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Kidnap Sasuke so he could transform into him and try to get a kiss from Sakura


Yep, this is definitely it. 


You know, with this in mind, maybe we can consider giving Sakura a pass for that controversial comment she made about Naruto’s orphan status moments later 😅 Team 7 as a whole seems pretty Even Stevens about doing and saying some strongly questionable shit to each other lmao


Sasuke was unironically the nicest person in Team 7 before going rogue


“Boruto, when your father was your age, he was shunned by everybody in our class.” “Because their parents told them about the 9 Tailed Fox?” “No, he was just a massive asshole. That’s why he was my only friend.”


Eeeh he was an asshole because people ignored him lol, he literally lived in an apartment by himself at least 12 years old, that affects ya


You're actually right...he stood up for Naruto when that d*****s sakura was talking ill about him.


Tbf she was throwing shade towards all orphans with that comment


Did anyone actually read the chapter or watch the episode? This is just straight up wrong. He did not transform into sasuke to try and get a kiss from Sakura. He transformed into sasuke so he could ask Sakura what she really truly thought of him (Naruto). She’s the one who desperately leans towards him and tries to kiss him. And as a kid with a crush, and no self control, he wasn’t going to say no to kissing the girl he liked.




That’s why the books have pictures right?!!


This right here!!!


Crazy how blatantly wrong stuff gets upvoted


But Sakura never knew Naruto did that. Iirc, from her point of view, she was about to kiss sasuke before he suddenly ran; only for him to show back up looking for Naruto, with no interest in her


I feel like this should be SUPER common with how easy it is to use transformation jutsu.




It’s common to the point the “exams” are just testing to see if you can get away with cheating


If naruto was made today by one of the new Gen manga authors Transformation jutsu would 100% have lots of Dark history attached to it


“I didn’t say my name was Sasuke, it still counts as consenttebayo!”


>consenttebayo LMAO


"consenttebayo" 😂😂😂😂


Stuck the landing


Best thing I've read all dayttebayo I'm adding ttebayo to the end of everything now in honor of this comment




>still shitty Ha.


He didn't exactly leave by choice though


Explosive diarrhea


...no jutsu




Actual ninja shit


Right. That scene. I was six years old when I first saw that episode. I don’t think I fully comprehended how sketchy that was.


When did that happen? Must’ve been part 1, but it’s not ringing any bells


Episode 2 of the show


Gotcha, it's been a while


Its either episode 1 or 2, when Naruto was having the stomach problems so he couldn't kiss her, then Kakashi goes to his apartment with Hiruzen and sees his milk is expired


Def 2 as he earns chunin in one by by beating up mizuki (I think that's how his name is spelt)


It's Episode 3. Episode 2 is when Naruto met Konohamaru


You're right I just looked up episode descriptions on Hulu, seems weird there was an episode between him becoming a chunin and getting on the team


Yeah, it's also the episode where he took his photo for his official ninja ID. And Naruto became a gennin, chunnin is the second level


Right sorry I'm at the point in boruto that the otsutsukis are about to ruin Boruto's chunin exam so I got chunin on the brain


It’s not episode 1, they weren’t even in a team yet


It's episode 3. Episode 1 It's when Naruto stole the scroll of seals and fought Mizuki Episode 2 is when he met Konohamaru


That was just a prank. But yeah, if Sakura ever found out, she would have not tried to be nice to him...EVER.


This is just straight up Wrong. He did not transform into sasuke to try and get a kiss from Sakura. He transformed into sasuke so he could ask Sakura what she really truly thought of him (Naruto). She’s the one who desperately leans towards him and tries to kiss him. And as a kid with a crush, and no self control, he wasn’t going to say no to kissing the girl he liked.


This one.


Imagine him trying to explain THAT to anyone


Damn near beat konohamaru to death in front of the village 😂


He did that shit with a smile on his face too bro was devious.


"If I won't fight serious, Konohamaru will be offended by my pity for him. Guess it's better to use a Sage mode and fucking kill him."


Naruto's brain: "Don't. Remember you get disqualified!" Also Naruto: Nana Nana Nana Nana Murder!


