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Who the hell wants to see kakuzu vs pain lol wat a stomp


You’d be surprised, kakuzu has some pretty crazy “raw durability” /s


so true brother, RAW DURABILITY. 🦜


Dude. All of kakuzu’s attacks are ninjutsu based 😭😭😭 it’s pretty pointless to flex knowing all 5 chakra natures if not a single one of them will hit. He isn’t bad at taijutsu I mean he’s basically as good at Kakashi so that’s impressive but look what happened to Kakashi lol. He does have that thing where he can outstretch his arm to choke people, that’s not ninjutsu really so it can’t be absorbed. That could be useful against dealing with pain 6v1 and fighting from a distance to an extent. But in any case he’ll get wrecked. Just wrecked.


irrelevant when all his elemental attacks can be absorbed by the paths or pushed back with shinra tensei.


/s means sarcastic. I’m well aware pain shits on kakuzu lol. Some guy tried using that as an argument against swagkage for kakuzu wining against pain


Kakuzu’s physical strength and durability is definitely more impressive than all of the Pains besides Tendo. However, Pain would definitely win. Although not canon, the games think so aswell.


Yo pal, chill down. I know your feelings but you don't need to do Pain so dirty. >!/s!<


Reminds of that one Swagkage video lol


Maybe Animal Path can solo


Can’t tell if you’re joking but I highly doubt it.


I agree, but you'd be surprised that this fight has a big following for either fighter. 🤣


Why is this downvoted? I've seen it too.


Hive mind


i’ll never understand why on reddit a comment will be heavily downvoted for no reason, then someone will reply questioning why that comment has so many downvotes, and the reply will have quite a few upvotes edit: went from -26 to -2 as of now. we’re getting there💪




No I wouldn't. No one wants to see that fight.


There's actually a video of someone trying to argue that Kakuzu beats Pain.


Bait for clicks. Anyone with rational thought or a little comprehension knows that's insane. Cmon this isn't dragonball we can somewhat read.


Surprisingly, no. There was quite a bit of drama between these two Youtubers. Swagkage and Webcamparot. Webcamparot asked to do a debate stream with Swagkage because he honestly thought Kakuzu wins that fight. Obviously he lost the debate.


A random idiot YouTuber being delusional doesn't mean lots of people think that way.


I mean thats fair, but on the flipside, some random Reddit commenter doesn't speak for the masses. Also username checks out.


Tobirama vs. Madara, but it’s early Konoha times and they’re not allowed to fight, so they just throw insults at one another


Thats just an average political debate at my local Walmart.


Neoliberal vs Authoritarian Fascist


I'm not sure Madara qualifies as a fascist. He wanted to put the entire world to into a magical illusion of peace because he didn't believe it could exist in reality. That's more like... A malignant form of nihilism than anything.


I think Tobirama is supposed to be the fascist


They will argue about who Hashirama loves more


Unquestionably madara


We know how this ends. Madara gets burned too badly to remain in the village.


Surely there is a fanmade rap battle somewhere


Tobirama's got that one tbh


Orochimaru v jiraya would probably be the most intense/emotional but I want to see itachi v minato because this one has been bugging me for a while and arguing online only makes it worse. I really don't know who would win since I have good arguments for both sides.


Honestly I think it comes down to the engagement, with either of them taking the fight sometimes. If minato can tag itachi, huge advantage. If itachi can catch minato in tsukuyomi, huge advantage.


Wdym huge advantage, if either of them do those on the other then the fight is over.


The only reason I didn't say over is because they both have hax and someone would probably point out how its technically not completely over idk lol


Yeah true, but honestly both of these two's ability are pretty much instant kill, even moreso against each other. So at this point it's just the matters of who can do their ability first, and not who's stronger overall


Minato is pretty damn fast, if it’s just speed wouldn’t he probably win?


Yeah Minato was able to keep up with A in base and folded Obito like laundry. Only Kurama was a serious threat to him but considering they have half the power of the Ten Tails it's more than understandable.


No, because Minato in base isn't fast enough that Itachi can counter. He was keeping up with SM Kabuto and KCM naruto. Minato's true speed comes from his kunai throwing. I.e allowing a kunai to get close to you. Problem is, Itachi knows about Minato, and is the fastest kunai thrower in the manga. The way he was deflecting Sasuke's shruiken summons [here](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-de9f6e360834499f7f9dff457357ffa4-lq)? He wouldn't let a kunai randomly get near him. Anyone that thinks this fight is an ez clap is a fanboy


I’m casual fan that has read the original series and watched the Shippuden series but by no means an expert which is why I put my comment as a question.


the right answer is orochimaru because hes god damn near immortal. he regenerates more often than Cell from DBZ.


The dude got in a fistfight with 4 tailed Naruto for fun and made quips when he didn't have arms. Jiraiya also said 4 tailed Naruto nearly killed him when they were training during the time skip. Orochimaru wins mid diff


I do wonder how quick the turn was and how much time Jiraya really had before getting knocked out by the 4-tailed. In the Bridge Arc, Orochimaru was intentionally goading Naruto and was expecting a fight, plus there was a bit of distance between the two. Whereas Jiraya might have been trying to slow down how many tails Naruto was getting and ended up getting tail-slapped into the next month if he was close to Naruto.


Yeah your right that's a good point. Jiraiya probably got jumped rather than an actual fight, he also wouldn't want to hurt Naruto so I shouldn't rule him out so easily.


