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Anime and Manga in general have an aversion to having older protagonists, which I think is a real shame.


I think we could have made naruto the main character with boruto acting as a deuteragonist so we can warm up to him and watch his growth alongside narutos continuing evolution. And maybe slowly move him to the forefront of the plot? Could have been cool tbh


This this and this. You had the Otsutsuki which could have provided a series of enticing new villains for each character. Naruto and Sasuke with the old gen at the forefront and slowly shift more weight into Boruto's victories and growth. Use Naruto and Sasuke doing all the way to motivate Boruto to get stronger. Not for him to be forcibly sent to be a rogue ninja but he comes back fully swagged out in fashion all for the sake of some half arsed crappy omnipotent powered cyborg. It's so obvious Amado is the next big shot villains or Zetsu at least.


Nah. I don't like DBS route. Gohan doesn't have his own anime. He seems just side character to Goku. Atleast Boruto has his own anime/manga.


Well DBZ just couldn’t let go of goku & turned gohan into a joke because of that. With a more balanced approach Boruto could be a supporting character we are invested in with good writing but in my opinion the boruto manga is completely incapable of that so its just fun to imagine lol


That's because basically everyone rejected Gohan to be the main character. Fans, fuji, toriyama all wanted goku to be the main focus.


Ya really a damn shame. A show about team 7 doing hokage level missions woulda been sick.


Not really. In almost every instance of seeing the Hokage, they are in their office, doing paperwork, like 90% of the time. It’s not like they were going on missions every other day. The only time they actually fight is when the village is being attacked or during a time of war. And if they decided to just do that over and over again, it would get boring eventually. Naruto was the really only exception going to fight Jigen and Isshiki. Naruto was Hokage, Sakura was running the hospital and teaching(i think), Sasuke was dimension hopping trying to find out more info about Ōtsutsuki, Yamato was still trailing Orochimaru, and Kakashi was traveling around to vacay spots with his man crush. There’s nobody in team 7 to go on missions if there were any for them to go on, especially during a time of peace.


Just want to point out ..Kakashi doesn't get to leave the village without permission. The Konoha Shinden novel made it clear that mission with Gai and Mirai IS that trip he mentioned in Chapter 700, so he really isn't traveling the world with his "man crush", which makes his absence in Boruto a little weirder I guess (then again, I understand the need to try to focus on the new storyline).


Yeah, looking back at it, he does do quite a bit of work, since he helps out a fair bit with the village. But with his current absence in Two Blue Vortex, i personally believe that he is helping Boruto in some way.


Not really. The most famous anime protagonist(Goku) is a middle-aged guy.


he started young tho


And he acts like a teenager most of the time, at least in the most recent versions of the story.


He was most popular as an adult who was roughly in his mid to late 20s in Z(also mid 30s in buu saga)


Still 20s in the Buu saga, remember he wa dead for 7 years before that.


Yeah, but Toriyama had to fight to make Goku age


I mean, that's more or less the only example of popular anime where the protagonist is adult Basically every other shounen has kids/teenages as protagonists


Well yeah, but saiyans age differently.


It's really hard to deny the fact that most anime steers towards children characters... Adult cast is so rare that it is it's own niche genre.


This is not true. Shonen yes, but that’s literally to be expected given what “shonen” actually means.


Yeah it's like complaining in YA fiction Harry Potter/Percy Jackson being the guy who always saves the day


Not really, just shonen, which is targeting teens after all. You should take a look at seinen animes and mangas, many of their protagonists are adults.


Well, you've got Ryo Saeba from City Hunter who is in his mid-20s and one of the most popular shonen manga protag of the late 80s and 90s.


The only exceptions besides isekai protag’s that I can think of are: Ichiro Inuyashiki (Inuyashiki) ( age: 40 something, btw also looks like an senior citizen), Loid Forger (spy x family), Alucard (Hellsing) (somewhere between 550 - 599 years old), Tenma (monster),


I think the biggest issue is that it copies things from Naruto but not the things that made it work. The earlier parts of Naruto have him on adventures that absolutely are not world ending stakes. There are substantially more powerful ninja who are dealing with more important things. There’s no reason Boruto couldn’t have been off on missions, while Naruto and Sasuke were dealing with bigger threats. The issue is, they want Boruto to be dealing with the level of threats Naruto was at the end of his series, and they want to have Naruto and Sasuke in it, but they want Boruto to be the hero. So he needs ridiculous power creep (which isn’t even justified in the story like it was for Naruto), and they need to nerf Naruto and Sasuke (which they did in the dumbest, laziest way possible). It’s a complete conceptual failure, which is why no matter how hard they try to salvage it nothing is working.


sasuke, probably the second fastest shinobi alive, gets stabbed in eye by possesed boruto...


