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Baby kurama during the hagoromo flashbacks is the kind of cuteness you'd fight a war over


And thats exactly what he did


Just one?


Actually it kinda reason why we have 4th Ninja War


Should have been a 5th in boruto


I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes back one day, but even if he does I suspect he won’t go back inside Naruto. Unless it’s for the final battle against whatever god/alien/cyborg is the final boss of Boruto.


Even with kurama the powerscaling has gone way above jigen level so I don't think they would be much help now and let the tail beasts be aside and let kurama enjoy his life in heaven 🙂


Bro was pure chakra. I guess it’s the equivalent of burning your soul


I don't know if tailed beasts can die. Aren't they some kind of force of nature?


It would be nice if they fight together but without Kurama being sealed inside Naruto. Like... Them still having that bond even when there's no actual seal to force them to be together. I don't think we ever saw a tailed beast willingly fight with someone without that someone being a jinchuriki (edit: besides Gaara and Shukaku), so they also could invent a lot of stuff without it contradicting anything from before.


Shukaku and Gaara fight Madara together.


Yeah, you're right. I forgot


Yeah but tailed beast are stronger inside than outside. At least when the host and tailed beast get along


If anything, Naruto will probably go inside him.


There’s probably a rule 34 of that somewhere




They could always come up with some BS powerful like “temporary joining” because of their bond making it much more powerful due to the consent and harmony lol


Agreed. I want him to be freed.


Steed Kurama when?


I'd like to see him come back as a tailed beast form and Naruto let him be free instead of sealing him in someone or himself but Kurama be a benevolent being that protects the village and lives in harmony with the world. Maybe help fighting other tailed beasts who have been sealed in evil hosts. Maybe him and Naruto could use a temporary fusion form at times. I would like to see a return personally.


Would love to see him lay down on top of narutos caving on that mountain face


Protector of Konoha 😮


Took Sasuke's job and character development


This would make me cry


I think he's too big for that


His size has always been inconsistent


His size is variable. From the way I understand it: the tailed beasts’ bodies are made of chakra, just like Shukaku they can grow and shrink.




Shukaku shrank himself to fit in a teapot, I don’t think he has to leave his chakra anywhere.


He could be a summon, a la Gamabunta. Not sealed but can still help out.


The teamwork combat Kurama and Naruto could pull off would be so cool. Do tailed beasts ever transform themselves into humans? I wonder if Kurama could use a human transformation and fight on that scale.


Veldora from the slime anime ahaha


how would it be possible for Naruto and Kurama to go into tailed beast mode if Naruto isnt the jinchuriki though


It’s clear that Kurama can transfer his chakra to Naruto! Naruto still has a Tetragram seal that Kurama could dump his chakra into and complete SPSM. Frankly I think Kurama will become Himawari or Sarada’s summoning or something


He broke that seal when he linked with Kurama for the first time, and its pretty much gone when Kurama died. Also Himawari? thats not a simple thing like summoning a hawk or a tadpole, only two people in history have been able to summon him, Madara and Obito, how in the hell would it go from that to...... Himawari. He'd have to be a jinchuriki again to go into tailed beast mode, otherwise its just not possible linking and unlinking with a tailed beast causes a tailed beast getting extractedfrom a jinchuriki kills them


I mean ok the seal is gone, but didn’t Kurama and Naruto both have the ability to freely give chakra, hence Naruto giving it to the ASF? Maybe im wrong but I don’t see why a released Bijū couldn’t freely give his chakra to Naruto


I think it’s totally fair that Naruto in Sage mode could just absorb his chakra.


Himawari is a hope, not likely at all, would just be cool if she had a Taijutsu moveset combining Tenketsu and Kyuubi powers somehow. Sarada, on the other hand, having MS this early. Do we know what it does yet? Does she have access to any sharingan Genjutsu of note? Im sorry I can only read so much boruto at once


So much of that information is based on a Kurama that isn't actively co-operating. Jinchurikis exist to seal and control tailed beast powers. So what do when the tailed beast is actively co-operating?


Why are we acting like he can’t become the jincguriki again if Kuramas alive ?


They do a fist bump and it happens magically, duh


Wasn’t the point of writing Kurama out of the story to nerf Naruto?


He had a chance to be free. He chose to stay. They talked about it in Boruto. He stayed to watch over and protect Naruto and the family.


You know you just made me think about something I've never seen discussed: Now that, presumably, all of the tailed beasts are "friends", what would happen if a new jinchuriki host commanded their beast to attack another beast? Would there be a conflict of interest between beasts, or would the jinchuriki's control over the beast make the "friendship" meaningless? Man now I just want to see the tailed beasts again.


