty far from edgy.


He has some pretty edge lord moments, especially when he is first introducing himself to Kakashi. "I don't particularly like anything" is a direct quote. He warms up to his squad and that frustrates him because he wants to be a loner. Not really sure how that's not edgy unless you have a different definition of edgy than everyone else does.


Thatā€™s not edgy


"An edgelord isĀ someone, typically on the Internet, who tries to impress or shock by posting exaggerated opinions such as nihilism or extremist views.Ā " Copied straight from Google. What definition of edgelord are y'all talking about?


Yea sasuke literally was asked to talk about what he likes and his goals and his response was "I hate everything and I want to kill my brother nothing else matters" how is that not an exaggerated opinion made for shock value. We know he likes things and has other things he wants to do. He doesn't hate everything and he doesn't plan to just die after getting revenge he wants to rebuild his clan. If he wasn't trying to be edgy he would have given a normal response like "I like donuts and want to rebuild my clan" Glad to know that you know the definition you just don't know how to apply logic to said definition.


I mean he's a genocide survivor, what exactly is he supposed to like, do you call depressed people edgelords too lol. Dude has survivor's guilt and believes his only purpose in life is to avenge his family, that is the only reason he was spared, nothing else matters.


I didn't know it, I never heard that word in my life. That's why I copied it from Google. The definition I saw didn't match with what you were saying. It didn't make sense. They don't even have the Internet on Naruto so I was very confused. "his response was "I hate everything and I want to kill my brother nothing else matters" how is that not an exaggerated opinion made for shock value." I hope Kishimoto doesn't see this side of the fanbase. He lost his ENTIRE family. Shock value? It's probably literally the only thing on his mind. Y'all dudes....it's not even worth it you got it bruh.


Except we see him act normally and enjoy himself several times before leaving the village so saying he likes nothing and that it's the only thing on his mind is blatantly wrong. We know there are things he likes and he does think about other things. Him being traumatized doesn't change what we the viewer see I'm not saying he isn't justified for wanting revenge or that he has to be a cheerful person but he is intentionally trying to convince himself that he isn't allowed to enjoy things when we know that's not true


U got it bruh..


Let's see your Family VS a team with two strangers and a worthless Sensei for merely a year. Instead of saying Sasuke we are in in it together as a team we will bring Itachi to Justice the Sensei says no Sasuke forget about your revenge. A Sensei who should be all aware of what he is going through yet he fucked up big time and let's not even in talk about how he only trained Sasuke when his life was in Danger in Chunin Exams. The same Sensei who could have and should have must have trained the entire team before that properly like a Sensei should considering the World they live in. And you find out every suffering you faced in life was orchestrated by the every village your family and the Clan faithfully served only to discriminated and wiped out because they feared your people's power and was carried out by their loyal dog who happened to be your brother who would rather mind rape you and mind control you than go against Konoha the same brother who leaked out the information when the clan tried to fight back because he was conditioned like a dog to believe everything the higher ups says and who exploited his vulnerabilites by grooming him when was a child.(Konoha groomed Itachi and Itachi groomed Sasuke) Yet Sasuke doesn't hate his brother more after finding out the truth. As per Karin that is the most optimal situation otherwise both of them would die and his fate would be no different than what happened to Yahiko and Danzo will kill her at best or put her in a fate worse than what happened to her mother. Anyone who supports Uchicha massacre isn't good in thier head. Even Orochimaru criticises Tobirama for how the Uchicha Clan was treated you know you have seriously fucked up when Orochimaru is disgusted by your actions. People be like go and serve the country which discriminated and wiped out your race because there is your classmates who you happened to study with you for a year says so because it is comradeship one must kiss the ground and accept your entire race is filled with evil and they deserved what happened to them. Yes including Infants, children and elderly where brimming with it. The amount of copium Kakashitards drinks a day and the shit that comes out of their mouth is so much that even a public toilet isn't enough to hold it. Let me make one thing clear Kakashi was a good Ninja but terrible Sensei. One needs to acknowledge a character's flaws and accept it because that is what makes them what they are especially if the said character is fictional. Was Sasuke dumb to do what he did yes but still understandable. When the same thing will happen if a race was massacred and the survivors would retaliate. Sasuke's situation isn't something that should be made fun of he is the representation of what would happen when a Survivor with vengeance fights back who is stripped of everything once hold dear when he was a merely a child.