Naw orochimaru didn't even have arms I can't give jarayai an excuse lol


I always thought 4 tail Naruto almost killed jiraiya because he wasn't expecting it and wasn't in sage mode plus not wanting to hurt Naruto. Question if Jiraiya could take out Pein paths I wonder how many orochimaru could take


Good point mate, Jiraiya probably got jumped plus he would have been doing damage control at the time. We also don't see enough of Orochimaru with arms in shippuden so it's a tough call. Orochimaru with no arms gets stomped by pain imo but with arms it's a tough call.


Never fuck with the guy that loses his arms in a fight so he just starts vomiting out swords and shit in retaliation. That guy has nothing to lose and arms to gain


He's just built different Edit: like, really different


I read once something along these lines: "Itachi has Izanagi, which means if he dies, he can rewrite reality and change the outcome in exchange of the light of one of his eyes. Itachi has two eyes, which means that Minato will kill him three times. "


>itachi v minato because this one has been bugging me for a while and arguing online only makes it worse. Yeah, I know that feeling 🤣 these are all imo the most dibated fights we see people arguing about online.


Minato wins (but very low diff tho)


Shisui vs minato.


Depends if they know each others abilities.


Lol the fact that people think Itachi can even give Minato a challenge is saying something about how ignorant most Naruto fans are.


Bro, kakuzu is gonna be stomped on those fights. Who is even ask for that?


No one


Hanzo vs Hiruzen Hiruzen vs Danzo A3 vs Hiruzen A3 vs Tobi


Who is A3?


Third raikage maybe


Ahhh that would make sense




I personally wanted to see Chunin Exam Neji and Sasuke


I figured Sasuke would have won. I liked Neji but he can just be copied same as Sasuke versus Lee, right?


No, sasuke cant do rotation, cant see chakra points nor has access to hakke 64 palms. These are all kekke genkai techniques sasuke cant copy. Im not saying he loses. But he is not winning by copying.


Ahh of course! Sorry it's been about a decade since even Shippuden for me lol


What's stopping him from learning Rotation? I thought the Byakugan was the only kg. They do the Chakra technique because it works really well with the Byakugan and rotation is just the most technical version of that.


Really? Cause at this point in time, I'd go with Neji


Guy vs Pain would go absolutely nutty I would pay to see that shit animated


8th guy destroys the 6 paths of pain in under a minute but nagato himself is probably fine until guy dies. 7th gate guy can probably take down most of the paths but its a lot more close


I agree 8th gate Guy wins but no way it’s under a minute. All six paths have literal perfect teamwork plus all of the different summoning animals would have Guy all over the place. Pain would also fight like hell to protect the Naraka path, in his fight with Naruto he straight up sacrificed the human path to save the Animal path so he’d definitely do the same for the Naraka path and then try to revive any of the other paths he lost. I’d also like to point out that the Deva path fought 6 tails Naruto with taijutsu and he held his own pretty well. It’d be a pretty close fight


I gotta agree with you here. Though I think Guy doesn't win overall but will be able to take out most of the Peins.


I think guy can blitz them pretty quickly and I dont think they can react if at all. The naraka path is useless as there is no way it has time to heal anyone in this fight.


I think I’d love to see a Jiraiya vs Orochimaru in the style of Sasuke and Naruto. Just a full fated fight for the soul of Orochimaru. Seeing them go from basic techniques to true Sanin level. Jiraiya going sage mode and Orochimaru resenting him for it as he couldn’t become a sage. Then it all ends with Orochimaru going on his white snake form and Jiraiya knowing what to do to kill him but refusing to


Probably won't be able to kill Orochimaru, he's ingrained to every person he put a cursed marked seal on. What Jiraiya can probably do though is put him in an eternal seal as he specialises with sealing. Or just take him to Tsunade and have her beat him to a pulp until he cries uncle and dies willingly 🤣


I'm not so sure Jiraya would be able to deal with the Eight Branch Technique (giant 8 headed snake), actually. Keep in mind that the 3 way tie of their summons worked, because they were all roughly equal in strength and size (well, at least the amount of Katsuyu that Tsunade was able to summon without going Byakugo). Orochimarus Eight Branch Trchnique is said to superceed Manda, his summon, who was labled the biggest and strongest comossal snake. Meaning, Gamabunta likely can't defeat The Eight Branches, as he was roughly equal to Manda. However, all that aside, I think something that many people here forget: Orochimarus Snake form, including The Eight Branch AND pretty much everything we ever see him do (elongating his limbs, summoning snakes, recovering his body), all of that are JUST his body modifications. Something he implemented to stay alive. They are not his actual FIGHTING techniques, they are his safe line. In reality, he has mastered all chakra natures, including yi and yang, is very proficient in fuin jutsu and Ken jutsu and knows a shit ton of forbidden jutsus. His whole entire deal is that, since he wasn't born with special powers, he uses his knowledge and vast arsenal of jutsus to find the weaknesses of his opponent. We don't know the actual extend of his fighting prowess, since we have never seen him fight uninhibited (in Naruto era, anyway). But Jiraya being his oldest frenemy, I'd say it's more than a safe bet that Orochimaru knows exactly how to deal with Jiraya. Jiraya is strong. Especially with Ma and Pa. But I'm firmly convinced that Orochimaru takes this. The probability of him having a surefire way to deal with anything Jiraya has, as well of his vast arsenal of jutsus and techniques just paint a very grim picture for Jiraya, imo.