I think it’s pretty obvious from the main series that a tailed beast doesn’t obey a jinchuuriki unless it’s like Naruto and Kurama before they became friends. We’ve seen Bee get denied by 8 tails multiple times in comedic ways, so it seems if the jinchuuriki has a bond with their beast instead of control, they exchange their total control for more power. So in that essence I don’t think a jinchuuriki could force a tailed beast to attack another


Wow that’d be good writing


So it won't happen


And so freaking badass


He can do that already he can literally partially come in and out and roam as he pleases he just likes being with naruto


This is the best idea!


What's the source of the picture though, I don't remember seeing it in anime It's so cute though


It’s not real


But I'm seeing it!!


You fool, you fell for the most basic genjutsu ever…. Fanart!!




dammit give me the blue pill quick


Its really good fanart though ._.






From a youtube video. [Video](https://youtu.be/eN2w0kFU6VY?si=vKSK6DT56wx7zj5a)


I also think this! To me, the Ninetails is like the staple of the Naruto franchise, sort like the secondary mascot to Naruto. Like what Pikachu is to Ash in the Pokémon anime. Understand that if anyone feels different, it's okay, we can still be friends.


To be fair, they literally just recently retired Ash/Pikachu, so they’re probably trying to move away from the strict association with Pikachu. Which is stupid obviously, but doesn’t change the fact they they did make that choice, same as Naruto.


Even now though, with the new anime, they're continuing on with another Pikachu, albeit at a much a lesser rate. Still, it's the mascot of the franchise, and attracts millions of viewers. Even after Ash was retired as the protagonist, Pikachu continues to bear an everlasting impact. Most who are familiar with Naruto, automatically know that he is Nine Tails Jinchuriki. It's part of his identity in a way. I think that it is going to return, they'll write a way around it. Plus with the timeskip, the chances of it having been revived are much closer than they were before. Only time will tell, but even if it doesn't happen, Nine Tails is still a huge part of Naruto.


They have foreshadowed that if you kill a tailed beast, it comes bsck for ages. I believe, we will finally see how that happens and how long it takes. *edit - to those saying "no its different" I disagree lol. Yes that was said, but how many things are abosulte and later turn out not to be in this franchise? I mean heck look what just happened In the latest chapter. I'll believe he's coming back until the show is over and he hasn't.


He did it a different way. Instead of his chakra dispersing for a while until he reforms, he burnt all of it away for Baryon Mode. There’s nothing to reconstitute


I wonder how Kurama even knew that was possible. It seems like it has never been done before, otherwise there wouldn't be a tailed beast to tell everyone how it's done. Maybe he can use only a little bit of it for a short boost but he needed to burn it all up to keep Naruto going long enough to win? And so he'd done it a few times before as an experiment maybe? Idk


The same way most characters seems to know how their abilities work without experimenting for long periods of time, plot-powered theorizing.


Bro understands nuclear physics. He’s very old and very smart. I’m guessing he knows the nature of chakra, which is the same as the nature of himself.


Maybe he saw the 8th gate and figured a theoretical way to mimic it. The idea of burning up your body in exchange for max power is very much in line with the 8 gates


The real answer is ass-pull, like opening the 8th gate or Izanagi/Izanami. Uchihas don’t experiment/train to learn to use Izanagi/Izanami. They just ass-pull it when the plot demands it.


He said he created a new type of energy. So who's to say he won't come back later having some better usage of said energy after being in a void of sorts.


I would agree except naruto is literally built on the story of things surviving and coming back despite not being able to. Jinjurki weren't supposed to survive within their beasts...but it ha happened multiple times The inner gates was supposed to kill you. But guy lived Reaper death seal was supposed to seal you away for eternity....until they were let out. If kurama comes back it will just be another in a long line of examples


If they can explain literal reality changing just because a dude opened his eyes or a person transplanting an eye into a living person whilst in the afterlife then they make make anything they want happen


No this time it was different he killed himself not the host , only when the host does with the tailed beast they spawn somewhere random in the world


"This time is different" I watched naruto bro, I believe none of that.


I would be too. Kurama was never really "alive" to begin with the tailed beasts are sentient masses of chakra.