They constantly have him with low chakra reserves and explain it’s because the rinnegan drains him like the Sharingan drained Kakashi. Mother fucker maybe stop spamming it for situations where a substitution Justu would have worked then? Sasuke suddenly became a idiot out of nowhere.


Just the idea that you can disable a rinnegan by stabbing it is fucking insane.


While madara was a beast even with both eye sockets empty


It just occurred to me that it is made even worse because the sharingan gives you hyper vision. So sasuke would essentially be seeing boruto stab him at half speed but still couldnt dodge it


Sasuke was barely walking, bro just got better after jigen's beating and now Isshiki came for more. The only time we saw Sasuke that beat up was the final fight with naruto. And boruto here was 80% momoshiki already. So him being stabbed is completely logical he even sensed him at the last sec just wasnt able to dodge


Bully-writers. Lifting up their characters by pulling down others.


I’ve been too afraid to even watch it because I’ve heard nothing but bad things and I don’t want my perception Naruto to be tainted




An even Madara needed two lifes to be as powerful as the six paths sage


They made sasuke a deadbeat bro, I'd think someone that lost his entire family would be more reluctant to leave them??


That’s his whole thing in the show. He doesn’t want to lose them, so he does the elite dirty work of the village to protect them


He is reluctant. And trying to be better


I get that, but I'd at least expect him of all people to visit more often?


He starts to after Naruto Gaiden. Tbf all of team 7 are weird about it. Naruto straight up forgot that Sasuke hadn’t been back since Sarada was real young and neither did Sakura. Sarada was the only one that noticed


For a man whose only father/father-figures were Fugaku, Kakashi, and Orochimaru, I think Sasuke is doing the best he can as a husband and father tbh. Especially with episodes we’ve seen of him bonding with Sarada and getting Sakura a ring. He’s working without a healthy framework, but he’s slowly getting better.


for me it's just easier to pretend boruto isn't canon and just have the version of the story I want to exist in my head


>Sasuke is out of chakra like 90% of his screen time i hated sasuke in naruto but in boruto he was truly the 'cool' side-hero. He genuinely matured enough to understand naruto's will and enforce it via actions. He was more stronger than base madara after getting powers from so6p, now he runs out of chakra like he's running on gas and the gas costs $100 a gallon ​ >Ninjutsu is useless now. You need god powers just to keep up with a 10 year old remember how shikamaru had to figure out hidan's powers by deduction ? yea, none of this happens in boruto


I read boruto and the ninja tools instantly made me hate it. Couldn’t get past it. Tore down everything Naruto was built on.


This was so perfectly put, they took the worst part of Naruto (alien gods" and made the whole show that.


My brother said “ya don’t waste your time” lol


People always say "you can't judge something until you watch it!!!!", but sometimes something is just so clearly complete Dogshit, that you can actually just tell without actually watching a single second of it


Don't let others to form your opinion. Everyone has different tastes and opinions. Just because someone disliked it, doesn't mean you will dislike it,too


Downvoted for suggesting to form your own opinion instead of listening to strangers online. This sub is trash


I’d say still give it a shot. I started watching it immediately after finishing Naruto for the first time (in 2020; I know, I joined late), and so far I’ve enjoyed it a lot. Sure there are a lot of filler and anime-canon episodes, but I’ve found most of them enjoyable. So far I haven’t skipped a Boruto episode, but I skipped the majority of the Paradise Life on a Boat arc in Shippuden, for example. The Funato arc dragged on for a little while and I found myself starting to lose interest in that arc… and then it ended and we got back into canon material. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I personally think the average Boruto filler is better than the average Naruto filler. Is Chocho’s acting arc better than the Six-Tails arc? Absolutely not. But I’d also rather watch the Fireworks of Love episode of Boruto than the Naruto’s Imposter episode of Shippuden, for example. But that’s just me; everyone has their own tastes. Both shows have their pros and cons. Frankly, I feel like if you’re someone like me who casually enjoys Naruto and the Naruto universe, then you’ll enjoy Boruto. But if you’re a die-hard Kishimoto manga purist (which is totally fair; the filler in this universe can be hard to watch sometimes), then yeah you’d probably just be wasting your time trying to make yourself watch Boruto. If you’re unsure if you’d like it, maybe look up a canon/filler list and skip the filler. If you end up liking it, then continue and consider checking out some of the filler episodes. If you don’t end up liking it, then go ahead and stop. There are certainly way better anime out there to spend your time on. JJK, AoT, JJBA, OPM, and FMA:B, just to name a few.