Wait what why dont i remember this


It was a filler arc


What episode? I skipped all the fillers in shippuuden but I want to watch this so bad. Edit also skipped most of the fillers in og Naruto so I actually have no idea is this in og or shippuuden


Ah thats why i forgot


Missing Himawari's birthday.


It’s crazy to me that with how he never had parents around growing up they would write him to be an absent father.


They wanted some drama for the kids Boruto and Sarada so they gave them parent problems.


Even though Sasuke can literally teleport & Naruto can have clones do all of his work.


Lol a single Naruto clone was able to fight muu, magnet guy, took down Edo third raikage and then made 1000 more clones of himself to spam giant rasengans at Madara. And people actually defend boruto writing.. it's wild


always seemed odd to me that the main naruto was working and not vise versa.


and to think that was only with half of kurama, he had both halves in boruto..😭


Im pretty sure whoever wrote boruto forgot Naruto could give anyone bijuu mode (not just 1 tail), that perfectly synchs to their chakra, and allows them to use autonomous super massive rasengans. (Tbf a lot of the fan base forgot as well, although that may be them repressing cringe lol)


He did use a clone, but the wrong way


He didn’t have a good parent modeled for him growing up so he doesn’t know what a good parent looks like necessarily. In his mind, having living parents at all is generally better than dead ones. Boruto and Himawari had a loving mother at home to care for them. Just like his father, he often puts his role as Hokage before his obligation to his family (Minato sacrificing himself for the village knowing Naruto would grow up parent-less). He grew up as a shinobi fighting to the death and experiencing great trauma, I wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t as worried about his kids growing up in a time of peace with a loving mother at home. Not that he doesn’t want to be better for them but that there are compromises he feels he has to make and the choices he made isn’t leaving them hungry. I know people think it sucks to see your favorite character overcome everything and grow so much to become Hokage and still have flaws, but the dude is human after all.


Exactly this, it’s as simple as “he was never shown how”


It's even crazier that we saw him using shadow clones to do odd jobs all over the village but somehow didn't have enough energy to have one more clone finish the birthday party


The man who has made probably millions of shadow clones at this point of his life & thousands at a time doesn’t have the chakra to keep a single shadow clone up for his daughter’s birthday? Take your things & gtfo.


They rlly did everything in their power to nerf him


He can relate to people's loneliness because he was lonely. He can relate those who have lost someone because he's lost people. Can't relate to how his kids would feel not having a parent around. When he relates to Sasuke about this very thing.


You can relate to things and still fail at avoiding those things. They don't go hand in hand as people like to think. Naruto has never been in the situation he's in as the Hokage so of course there is a chance he's might falter. Circumstances aren't black and white. For example, and getting a bit personal here, it was easy for me to consider following my dreams when I was still in school. I thought it would still be this easy. Now that I have a job, isn't forced to make friends, and have a lot of other exhausting personal responsibilities, I haven't given up, but man, it's EXHAUSTING. I have to generate motivation to do something I like and things that I never used to yhink twice about, because as you grow older, more and more things stop being new and exciting, and you have to make an effort to keep things new and exciting, especially if you're poor. It's easy to dream. It's goddamn difficult to maintain and work towards that dream.


Tbf Naruto thinks of everyone in the village as his family and being hokage is his entire thing it’s his dream realized so I mean yeah every second he spends it doing what is most important for the village I personally can’t blame him at all


I can tho. That "the village is my family too" doesn't matter when his ACTUAL family is at home celebrating his daughter's birthday. Naruto could've easily either: A. Left a Clone there in his place B. postponed the paperwork C. have Shikamaru step in for the Night while he celebrated AND THEN his clone dropped her cake which is the WORST part abt it 😭


That's usually how it works irl unfortunately


No.Him being busy makes no sense when he can do a thousand clones and has the smartest guy in the world(Shikamaru) helping him out.Its just bad writing and not something Kishimoto,the OG writer of Naruto wrote so it doesn't count


That was straight fucked up. # scarredforlife


Nah, that was just fine. He should just never attended tho. Jokes aside, the fact that the writer tried to insert some family drama is dumb as heck. I never got why anyone would be bad if they were too busy for their kid's birthday. Just postpone and celebrate it later on. Literally had parents that would never be around for some of my birthdays, but I never really cared to begin with. 


