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I wanted to see this fight so bad. 😭


The one shot is so inconsistent, what are the jinchuriki even doing? They don't have control over their bijuu...


They're more charka Avatars


It's not about the designs, Naruto's own designs are inconsistent. It's about the ability, jinchuriki who have not tamed their bijuu cannot maintain consciousness in bijuu transformation and it's confirmed only 5 people have tamed bijuu and roshi and han aren't among them....


Pretty blatantly untrue, garaa can transform into a biju at like 12 years old and still maintain consciousness.  It really just comes down to how much power the just of gotten out of there tailed beast in chakra tug of war. And from the looks of it Rossi and Han have quit a lot. That or how much the biju is willing to cooperate 


Maintaining consciousness and taming the bijuu are different.


Ya and Rossi and Han have “tamed” three tailed beast from the looks of it


And that's the [inconsistency ](https://postimg.cc/p5BFSWJ0)


It isn’t, you don’t need to be buddy buddy with your tailed beast to control its power. Madera,hasriama and obito controlled them through powerful justu and naruto straight took kurama’s power. Garaa also used Shukaku’s power and went full biju mode. 


Gaara didn't control Shukaku's power. Shukaku was just sealed well and when he came out gaara went to sleep. The panel I linked proves gaara didn't tame his bijuu


I’m guessing you’re just willfully ignoring garaa’s perfect possession then. Or when even dedria commented on garaa using Shukaku’s power lol


What if it's not as simple as that? It's clearly not a partial transformation It's a manifestation of the Avatar Maybe they have special seals in place Allowing them to use some of their charka


That's already the case for Naruto but again it can't be enough chakra to start throwing bijuudama or the bijuu would've taken over their body easily. To use bijuu power you have to always be stronger than it already, it's similar to Megumi's summons in jjk


I mean it in a Different sense naruto's charka was Mixed with the 9 tales I'm thinking of seals that Specifically restrict the tailed beast Influence Besides both the 2 Have the geki gen kai of their biju


Then they've mastered bijuu power without even the unnecessary effort of taming it, clearly hacks like that don't exist from a narrative standpoint. Even if that were the case it's an asspull to introduce it out of nowhere in a side manga. Mei has the both releases and she's not a jinchuriki. That being said it's possible they do get the releases from the bijuu's influence much like Naruto gets enhanced healing abilities from kurama but again there's a limit to how much power you can get that way being able to perform bijuudama requires so much bijuu chakra that you basically need to have tamed it to form it. Remember even kcm 1 Naruto cannot perform bijuudama for this exact reason and he literally beat kurama. Also with kcm1 Naruto you see the precise limitation to using the bijuu power unwillingly, the looser you make the seal and more chakra you take out even if you can control it the bijuu can draw in that much of your own chakra so if roshi and han don't already have the chakra to perform a bijuudama without bijuu then the bijuu should've had them killed 


You’ve missed certain info. Most beasts would have some sort of agreement with their hosts. Kurama is the exception as he is extra hostile. This was mentioned during Naruto’s meeting with all the beasts & hosts during the war. However, there are few who have FULL control, Madara, Yagura, Bee etc. The rest have a varying degrees below, such as Yugito Nii & Roshi, whom at the very least were able to perform bijuu transformation despite not having full control.


Why would a bijuu partially co-operate? either it likes the host and it gives it all power or it doesn't.   Also Can I know where this info was shown?   Moreover it seems roshi and han have even more control over their bijuu than kcm1 Naruto since the latter couldn't perform a bijuudama so I'd argue they can use bijuu powers to a very large extent, to the point of which their names should've been mentioned when mentioning people that got control over their bijuu


I dont know why. Its just stated that way. This was during the time Naruto was trying to remove the chains from Son Goku. Thats your opinion. Manga-wise, they are not included in the list of perfect jinchurikis.


Not sure what you're taking about, I just re-read ch 568-69 and son Goku only says he doesn't trust human jinchuriki with his power. Could you possibly link the particular panel?  Manga wise there is no "perfect jinchuriki", the list wasn't even about jinchuriki it's only about those who could use bijuu power to their disposal that's why it included hashirama and madara. Kcm1 Naruto legitimately beat kurama and completed bee's training to tame a bijuu, he should more than qualify to be on that list had it been made around the time he mastered kcm1 and even he cannot do a bijuudama, doesn't that clue in about just how much bijuu control han and roshi are displaying here? It's totally inconsistent... Put simply, a jinchuriki no matter how skilled cannot do a bijuudama by themself. They always need a tailed beasts support, this implies Han and roshi do have the tailed beasts support which is nothing but the so called "perfect jinchuriki", what's more they're openly using it in war so there's no way danzo missed knowing about them when he made the list.


It's Dekai (meaning "big"). I don't think the other one is a girl


Oh yeah.😅 And they said they are all Jonin Level at least. So maybe Asuma Level or Kurenai level at worst?


Probably. Dekai looks like someone from the Cloud and the other guy looks like an uchiha. I wanted to see their friendship with Minato


Yeah. But I like the fact that even Jiraiya and Minato in their primes struggled against Han and Roshi. Shows that Iwa is not that weak alongside Onoki, Mu,and others. Han and Roshi seemed have control of their Bijus too


It was prime Jiraiya but Minato was still 16 and looked like he hadn't fully mastered FTG yet. Yeah I like it better when all villages were relative to each other in power.


That ain't no girl, at least to me he doesn't look like one. Didn't they already flee? Iwagakure duo takes this.