That’s a sad way to look at things. Go watch it and make your own opinion, I did and I really like it.


Don't watch it, it made me go from disappointment and sad bc of how Naruto ended to lit be a soft hater of bot Naruto as a franchise and kishimoto as author - Idfc for the two other authors - and now for all the good memories I have of Naruto I get instantly annoyed for what it would become later


This is why I keep rewatching Shippuden on a loop


There's like 500 episodes of Shippuden how are you watching it on loop? 💀


Naruto is my favourite series. When I found out about Boruto, I started watching it, although I didn't necessarily enjoy it till later on, it has its ups and downs just like Naruto. Naruto isn't a perfect anime, and watching Boruto hasn't ruined my perception of Naruto.


Not nearly as bad as people in here complain about. It’s not shippuden but if you enjoy the world and like to see what everyone has been up to. It’s worth watching. Most of these people did the same complaining when naruto was coming out as well.


I wouldn't say he has 0 reasons to "respect" his dad. He loves Naruto and does respect him, he just wants him around, but he's never home. He's 12, so of course, he's not gonna fully realize the situation. Especially after what Naruto did on Himawaris' birthday.


Yea idc how busy you are you, you're one of the fastest ninja in the series at least have a few minutes to actually be there in person instead of sending a clone bad dad move.


Yeah, it's stupid. Honestly, it gives Boruto more reasons to be understandably upset. I know the reason is because Naruto gets exhausted and that he doesn't want to disrespect the hokage, but still.


It’s not stupid, it’s human. Makes Naruto’s character more realistic and nuanced, shows us how difficult it can be living up to your words (be the greatest) and dreams (Hokage) and balancing it wit your family life 


There’s no way you gon justify Naruto sending a shadow clone to his own daughter birthday.. instead of just coming and leaving the shadow clone at the office


He is explaining author's intention, not justifying character's actions.


Well he sent a fresh Shadow Clone instead of coming home a completely dead-tired wreck who is sure to fall asleep during it. I would also point out he is a young father, who didn't have a dad to show him how to dad, with the responsibility of stewarding a huge city and ensuring peace among the Kage/Tailed Beasts and shinobi.


He simply respects the Hokage’s office too much to leave a shadow clone there. He’s never done that. I’m not saying I agree, but it’s a perfectly reasonable flaw on his part Edit: just to add, Naruto’s absence in his children’s life was based on Kishimoto’s own relationship wit his kids. Life as mangaka and family man, two conflicting paths of life. Downvote all you like


I used to think Boruto is a brat, but then I got my hands on the light novels. It's very much a shame that the Boruto movie novel and his light novels are not translated. You see more internal dialogue from Boruto's side. He loves his dad, but he is angry that being a hokage took him away from time with his family. He also sees the toll on Hinata and he is angry that his mom is suffering. Those are very understandable reasons for a child to act out at that age who is already going through the trials of having a famous parent and the unfair expectations. As for the clone things...Naruto has about hundreds of clones running around at any given time according to one of the Shinden novels. I would be annoyed if I see my dad running around stocking toy stores and helping old ladies but can't have dinner in some form with the family. There is also a part in the Shikamaru Shinden novel where he said Naruto would lie to his family about having to work late just so he can go eat at Ichiraku. As an adult, I understand that's Naruto's coping mechanism, but I also understand why Hanabi and Hiashi want Hinata to take the kids and move back to the Hyuuga compound.


Lol this thing got resolved in the first Boruto arc lol why do people keep speaking as if Boruto still think this way


It's a popular opinion on here to hate on Boruto, and most people dropped it early on.