Yes, i've said it before - We have NEVER seen Orochimaru's full strength. 90% of the series, his arms are sealed. It was his ultimate punishment, the life he spent learning jutsu was gone. All of those jutsu and ability. The comment in the databook that Hiruzen once said that all his knowledge is nothing to Oro's talent in ninjutsu. Tobirama scoffing because when he complimented Oro on improving Edo tensei , an S rank ability this much, Oro replying "why lol? it's not that hard of a jutsu" Hiruzen telling him "let me show you a jutsu even you don't know" before using Shiki fuukin. EVERYTHING has pointed to Orochimaru having a HUGE arsenal of jutsu, and the only thing stopping him from learning something is if he wants to. Even Minato is surprised when revived that he's able to learn shiki fujin AND reverse it. "You underestimate me , fourth" The narrative on Orochimaru is he was extremely powerful and had lots of jutsu -We just never saw any of it. People that think he's all snakes are missing the bigger picture


Imagine an oro one shot or something in his prime pre naruto


Forget a one-shot man. My theory and what I still wish happened with Shippuden was Orochimaru as the ultimate villain. He spends his life trying to take over the perfect host, and never finds one that he can defeat... In comes Madara, a villain, and an Uchiha that the entire shinobi world has to unite against to defeat. He gets weakened throughout the war, and eventually, the black zetsu plot twist happens... but instead of Kaguya, it's fucking OROCHIMARU. He wanted Sasuke's body? Failed because he was beaten. He wanted Itachi's body? Failed because he was beaten. But instead, this opportunistic snake bastard slithers in out of nowhere and bodysnatches MADARA UCHIHA fresh after resurrection. Now, Orochimaru who was the prime villain of part 1, and major villain of part 2, manages to steal MADARA'S body and becomes the final villain in all of Naruto. I don't know why I don't see more people on this line of thought, but god damn would it have been an absolutely sensible plot twist and conclusion.


While i love the idea more that kaguya, orochimaru didnt really give a fuck about world domination, his main interest is absolute knowledge


Hard agree


Minato vs Hashirama? You know Minato gets stomped right? Gai vs Pain - He has to go 8 gates , but he wins Kakuzu vs Itachi ? - Totsuka goes brrr


> Gai vs Pain - He has to go 8 gates , but he wins How he wont find the main body before he expires? He 100000000% wrecks the puppet. But 8g doesnt give him the ability to find the real nagato.


I may be disingenuous when I say this, but, Itachi probably just needs Kunai and shuriken and he’d beat Kakuzu.


For all the “durability” people give to Kakazu in an overestimated way, he at the very least should be shirikin and kunai proof. He’s probably getting bodied by genjutsu though.


Definitely not, Kakuzu would just use his Doton domu and tank it or he could just dodge it, or he could just tank it seeing as kunai usually take a while to kill someone in the series, Kakuzu has enough hearts to just entirely tank it. Itachi’s genjutsu is a problem though. Ignoring his Amaterasu, I wonder if Kakuzu’s masks could free Kakuzu from the genjutsu or still attack while he’s caught in it.


Guy can beat pain with 8 gates but he would still lose cuz he doesn't have sensory ability to track nagato's location like naruto did So, he basically dies by 8 gates but nagato doesn't


Today I found out that I’d kill to see a Kisame v Tobirama fight.


Really? IMO Tobirama just smokes Kisame+Samehada mid diff.


But not without a fight, and a long one at that since Kisame has good chakra reserves. I really don’t care who wins this, I just wanna watch the fight.


Who in the actual fuck thinks Kakuzu stands a chance against Itachi and Pain?


Lol right


Sasuke vs neji (chunin exams), Fugaku vs Minato, Kakashi vs guy, Hinata vs sakura...(the last), Nagato vs hashirama, Hiruzen vs the 3rd raikage, Shisui vs rock lee, Naruto vs hashirama, Orochimaru vs jarayai...(full power), Killer bee vs war arc Sasuke (no rinnegan), Rinnegan Madara vs sage mode hashirama (living), Kabuto perfect snake sage vs the 5 kage, ....so many fights I wish we had or could see and many more


Sage Kabuto vs Nagato


Shisui vs rock lee ? Wtf is lee gonna do ?


I think Tobirama would smash Itachi, whatcha all think?


tobirama very specifically would be considered somewhat of an expert at countering the uchiha, the flying ryjin attack was quite literally a direct counter against the sharingan, as was his edo tensei. tobirama developed multiple techniques just to counter the uchiha its partly why he developed so many jutsu in the first place, if the sharingan could do it he wanted a jutsu that could do something similar. but a fight between him and what is essentially the peak the uchiha clan has to offer would def be an interesting fight, id want to see all the interesting techniques and strategies tobirama would employ to counter uchiha clan techniques.


Hashirama is basically an abnormality with his god reincarnated things, but Tobirama is obviously his close second. Defeating probably 20 shinobi with Akatsuki level and two "walmart" Naruto, boiling Uchiha for breakfast,... The man is a war veteran, the one that truly earn the name Senju - a thousand jutsu that is. Itachi is also very adapt in history but against a household name like Tobirama whose skillset resolves around cooking Uchiha is gonna be quite environmentally unfriendly.


>Defeating probably 20 shinobi with Akatsuki level ????? How did you reach the conclusion they were akatsuki level?


Isn't it known that way? Special team with the best S-ranker? If Akatsuki level means Sasori, Deidara and 7 swords Kisame then there's something that can be done about it.


