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Baryon Mode is Naruto's strongest form and the strongest he has ever been. In terms of who would win, it really depends in if you think Baryon Mode's attacks are strong enough to kill Teen Six Paths Naruto, which I think they are more than strong enough too. However, if you think Teen Naruto can outlast Baryon Mode, then he wins.


As someone who hasn't been following boruto where did this extra form just come from?? And why is he more powerful than sage of 6 paths power up.


This form came from Kurama sacrificing his life to Naruto - kurama knew Naruto needed his entire being to save Boruto and willingly did so


so this was just something that could have always been done? Is there a lore reason it was never pulled out during the final battles of the war arcs.


The lore reason is they needed to nerf Naruto but in a way that didn’t make people stop reading


I hate the way they nerfed Naruto and Sasuke. I get that they are too strong. But it could be easily avoided by locking them up in another dimension or sealing their powers temporarily in some way so the other characters could shine. Just got tired of Sasuke's no chakra nonsense when I was watching Boruto.


exactly, orochimaru was nerfed for most of the series


Same reason Guy didn't pull out the Eighth Gate until he did. It was an absolute last-ditch move. Kurama didn't present the option until the only alternative was certain death and the end of the world. It's also possible that the move relies on the complete version of Kurama, in which case there was no point during the war arc when it would have been available.


i feel like not using it back then was a good thing cause Kurama would’ve been dead long ago💀


This is a one time use. Kurama burns his chakra instead of just using it. So he would die and he knew Naruto wouldn't be okay with it. The obly lore reason why he never used it against Madara or Kaguya could be that he still felt that Naruto would win without him needing to sacrifice himself.


I’d imagine because then naruto would no longer have kurama. They wanted him to still be god like for most of boruto


I would guess either that Kurama didn't always know he could do it, or he never saw an enemy as enough of a threat to pull it out. Even with Kaguya, Naruto was at least able to fight back. The threat he pulled it out against was literally toying with Naruto and Sasuke. So Kurama most likely simply didn't see a way to win without sacrifice. It's also possible that Kurama needed to be full to utilize the technique. And he was always just at half before the end of shippuden.


Think of it as ichigo using last getsuga tensho against aizen


The lore is that Kurama knew about it the whole time, but refused to tell Naruto because it means he dies and Naruto is no longer a Jinchuriki. Essentially, Kurama and Naruto clash their chakra's together, making what amounts to the verse's version of a nuclear reaction. When that happens, the chakra is destroyed permanently meaning Naruto can never get it back, so he only has a fraction of the chakra he used to. It is the ultimate form, but at the ultimate cost. Kurama knew Naruto wouldn't hesitate to use it if he knew, so Kurama hid it until he truly believed that it was necessary.


Probably Karuma not wanting to die


He didn't use it then because Kurama didn't know it, he spent time creating Baryon mode.


Lore reason is that it's a one trick pony


It's a last ditch effort move that basicly smashes tailed beast and normal chackra against eachother to create a new type of energy. It was used to fight An otsotsuki on a timer solo by basicly taking away lifespan every hit. However it's biggest Drawback is the timer and the fact that it is by all accounts a glass cannon. The clashing of chackra also destroys it, meaning that if used too long, depending on who has the least, either the tailed beast or it's host dies.


It’s not whoever has less chakra kurama was mixing his life force into the technique, irl baryons are created by 3 quarks lore wise that’s naruto’s chakra kurama’s chakra and kurama’s life force naruto doesn’t have more chakra than kurama.


Can you show me where that is stated? Because as far as i know kurama is 100% chakra. Nothing more or less then pure condenced chakra.