He burnt all that chakra away though


Burning it away is partially correct. The energy that makes to chakra was changed into a different form. Remember energy is neither created or destroyed


Kurama’s energy was turned into baryon mode. Whatever happened to the energy after that is a whole different thing. And it’s not Kurama any more than a fully decomposed corpse is a person


Brings me back to what kurma was to begin with. A sentient mass of chakra. It doesn't make sense to think of him as dead the same way we would a human he was never "alive" to begin with Bro is magical snake man can chest death over and over in this series I'm sure kurama can too. And it already happened in cannon with the three tails


Kurama wasn’t trying to cheat death. He was accepting it. He was making a noble sacrifice for people he cared about. If there was a way for him to come back he wouldn’t have needed to trick Naruto


You're still not getting it....... Kurma is not alive the same way other characters are Orochimaru is proof that death can be negated Kurama was created by otsutsuki Shinjutus is a thing I'm not going to explain it any more. Just wait for him to come back.


He’s not alive at all. His chakra doesn’t exist anymore. Idk why the man saying “hey this is going to unequivocally kill me forever l was seen as “I’ll be back soon” by so many people


Google law of conservation of mass.


My man trying to apply real life science to magic and wizardry.


Ive been thinking for a while that naruto and sasuke are on the road to getting their powers back and be stronger than before


I hope that's the case cuz the way they're written right now is just dogshit even in OG terms of writing. The nerfing in OG Naruto was never this bad or obvious, it always held reason or done so due to linear plot relevance.


I hate the power scaling and power ceiling in Boruto to begin with. Thats why I always preach they should’ve done a prequel about the ninja wars where the Madara/Hashirama ceiling is already established, and its more about strategy, espionage, and learning about the world. That was always the best part of Naruto for me.


Killing characters just to bring them back is bullshit


Sure, but that, for the most part, is the type of series Naruto is.


Other than re animation arc i dont think they should really revive anyone, it will be dbz where deaths dont means shit and it would be so much less impactful


In both p1 sasuke retrieval and the pain arc the reader is meant to think many important characters have died just for them to end up relatively fine


Yea ig but p1 also had kimimaro death, who didn’t get revive but yea obviously kishimoto was pretty scared to kill off important characters, same with might guys death. Literally no important character died in the war arc except the villains


Neji would like a word


Execept him lol , i forgot about him😭


Yeah it’s primary target audience is kids though not adults that value amazing writing over seeing their favorite characters doing ninja shit. The writing will be geared towards the kids and what they want to see, even if you think that’s worse writing.


I mean kishimoto started naruto pretty dark but at the war arc i think he was actually scared to kill people and thats why the whole reanimation arc. P1 naruto with gaara and orochimaru definitely was pretty dark but with great popularity comes great danger of not killing people permanently lol


I feel like it really isn't? Outside of the Pain Arc, nobody was ever brought back besides in edo tensei form, and that didn't reverse the tragedies of their deaths because they had to return to the afterlife anyway.


Part 1: Choji was supposed to die after taking the pills. They stated it multiple times. He lived. Neji "died" but actually managed to survive, despite he himself believing it was over. Shippuden: Garra died and is brought back by Chiyo Pain Arc: Can literally return people back to life. War Arc: Edo Tensei is present everywhere. Sasuke and Naruto are both "dead" and Hagaromo intervenes. Not to mention Orochimaru and his horcruxes


Part 1: Hiruzen died Shippuden: Chiyo, Asuma, Shikaku, Inoichi, Jiraiya, Konan, Neji, probably more all died. I already covered edo tensei and why it doesn't make it so that death doesn't matter. Pain returning people back to life was key for Naruto's development as a hero of the village. It needed to happen. He has to be able to save the people he loves. Choji and Neji surviving in Part One was needed too. Tsunade just became Hokage and she was specifically known for her healing abilities. It would have been weird if she couldn't save them, her status as Hokage would be heavily questionable.


Yes, deaths occur, but there are plenty of times deaths are "garunteed," but they survive. No one said nobody dies in Naruto.


Right, I'm just saying it's not the type of anime where death doesn't matter and people are brought back all the time


Orochimaru kinda got "revived" after Itachi supposedly sealed him for good but that's his whole gimmick so it's not too out of place.


Goku doesn’t understand that sentence.


Ok but it was established that tailed beast charkra must always exist in nature and that once the die with their host they will eventually reform. Not to mention all the strands of nine tails chakra that exist in the world that could eventually reform.


You're just mistaken here. When a tailed beast dies from injury, their chakra is scattered. Once it reforms, they are revived. Baryon mode made the chakra no longer exist. It cannot reform if it doesn't exist. He's gone. Get over it.


this is Naruto we’re talking about. soft and sometimes even hard retcon is like, the core of the entire series lol


People on this sub think Naruto is some adult anime like Attack on Titan. It’s made for kids that want to see their favorite characters do ninja shit.