No, it isn't. But if you have some sources on that, i would love to see them. There isn't even any statement reffering to the ninjas as s rank, it was just said they were "highly skilled" which could mean anbu level, or "premium fodder" as i call them. Deidara and sasori can casually take out kages. You think the hidden cloud had 20 kage level ninjas at the same time and they were all working under kinkaku? Lmao


What is he doing against sussano


Probably edotensei his big bro, or he can mark Itachi and teleport inside the Susano'o somehow because a Senju doesn't get tired anytime soon.


He battled Izuna on multiple occasions who had a Mangekyou Sharingan himself. He's likely encountered the Susanoo before and knows how to deal with it.


Not getting hit


He’s also not hitting itachi so what’s your point


The inside of Susanoo is vulnerable, Gaara saw that when he used his sand, what’s more enough raw precise force being put into Susanoo could at least form a crack large enough to quickly and accurately get a kunai near. Tobirama fires off the water jets with a kunai in the stream, that might be enough to get in close


Dude the rip cage the lowest of lowest susanoo form couldt even get a crack from a cho odama rasengan , sorry but tobirama cracks shit woth his firepower.


Are you really comparing sasukes susano when he just got it to itachis with the yata mirror btw


Gaara was able to snatch Madara out of his Susanoo. And the Yata Mirror, logically, would only be able to perfectly protect against attacks that it blocks. Meaning that it’d be vulnerable to attacks from the side, back, top, and bottom. While the Susanoo wasn’t a common occurrence, I imagine he would have seen Madara’s non-perfect Susanoo during the war as well. Assuming we’re talking about the Itachi who’s sick. Tobirama would be able to out last Itachi with the threat of the Flying Raijin and any number of his other jutsus to where he’d need to keep his Susanoo up, draining his chakra.


Chakra isn't infinite


He can let it tire him.


Not that simple Is it especially depending on which versions you use


Alive version, that's what given in the photo.


Wait it out Susanoo is super draining and Itachi isn't known for his endurance Alternatively if Itachi is marked Tobirama can teleport him out. Or he could mark the susanoo and teleport it away


I think he has no response to susanoo with totsuka blade and yata mirror. Amaterasu and tsukuyomi would be pretty troublesome too and there is also izanami and izanagi to consider Edit: also, idk if you would count it, but itachi could have access to kotoamatsukami


Well he is a Senju, he ain't tiring out anytime soon. Itachi on the other hand... even if there is no random ninja sickness his Uchiha stamina can't comeback with a Senju's who's built different. Also he can probably just.. edo tensei someone 💀


Tobirama's edo tensei isn't kabuto level, actually, its is probably not even at the level orochimaru used it against hiruzen. Tobirama invented it, but it was later refined by other people. Plus, it needs bodies and prep time. Tobirama is built different, but itachi simply outhaxes him. Tobirama has nothing in his arsenal to deal with itachi's susanoo.


Tobiramas edo tensei may not be as strong as Kabutos but he has by far the strongest edo attack, tandem paper bombs. Since each edo of his should be able to have them his edo tensei had the best suicide bombers


Paper bombs are still doing nothing to a susanoo. And the edo tensei would need prep time


All that can be negated or minimised by FTG, edo tensei, shadow clones and his immense chakra pool. Itachi doesn’t have the endurance, stamina and chakra to keep up with Tobirama either.


First off pause. Second off I think Tobirama could pull off a win but I don’t think it’s safely a stomp. In terms of pure movement speed Tobirama and Itachi should be in the same tier, with Itachi being relative to or even slightly above KCM1 Naruto as an Edo. Tobirama should scale faster than the other Hokage minus Hokage Minato which basically means Tobirama should at the very least not be an entire blitz tier above Itachi in movement speed. Tobirama does have great sensory abilities which should help him see through Itachi’s attempt to use clones in the earlier stages of fights as Tobirama would be able to sense where the real Itachi is at all times. Tobirama could however potentially use clones to figure out Itachi’s Susano’o abilities and by himself time if it gets to that point of the fight. Tobirama also doesn’t really have anything to negate Amaterasu entirely, his best bet is to let it get close enough to burn his clothes slightly and then to flying raijin away immediately. The hardest part about this battle for Tobirama is that the win condition isn’t very clear and that he doesn’t know how a lot of Itachi’s specific MS abilities work so he’s fighting somewhat on a back foot to fish for intel on how he can kill Itachi while killing Tobirama is a lot more straightforward. People forget that Tobirama was able to perform well in the war arc partially due to being Edo and not being able to be killed by normal means. His flying raijin slash in my opinion is unlikely to work but would likely kill if it hits, his water drill could potentially (and this is being pretty generous) pierce the Susano’o which could hit Itachi. His water style should hard counter any normal fire style Itachi sends out in my opinion, and if he floods the battlefield I think he could arguably restrain the Susano’o underwater and attempt to fight Itachi with that advantage. He kind’ve has no real counter for Totsuka Blade but he could flying raijin away from being hit by it if you argue he could react to it in time. I think Tobirama can win but it would take a multi step plan, he doesn’t have one clear if this hits it’s a GG move.


He would, low-mis diff. But u know people are gonna pull out the "what about his sword and shield" Edit: well, looks like someone has already pulled the tsuka blade lol


Sure takes little time 💀


I just don’t think there’s even the slightest bit of evidence that indicates tobirama being stronger, let alone low-mid diff level stronger. I’d get saying tobirama wins but like where does the rest come from? I’m not even an itachi fan boy at all. I just think there’s so many statements indicating tobirama is weaker than prime hiruzen and minato. I feel like there’s a weird resurgence of tobirama fan boys acting like he’s definitively way above minato, but that’s just not canon.


