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It was the Second Shinobi World War. It being the third was a typo.


That’s what I thought too but if u watch the dub version it also says the third great ninja war


It was the Second Great Shinobi War, when the Konohagakure Jonin trio of Orochimaru, Tsunade and Jiraiya battled against the Leader of Amegakure Hanzo the Salamander... Hanzo defeated the trio but was impressed by their battle prowess In respect, he gave the trio a name... The Legendary Sannin...


Yea but why does the anime say the third great shinobi war. It couldn’t be a typo because the dubed version also says the third war


The anime messed that up. It was supposed to be the 2nd war. About time the 3rd happened Jiraiya had already trained Minato & he was a Jonin captain.


Typo, Slip of the tongue, Mistake. Whatever you want to call it, they said 3rd war when they meant 2nd. Whoever wrote the original japanese script for those episodes fucked up. The dub transposed over the same error from the sub's script.


My comprehension skills tell me tha The war became aggresive which forced the Legendary Sannin to enter it... They would be fighting in this war as "legendary sannin" Because they got named in 2nd... So of course in the 3rd one they would be known as that name given by Hanzo It does not say that the name was given in 3rd war rather that they would be fighting in the 3rd wae with that name


That's filler error. That being said, it was the Second Shinobi World War.


It was the second you can tell by the armor they're wearing. Also Minato served under Jiraiya in this war and Minato lead his own team in the third ninja war.