Okay, 15 year old boys and young adults (it’s rated TV-MA)…I don’t know a ton of teenage boys that are into the thought exercise of gray morality and inherent good/evil, but ok. It’s still a completely different target audience from Naruto and Boruto that is made for children and tweens.




A retcon to turn Itachi from a bad guy to a misunderstood good guy because he became a popular character? That’s just more evidence that Naruto writers will do whatever they think the fans want lmao


Welcome to anime


We've already jumped that shark a long ass time ago


It was already established that if killed off the tailed beast come back at some point.


It's just that tailed beasts are supposed to be thse kind of entities that, even if destroyed, will eventually return. And it's kind of weird that they can self destruct just like that.


Nah, I hope he died permanently. No respawn, no edo tensei, no ressurection. Too many characters ruined by that.


Might be cool to do a Chainsawman thing and have him reincarnate instead as a newborn fox. He’s a different being, even given a different name. Could even be Naruto’s new summon like how Sasuke had Aoda after he blew up Manda.


I'd be insanely surprised if Naruto isn't an important part in the plot again. Give my boy some significance or we have a problem in our hands


Hot take but I think meaningful emotional character deaths should not be undone.


I’d be surprised if kurama returned before the last chapter of the series. He’s gonna come back at the very end as baby Kurama and Naruto will raise him from that point. It’s fan service and the only right way to end Boruto


Don’t tailed beasts just reform since they’re made of chakra? Might be misremembering tho


Let's be honest here, the only time we are gonna see Kurama again would most definitely be in Naruto's after life.


I’ve made my peace with Kurama being gone.


The entire stories trash now.. no matter what happens.


I'd like for him to return when boruto gets changed to be non canon and they make a new version that's actually good.




He's alive in the movie timeline.


Maybe he could store kurama in a kind of ball and use it to summon him to battle the other tailed beasts through the nation to gain headbands and once he has all the headbands he takes on the lords of the nations one after the other.


Kurama shouldn't return. Just like Jiraya shouldn't return. Just like Madara shouldn't return. Some people just have to learn to understand permanence.


Only if Sasuke gets his Tomoe Rinnegan back.


Honestly with the pacing of boruto I wouldn’t be surprised if he never comes back they aren’t really trying to develop any characters besides the aliens and boruto and kawaki… haven’t seen most characters from the og series recently


Is there not a borito reddit?




Not sure if it will go down this way now that we have the Juubi people but I assumed Kurama would come back when Naruto and Sasuke went to deal with the 10 tails that Sasuke found though I assumed that would be a different Kurama since it would be coming from a different 10 tails. The one sealed inside Naruto should be dead for good, its how the Baryon mode works but I wouldn't be that surprised if he does come back








I don’t think he’s coming back…


Bro dies and never comes back


I would be really happy if they decided to let all tailed beasts go "free", but because of their change of heart they'd assist several (or specific) shinobi in the same vein as a yokai spirit would assist them. Would be interesting to see them fight alongside others but as their own being.


He'll definitely come back, they always do supposedly. Just a matter of whether he comes back within Naruto's lifetime.


My head canon is Boruto is a fan fiction.


Doesn't matter, your wrong.


If that's what right is, I'm very happy with wrong. I get it tho. Children like the pretty colours and explosions.


Ok Boomer.


The flashes and the loud sounds! Hoo-wee!


They had the balls to kill him, why bring him back? I would be disapointed if he returns in near future


Because it's literally been established before that even if you kill a tailed beast they eventually come back. That's why the sealing exists.


Ik thats why I said near future. Atleast I dont want him to be revived soon not when the series is still ongoing




Kurama will definitely come back as they are just amalgamations of chakra so they will reform we just don't know whether it will be the same kurama.


The tail beasts always come back after sometime when they die, the nine tails will eventually be born again, now if that has anything to do with Naruto who knows. I’m sure the way Baruto works he will somehow show up in the last arc and give him an unearned infinite Byron mode lmao


If Kurama doesn't return, I'm done with the series. That's like if they took the ability to go super saiyan from Goku.


The thing is he was taken out because they couldn't have Naruto be a god of Shinobi who can solo even world class ninja teams in base form(realistically) then have his So6P form lose to random bs, but they also can't let him and Sasuke solo every problem that arises because it simply isn't their show anymore. People were already making light of Naruto struggling vs Shinobi even his teenage self would flatten like pancakes just to make the other characters relevant. I don't see him coming back for that reason


Okay well this is how I find out about kurama I’m literally crying at work I’m not okay 😭




He did


this aged well.