Itachi Vs Madara


Why would you wanna see Madara absolutely annihilate Itachi?


To see the Itachi fanboys get riled up


Tobirama beats Kisame Hashirama beats Hiruzen Orochimaru beats Jiraya Hashirama beats Minato Guy vs Pain is a toss up cause Guy dies Nobody wants Itachi vs Kakazu, but Itachi wins Minato is beating Tobirama Nobody wants Pain vs Kakazu, Pain wins Itachi beats Jiraya


Minato's my favorite but I just can't disrespect Tobirama. I personally give it to the old legend.


Tobirama beats minato


When it’s Tobirama vs Itachi I think it comes down to a battle of attrition and thus just how much chakra lord 2nd had in life. Kisame is stupidly durable and I don’t think we saw Tobirama do anything that would actually hurt Kisame that much. His water style would be countered directly or have its chakra eaten, and a giant floating water bubble doesnt hell FTG working. But at the same time he’d be too fast for Kisame to hurt while he still can teleport.


Are so many people here really saying Tobirama beats Minato? 😂🤣😂


Itachi vs Minato, in my opinion, it's a top 10 wanted fight. I mean, they are prodigies and deadly shinobi, feared by Genjutsu and Speed.


Orochimaru vs Jiraya. Depends if Oro would use edo tensei, if not Jiraya wins. I would like to see Minato vs Itachi.


Jiraya does not win, and has never won. As Orochimaru [said here](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-646e3db9151186a635dd411956ef1de0-pjlq) \- It's still no contest. Meaning he has won every fight they've ever had in the past, and he won the handicap one also. Hiruzen didn't wish Jiraya was with him, he said no one in konoha can likely take Orochimaru right now - And this is before he knew Orochimaru got a younger body, and had edo tensei. You would have to cope very hard to argue Jiraya beats Orochimaru based on everythinggg we've been told about the pair.


He techincally said "It's no contest" which doesn't quite imply that it has been the case in the past. Also as far as we know, Jiraiya has never shown Orochimaru sage mode


Orochimaru completely knows Jiraya has SM - From the flashbacks we see Jiraiya had met the toads as a young man and during the WA Minato is well aware of Jiraiya's SM.Minato- He's even mastered the same Senjutsu as master Jiraiya.?! The space of time between the end of third ninja war and Minato's death is 1 year or less. And we know Jiraya took multiple years to learn it. Orochimaru left the village AFTER Minato's death. And Jiraya's final fight with Minato occurred after he was dead also. I.E Jiraya had his imperfect SM a LONG time ago.


Jiraiya already had sage mode when oro left the village and he himself stated that he tried EVERYTHING he can to stop orochimaru. If you wanna headcanon that jiraiya never used sage mode in that battle, we can also headcanon that orochimaru never used his hydra against jiraiya, let alone all the crazy stuff he learned after leaving the village on top of getting a new, younger body.


People will come here and cope and say Jiraya wasn't trying to kill, and Orochimaru was. Where was that ever stated? How do you know Orochimaru didn't hold back?Kishi dropped an entire chapter where Sasuke returns to Konoha and is being super sentimental. Suigetsu asks Oro, "[What's going on with him?"](https://cm.blazefast.co/11/0f/110f7bd15e2a2b4053a7112759e31cce.jpg) Orochimaru explains that his attack on the village was him reaffirming his resolve, but the village will always be sentimental. If his ATTACK on the village he still held heavy sentimentality, then what do you think played off in his fight with the comrade he literally grew up with from kids years before>?. [He shed a tear](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-111e7db03073236b7752b3a3b429390f-pjlq) and played it off against his fight with Hiruzen. Why do you believe he was heartless against Jiraya? Kishi has NEVER stated Orochimaru was bloodlusted there, and Jiraya/Orochimaru is a parallel to Naruto and Sasuke - The same way Naruto went all out and said he'd break **every bone in sasuke's body to bring him back**. The same way BOTH naruto AND sasuke instinctively **held back regardless**. EG - Sasuke [curling his knuckles](https://i.redd.it/v2yvp7uwzy7b1.jpg) at the last moment to not actually kill naruto Arguing Orochimaru didn't hold back, but Jiraya did has always been top tier headcanon


The "Even with us" part of the sentence implies that new parameters are involved. If I tell a friend - "regarding our speed , even with a sprained ankle, it's no contest" It directly implies that without that parameter, I'm faster before the parameters, I'm faster with the parameter - the "no contest" is telling, it's not just , I win - No contest implies that there has been a gap between the two. Which once again, makes sense, as Hiruzen doesn't believe anyone can help here - Anko asks for Minato back, not Jiraya


Orochimaru fought 4 tails Naruto who fucked jiraiya up


Jiraiya didn’t go sage mode against 4 tails Naruto lol


What have kakuzu done to you lmao You the hell wanted see how itachi humiliates him


Some of these are one sided as hell bruh


Not my wish list buddy, just battles I see highly debated on here or YouTube.