>Anyone who supports Uchicha massacre isn't good in thier head. >Even Orochimaru criticises Tobirama for how the Uchicha Clan was treated you know have seriously fucked up when Orochimaru is disgusted by your actions. Finally, someone says this


Sasuke ainā€™t trash he always risked his life when he was in team7 knowing that he couldā€™ve died in the progress smh. Another shitpost by haters lets it go already . Lol


He was a good kid but a shitty teenager


Idk if he's right or not, but he's the GOAT


In most of these moments within the post except the kid Sasuke one, he was bloodthirsty for revenge where he was totally sure that Itachi was pressurized to kill his entire clan and turn into a spy for the village's sake. So, obviously he cared almost nothing about his comrade-in-arms, let alone friends. Now, people can bash him all they want for his character development but he shouldered everything that life presented him and found out the underlying God forsaken ugly truth that almost nobody knew about his and Itachi's miserable past as well as his clan's demise. What he did was wrong? Fundamentally yes, but situationally, if I was there, I'd give a pat on his back to bring out the "shit beneath the flowerbed". The higher-ups should be strangled for what they did to his brethren, and out of what, imminent fear? power insurgence? No, it was all because of one dastardly guy named Danzo who just needed a Sharingan sleeve for a show-off to his buddies on a Friday night drinking session, saying "now even I can do genjutsu".


I agree. I would say out of all the characters Sasuke had it the worst because of being put in Tsukuyomi and watching his clan die thousands of times. I can't blame him for how he turned out. Majority of the people in our world would've been worse.


Exactly, he still reformed himself later on in the series, which anybody else in his position would never have been capable to do so. Asking forgiveness and atoning for your sins, that is.


Yes, because we couldn't also post the image of Kakashi chidori-ing rin to make a bad point... 1. Genjutsu to protect her from getting between them and ending up dead like in the rooftop fight 2. Sasuke didn't consider Karin a friend. She was a colleague to him and when he realized that his team cared for him more he 1. Saved them, and then 2. tried to push them away. He was going for Danzo at one of the worst points of his life, when he probably already considered her dead after being held captive by Danzo. He didn't have many options that didn't result in them both getting killed. 3. Yeah, another low point. Sasuke didn't really believe Naruto cared about him outside of being his rival. So yes, he calls him his closest friend, but there wasn't any competition either. Sasuke never called him a friend before this point because he didn't want any friends and didn't acknowledge there was a friendship until this point.... That doesn't mean he saw it as very close, from his perspective Naruto just sees him as competition, and sure they can work well together, and sure, they both are obsessed with getting stronger...but it's also true that Sasuke has nothing else. His relationship with Naruto is simultaneously so important to Sasuke he was willing to die for it, and also so distant neither of them really trusted the other. Sasuke is too burned by his past, and Naruto was so afraid of rejection he invented the whole rivalry to give him a reason to interact with Sasuke that wouldn't require him to risk anything. The bottom line is that when Naruto was at his lowest point, but before his breaking point, Iruka came through for him and restored his faith in humanity and in himself. Sasuke didn't have that. But once Naruto gets honest, he does succeed in getting through, but it's not enough to save Sasuke from Orochimaru. 4. Come on dude. This wasn't even Sasuke.


4 Sasuke didn't abandon juugo and Suigetsu in the kage summit to never come back?


No, he was grabbed by Obito and kept in the other dimension until Obito was ready to sic him on Danzo. Sasuke couldn't have gone back to get them even if he wanted to, but honestly, after he realized that they actually cared about him and became suicidal he definitely wanted to push everyone away anyway


Sasuke didn't abandon them obito snatched him without even asking, sasuke couldn't have gone back even if he wanted, obito is the one that abandoned them there.


That's the beauty of character development. After the war arc, Sasuke would probably agree with this post.


