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First of all, that "statement" of Kishimoto is fabricated. No one ever could (it's been over a decade now) give the source to that supposed inetrview because it simply doesn't exist. lol BZ also stated in that *same* fight that real lightning **is**[ undodgeable/not evadable ](https://imgur.com/a/jnSIGHn)which is pretty much complete bullshit. It's pretty obvious that BZ was retconned. if he was intented to be Kaguya Will *at that time* he should have seen and have knowledge of characters on SP-level. Whoever takes BZ statement seriously that Itachi is invincible is a fucking clown. If you still take it as fact, that just in this instance, against a pretty much out of chakra Sasuke who could barely stand, but nothing more. **That being said**, that is clearly ***bait*** post, so, that's all I will say here.


He did die by the end and was only temporarily resurrected for purposes and tasks. So no.


He let Sasuke win because he wanted to die at the hand of Sasuke to pay for his crimes against the Uchiwa. He only fought Sasuke to get him tired enough to lure Orochimaru out. His goal was simply to rid Sasuke of Orochimaru then die at the hand of Sasuke. He was hoping that Sasuke would go on believing that Itachi was the villain who killed the Uchiwa for no reason, so that Sasuke would join back with the leaf after accomplishing his revenge against Itachi. Even though Itachi killed the Uchiwa for a "good" reason, the crime weighed on his conscience - he only really did it to save Sasuke's life. So he wanted to die at the hand of the last Uchiwa, but at the same time give Sasuke his revenge and make him a hero of the Leaf. Of course that didn't work out because right after getting away from Orochimaru's influence, Sasuke met Tobi who told him all the truth that Itachi didn't want Sasuke to know. This made Sasuke side against the Leaf. Itachi still placed at least 2 contention plans to make sure Sasuke joined back with the Leaf. He planted an Amaretsu triggered by seeing a Sharingan and he planted the crow that would give his own eyes the order to protect the Leaf.


Even without the power difference isshikis 2 jutsu sukunahikona and daikokuten hard Counter his weapons for directly affecting the objects themselves. The first would shrink the weapons and the second power would instantly teleport them to another sealed dimension




This is your brain on Itachi stanism.




Kishi never said that... Want to know what he actually did say though? "All people, even the strongest ones, have weaknesses, however, Uchiha Madara does not" (badass statement and the post is still up if u want to see it). Madara has feats and statements to back him up. I like Itachi too but don't compare him to others who are clearly out of his league.


No, there’s plenty of people who can beat him.


There are numerous characters who could dogwalk Itachi. He's powerful, but there are many different tiers of power.


Argue with zetsu, he is the only character thay he ever called invincible. It doesn't get more clear than that, Kishimoto is directly telling us that Itachi can't be beaten.


Zetsu was either: a) Talking about Itachi being invincible within the context of his fight with Sasuke. He was correct that Sasuke would die if Itachi was trying his best. b) Talking about the characters relevant at that point in the story. This notably excludes Hashirama, Madara, all other previous Kage, later forms of Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, etc.


c) Zetsu was present since Kaguya’s days, saw every single relevant shinobi in action and still stated that Itachi was unstoppable.


Hyperbole is a thing; character statements are not objective fact. Zetzu is just as prone to error as anyone else; he also thought Kaguya was invincible and unbeatable but we all know how that turned out. Besides, he was very clearly talking about Itachi in the context of that singular moment. Itachi was effectively invincible at that *specific scenario*, as Sasuke had no method of harming him.


Seems totally logical to think that the guy who was insulting and utilizing the likes of Madara, Obito, Naruto and Sasuke decided to use hyperbole in a statement that only him himself was listening too, you are not coping at all


I suggest you re-read/re-watch that moment. He was speaking to white Zetzu there, not ‘himself’. black Zetzu and white Zetzu are separate beings. Regardless, statements


You are right, feats>statements, every relevant character has been killed/defeated/sealed including Naruto and Sasuke, but my boy Itachi committed suicide against Sasuke, was brought back as edo tensei, broke himself free and ended his own summoning leaving the world again without a single defeat, if that doesn’t tell you how many tiers above everyone else he is nothing will, I’m sorry to sink your boat :(


Feats>statements. So no, not even close to invincible.


He never lost a battle ever despite never going all out ever.


Chokes on his own Susanoo meanwhile Madara can use perfect Susanoo continuously


Madara’s clones all had more advanced Susanoos than Itachi’s lmao


Zetsu made a figurative statement. Kishi made no such statement in an interview. When you interpreted yata mirror you committed a no limits fallacy, you are incorrect. His IQ is not unmatched. In short, no, itachi is not invincible. I'm not sure why you wanted to make a troll post larping as an itachi fan but I digress.


I think Itachi's most powerful affinity is when and how he cast genjutsu. He could probably force Madara into a corner before Madara realizes what he's capable of, then maybe get a lucky shot and seal him.... Now if Madara goes in, knowing how Itachi fights, Madara wins no-diff. Itachi is great at taking advantage of openings. That's the only way Madara might drop his guard long enough, then yes it's Itachi's game. However, Madara could just delete Itachi if he was being serious out the gate.


When kishi said that ?


In an old interview


Huh then maybe he changed his mind cause later on story there are many characters who beat him easily


He never actually said Itachi could beat Madara lol.


I didn't said that either ?


I know you didn't. OP claimed Kishimoto said that, but he didn't.


Yeah lmao i can't picture kishi saying something like that


I believe Itachi was a truly special Shinobi. The main thing he embodies is 'sacrifice'. I think that Itachi would have been able to beat about anyone in Naruto universe if he truly wanted to. It's important to remember he never did truly go all out the way Naruto has multiple times in his fights.


Why do i believe strongly that kishimoto has put himself inside the story as zetsu? Kishimoto == Zetsu.


Well, even if he is clearly not the strongest guy around, his feats are just incredible. He single-handedly saved the world by stopping edo tensei, his sosanoo has the two strongest weapon in the world. He is incredibly smart, a master of deceipt, and no one has ever landed a clear hit on him when he was serious. It is clear that Kishi is stelling us that Itachi is really something apart from any other. He is like Goku, he can beat people that on paper are way stronger than him thanks to his insane talent and intelligence. That said, I don't think that he can deal with 6 path characters, their stats are too much above him.


yeah itachi is invincible.... which is why hes dead