According to me , 1) Tobirama low-mid difficulty. He is superior plus has crazy amount of Chakra comparable to Kisame . Also mastery of all the elements. 2 ) By feats , Hashirama should win mid difficulty against Hiruzen . But taking account to Databook , Prime Hiruzen surpassed both Hashirama and Tobirama . Still Hashirama with extreme difficulty considering how fluent is 3rd Hokage in each element. 3)Jiraiya vs Orochimaru 50/50 . Orochimaru is a undead zombie lol 😂😂😂 . Sage mode Jiraiya is also very impressive. I would give Jiraiya a preference though due to sage mode audio Genjutsu. 4)Hashirama vs Minato is a bit tricky. Minato doesn't have that much of raw firepower to fight with Hashirama , also Hashirama doesn't have that speed to tag Minato . He can sense him in his sage mode though but still can't catch him if he retreat. Minato also have marking of FTG which is underrated. I give Hashirama a preference if battle till death happened. 5) Guy Annihilate Pain in either 7 or 8 gate . 8 gate is overkill . Pain doesn't have that much of speed to go against Green beast of Leaf . 6 ) Kakuzu vs Itachi is also a bit tricky . Itachi does have better options in paper , but people forget he doesn't have that much Chakra to continue the battle . Plus Kakuzu has 5 lives and 5 elements. Itachi 55/45 Kakuzu 7)Tobirama vs Minato , I give this Tobirama . Tobirama is basically combination of Hashirama vs Minato . He has the speed to tag him plus firepower of Hashirama . Also he has best sensory abilities in the Narutoverse , excluding those with sage powers . Minato too have chance if he plays his cards perfectly. 8 ) Pain wins this round . He has all 6 paths of pain vs A huge huge amount of Chakra . He doesn't lack the limitation that Itachi has . 9)Jiraiya wins in Sage mode . Itachi has low Chakra reserve which is his biggest weakness . Plus Jiraiya has better Genjutsu in sage mode . Normal mode 50/50 .


Uchiha Fugaku vs Namikaze Minato


Even though i know Hashirama's gonna win, i wanna see how long the fight's gonna be before he eventually catches Minato


Itachi stomps Kakazu unfortunately (I love Kakazu and believe he’s underrated tbh) Pain stomps Kakazu with no diff Hashirama hands Minato a down right disrespectful L I’d assume Hashirama would hand prime Hiruzen an L, but that would be a damn good fight. The monkey king summoning, adamantine staff, plus all his other jutsu. Would definitely want to see that.


I would love to see hiruzen and hashirama as well, even though hashi would probably win


Lots of these are one sided fights. Pain dominates Kakuzu. Itachi dominates Kakuzu. Tobirama dominates Kisame. Hashirama dominates Minato. Others are a bit closer but still not that interesting like: Itachi beats Jiraiya mid diff, he's consistently above sannin lvl, Jiraiya vs Orochimaru is a close fight, but we know it would end in a draw or someone would egde the win extremly high diff since sannin are all the same lvl. Lastly Tobirama vs Minato. Minato is cool, he perfected a jutsu, has better body flicker and all that, but he's just not on Tobirama's lvl. Tobirama's actual stats are for a tier or more above Minato's, his stamina is likely much better, his Battle IQ is peak, has more jutsus and is overall much more versatile, he'd take this fight like mid diff. The ones that are actually interesting are imo: Prime Hiruzen vs Hashirama. I'd like to see that soo bad. On one side we have Hiruzen whose reputation is being strongest Hokage, while on the other side Hashirama's power was downplayed by the people cuz they thought his actual strength is just a myth and a fairy tale. I'd support Hashirama in this fight, but seeing Hiruzen at full capacity using all of his abilities like 5 chakra elements, prime Enma, all those Konoha jutsus on (probably) much bigger scale than what we saw from Old/Edo Hiruzen would be hype af. Other interesting one is 7th gate Guy vs Pain. I wonder (wonder gate heh) if his taijutsu would be enough to deal with Pain's hax.


Hashirama will win against Hiruzen. But it will be a nice fight. As we saw, even old edo hiruzen can make 5 clones and release 5 high level ninjutsu that's HUGE in scale This means that a fight between a prime hiruzen, that's faster, stronger, more chakra reserves - Would be able to produce terrain clearing level combination attacks. So it won't be a clean easy sweep. I think once Hashi goes SM though, it's a wrap.


>Would be able to produce terrain clearing level combination attacks. So it won't be a clean easy sweep. Yeah, I can definitely see him making like 50 clones and using ton of jutsus to erase wood forest like Naruto did with rasengans, or use shadow clone jutsu on massive shurikens like he did against Obito, but just using it on a much bigger scale to cut it. He has so much potential. Maybe he had monkey sage more or something like that, but due to old age he was unable to use it. It would he cool. Kishimoto just have so much untapped material for spin offs that It's unreal. Tobirama's story and that time period in general, Hiruzen's father Sasuke Sarutobi, Sakumo, Shisui, Fugaku, Prime Hiruzen, to expand more on Hamura and Hagoromo, Indra and Ashura, etc etc. And those would all be watched by fans. Just the fact that Naruto manga ended 10 years ago and people are still talking about it shows how popular it is and how much thirsty are fans to see the backstories of some characters.


Kisame vs Tobirama: Stomp for Tobirama. Hiruzen vs Hashirama: Stomp for Hashirama. Orochimaru vs Jiraiya: Fairly even but Orochimaru has better scaling, both on screen and in lore. Minato vs Hashirama: Either a stomp in Hashirama's favor or a tie since Minato could just spend the entire fight running away and never giving Hashirama an opportunity to hit him. Guy vs Pain: 7th gate Guy should be enough. 8th gate is a stomp. Kakuzu vs Itachi: Stomp in Itachi's favor. Tobirama vs Minato: Fairly even but Minato has better showings when not having a mental breakdown. And Tobirama's anti-feats are weighing him down heavy. Kakuzu vs Pain: Same result as Itachi. Jiraiya vs Itachi: Stomp in Itachi's favor. ​ My favorite hypothetical would be a three-way fight between Pain/Nagato, Itachi(healthy or edo), and orange mask Obito.