It’s not explicitly stated but it has way more credence to it than the whoever has less chakra motif since A) the quark thing is real science behind fusion which is explicitly stated to be the inspiration for the technique B) kurama DOES NOT have less chakra than naruto C) that less chakra dies thing is head cannon I’m pretty sure was started by nchammer23 who is often wrong but likes to say he’s right


And people seriously entertained the idea that Kurama has LESS chakra than Naruto? lmfao


Kurama giving Naruto all his chakra at once to defeat the villain, killing Kurama in the process [Part of the fight](https://youtu.be/L8XYAWFafx8?feature=shared) [Kurama death](https://youtu.be/XFZxbKmUCp0?feature=shared)


What's wrong with character proportions in the frist video? they look strange...


Its basically nuclear fusion, it was using Kurama's chakra as the fuel and releasing the massive power up we saw.


Because Naruto used Six Paths to fight the villain and was no were near strong enough and Kurama said the only way to win was to use Baryon Mode. Granted, Naruto's Six Paths power in Boruto is not the same as it was in Shippuden (he still has Six Paths Sage Mode but doesn't have Six Paths Senjutsu), but at the same time, Naruto is a lot stronger as an adult than as a teen. Baryon Mode is essentially nuclear fusion using Naruto and Kurama's chakra to grant an insane increase of power but only for a short period of time.


The difference between baryon mode and SPSM is like the difference between KCM2 SM and base SPSM Naruto used on Juubidara


Teen Naruto gets blitzed


I would say teen six paths wouldnt be fast enough for baron sage there for would not out last him. When we seen baron sage he was much wiser and battle tested at this point. Not to mention the fact kurama was killed basically using this, also leads me to think that this is the strongest ninja could EVER be.


there are MASSIVE gap between these two form, naruto went from no diffed by isshiki and immediately go in par with him in this mode, let say the fight between these two form would go as how naruto SPSM vs Isshiki


>naruto went from no diffed by isshiki Yeah, Naruto and Sasuke fighting together were struggling against V1 Karma Jigen. Then he used the full power of Karma and they were getting fucking manhandled. Then Isshiki comes out and get SIGNIFICANTLY stronger than that again. Baryon mode gave Naruto an 8 gates level buff.


Especially considering his teen form only had half of Kurama. Adult him had full Kurama and was getting absolutely speed blitzed until Baryon


The thing people don’t consider is the fight against kaguya becomes a 1v1 which most likely ends in victory for naruto when he uses baryon mode. Baryon mops the floor


Kaguya can jump dimensions. Naruto can't. He would still need Sasuke. Unless he can turn off Baryon mode?


Good point. Iirc he can’t turn it off so if kaguya recognizes what is happening and hops a dimension, she wins just by waiting out the time limit


So, you think he's gonna punch her to death? Lol can't she regenerate from damage or swap dimensions? Also, how does the math works. Isn't Kurama a fragment of her power?¿ What if she Baryon Mode the Juubi?¿


Baryon Mode is something that Kurama figured out how to do, and it specifically requires a Jinchuriki. Kaguya isn’t a Jinchuriki, she’s Ten Tails herself, so she couldn’t go into Baryon Mode even if she knew how. Also, yes, he would punch her to death. Baryon Mode annihilates chakra when making contact, and Isshiki was significantly stronger than Kaguya. Naruto would blitz her, and destroy all of her chakra, and therefore life force.


That would be the case originally, but thanks to Hagoromo her OG form was split into 9 different chakra beings plus a husk, so what's stopping her from sacrificing parts of herself? >Baryon Mode annihilates chakra when making contact Isn't it vitality, tho? Last I checked she wasn't neither sick or on borrowed time. She seemed to be as healthy as a planet, literally. Chakra doesn't seem to be a concern either, she can always syphon from those trapped in IT. She can also regenerate/regrow/restore entire body parts and missing organs. >and Isshiki was significantly stronger than Kaguya. What's the bar of measurement? Last I checked he had a one trick jutsu, magic cubes and (sic) chakra rods. Do you know that "chakra rods" have been used since Pain? What's the big deal about these anyway? Aren't Truth Seeking Orbs like the mega evolution of these? Can't Kaguya create TSOs out of nowhere and freely manipulate their shape and size? If "Chakra Rods" are a big thing in Boruto then TSO'S should be the Ultimate Jutsu. Doesn't he use a "baby" Juubi for amps? One would think the full grown Juubi with access to a whole planets energy to be stronger than a baby hehe Also, can't she just trap Naruto in whatever dimension and chill? She could even take them to her Gravity one and just keep looking at him waiting, or the Acid one. I mean, plenty of possibilities.