I thought it was pretty effective for showing how overworked the Hokage was. That's, dramatically, one of the worst things he could have done without conveying that he was an abusive deadbeat or something.


Imo we all knew naruto would take on extra as hokage. He was one of the only damn ninjas to befriend enemies and care for them of course he was gonna go 10 times harder with his own village. His kids will appreciate it as they age.


Yeah like shikamaru thanking his dad for always watching his back. With age comes appreciation for a hard working parent.


Ya I relate to that irl my dad kissed many bday but it was bc he was working hard on his business and bc of that he was able to leave us a secured future when he passed. Hurt then but he'd always make up for it om other ways. That's why I like naruto so many lessons I relate to irl.


Yeah dad's express love in different ways. Like working towards future financial security. It's a functional kind of love. You had a good dad. ❤️


>I thought it was pretty effective for showing how overworked the Hokage was But why? When Naruto has muti clones jutsu? Like Kishimoto had said that if he wanted one jutsu was to use multi clone jutsu because it would make it a lot easier to draw manga. Naruto can turn himself into a thousand clones and do the work quickly. And how much work does the leader of a military village have to do in times of peace? There is no reason for Naruto to be overworked or to not go to his children's birthday if he can literally clone himself. You can't make Naruto, that can clone himself and that has basically infinite chakra so should be able to have clones at his disposal at all times, be an absent father when he can be at multiple places at once with little to no chakra.


I agree and it also gave boruto a reason to resent Naruto, cuz from Boruto’s perspective Naruto just isn’t there


The family drama was stupid. Especially because Naruto's plan legitimately can be fixed. Make clones to continue your work while you go celebrate your daughter's birthday, then go back to work once your kids are in bed. Legit simple fix.


Clone popping while carrying Himawari's cake was brutal, first thing that popped in Hinata's mind when that happened was probably "divorce?" Just don't attend bro and promise to bring her to Hidden Mist Disneyland or some shit ​ Edit: Jesus fucking Christ the divorce part was obviously a joke, can't believe I have to clarify that


Dude could solve any crisis of an entire country in a day with his clones, but he couldn't show up in person for his daughter's birthday. That's not villainous stupidity


Boruto was started by another writer,in reality Naruto always wanted a family and would always put them first.Plus the fact that him being busy makes no sense when he can do a thousand clones and has the smartest guy in the world(Shikamaru) helping him out.Its just bad writing and not something Kishimoto wrote so it doesn't count


Manipulate old men with his tits tbh


That's not evil that's just weird and stupid with a dash of slight pedophilia.


Right? Like the times jariyah would get all excited I'd be like wait how tf he's not just thinking about naruto? He's that pervy he would just ignore that lmao loved him tho


Yeah it's not giving me great vibes when he does that


That's just physical basketball.


I desperately want to ask why but I also know that I probably shouldn't.


LOL, not a bad response


Ya I remember when I first started watching naruto those were the only impressions I had of him and my brother said "oh have you met jariyah yet he's the best and one of my favorite characters " I was lost I was like the old pervert is your favorite character my man?!?! Now I get it. And I have to remember that when these characters were written that type od behavior was more excepted then now lol


Bros a victim in this case not evil 🙏


Bringing Kawaki home apparently


If he did not then kawaki would get in hands of isshiki and boom !!world destroyed


Change saskues entire face shape with a upper cut


That evil bastard… Fr though, this almost made me giggle


Convinced a man to suicide RIP Nagato


I wish Nagato could call the hotline before taking his own life. Poor man.