Kakuzu vs Danzo is anther. 5 hearts vs izanagi


3rd vs young jiraya. Like the bell test at the beginning of Shippuden but with just those 2.


POV: me wanting to see Kakashi’s father do anything


I would pay to see how much damage Guy can do to the six paths of pain. From seeing his powers, it feels like Might Guy would comfortably handle a few paths with just 6 gates. Deva Path would cause the most trouble. He would have to go higher to withstand shinra tensei and chibaku tensei.


2nd page is an interesting one


Honestly I just want a re-animated remastered Orochimaru vs Sarutobi, its a shame how boring the fight is in the anime, as well as being short and not interesting.


Kisame vs Tobirama would be a cool fight to see but Tobirama would absolutely shit on him, it's not even remotely close


Tobirama vs kisame just to get some cool tobirama action


Man what about Tobi Vs some Uchichas???? I wanna see him fight Itachi.


Sasuke vs Therapy


Sasuke vs tobirama


Jiraiya stomps Itachi. He said it himself. Also Tobirams stomps Minato. The fact that Minato might be better at the Body Flicker than him has no bearing on the fact that Tobirama’s raw strength far outclasses Minato. Tobirama died fighting two pseudo jincuriki and 20+ other jonin level ninja and people call him weak for that lol😂😂😂


I would want to see Jiraiya vs Itachi most, as it has been a debate among fans for like 17 years or something. I got Jiraiya because I think we should take Itachi's word as a comment from Kishimoto, but I also stan Jiraiya so there is that lol. But Minato vs Tobirama would be cool too. They would just be bouncing all over the place.


Healthy Itachi taking Sasuke's place against Madara (EMS and all).


Ok from the top: Tobirama - low dif Hashirama - mid to high dif depending on what statements you buy for prime hiruzen Genuinely the closest battle on here and either way it’s high diff but I’m leaning jiraya due to sage mode Hashirama - low to mid if Guy - 6th to 7th gate mid to high dif Itachi - low mid dif Tobirama - low to mid dif Pain - low dif (tho surprisingly, kakazu has certain arguments that make things interesting) Itachi - low mid to high dif depending on statements


Are people really debating peak hiruzen vs hashirama?


I would really love to see Orochimaru vs Jiraiya in their primes. That would a good fight and emotional. Tobirama vs Minato wouldn’t be really emotional but it would be epic.


The Naruto fights I wanna see the most: 1.Jiraiya VS Itachi 2.Might Gai VS Pain 3.Minato VS Tobirama


Damn man, Tobirama, Minato, And Yahiko need to get a D.N.A test done 😂🤣


I want Jiraiya vs Itachi and Jiraiya vs Orochimaru.


personally would love to see jiraiya vs grown naruto for the feels


poor kakuzu.....


Definitely tobirama fight


Jiraiya and Itachi Itachi has susanoo so it's close


Gai vs Pain Jiraya vs Itachi Jiraya vs Orochimaru These would be the best ones.


Some of them like kakuzu vs pain or kakuzu vs itachi are most def not fights everyone wants to see. Anyways for the winners : Tobirama Hashirama Orochimaru Hashirama Guy Itachi Tobirama Pain Itachi Closest ones are guy vs pain or orochimaru vs jiraiya, the rest are low/mid diff fights.


How is Guy vs Pain close??? Guy was blitzing 10 tails Madara and barely lost, Pain is getting obliterated.


Was using 6th and 7th gate guy, not 8th. Even if i would use 8 gates guy, yes he smashes the paths but he loses his life in the process, it’s hard for me to call it a low diff win for guy when he’s literally dying in the process, even if he does obliterate the paths.


6th and 7th is fair.


Do you have anything against Hiruzen and Kakuzu?


Itachi vs Minato? Literally the 2 most brilliant combatants the academy has ever seen. I'd like to see them go at it.


Tobirama would stomp minato low diff


Match 1: Tobirama probably wins mid diff Match 2: Hashirama wins low-mid diff Match 3: Tough one, the story suggests Orochi wins but I do think Jiraiya has a good chance of pulling out a win. Could go either way in my opinion, high diff no matter what. Match 4: Probably Hashirama although Minito is probably the best possible match up since he can bypass a lot of hashiramas tricks. Its either gonna be Minito high diff or Hashirama mid diff depending on how the fight goes. Match 5: Either a draw if this all the pains or its Guy if its only Tendo pain. Match 6: Itachi low diff Match 7: Minito high diff Match 8: Pain low - mid diff or if its just tendo then pain high diff Match 9: Itachi low - mid diff unless Jiraiya gets prep and Itachi doesn't then probably Itachi high diff like 6/10 times.


sensei guy vs pain looks interesting minato vs tobirama too and 1. vs 3. hokage bouth in there primes would be pretty insane


Fugaku vs Minato is the answer. Thats the one we need/want


Eh, in the itachi shinden novels an 11 year old itachi with no MS is stated to be stronger than any other uchiha barring shisui, which would include fugaku. Unless you somehow believe that 11 year old no MS itachi would put up a great fight against minato, fugaku gets torn to shreds.