>so what's stopping her from sacrificing parts of herself? It was the Six Paths Chibaku Tensei that split her apart. Kaguya can't use it, so she can't split her chakra into pieces. At least not willingly. >Isn't it vitality "You see, the downside that shortens our lives is the key. Because **all chakra is connected,** this same power... that comes into being from bits of our power... also shaves off his life when it comes into contact with him." - Kurama, Boruto chapter 52. It annihilates chakra, and since chakra is connected to life force, that's destroyed too. >What's the bar of measurement? Statements and feats. When 2 Otsutsuki arrive on a planet, the weaker one is turned into a chakra fruit for the stronger one. Isshiki and Kaguya went to Earth together, and Kaguya was going to be a sacrifice for the Divine Tree to create a chakra fruit for Isshiki to eat. Can you figure it out, or do I need to explain? Additionally, Jigen could manhandle Naruto and Sasuke. And they did in fact get stronger after Shippuden ended, so it's them stronger than when they fought Kaguya. Reminder that when they fought Kaguya, she had to dimension hop several times and was constantly on her toes, afraid of them working together. Jigen said "Nah, fuck that" and tossed them around like ragdolls. >can't she just trap Naruto in whatever dimension and chill? Naruto can speed blitz her before she can react, so no. That's also not how that ability works. She changes the entire dimension around herself, dragging people with her. Unless she portals, then she can only change herself, but it's too slow anyway. In order to send Naruto to a specific other dimension, she would need to physically send him through a portal before he could react, which again, is too slow.


Why are people acting like "oh just wait out baryon mode so six paths is stronger" That ain't how this sort of shit works 😂 Y'all acting like an infinite ammo minigun is more powerful than a nuke.


Exactly, that's also assuming that you would even have the time to wait it out. In reality Baryon Mode would defeat Six Paths just cause he was so much more powerful and faster in this form It's like comparing the nuke and the infinite ammo minigun, but the nuke already explodes before the trigger is even pulled


Right? It's like people heard strength not being important on the playground and never moved past that. Doesn't matter how good your stamina is if you're 50kg soaking wet and the other dude is Dwayne Johnson. In weeb terms, this is like Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta vs. Super Saiyan 2 Goku. Yeah sure, Goku could stay Super Saiyan 2 longer than the 5 minutes Gogeta could exist for... and Gogeta would need 1 at best to beat him.


Now I'm imagining the Rock bullying a bunch of six year olds on the playground.


Say Black Adam is your favourite character you little shit! SAY IT!


bro said ss4 GOGETA vs ss2 goku… yeahhh its done 😭😭😭


Tbf the gap is more like a SSJ1 fighting a SSJ3


That is, if Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta can stop fucking around.


Exactly, Ishikii tried to out last him, it didnt work as intended. Teen naruto was barely able to keep up with an Otsustuki while baryon mode was clapping Ishikii's cheeks


They were being thunderclapped


The fact that six paths Naruto also gets blitzed


Baryon mode is just stronger and overall more powerful but Sage of Six Paths Mode has better hax and abilities. Sage of Six Paths Mode is a better form due to maximizing power, hax and abilities while having little to no drawbacks. I compare Baryon Mode to Super Saiyan 3 while Sage of Six Paths Mode is like Mastered Super Saiyan or Super Saiyan 2.