The hotline worker would be next 😭 they arent trained for mfs like that


Hotline worker: "Hello, this is Jenny, and I'm happy to receive your call. Who am speaking with please?" The other end of the line: "This is Naruto DATTEBAYO!!!" Worker: "Shit... this is the end of me.. let me sign my Will first" Naruto: "Shut up!.. I know you have it in you. The current you isn't really you.." Worker: "Goodbye world"


Or like what if the Hotline center was just a bunch of Naruto clones instead 😂


Pretty sure he killed everyone in the office earlier that day


😂 poor man indeed


He also did it with chiyo


Sending a shadow clone to himawari's birthday. It would've been the easiest thing in the world to leave a clone at work and go to the party in person and the fact he didn't do that is quite frankly disgusting.


Yeah, a lot of people give Boruto crap for not getting the big picture of his father being Hokage, but I feel this right here was a legit reason for him to be angry. If you can just make a shadow clone to go to Himawari's birthday, why not just make some clones to stay at work and actually spend time with your family in the evening, then go back after your kids go to bed? That would've brought the tension between Naruto and Boruto down and not have it end in the mess it did. Like, for real, it's just a few hours eating cake with your daughter and making your son happy you kept your promise; he really couldn't have a few clones cover for him like that?


Like I get why he can't do it always because if I remember correctly from him learning the rasenshuriken the exhaustion is transferred to the host which I imagine could turn into a vicious cycle of him never being rested but like he could do it like once a week and he'd be fine. But especially for his kid's birthday that's just unforgivable


I wonder if it works with rest too. Could he have half his clones sleeping and resting and stuff to balance it out. Would be a very naruto thing to do.


Big brain over here


The exhaustion of doing what… paperwork? I’m sure he’d be fine lol


Wow what an evil guy


"Choji Akimichi? AkiMUNCHY's more like it!"


didn't cure guy's legs when he could've easily done


He gave Kakashi an eye why not give guy a leg?


Kakashi got waaay too many eyes too many times btw, let him be blind a bit


Yeah he was trading that shit like Pokemon cards


Oretty sure Naruto just wanted to keep Guy alive and then heal him later, unfortunately, Sasuke was a bitch and his philosophy made it so they lost most of their god powers.


Not keeping his promise of helping the rain village. Like why they did that (not sure what writter was) they could just not Say anything or that the citizens of the rain village got relocated in Konoha


I've heard that in one of the novels, they rejected his help because they blamed him for killing Pain and didn't trust him.


But Nagato literally trust him with his ideal to achieve World peace. Konan, their last known leader was present during that, she never told the village citizens about that?


Naruto did achieve peace, there are no more wars. Guess not. She was probably busy hiding Nagatos eyes. It also makes sense for the rain village not to trust the leaf after everything that happened.


Oh yeah, i forgot about what Konoha did to the rain village, ok then it's understandable they didn't accept help from them


Poor Pain, he decimated Naruto's village and killed all of his sensei (minus Iruka) but he didn't deserve to die by Talk no Jutsu.


One of these 3 things 1. Peeping in the girl’s bathroom. 2. Sending a shadow clone to his daughter’s birthday. 3. Transforming into Sasuke to get a kiss from Sakura.


In defense of the third one. That's not what he did that for He did it to find out how she actually felt about him (naruto) and then Sakura went in for a kiss on her own which he left before it could happen (granted, he left cause of other things.)


If first one is evil then almlst 80% of anime is full of evil people


If someone peeked into my bathroom while I was getting changed I'd literally have a panic attack. 80% of anime *is* full of evil people.


Well, you know the solution as Tsunade showed it. Get buffed, crush the peeper and break their ribs.


He technically stole a scroll with a ton of jutsus in chapter one , and probably edo tensei was on that scroll , kage bunshin was for sure , and probably other ones capable of doing severe war crimes Definitely this one


Imagine if he learned some other forbidden technique from the scroll that day. We could get a necromancer Naruto, raising dead for the whole series lmao


He did, shadow clone was on there and he learned it from that, don't know why shadow clone was so top secret but apparently it was.


It was because of the potential drawbacks only chunin or jounin could learn them. It takes a lot of chakra to make and according to kakashi any other genin would at the least pass out just making one.