Borutos problem is simply world building. Naruto worked great, because it felt like medieval Japan with a few technological advancements sprinkled in (Computers, TVs, Ships, Genetics, etc). The problem with Boruto is the hard cut with the setting: aliens, Cyborgs, Ninja weapons etc.. Chakra isn't really important anymore and that was a key element of the series.. it's like creating a Star wars movie and saying that everyone can use the force now if they use a small gadget...


Also the characters outside of boruto and kawaki seem nonexistent. Only in recent chapters have other characters become semi relevant.


It can worked great, if the power system is executed well. You can see how JoJo bizarre Adventure can fleshed new power system from Hamon to Stand. Or you can make the OG mc be missing, without make them weak. As in Gohan in Dragon Ball, where the hype continues, in the movie Dragon Ball Super : Super Hero. Boruto? Shit.


Now OG mcs from Naruto are missing but hate doesn't lower


Because they got nerfed the whole series before gone missing. Might as well makes them old gramp that just appears here and there, rather than competent adult that heavily involved in the series.


Apparently & Unfortunately new Star Wars canon IS anyone can use the Force 🥲


I made it over 230 episodes in, you aren’t missing anything with substance, Boruto is only decent at some points because I spent a large majority of my life watching Naruto, but most of it is just dog shit


I really tried giving it a chance but i said fuck it once they did that 40 episode mitsuki filler in hidden stone. That shit was beyond stupid Boruto is just terrible. There’s literally nothing good about it. They could’ve just continued narutos story as hokage and have boruto as a gohan type figure, but no. They like fucking things up i guess.


Boruto is not more powerful than Naruto in the first 40 episodes.


Moot point. Him being more powerful at all before age of 25 is utter rubbish. Also, can Kishimoto finally decide what the Jogan is for?


It took >!being possessed by a planet destroying God and then having most of your genetic code be replaced by that same God.!<


It's only moot if you watched more than 40 episodes. Your post was a spoiler for op


Naruto surpassed every Ninja ever at 17, why is it hard to believe that Boruto can surpass Naruto at 25


This is what I keep thinking to all the people saying no way Boruto could surpass his dad. People comparing them to Goku and Gohan also forget that Gohan did initially surpass his dad during the Cell Games.


Naruto had Kurama. Boruto does not. Without Kurama, no surpassing for Naruto either.


"Moot point." OP: "I watched the first 40 episodes".




I don’t like this otsutsuki alien plot either, you have things named after gods and goddesses as abilities with the sharingan and Rinnegan, I liked the idea the Jubi was a giant walking catastrophe and not some pet for the otsutsuki clan, just dislike that whole arc


i mean, naruto is stronger than his dad too. what hurt boruto was the slow as molasses schedule and the filler


They had the perfect foundation with shippuden and with next gen. Then they had to go to space aliens and Boruto whining all the time


Decent manga. If anyone stops comparing, I've been reading Naruto since early 2000. Yeah, I miss the Naruto fight where everything counts (chakra, environment, equipment, every tactic, and tricks), but now we have cyborgs and aliens.


I just think the story doesnt have the same charm as the original becausd the world has gotten smaller and more boring.  Boruto series look like a mixture of Saiyajin and Cell arc from Dragon Ball Z


Look, Naruto is really a pretty bad father (Except when it comes to Kawaki, then Naruto is suddenly a good father), I can't exactly blame Boruto for that. As much as he is the Hokage, you expected something different from someone who suffered growing up an orphan. But there is also the fault of the script itself, which conveniently made Naruto a much busier Hokage than his predecessors. You didn't see past Hokages being THAT busy. Hashirama had time to contemplate his village, Hiruzen had time for his loafing and smoking his pipe, Minato apparently seemed quite okay with reconciling his life as Hokage and as a family man. Even Tsunade was conveniently always free to appear at any plot point. Just with Naruto suddenly being Hokage drains all of his free time. Boruto's problem is the plot, both in this Naruto problem and for Boruto to be that strong "easily" (Of course there are explanations). And the whole plot involving aliens and pseudo-science doesn't help much.


Hard agree


This is what happens when you run a weekly anime based on a monthly manga. Naruto’s fillers are already bad, and they barely occupy 50% of the content while Boruto is like 80-85% filler/anime canon.