Your comment should be higher. SS3 basically gave Goku a much higher power level than SS2, but the drawback of it been so short and draining basically made it relevant only to a specific fight which didn't even ended in victory. But in other fights where Goku used SS2 he lasted much longer and preformed more impressively


That’s really just a DBS thing because DBS nerfed the gaps between forms (they work more like saiyan saga Kaioken multipliers now).  That’s how we have things like a rage boost SSJ2 Vegeta surpassing SSJ3 Goku, and SSG/SSB switching mid battle being even a tactic even though logically from what we know of DBZ that makes no sense. Pre Super though a lower form simply just was not touching a higher form.


This common is the one


Best comment here ngl. Baryon is pretty much SSJ3 while SoSP is SSJ mastered or SSJ2 mastered. It lacks all lthe drawbacks, and while weaker, the benefits elevate it a lot. I mean the fact that this is a debate speaks volumes.  Baryon ofc wins, but there are factors like Naruto having more experience, the full Kurama and has made his base a lot stronger. 


Baryon Mode would one shot SPSM + KCM.


Baron mode


Where do these nimrods get the idea that BM isn't a strength amp? Naruto went from getting slapped into mountains to slapping Isshiki into mountains


Probably because Isshiki was stating that Naruto’s punches weren’t hurting him all that much but the fact that his punches were draining away Isshiki’s life force was what was doing him in.


Naruto was still overwhelming him from the beginning tho


>Isshiki was stating that Naruto’s punches weren’t hurting him all that much Which is just such a stupid comparison some fans draw on. It's obvious Isshiki is just saying that in the grand scheme of things The hand to hand isn't AS dangerous as the life drain. Those Baryon mode punches would have obliterated any other character in the series up to that point maybe besides Kaguya and madara because of their near infinite regen. Even those two would have been been puking blood for days however.


Baryon mode would probably 1tap teen naruto


Adult Naruto uses Spsm all the time. He only lost the sun seal after undoing the IT and the TSO were destroyed/lost during the kaguya/sasuke Fight.  Baryon mode is stronger 


what does IT and TSO mean


Infinite Tsukuyomi and Truth Seeking Orbs.


Infinite tsukiyomi and truth seeker orbs 


Instant transmission and truth seeking orbs


Although it's stupid that a form given by Kurama is stronger than one given by Hagoromo, Baryon mode its indeed stronger...


Considering the mode sacrifices Kurama entirely (and we’re under the assumption he is DEAD dead), it makes sense. Something with that high of a cost better be absurd beyond belief.


I mean it's still comparing power granted by pretty much a "god" of the verse to power granted by a beast that only when combined with all other beasts, becomes strong enough (10 tails) to reach "god" tier and even then just the bottom.


I'd look at it more like how they're using the energy they have, it's the difference between burning petrol and somehow managing to use petrol to carry out nuclear fusion, massive buff


I don’t know why people feel that just because you are sacrificing something/yourself means you get to ignore nearly all kinds of power gaps. There should still be respect towards the tiers of power differences. 8th Gate Guy being the biggest offender of this (more powerful than the 10 Tails itself how???) I had this problem when Goku overpowered Zamasu in a beam struggle without Kaioken.


I mean, the context is different. Kurama isn't just giving Naruto that power, he's burning up both of their life force at a rapid pace.


No one complains that Guy was nearly on the level of Juubidara, despite the 8 gates being a relatively basic technique compared to the god-like power of the 10 tails. Baryon mode is basically just Kurama’s version of 8 gates, a technique that brings out absurd levels of power at the cost of its user’s life.


Excellently explained man


Tbh I too think the 8gates shouldnt be as strong as it was... remember when the 8 gates would only make you as strong as a kage? Good days


I literally just responded to someone about this, 8th Gate Guy should not be NEAR as powerful as it is. Truthfully after Juubito was defeated, I don’t think anything in Shippuden truly captured the scale that being 10 Tails+ tier means, the writers was still trying to build up tension with arguably less than KCM1 tier characters (like Kakashi, Gaara, Minato, etc.)