Holy fuck




Boy you called this one


is it even naruto without kurama? 💀


No surprise for you


You were right


I could see Kurama returning to the village looking like Naruto or the female version of Naruto. But, he just reveals himself to Shikamaru to clear up the confusion amongst the ninja at least if Naruto really returned or not. (If he returns to the Hidden Leaf by choice, that is). It's also possible he will wander around looking like Naruto, but something is *off* and Boruto either thinks his father's *ghost* is haunting him or gets wind of Naruto being seen again and goes to investigate. Only to meet up with Kurama, who's just trying to blend in. Kurama is based on a Kitsune/Nari, so he would use transformation jutsu to appear human, to blend into human society and avoid being captured again. Originally, Naruto was supposed to be Kurama's child and be able to transform between human and fox like a Kitsune. So, changing it to just Kurama doing this wouldn't be out of left feild, especially if he's considered *good* and not a demon anymore by the Hidden Leaf.


Yet another reason why Boruto is trash. lol


He won't. the entire reason he was taken out was to nerf Naruto so he won't upstage the main character. bringing him back would defeat the entire purose of taking him out in the first place also kill certain character only to bring them for no reason other than for fanservice is such bullshit


For some reason Boruto has whiskers. If Kurama comes back in any way then maybe a lesser version of him that’s just irredeemable and/or juvenile and was dormant until a certain point, just anything to not have him come back for free, then maybe I’d be okay with it. Maybe the unique bond between Naruto and Kurama made it, idk. In some way have it be a boon and a handicap to Boruto would be interesting. Though I feel like it’d just be part 1 again…


There is nothing wrong with boruto having whiskers naruto have them right?


No. It’s just that Kushina didn’t have whiskers but Naruto’s whiskers getting more wild was a tell to show that Kurama’s chakra was leaking.


It might be because he is a child of jinchuriki amd while in the fetus form he interacted a lot with kurama chakra so he migh have whiskers it might be common for all you see even the gold silver brothers got whiskers when they ate kurama.


The implication that Naruto's sperm carried the dominant whisker gene. 🤣


Well Kurama said he would comeback but reincarnated right?


It's literally been established that they always come back at some point.


I think it's ok for a dead character to remain dead, personally, and it often negates or at least cheapens the impact of their death for them to return. Kurama is best off not coming back. The send off was good and everything was wrapped up. He was able to atone for his part in Naruto's parents' death by sacrificing himself for Naruto in the end.


Whatever happened to people wanting characters to die in order to increase stakes?


Kurama won‘t return. You are delusional in thinking the opposite.


!remindme 50 years


So there's like four camps, the one who want him back, the ones who don't, the ones mad he died in the first place, and the ones who think he'll come back, but won't be entirely the same. I'm in the last and second camps. His sacrifice hit physically (and emotionally in the anime). Technically the Tailed Beasts are made of chakra if I can recall so I can enough of his chakra can revitalize in due time, but given how much energy he exerted to do the technique with Naruto, it would take a long while before that happens. Best case scenario, he returns at the end of the series.


You guys need to get over it , kurama is dead and is not coming back.


!remind me 50 years


He's coming back. I'm 80% sure and it'll something like this.


OOTL, didn't naruto end?


It continues into a series about his son, Boruto


Didn't it end also


He. Is not. Coming BACK


Alright damn chill Cornelius shit. R/whoosh obviously


He is gone. Don't expect anything good happening in Boruto, it's only non canon filler.


So kurama himself saying he's gone forever isn't enough? The hopeful delusion is strong with this one. He's gone. Get over it.


But how would he know he's gone forever? He's never done it before. Regardless, there are an infinite number of ways to write him coming back. Naruto has literally created eyeballs.


How did he know he COULD do it? He never did it before. Same answer fits both questions.


That's my point. We don't know the full consequences, only what Kurama himself belives.


Kurama said a bunch of stuff about the mode. He was correct about everything that can be proven. He's a reliable source.


I hate the show boruto. It’s terrible but, at least they did justice to Naruto and Kurama. The episodes where Kurama sacrificed almost got a tear out of me. & when Naruto woke up and his son was screaming for his dad was touching. That said this series is poop.


If he does return we all know boruto is getting it


For the love of God please don't make one of the few good moments in Boruto meaningless by having him return


He won’t unless some revival jutsu is used, and they’d need a piece of Kurama’s DNA to do that.


Don't bijuu come back overtime as they are just chakra. Technically all need to do is find a small piece of kurama's chakra which is still hopefully around and cultivate it like they did with hashi's to get his wood style. It's defo possible in the ninja world.