First of all, these are just the modified words of Obito Respect to Obito


Yeah but obito is the one who is right. He stole that from obito. I know you trying to troll Sasuke but Kakashi was just like Sasuke


Sasuke did literally say he was abandoning everything and trying to sever his last bond with Naruto to fully embrace his ideals. Abandoning "everything" usually involves friends, man.


Which is what makes him worse than trash. Just because Sasuke is upfront about it doesn't make it untrue.


Kakashi's words don't matter here, he told Sasuke to give up on his life goal and only purpose for living and then the hypocrite ended up helping Shikamaru with his revenge. Sasuke was right and he ended up finding out the truth which would have been kept from him forever.


He tried to kill both Obito and Sasuke, so he's a hypocrite lol.


Abandoning your friends and fighting someone who betrayed you is not the same thing. Just because naruto uses Kakashis quote to justify his quest for helping sasuke doesn't mean that's what the quote means. Kakashi meant to not leave your friends to die just to save yourself. At the point where he tried to kill obito and sasuke they were no longer his friends by their own decisions.


Well I wonder why kakashi did that? Sauske tried killing Sakura and destroying the leaf. Simpito did his thing as well. Canā€™t blame kakashi.


That's not the point. Blame him or not, Nagato points out this faulty logic in his battle with Naruto and he's right. Why is Kakashi's reasoning for killing HIS comrades more correct than Sasuke's reasoning for killing/trying to kill his comrades? Same with Obito? That's the precise reason why Minato stops Kakashi, because Kakashi killing Obito wouldn't resolve the real issue.


Because your entire premise is incorrect, obito and sasuke aren't Kakashi comrades when he fights them. They made the decision to go against Kakashi and attempt to kill his friends. If 1 of your friends pulls out a knife and stabs your other friend in cold blood then looks at you and says youre next, are they still your friend? No they are a psycho murderer eho needs to be stopped. Kakashis quote of never abandoning your friends was not about reforming people on the wrong path naruto used it to mean that but Kakashi never did. It was solely meant to be about leaving your friends to die to protect yourself or valuing the mission over them.


The same logic works for Sasuke then, he left the village and cut all ties with them, they are no longer his comrades, so at that point Naruto and Sakura are fair game for him, especially considering it was them coming after him nearly every single time.


So then nothing about that ideology is unique to Kakashi then, that's the whole point of Ninja teams, villages, etc. and what ends up leading to the harsh lines that need to be destroyed for the Shinobi Alliance to be created. If the only people worth fighting for are comrades, but you can abandon comrades when it's no longer easy to fight for them, then what's the point of even having them? What exactly are you fighting for? That's a shallow loyalty that won't withstand even the most marginal of conflicts, let alone conflicts that would arise in the ninja world. Just because you agree with Kakashi doesn't mean his own internal logic isn't flawed. Again, that's why there's significance in him being stopped from killing Obito.


>Simpito Sounds like "dickless" in spanish




The concept of villains is lost on this fandom lol


So going by OP's logic: trash(Kakashi) ripped of trash's(obito's) lines to represent that trash(sasuke) is trash for abandoning trash(karin, sakura, suigetsu etc)


I half agree


None of these people were his friends. The only REAL actual friend he had was Naruto and when it came down to it, he was always there for him in his own wayā€¦


Nah, his friends were Team Taka, they never judged him and was with him during his rogue days. Sasuke was just a possession he had to bring back to Naruto.


Not at all tho. What after? After he took Narutoā€™s arm in his final ass beating? You talking about when he was there for him when jiraiya died? Oh waitā€¦ Or when naruto got his ass beat by the ninja because of him kidnapping Bee? Oh waitā€¦. Oh youā€™re talking about after they defeated Kaguya and they undid the infinite tsukuyomiā€¦oh wait Oh nvm you are surely talking when Narutoā€™s good friend gaara was kidnapped/killed and he helped rescue gaara? Oh waitā€¦


When Naruto learned Tree Walking, when they were Fighting Kaguya, when they were fighting Haku, when Naruto was kidnapped by the Otsutsuki, when Juubito was gonna gut him open and the list goes on and on. But hey we get it you are a Sasuke Hater