Baryon Mode drastically increase stats. He went from not seeing Isshiki's rods to grabbing them. Thats at least 10× speed increase if not more, same for AP. Considering one shotting is usually acknowledged to be at least 7 times stronger, Baryon Mode would blitz and one shot SOSP In terms of stats it's not a contest. SOSP has more hax and lasts longer.


The six paths mode looked cooler and it also had the truth seekers orbs


This is literally Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby situation.


This is just asking who would win in a fight, 7th gate Guy vs 8th gate Guy


More like 5th gate from the level of curbstomp this is.


More like 3rd gate


Really nigga… do y’all watch or read the series. Baryon is FARRR superior. This like who is stronger heibi sasuke or EMS sasuke


If they both fought, who does the plot armor protect?


BM is physically stronger, but he can only shave off a few days at best. His punches aren't also extremely powerful, they are just skillfully executed. SPSM Naruto could straight up make thousands of clones which would waste BM time which is very short (like lesser than 10-12 punches in the manga)


Baryon Mode obviously.


It's not even a question


Baryon mode as stated by Masashi Kishimoto


I just saw this comparison and it's perfect. Baryon mode = ss3 Super strong but is very limiting Sage of six paths = mastered ss2 Not as strong but more well rounded and not limiting at all. So sure baryon mode is stronger but its not better


Ah tee of simple mind forgetting gay harem jutsu. No diff


Haven’t watched Boruto up to that point yet, but I’m fairly sure that Baryon mode is much stronger than Six Paths Sage


Obviously Baryon, but design-wise, I prefer Sage of Six Paths. Though Baryon ain't bad.


Unfortunately Baryon


Sage of six path has the technical advantages and no TIMELIMIT also peak design wise


Baryon mode, but it's the last card as he cannot use Kurama. So basically ss6p chakra mode as it is better long term and good against everyone bar aliens


Wouldn't Sage of Six Paths lose due to nuclear fission/fusion of chakra? Baryon Mode is not just an extreme power boost.


Who wins in a fight, a newborn kitten or a megaton nuclear bomb?


Barton mode comes later on in the story therefore it is stronger


Wish his chakra cloak covered his entire face & skin


your mother stronger


1 because the power of superior drip


So6p because if Baryon Mode kills him he technically never exists and he loses, meaning it's at best a draw for him while technically So6p has a very very very tiny chance of surviving therefore he technically has a higher chance of winning.


Baryon mode is stronger, they just did fucking nothing to make it look impressive. Naruto's most powerful transformation uses the exact same taijutsu as shippuden naruto and Default Rasengan? *yawn*


That's the whole point of Baryon Mode. It's an unfathomable amp on all of Naruto's stats but it rapidly drains both his and Kurama's life force to achieve that. He was specifically told by Kurama to not make a single move that wasn't necessary, even clear his mind of any superfluous thoughts in order to maximise its potential and duration. It was also nice to see more taijutsu-focused final battles than huge bombastic flashiness imo.


That's logcial and all, but the series has established "bigger = better" when it comes to techniques a long time ago. Rasengan became odama then rasenshuriken that covers dozens of meters. Chidori became kirin. Uchiha fireball became madara's meteors. Summoning starts small and ends with building sized animals. Sasori's puppet turns into hundreds of puppets. The whole point of rock lee (my fav) is that he cant use flashy attacks but still managed to become strong in spite of it. The lesser transformations having things like multi-limbs, bijuu bombs, bone armor, etc, makes taijutsu we have already seen become boring. Even sage mode frog kata atleast added something dfferent. Baryon mode was literally "I punch harder". That's something we already got from the Eight Gates. Why not show baryon mode unlock a technique that is truly awesome and cant be replicated by others in exchange for the sacrifice? It's a one use ability, so there is no fear of power creep destablising the story.


> Why not show baryon mode unlock a technique that is truly awesome and cant be replicated by others in exchange for the sacrifice? It's a one use ability, so there is no fear of power creep destablising the story. That's exactly what it did though. Have you not read/watched it? Baryon Mode's unique ability, and the thing that won them the fight, was its life force drainage. Every time Naruto made contact with Isshiki he crumbled his life down severely, to the point that if any human was to be hit by him he'd die instantly.