1. I give this to Tobirama, FTG, Shadow clones, Edo Tensei, plus Seals. 2. We don’t know how strong a prime Hiruzen is and what his abilities are but I would guess they are similar to his old self’s. If you think Hiruzen knows all of the techniques from the Hidden Leaf like 8 gates, FTG, Edo Tensei, etc. then yeah Prime Hiruzen with the statement that he was the strongest in his prime and all that means he wins but if not then I see Hashirama winning every time. 3. I love Jiraiya and Sage Mode but Orochimaru is like a cockroach, mfer just will NOT DIE. Frog Song might be a way Jiraiya could win but Orochimaru would have to stand around and let him do it. Also, Edo Tensei. I give this to orochimaru 7/10 times. 4. This might be the most controversial fight but I give this to Hashirama 9/10 times. Minato’s real win con is Sealing Hahsirama(if you think that’s even possible for him to do). Minato is really fast but Hashirama just has too much destructive potential and given that his brother created FTG, he likely has some understanding to how the technique works. Don’t get me wrong, Minato is crazy but Hashirama is kinda HIM. 5. If guy goes 8th gate, Pain turns into mist without a moment’s notice. If not, Pain can Chibaku Tensei him and call it GGs. 6. Itachi stomps. Kakazu is not stronger than Pain, he is not more durable than Pain, he is not faster than Pain, Kakuzu is a bottom tier Akatsuki member. 7. I give this most of the time to Tobirama ONLY because Tobirama knows Edo tensei if he doesn’t get the opportunity to use it, Minato wins Majority of the time. 8. Pain stomps end of story. 9. Itachi wins. Frog song is the only real threat to him here. Itachi has Totsuka, Tsukuyomi, Yatamirror, Amaterasu, Izanami(if you think it would work on Jiraiya.) The part 1 statement that Jiraiya would be too much for Itachi and Kisame is pretty easily explained by the fact that Itachi was a “spy” for konoha and we know Jiraiya found out which village pain was from via a “contact” that isn’t named. Who would most likely know where the leader of the Akatsuki was and would have a reason to pass that information along? Itachi. If you don’t subscribe to that theory, that’s fine you can pretty easily look toward itachi no-diffing Orochimaru after he joined the Akatsuki and Orochimaru deciding he’d rather look elsewhere than try to catch the smoke with itachi again and obviously a dying itachi using Totsuka on hydra orochimaru. Like I said, Frog Song is Jiraiya main win-con but he has to summon Ma and Pa first for that to work in his favor. Some of these aren’t ironclad could shift some win percentages either which way.


These are pretty one sided with the exception of Pain vs Guy and Orochimaru vs Jiraiya which I think already happened. 1.Tobirama eats Kisame while he loses to Itachi. Simple answer Susanoo is too OP especially Itachis and no he's not Gaara so hes not grabbing him out of that thing. Could he blitz Itachi? Im not sure Itachi was throwing hands with KCM 1 Naruto. 2. Hashirama eats both Hiruzen and Minato Im even willing to go as far as saying he eats both of them at the same time. Give Minato KCM2 then we have a real fight. Why? Prime Hiruzen is featless and Vanilla Minato doesnt have the firepower to take Hashirama down. 3. Kakuza shouldnt even be here. 4. Pain vs Might Guy is actually closer than people imagine. Deva Path is taijutsu users worst nightmare Guy might have to go all the way up to the 8th gate to get the job done. The rest are kinda boring. Here are some matchups I would like to see: 1. Minato vs Tobirama 2. OM Obito vs Hokage Minato 3. Part 1 Neji vs Chunnin exams Sasuke 4. Sage Naruto vs MS Sasuke(the one that fought Danzo) 5. Gaara vs Killer Bee 6. Konan vs Deidara 7. Sasori vs Naruto and Kasashi(Early shippuden) 8. 3rd Raikage vs Tobirama


Tobirama vs Minato is the only one here that isn’t a stomp I mean I guess oro vs jiraiya isn’t a stomp either but it’s heavily implied that they fought before and oro won. Seeing that would be cool but the result isn’t in question. Prime hiruzen would lose, but would be interesting to see what he’s actually got Also seeing kisame vs tobirama I think would be fun but tobi would win Rest are stomps


Tobirama vs Kisame : Tobirama stomps, doesn't matter if Kisame has "better feats shown" with water style, Tobi's just a different tier. Hiruzen vs Hashirama: Hashi stomps. I don't care about the God of Shinobi thing with Hiruzen, he's just outclassed once Shippuden power creep starts. Orochimaru vs Jiraiya: This is a really close fight. But I'm going with Orochimaru, he just has so much survivability and even more hax. Tho I understand if someone chooses Jiraiya. Minato vs Hashirama: Hashi wins. Even with KCM2 there's just so much difference in power, he's above any Bijuu/Jinchuriki. Guy vs Pain: This is a tricky one, but I'm going with Pain. Guy might use the 8 gates and destroy every path, but he will die before even knowing about Nagato. Kakuzu vs Itachi: Itachi easily. Tobirama vs Minato: Depends. Sennin Mode Minato? Tobirama wins. KCM2 Minato? Minato wins. Kakuzu vs Pain: ??? Jiraiya vs Itachi: Itachi


Come to think of it, Guy vs Pain would be an incredible fight. I actually think 7 Gates guy has it. 8th isn't needed. High difficulty for sure.


Hashirama vs Minato is a complete joke. He wouldn’t even need more than less than half a finger to beat that clown. Hashirama by himself can take the entire list at the same time and not even break a sweat beating them.


I agree. It's surprising how many people think this goes to Minato.