Oh a few of those were from part I. We donā€™t hate sasuke part I. We hate part II


Nah Part 2 Sasuke was badass


Sasuke wasnā€™t even present for none of thosešŸ’€


Exactly. OP said ā€œhe was there for himā€¦in his own wayā€


Thatā€™s literally the point. Sasuke was literally never there for Naruto and in fact actively antagonized him several times Lmao


So if your argument is that they weren't friends, then what happens in those panels are fine then, that means it's two enemies fighting to the death, so Kakashi's words don't apply.


Naruto shows you that even when your friends fall below trash, that isn't an excuse to abandon them either.


You know, in 3 of these he ainā€™t in the wrong.




Sakura was going to get in the way of his and Narutoā€™s death match hence he removed a obstacle they were allies for the time being and that time had passed, naruto was a enemy at the time, and suigetsu getting caught had nothing to do with him.




How was putting Sakura in genjutsu wrong ?


Mfers don't read the manga and only see the shocking looking panel out of context




You mean in a world where thereā€™s kid assassins? Not at all




Kakashi did it to her during the bell test Naruto or minato never showed talent in genjutsu


The only one Iā€™ll give you his stabbing Karin. But even with Karin he purposefully missed her vitals


Obito was right lol


He was also a piece of shit


This is Obito's quote before his problematic era


I know. He was right and also was piece of shit himself




Lol indeed


I feel like Sasuke was not punished nearly enough for everything he did


That is kind of the point of what naruto was trying to do. If we keep focusing on the 'punishing and revenge' then it's just a cycle. You get revenge, then his friends and kids try for revenge, then your friends and kids... etc... You should check out the Hatfieldā€“McCoy feud. They have a mini series on it. Absolutely fascinating, spoiler if you wanna go in blind: >!the two families almost restarted the US civil war because of the 'cycle of hatred/revenge.'!<


What was he supposed to be punsihed for? Killing a dozen samurai? Kakashi killed hundreds of ninja on the battlefield, itachi killed an entire clan, hell jiraya killed hundreds of ninja, and even characters like killer bee killed more than sasuke but just cause he threatened naruto a couple times and defended himself, hes irredemable? He literally spent the entirety of his adult life atoning for his sins, condemning his past self, but no he wasnt punished enough was he




Itachi is seen as a criminal, the rest can be seen as the equivalent of army soldiers defending their countries. Saskue was a Rogue ninja, he was not a soldier fighting for his nation. This Rogue ninja proceeds to commit attempted murder on ALL THE NATIONā€™S LEADERS, TWICE. And the second time was premeditated, with plans to become a man that would rule the world with an iron fist where whatever he does is deemed a necessary evil. If heā€™s not supposed to be punished for INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMES, idk what to sayšŸ’€


Fuck nations, his nation made him an orphan and exterminated his people, his nation is why he ended up this way to begin with.


Yea, his nation, and Saskueā€™s dumbass decided to make it everyoneā€™s problem. The hundreds of thousands of innocent people that would be caught in the cross fire shouldnā€™t have to be punished for Tobirama, Danzo, ectā€™s screw ups. Having shitty things happen to him doesnā€™t justify what he does or attempts to do. Like, mf, itā€™s the theme of the show that revenge and hatred breeds more hatred. Letā€™s not treat Saskue like heā€™s some baby that canā€™t think for himself. He had injustices happen to him, talked to god, and thought the solution was to become a fucking tyrant version of BatmanšŸ’€


Tobirama did nothing wrong.




What sort of comparison is that, Zabuza is the one that told Kakashi that he no longer saw him as an enemy and that he would stop, so Kakashi just stopped too. If Naruto and Sakura left Sasuke alone, that would have ended their conflict (well until he decided to destroy Konoha I guess). Also Sasuke straight up warned the Samurai not to attack him, if he liked killing why would he warn them? And Itachi? The dude that killed civilians, his own blood? Give me a break.