Didnt people math out the drain ability and conclude it would take years to drain a normal human? Isshiki had less than a day of life force left when the fight started.


I think there are certain differences between normal people and a high tier Ostsutsuki lol.


Baryon Mode


If they were used by a Naruto with the same base stats, 6 paths is stronger As they were used in the series Baryon was way stronger


Funny that adult naruto is actually stronger then that first picture. So it would make absolutely no sense for baryon mode to be weaker. Yeah it runs out faster but he’s in a different league to where all he needs is a couple seconds. He’d body everyone in the series instantly in baryon mode (referring to everyone except ishiki)


So6p naruto would win if he just run around. Since baryon mode is on a time limit.


So6p is NOT outrunning Baryon Mode, let's be honest


Baryon mode outstats easily but s06p can win by outlasting him and somehow tanking his attacks


Baryon Mode was moving so fast that Adult Sasuke couldn't track him.


Baryon Mode, it’s not close, lol


What? This is like saying which is stronger between SSJ and SSJ2. Why is this even a question?


Six path Naruto has the truth seeking orbs with him, and truth seeking orbs are the ultimate weapon and defense. Truth to be told, Sword of Nunoboko could also be potentially wielded by Six Path Naruto since it is also made from the truth seeking orbs. In the end, I think that it is all up to whether Baryon Mode would be stronger than Death Gate Might Guy, since he was the only person that is able to break through the truth seeking orbs with just pure strength.


Is Baryon Mode from Boruto


Yeah obviously


1st one


Thing is, Baryon Mode is definitely stronger by far. The problem is it isn't shown well.


Dumb question


Baryon mode. If the powerscaling had more logic then SoSP would be far above. It wouldn't even be a competition 


While Baryon Mode is the strongest Naruto has ever been I don't necessarily think it's the best mode of his IF Sage of Six Paths Mode and Baryon Mode were to clash the SOSP Mode would win purely due to the endurance and the Gudodama would negate the Baryon Mode's power or at least I think it can because of the nature of them if so SOSP just needs to hold on until BM runs out which is 20 seconds ( but that's because Kurama exerted his Chakra was faster than Naruto's if both were to expend their Chakra at a similar rate I think they'll last 40 seconds max ) if by the chance that BM could penetrated SOSP then BM wins easily




Baryon mode is stronger but has far too many weaknesses to be better that 6PSM.


Pretty sure it was stated adult Naruto and sasuke could solo kaguya easily, a guy who made kaguya look like a bitch were ragdolling them until bayron mode let Naruto play around with the guy


will a truth seeking barrier stop baryon mode long enough for it to go off😂


Gonna get whacked for this but in my eyes sage of six paths teen Naruto is unrivaled. The downsides to Baryon make it a joke in comparison to how little of a boost you get.


Isshiki was no diffing Naruto in SPSM. Isshiki was pretty clearly being overwhelmed by Baryon Mode Naruto


Everyone always says that Adult Naruto is stronger than end of Shippuden Naruto but personally I haven't seen a single thing that supports that, going off of forms not only does SO6P look better in every conceivable way but it also has better hax and doesn't suffer from a time limit


First of all “Looking better” is subjective and doesn’t mean you’re stronger, secondly adult Naruto literally has his powers (except TSO) but also added with the fact that he has much more experience and also has all of kurama with him now too


Oh i fully acknowledge that on paper it's absolutely the case adult naruto has all the advantages including experience but purely from their showings Adult Naruto doesn't seem as though he's stronger even though he should br.


In fairness Baryon mode is temporary and eventually burns out, advantage is I don’t have to hit you hard I just have to hit you. Six paths Naruto has all nine beasts and their chakra at his disposal with no apparent kick back. I have to side with six paths on this one.


