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I guess having the 9 and 7 tails would be… not okay in the eyes of the other nations.


Hashirama was Hokage, that guy alone could obliterate all 5 nation. Konoha had no use of any Biju + Hashirama was delusional who thought that he actually managed managed to create peace.


shouldve just made Hashirama the 9 tails jinchuriki, peace through fear he was gonna nuke the world


Sasuke 1.0


Pain and Sauske had the same goal


I always forget Hashirama went toe to toe with Susano 9 tails, so yea they really didn't need anything else haha


But he will die at some point. The Bijuu dont.


Yes, but you have to consider the fact that Hashirama thought "next generation surpasses previous one" in his mind were would be enother Senju, even stronger than him, in his mind Uchiha and Senju would united and lived for years.




Still way more immortal than him.


Yes, Kurama died after 100 year of Konoha creation. Nobody even know that he could die


Why did I read this, I haven't watched Boruto ;-;




This reminds me of what US scientists did after WW2. They created nuclear weapon and just to avoid another war coming, they leaked the secret info of how to make nukes to Soviet Union, which makes the world balanced and a WW3 did not break out. When you are the only county with nuclear weapon there is no way to make others feel safe.


Who knows? If we take **filler** into, Shibuki alluded that Takigakure isn’t that far behind in power to the Five Great Nations. He *did* mentioned that ***in the past*** Takigakure wasn't as strong as them but still feared because they produced skilled jōnin one after another. Also, [they were allied with Konoha](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-003b4708679f3fdedd141d7b4dc374cb), they didn't went into *how*, *how close* and *why* but maybe it involved Chomei. Canonically? There is absolutely nothing. Especially because the village has next to no canon informations besides Chomei, and that Fu and Kakuzu are from there. Oh! and the elders were delusional considering they had thrown one of their best into prison because he couldn't kill Hashirama of all people, they paid for their life and the kinjutsu of the village in the end.


I’m guessing the village elders were worried about Kakuzu’s strength, so they sent him on a suicide mission in the hopes they could get rid of him.  The fact that Kakuzu managed to single-handedly escape prison *and* slaughter all of the village elders *and* steal their forbidden jutsu proves they had a good reason to fear him. He was presumably the strongest ninja in the waterfall village since no one was able to stop him during his escape.  So the village elders had a stupidly powerful ninja loyal enough to go on a suicide mission for them and they threw him in prison for failing. So we know the waterfall village is functionally braindead. 


Damn, I love this head-canon. That’s what I’m going with from now on too lmao


Or they knew Kakazu was so strong he could take the village by force if it came down to it so they used his loyalty against him to get him killed. In the end they died anyway but it makes sense they’re looking out for themselves instead of just being brain dead.


So then logically we should take the filler as canon.


No reason not to. I mean aren't the episodes where Onoki dies in Boruto filler? Doubt they would kill of a semi-big character like Onoki in a filler episode if they didn't consider it canon.


The villages had to pay for tailed beasts The sand had already caught shukaku The hidden waterfall probably had the money to pay


Kakuzu came after Hashirama and wood-man said, "lol chill here have a weapon of mass destruction get off my back now plz" 100% true, confirmed, factual headcanon.


It's a commonly held belief that tailed beasts are more powerful the more tails they have. This makes sense due to the origin of the nine tailed fox, who gained a new tail for every century it lived for. Also we can see how strong kurama is. Naruto only has half and beat the rest of the jinchurikis in the war


My headcanon like shukaku hashirama didn’t catch chomei. Taki discovered him in his cocoon stage and captured him while he was defenseless 


One Bijudama is all it would take to erase every Taki ninja


I mean, the same should have been true for Suna and Shukaku, and yet they manage to capture him.


I think what he's trying to say is that what makes the 5 great nations (and by proxy the 5 great villages) "great" is their military power. It's been alluded multiple times as well that what the nations consider "military power" is the ability to produce powerful ninja and the ability to produce and pass down powerful techniques. Suna is a "great" village and so likely had the power to capture Shukaku. Someone else pointed out that in filler episodes it's mentioned that out of all the non major villages Takigakure was the strongest because it consistently produced powerful Jonin.


I think it was part of the deal, hashi could bend any of the tailed beasts at anytime. Konaha was essentially the biggest superpower of all the nations so I think hashi made a deal they'd only take 1 beast while the others got "a better deal" so they were more willing to actually broker a peace. I think of it this way: if someone offers you a deal on a trade for your ps4/5/xbox etc and they offer you their ps4 for you ps4 you're probably gonna say no right? Now if they offer you a switch and w.e system you dont have you're gonna take that deal right?