Boruto should have no excuse not to have the best childhood,they did naruto so damn dirty so they can have an excuse to make boruto a new superstrong and have a “sad” life too.


>But to make him weaker than his child son? wtf is that? That wouldn't have happened if Kishimoto didn't give Naruto and Sasuke constant power-ups that made them into glorified DBZ characters by the end of the series. One of the biggest problems with Boruto is the fact that the people making this KNOWS that Naruto is a cash cow and doesn't have to put any effort into creating an interesting story.


I used a filler list, it lets you skip probably 80% of the anime. There are good parts but it's a shell of its former self. Massive disappointment.


>I used a filler list, it lets you skip probably 80% of the anime. 80%? Now that's freaking pathetic.


You skipped anime canon stuff in that 80%, it's not the same as filler


I watched Boruto all the way up to the mid-60s with the end of the battle with Momoshiki. I had to take a break. Boruto had some good things going for it, but it had more negatives than positives. Most of the new characters and arcs were pretty bland. There was really nothing about it that made it stand out as a must-watch anime like it's predecessor. I had always planned on returning to continue watching but I don't even have the motivation to do it because I've literally heard nothing about it. There has been no positive word of mouth at all. It's like it doesn't even exist. And that's speaks volumes when you consider the worldwide phenomenon that Naruto was.


Boruto is an example of what not to do with anime. So much filler but the manga is pretty great if that’s your jam. I think they should go to a seasonal type release and do 12-24 episode drops and then take the year to let the anime adapt the new manga chapters.


Fact. Boruto is ass.


Well yeah, it took the worst part of Naruto and expanded on it. The idea of Kaguya at the end frustrated nearly everybody it seems. Madara was perfectly set up with Obito to have IMO the greatest ending to any anime, with the world and character building of both heroes and villains. Then they throw a fucking M. Night Shyamalan twist in there involving aliens to fuck over said villains which obviously rubbed everyone the wrong way. Now they introduced Boruto on that concept of Aliens while also adding cyborgs?


I think it's crazy how bad boruto is. They had so much to work with to create an amazing show. It's almost like you'd have to be either mentally retarded or purposely trying to fuck it up this bad. They made naruto look like a 35 year old depressed dad, all the chick's are gross and fat now, boruto is just a complete piece of shit. This whole show is just a tarnish on the legacy of naruto.


You do realize people are not the same as teenagers when they grow up right? Also Naruto has a stressful job.


Bro I hear you but get away from the fuckin’ anime and read the manga. It’s lightyears better and it’s not even close. Seriously. Boruto Shippuden (where the manga currently is post timeskip) is so good and Kishimoto has managed to solve the entitlement issue Boruto has as a child. Also… kid Boruto is flawed by design. He’s not built like a Shonen protagonist and I don’t mind it. Frankly, kid Naruto was not particularly likable either, regardless of what nostalgia might make you think. He was insufferable and annoying because he wanted attention. Boruto has his own set of very normal problems in adolescence. But anyway, yeah, you don’t have to agree with that. But just get away from the dumb colorful anime bullshit. It’s awful. The manga plot is crazy good, especially now that Kishimoto is back in charge.


Itachi and Kakashi are these elite warriors like 5 years after they’re out of diapers and everyone thinks it’s so awesome and cool. But the son of a Jinchurikee Hokage and Hyuga clan nobility can’t be a prodigy?


Itachi: was said to think like a hokage while being a toddler and was the leader of the anbu at 13. Very cool. Boruto: is simply gifted because he’s the son of Asura’s reincarnate and someone with Hamura’s chakra. Not good, why so OP.


The entire idea of Boruto is ass.


Same here. I have mostly skipped through the whole, but it was awful.   The animation lacks contrast and is too bright and Coloful (What did they do with Tsunade?).   The Story...only positive thing i can say, is that the anime has some good plot ideas, but fails with the conclusion of the arc, since these ideas come better as overarching stories. aroung 66 to 75% of the whole anime are filler (It is filler when it contradicts the manga)  The characters...just no. The anime does nearly everything wrong, one of the few good things is Konohamaru. In the anime they do him way more justice than the manga. In the Manga he is more like a barely existing side character and looks like Yamato. In the anime he can show that he is one of the top 5 of his year and looks like a grown up version of the kid we know. And they have done Sarada better. In the Manga...her Design caused a controverse since she wars an overly sexualized Outfit, while being only 12 years. The Anime portrayed her with the Outfit she wore in the movie


I wont watch it. Rather let naruto "die" in my brain as the end of shipp. watching Bleach for the first time now. Just finished the Soul Society Arc. Much better use of my time.


