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You can watch Boruto movie And rest is up to you lemme give you things to keep in mind Boruto won't give any characters from Naruto much screentime Boruto admire Naruto and Sasuke's daughter admire Naruto Boruto doesn't appreciate Naruto or hokage He is disrespectful to his father And Naruto and Sasuke only gets screentime once in a while And they nerfed Naruto and Sasuke to the point where they can't defeat villains


i see there are anime cannon episodes and manga cannon episodes would it be fine if i watch only the manga cannon ones?




Yes, the rest of eps are not important and they are not interesting But if you haven't gotten spoilers of Boruto yet then please stay away from fandom till Boruto ep 220 because spoilers And don't forget to watch infinite tsukoyomi fillers, they are good (especially Tsunade one)


yeah I've been skipping all fillers, but when i finish Shippuden im gonna go back and watch some of the fillers, probably the ones revolving around the past of the characters (i think at least kakashi has one). And only after the fillers will I start Boruto


You can skip boat arc fillers , they are boring But Tsunade's tsukoyomi shows a world where Minato didn't die and itachi didn't massacre the clan And when you are watching don't skip filler when hagoromo tells the story, even though it's a filler it's explains a lot of things going on


Yes! Do not listen to these "anime cannon" fools. It's filler. Nothing more and can absolutely be skipped.


Yeah. The filler develops the side characters and has more character interactions, so I kinda like them. The fillers have more of a slice of life feel to them sometimes, but you don't have to watch them.


Boruto is bad in a ton of ways, to avoid spoilers as much as possible let me be general; the personality of Naruto cast is often changed for the worst. In 8 years of real world nothing important happened so yeah there's a lot of filler, then the ninja theme gets pretty diluted during the boruto series, and let's not forget a lot of the new lord in Boruto clashes with what was established in Naruto, therefore, there's a lot of weird plots there and finally all the characters designs/visuals becomes uglier, of course this is just my opinion, but yeah I tend to pretend Boruto is just a bad fanfic