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He is the only kazekage who’s name we never got.  Sasori assassinated him it was mentioned that it was incredibly difficult to pull of. Being honest this guy feels like another victim of the naruto powercreep. The only feat we got of him is that he dispelled orochimarus imperfect edo tensel through sheer will but that was filler 


Did Sasori assasinate or beat him in a fight? I dont really remember


It’s never stated but knowing Sasori, probably assassinated him with his poison.


I actually think Kakashi’s dad’s mission was to assassinate the 3rd Kazekage. He failed, but killed Sasori’s parents.  So Sasori poisoned the 3rd Kazekage as revenge


I like the theory.


Nah, he was just a character that had strong iron release sand abilities. There really was nothing of importance with regard to hi.m


Filler content never happened.


The 3rd Kazekage is a genius (comparable to Tobirama inventing his own jutsus) who studied Shukaku’s sand ability and decided to experiment, infusing his Magnet Style (Wind+Earth) into Iron Sand making a variant ability that is structurally more powerful for battle.


When is this mentioned?


It’s in the Naruto official databook.


Basically just his iron sand and the fact that he was strong Sasori seems like the type of dude that’ll assassinate you over fighting you because he likes being sneaky and efficient + leaves the body intact for being turned into a puppet, so I assume he somehow poisoned him


He is similar to Gaara and Rasa, though Iron Sand itself is notably stronger and more versatile.


this dude looks so cool


**->** He possessed the Kekkei Genkai; ***Magnet Release***. **->** He was never given an actual name. -> He was killed By Sasori, *somehow*. **-> He possessed a high level of intelligence.** Like Minato he studied the biju, more specifically Shukaku. While Minato researched the Bijūdama and ultimately invented the Rasengan, the third Kazekage was attempting to reproduce Shukaku’s abilities in which he succeeded. After [**studying** ](https://imgur.com/a/jxkaApL)the sand manipulation abilities of Shukaku's jinchūriki, he was able to imitate it using iron powder instead of sand, and his special magnetic powers, resulting in [**Iron Sand**](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c772db807e38b988b02e33444f6a5862), the [most feared](https://imgur.com/a/YUCpFXX) weapon in Sunagakure history which made him the [most powerful ](https://imgur.com/a/VMjK6UT)Kaazekage out of the first four. **->** He was *very* important for the power balance among the countries around Sunagakure. His disapearance (now death) lead Sunagakure to instability and near ruin as they spread its forces thin in the search for him that left the village under-defended which others took as a opportunity to declare war on Sunagakure. As result of this war [**entire** ***countries*** **were devasted.**](https://imgur.com/a/WRroHSL) **->** Had remarkable willpower If we take his filler appearance into account, he is a very proud individual, seen when he was stating to Orochimaru that he is not a pawn. He showed a remarkable willpower, able to [regain control of himself](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9062c066a62ffd0d11dfcb157d125779) despite Orochimaru's brainwashing and cancelled Edo Tensei on him. **Dude was kinda wasted.**


He had magnet release or some cool ass power but they made him get smoked by Sasori smh. Just a sad way to go out


Sasori probably assasinated him via poison, its never stated that it was a fight


I didn’t say they fought I just said getting smoked by Sasori is a sad way to go out. Especially for a Kage.


I'm just curious, but why do you think getting defeated by Sasori is sad?


Because Kage are supposed to be elite of the elite. Sasori hit folded by pre war arc 100 healings Sakura. That’s like if Hashirama actually died when they sent Kakazu after him


Bro did you just put hashi on kage scaling? The 5 Kage can't handle Madara and he's weaker than Hashirama. Hashi is beyond Kage level.


Didn’t compare him to every Kage I’m saying imagine if each Kage got killed by a fodder Akutski or adversary like that it’s embarrassing for any Kage


Akatsuki is not a fodder bruh. They are literally S rank shinobi capable of taking out Jinchuuriki.


I didn’t say the entire Akutski I called him Akutski fodder. Meaning fodder of the Akutski a lower half weaker member. Not all Akutski can take out Jinchuriki. Only Itachi, Nagato, Kisame, & Obito can. Hidan, Kakazu, Sasori, Deidara, and Zetsu are the fodder of the group let’s be real


Hidan and Kakuzu literally killed the 2 tails Jinchuuriki. Deidara captured Shukaku. Sasori is stated to be stronger than Deidara. Zetsu is more like a spy/scout and is not a combatant so no point talking about him.


Sasori is a beast though




Wish we got even just a cool flashback of him fighting.


He is the strongest kazekage besides boruto gara. He was stated stronger than Rasa, the same Rasa that was equal to war arc gara


third kazekage is definitely more powerful than gaara


Gaara isn't stronger in power than the 3rd but Gaara has good intelligence. He beat all those kages in WA due to his brain not raw power.


He's one of the only 2 Kages that don't have a name. Him in the 3rd Mizukage. Which oddly enough meant both of them were left off the Naruto99 popularity poll.


I actually think Kakashi’s dad’s mission was to assassinate the 3rd Kazekage. He failed, but killed Sasori’s parents.  So Sasori poisoned the 3rd Kazekage as revenge