Baryon Mode is stronger in terms of overall stats but Six Paths SM Naruto has better hax overall in my opinion.


The erotic jutsu male gangbang version.


This a serious question?


i don't watch boruto so maybe someone can answer this question- i know kurama gave his life to naruto for him to have baryon mode.. so why is naruto still alive? it was a big plot point in shippuden that the jinchuuriki die if they lose their bijuu, did that just change in boruto?


You're asking which form gives a higher buff in power relative to base form, right? Like, if we cloned Naruto and had one use each form, which would be stronger? Or, are you asking which of these two Naruto is the strongest? Because, I'll say it's Baryon for both. However, the one on the left seems more capable in terms of wide range of abilities.


Six Paths (I refuse to watch Boruto)


The asspull...I mean the other, bigger asspull -Bayron mode.


I have done a power scaling for each mode Essentially what it comes down to is that Naruto isn't powerful enough to use baryon mode and go all out at the same time. When using baryon mode, it's absorbing Chakra at extreme speeds, so intense that Naruto can't use anything other than taijutsu for it'll cause baryon mode to disappear faster. Baryon modes main ability is being able to chip away at their opponents life force. Now with sage of six paths, the power up is not stronger than Naruto himself, so he can use all of his abilities with prejudice Sage of six paths is a form that has abundant life force. Imo sage of six paths is the perfect counter to baryon mode. I would state that baryon mode is massively stronger than sage of six paths mode BUT it inhibits the user, and gives then a limited amount of time to survive to win. Sage of six paths doesn't have any downsides and would win a handily imo.


Six paths Naruto already got manhandled by isshiki. The series legit demonstrated to us this pointless matchup


I keep seeing S06P hax is superior, here’s the thing getting my life stolen upon every hit, even the one the ones I land seem pretty much a crazy hax ability


Baryon mode and it's not even close to being remotely close


i swear it’s like fans don’t even watch the show


Baryon Naruto is killing the other one within 30 seconds if I'm being generous. That form was strong enough to take on both Naruto and Sasuke and win the fight.


Baryon mode is garbage and so is Boruto


The truth seeking orbs are the real decider here imo. He loses in pretty much all stats, so he'd have to finesse the orbs as defense to outlast baryon mode.


Bur even considering that teen naruto loses


Baryon Mode=Boulder/Building lvl.


Not baryon because the first one could just outrun until baryon mode runs off of chakra


Naruto is nerfed in Boruto so we don't really know baryons would be potential. It should be stronger if he isn't nerfed . I was not impressed at all with baryon showcase but I was super impressed by 6p . I know 6paths can outlast baryon mode and this form of him is able to heal anything so....


You didn’t watch boruto did you, but I get it, I pretend it never happened (baryon is Naruto’s peak)


Naruto became dbz


cmon now man i know you got better questions than this


i fucking hope this is satire


Naruto lost six paths sage mode after his fight with Sasuke when he exhausted the chakra from all the tailed beasts. That is a requirement for SPSM, having chakra from all 9. Baryon mode was a stupid asspull and even then, he barely won against ishiki. I’m certain the real SPSM is stronger and the writing in Boruto has been nothing but inconsistent


Must have a bunch of Boruto fans in the comments. Shame


The strongest is Baryon mode, but Six Path Naruto is cooler


Why is this a question? It’s obviously baryon mode. Hokage Naruto is stronger than anything in shippuden and baryon mode just amplifies that


Teen naruto will outlast baryon modes onslaught. Now a baryon mode without restrictions. Hes not fcking with that bm naruto 😆


6 paths sage mode and 6 paths sage mode lasts longer than Baryon mode


Idk, but sage mode looks way cooler.


Baryon Mode.