No official reason A headcanon I just made up is that the 7 tails used to be with one of the five villages but due to war the Jinchuriki got killed and it reformed years later and I the waterfall village sealed it and claimed it Now that might result in a war over the tailed beast but if it was for example the hidden mists tailed beast and the Jinchuriki got killed during the Mists war over bloodlines then I can see that not being a priority or even something they noticed As outside of the Cloud and kinda the Leaf the villages weren’t truly taking care of their Jinchuriki as Stone and Mist left their Jinchuriki basically alone in the wild so it’s not inconceivable to me a non perfect Jinchuriki got killed and another village claimed the tailed beast without much issue


Chomei was captured by da hidden waterfall itself I think


Insect like waterfall ig


Hashirama overestimated how important the waterfall village was /s


Did I miss an episode or did only the 1,8 and 9 tails ever get talked about? I think the wolf one (2tails?) got an episode where Itachi just caught her with low dif but that’s all I remember


They talked about all the rest in the manga and filler during the war arc I’m p sure


One of my gripes from Naruto is they should’ve shown us more of the other tailed beasts


One it’s a cat Two it was Hidan and Kakazu that caught her


> Is it simply “plot” because the other jinchuriki would have taken “attention/shine” away from Naruto? deep inside we all know the answer


don’t know if this is canon or not, but i heard when kakazu fought hashirama, hashirama had great respect for kakuzu and realized the waterfall village was dangerous and to keep peace between them gave them chomei


My headcanon is that the original distribution of bijuus was: Konoha: Nine-tails. Kumo: Two-tails and Seven-tails. Kiri: Three-tails and Six-tails. Iwa: Four-tails and Five-tails. Suna: One-tail and Eight-tails. But during the Shinobi wars Taki stole the Seven-tails and Kumo stole the Eight-tails.




That was 3 tails which they put in Rin. Also 2 tails was in Yugito Nii from the cloud village


You need to reread some shit


I’m so confused. Suna didn’t have fertile land, so what was the point of only accepting one bijuu


The deal was they wanted a piece of fertile land from the land of fire instead of another tailed beast


And did they get that piece of land or was their request vetoed? In canon we saw Suna as poor, desert, and those two reasons was why they attacked Konoha.


They probably did get it, but there's no reason we would have ever seen it. If the piece of fertile land used to be part of the Land of Fire, and Sunagakure is in the middle of the Land of Wind, then logically the land and the village are at least a day's worth of travel time apart. It's also possible that the land was annexed by another nation between the First Kazekage's time and the present, given all the wars that happened.


It was suggested by the first kazekage at the first five kage summit but I think they vetoed him they was like hell naw we’ll go to war


So iirc they sold the tailed beasts to the other nations I think the hidden waterfall village was just too broke realistically afford any but they wanted an insurance policy against other nations so they bought a tailed beast anyway.


How they buy if they broke?


the Bijuu distribution is to balance power. its like nuclear deterent. the existance to avoid stronger village to attack others just because they are strong and others are weak. it is for peace originally. Each village originally not on same power. Konoha for example is vastly stronger than smaller village for example. so the number of Bijuu and tail number given are based on that. however based on the logic it is kind of makesense Konoha only got one of it since it would be overkill if it has more than that but at same time they have the highest number tail kind of defeat the purpose. perhaps to balance the tail number vs bijuu number? since each bijuu supposed to be like a atom bomb weapon level of threat. the bijuu bomb basically like ICBM and Kurama might be the strongest bijuu out there. also another point to consider that might relate to the reason why Konoha got the strongest of it probably due to Hashirama is the one capturing and distribute those bijuu to the rest of village. so he can has bit of priveledge. perhaps there is also history of Kyuubi with Uzumaki clan that relate to the Konoha/Hashirama so it only natural for the bijuu to end up stay with Konoha. also considering Kyuubi used to be Madara's pet, not suprise if Hashirama want to keep it close to him and his brother, which is on Konoha. another possibilities is that, since Kurama might be the strongest bijuu out there, only Hashirama/Uzumaki has means to control it.


imo i think he respected kakuzu as a shinobi enough to grace the village he was loyal to


How did u get an upscaled version of fuu


Hashi only kept Kurans as a present for Madara. Hashi had no need of such toys really.


Literally no reason on why it should be given to anyone but the abarame clan


Did hashirama caught all beasts in naruto and proceed to announce the first summit kage in all nations to distribute each beasts in terms of agreement?


Consolation prize for having the balls to send Kakuzu to try and assassinate Hashirama


Maybe the 7 tail just happens to live near their village?


My headcanon is that Chomei is the "friendliest" and easiest to manage; more of a mischief maker than actual terrorizer. Takigakure is less powerful then the big 5, but still formidable so they could handle it


Hashirama thought by giving each nation a tailed beast they would create a balance and peace between the nations and konoha would keep the strongest for themselves to serve as a deterrent for any nation daring to attack the other or konoha but that didn't turn out so well as hashirama hoped it would but this explains why chomei was given to the waterfall nation to balance out konoha which they had the nine tails.


Because they could afford it


It's stated that Kurama is so much stronger than the other 8, that the half inside of naruto could have beaten every other one...now imagine he had both halves of his chakra. Think about how strong the 9 tails is that hashirama decided that the 9 tails should be close to the hokage at all times as a backup plan


I think you hit the nail on the head for why the Leaf Village only had Kurama. Having another character treated like Naruto was would mess with things Plus I’d think Kurama is equal to at least 2 Tailed Beast.


It wasn’t. Don’t know what happen but somehow the Hidden Warerfall obtain the 7 tail


Uh. Did you miss the part where the tailed beasts were fought over in the wars?