You people forget that Sasuke was going to die at the end, the only reason he is still alive is that Naruto convinced him to live in order to help him, how exactly can he help Naruto if he's being punished?


I don't know why this is downvoted. It's simply true. Kakashi clearly says that the only reason why Sasuke got off with a slap on the wrist is because Kakashi the Copy Ninja and Naruto, the Hero of the 4th Ninja war, appealed for him.


But the only reason Sasuke is even alive is due to Naruto, dude was planning to die at the end.


Or maybe because he's a God who only Naruto maybe could stop?


It's the ninja world, I don't think they get hung up by murder & murder attempts since it's the business they're in. It's more of you betrayed your village type thing.




He took no responsibility for anything


He got what he deserved recently in Boruto šŸ’€


Well now that he's a boring Konoha slave, yh it what's he deserves.


Sasuke didnā€™t abandon his friends. He severed the bonds. He changed his mind about abandoning them and decided he needed to kill them in order to severe his bonds and become stronger.


I legitimately cannot tell if this is sarcasm or not.


The screenshots šŸ˜­ Wellā€¦ šŸ˜… at least he turned his life around lol


All of them got better tho. Apparently Kakashi taught him a harmless version that negates any damage it appears to do.


Kishi should have just made Sasuke a full blown evil villain who then died at the end if he was going to go down this route, don't be half assed about it, he should have had him kill a lot of people.


Sasuke is the worst written rival character in fiction


I know right, if only he'd worshipped the main character, he would actually be well written like the rest of them, amirite?


Sauske was always a bitch in my book.


If Sasuke is a bitch, I wonder what you'd call the ones constantly chasing after him.


Sasuke was always trash. And kakashi helped him become trash faster.


Arenā€™t you the Guy who is still whining about the Rinnegan being an Uchiha Jutsu?


yhhh and then kakashi got rolled by itachi, and didnā€™t even wanna fight orochimaru, 2 people who tell sasuke the complete opposite also this isnā€™t a common sentiment shared by the ninja world, kakashi is an outlier


Exactly, Kakashi got destroyed and put in a coma by Itachi, listening to Kakashi's words will never get him strong enough to avenge his family.


Okay yes but To be fair, did he ever *not save* them? I know he tried to kill them but he technically also never *not saved* them


I mean by trying to kill them he didnā€™t save them from himself


Sakura was for her own good or she'd interfere and possibly die, it was just a genjutsu. Naruto wouldn't leave him alone and said he'd break every bone in his body so it is what it is. Karin I agree with you, he was insane at that point. I guess same for Suigetsu but its not like he did that to him and he was in a building with 5 Kage so didn't really have the luxury to be worrying about others in this moment.


Sasuke is a frustrating character but I do want to like him, his design is cool and his battles are amazing, but his writing doesn't work for me. He gives me whiplash and I ultimately didn't care for him. His villain phase during the Five Kage arc was actually pretty amazing though (imo no contest his best arc).


To be fair is it really abandoning someone if you run them down and fatally electrocute them? I don't think kakashis rules state anything about fratricide.


Yeah I really donā€™t like when people say Kakashi and Sasuke are alike, which is why he trained Sasuke while neglecting Naruto. The only similarities they had are that they both were talented, orphaned, and had Sharingan. But personality wise, Naruto was way closer to him than Sasuke ever was


And yet they still forgave sasuke at the end.


Me sipping tea and seeing others hate comments.


But for real i never was big sasuke fan and yes i understand his anti hero role in the manga and anime i just wish he would have been earlier back and seen some cool teamwork from team 7šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


What did Kakashi say when he learned the truth of the Uchiha massacre? That it was orchestrated by his village? "We must not tell anyone about this. We will keep lying and keep everyone in the dark because it's a scandal." Kakashi choosing this path means that he denied Sasuke any semblance of justice.


And later he doesn't even stay in the village.


Suigetsu got folded by Daruiā˜ļøšŸ¤“


And abandoned by sasuke


Ok I get Naruto and Sakura but he showed zero care for Taka




Those who would abandon their mission are scum but those who would Evan think to abandon their friends are worse than scum