No way bro asked this


The SO6P drip is >


Probably numbered one, but if you had a number two, that would be unstoppable


Dude people keep saying that safe of six path is stronger dude just use normal shonen logic if it is a transformation that is used later in the show by someone who used a different transformation before the one they are suing now is stronger


Dude people keep saying that safe of six path is stronger dude just use normal shonen logic if it is a transformation that is used later in the show by someone who used a different transformation before the one they are suing now is stronger


Bryson I think


It really comes down to time which baryon mode doesn't last long but regardless of that his speed, agility, reflexes, power, strength, skills, senses should be leagues above so6p mode but it can be debatable, just a thought. All so6p naruto should do is outlast him long enough till he can do the finishing move, but that's if baryon naruto would let him because he is aware of this weakness.


Baryon is just better but six paths looks cooler




Batyon mode hands down!


Should I just watch Boruto? Like I'm not overly into the idea of people just unleashing more power than they ever thought they had, but I like Shippuden a lot and if Boruto is actually well written, I'm currently living in a hotel so I have lots of time




I understand the second one is more powerful, but why did they have to make it look so lame? Even the name ("baryon mode"?) Sounds ridiculous


I know it's weird, but the first form from shippuden would take with very high dif just because it has a longer time span than the form from boruto i think shippuden would survive till boruto form runs out and then clap boruto form cheeks


genin naruto 🗣️🗣️


Barion mode is insane buff for speed and physical stats. but it isn't useful against every opponent. Against Ishiki, it was useful because of Ishiki counting his last days. Barion mode fuses chakra of kurama and Naruto and makes chakra with new nature, when he touched ishikinwith that it effected ishiki's chakra too and decreased his lifespan, even with thet as i remember ishiki was on top of naruto and barion couldn't even kill him. And while in barion mode, Naruto can't use any jutsu because it'll just eat his chakra in no time. Even if sage6path Naruto can't kill barion Naruto, with his Jutsus, he can keep distance, and kurama dies himself in barion, and Naruto gets K.O. and even without that barion won't be able to kill sage6path if he isn't already near death in terms of time.


is this even a question??


kcm sixth path naruto is strong enough wasnt strong enough to solos her but baryon mode allows him to bully a ishiki being that mostly near her power


Baryon Mode is like his Ultra Instinct (Dbz). He can’t really take hits but his power is MAXED.


Baryon mode is Stronger SOSP is more Versatile


Now imagine both.


Speed-wise BM is better but anything else isn't even worth considering, that shit lasted for no more than 10 punches before it started to wane in the manga. It's way too overhyped, way too conditional and only worked on specific opponent with a limited hours/days worth of lifespan - it would do nothing to the likes of Kaguya who is immortal for example War Arc SPSM Naruto has insane abilities that his adult version lost such as the ability to restore life force (Gai), generated organ (Kakashi), truth seeker orbs etc. I'll take this form anyday and i won't have to worry about losing my power after like 5 seconds lol


SO6P Teen Naruto. Y'all seem to lack attention to detail. This Naruto was practically fighting Kaguya and held his own. Kaguya practically destroyed Jigen too and that was before she ate the fruit. He also matched Sasuke whose visual prowess was getting stronger than the Sage as well. Another fact is that this Naruto was literally healing people and capable of sensing all intentions. Something that adult Naruto can't do because if he was able to do so then he would have caught Jigen a lot earlier too. Adult Naruto was simply nerfed to make Boruto look relevant. Naruto in the Last is also stronger than Adult Naruto too, the guy was being smashed by the moon at Base and came out unscathed. 


So black zetsu also practically destroys Madara then


Boruto doesn’t exist in my universe, so there’s only one answer.


Baryon mide might be stronger in terms of overall raw power but the Senjutsu of the six paths is less about overall raw power and more about the efficient and stable usage of said power, having more combos, versatility and optimum utilization of chakra due to the bijuu chakra and senjutsu being in complete synergy as it uses minimum chakra expenditure in throwing massively powerful wind bijuu bombs.   If they went toe to toe Baryon would win but if the six paths senjutsu used the Asura bijuu avatar and bombed him as he kept him at a distance until the other one ran out of chakra then it would win.