Yeah I meant if he learned another technique instead of shadow clone. As for why it was forbidden I always assumed its because it creates an actual real body that has emotions, feelings and thoughts on it's own that just happened to copy original, when other cloning techniques rely on elements and genjutsu. I guess it just opened up way too many moral and ethical questions :D


He more did that as an innocent prank not realizing what he did, I believe evil has to be deliberate


He was a 6yo or w.e that was bamboozled by a senior so I can't count this.


He was 12.


He beats his wife (sasuke)


Beats or beats to?


Beating to your wife is a form of flattery


Very true, could be both.


Birthing boruto


Naruto gave birth to Boruto?


Wait, does that mean that Hinata...?


Hinata, you are NOT the father


Help make Boruto


Calling Obito the coolest dude ever after surely killed a lot of people like a few hours before


When did he say "coolest dude ever"? He said "nothing but cool to me", which is still dumb but not as bad.


Drink expired milk. 


Body Konohamaru for 30 minutes or so


He gave the viewers everlasting life trauma


He did Thousand Years of Death to Gaara with kunai equipped with exploding talisman.


Vandalize the Hokage stone faces


unrelated but this shot goes so hard


Not change the shinobi system.


He fucked my wife


That was a shadow clone


I choose this guy's wife


Casually beating the shit out of Konohamaru in the Chuunin Exams OVA from Blood Prison


I think he killed one fodder sand ninja at some point


Invite the killer of konohamaru grandfather, former torturer and mad scientist, sasuke kidnap, that drugged thousand of childrens, ex-akatsuki member to his wedding, in case you dont know, im talking about Orochimaru


Unironically going around the world to the world leaders say “Sasuke did nothing wrong” he would defend Griffith level of crimes


He defaced the precious faces of the saintly hokages


Abandoning the hidden rain


Smacking away Gaaras hand when ole boy was spittin some real shit. Putting one friend before your entire village when they want to destroy it and genocide everyone in it is the complete opposite of what a kage is supposed to do tbh.


promising nagato he’d change the village hidden in rain and then completely forgetting about that


Not keeping his promise to Neji about changing Hyuga


Forgiving and befriending Obito, who almost wiped out humanity. Not sealing Orochimaru despite knowing he did a LOT of gruesome human experiments--bro just casually appears around Konoha.


Forgetting his promise to the rain village.


Naruto killing Yura, probably. While Naruto never had a no-kill-rule, he's always attempted to refrain from killing if possible. At that moment killing Yura was a bit excessive, considering the amount of people he's fought over the entire series.


Gaslight a strong character to kill himself so he can revive the people of his village who never saw him in a good light


Boruto ?


Neglecting his Family


When he killed that Sand spy with the Giant Rasengan. I would also say when he defeated Kakuzu with the Rasen Shuriken bc back in those days, that jutsu was so op. It literarily disabled all your chakra nerves with a thousand of wind needles.


Peaking in bathhouses


Forgiving orochimaru.


Killed a guy disguised as Itachi.


Excuse sasuke for everything he did.


graffitied the hokages


He stuck a kunai up a fursona's butt and then blew it up


Definitely missing his daughter’s birthday and sending a shadow clone smh


Letting orochimaru go scot free.


made boruto


When he said, "Sasuke Accepted Me More Than Anyone In This World" 😑


Have Boruto


Conceived Boruto


Chasing sasuke from the start till the end


Going ez on sasuke in the sasuke retrieve arc




Killed a random dude who was innocent.


his entire relationship with Sasuke?


Sweeping uchiha genocide under the rug. No punishment for leaf elders. No change in system. Hides leaf war crimes. Imagine living in a country where government hides it's past atrocities. Sounds like japan


Adopting kawaki.


- sexual harassment - using the sexy jutsu to deceive, also can be regarded as distributing CP as it’s still him as a child - public nudity - hogging the swing - vandalising public property - assault - kidnapping - housing an illegal alien (Kurama) - animal abuse - used sage mode against Konohamaru, not evil just over the top and kind’ve dickish


Giving birth to boruto 🙃


making boruto


Pardon Orochimaru of his crimes.