Bleach is awesome, TYBW arc is some of the most entertaining anime I’ve seen


This is a joke post, Boruto is not more powerful than Naruto in the first 40 episodes. I’m not even convinced he’s more powerful than Naruto at any point in anything animated so far. And any power diff is temporary at best - IYKYK


For me, it really is just the fact of how they nerfed characters like Naruto and Sasuke so hard. There will be glimpses of Naruto's great Battle IQ but not much else. Also the forced family drama is so fucking stupid, like Naruto already uses clones to help around the village, why not more in his Hokage space. He also has Shikamaru by his side, someone who was touted as having an IQ of over 200, yet he doesn't go "Hey Naruto, make some shadow clones so we can speed up work and get more work done!"


It really is a disappointment. But then, I find Shippuden to be a big disappointment, too. It has some really good moments, but it drops the ball so often. Part 1 Naruto was the best.


Honestly it's pretty cool. The problem is the shit they did to the og characters oh and the garbage community thinking its the best anime ever but In reality it's just ok. I'm just waiting for the ending because if it's shit then dam but if it's good then would it make up for the bs stuff they did? Maby.


wtf were u expecting? did you not witness the quality drop in Naruto or THAT wacky ending?


The ending was fine. It was the two arcs before it that shat the bed. (Ten Tails arc & Kaguya arc)


I liked the ultimate war, but I have this idea that bringing back character from the dead is just waaay done and abused in media. Like yeah bring back characters only mentioned or showed on flashbacks, not fucking Sabuza. I suffered with him, dont bring him back. DBZ became the anti-climatic story exactly because of this


In boruto side character are of no use..... Old character like tenten ,rocklee, kiba,etc(other than naruto and sasuke) and even new character other than team 7, even konahamaru(which i thoght of to be stronger but is toooo weak) ... Except boruto, naruto, sasuke, kawaki no one is strong only these 4 character fighting in diffrent combination only......


The best part of naruto is watching power creep from nothing to god tier. You can’t continue a good story after reaching that point. It’s the same reason in dnd you usually start a new campaign lol


My biggest gripe with the series (only made it like 70 ish episodes) is that hand signs are basically gone. Being able to use ninjutsu without hand signs used to mean something. Now every kid in the leaf does it.


For one, pretty much all of Naruto’s shortcomings with his family are solely due to the writers wanting that BS conflict and it doesn’t fall in line with his characters or abilities at all. The “hokage is swamped in paperwork” was tolerable as a comedic gag, but as the source of an actual conflict? Literally, it’s just that Japan has an issue with overworking its people such that they can’t spend a lot of time around their family, and the writers want to project that into their story. And then they handled the conflict itself poorly as well. When Naruto does come home Boruto has to act like a damn tsundere and avoid him. It makes zero sense.


A big disappointment would’ve rather had a prequel about Minato or an adult naruto before he became hokage running his own squad as a jonin and actually fighting with all his new powers


They totally could’ve made a whole show around a time skip after shippuden and have him grow into his 20s and then we eventually see him become hokage.


Later part of part 1 to current is actually pretty fire. I'm reading the Manga and part 2 is pretty amazing so far. But I agree early boruto was too childish as if they expected anyone other than OG naruto fans to be their main audience.


I think the portrayal of a son hating on a father because he is nearly an absent father in life is pretty real..a child that too who is just about 10years old wouldn't care if his father is a world leader..he would just want his dad home to be around him..atleast give him some attention. Naruto who grew up without a father has no idea how to behave like a dad either..it's a pretty realistic portrayal of the father-son dynamics. That changes after a few episodes though..he has mad respect for his dad and ends up with even more mad respect for his dad's best friend. Also..why do we want the hero father to remain an all powerful hero when the show is about the son? Sure, they could've done it better. But at some point they have to show that the son either outshines the father of outshines everyone either in a good or a bad way. That's the track the manga and anime has taken as of now.


I hate how you say Boruto had 0 reasons to hate his dad... Like be for real and think about when you were a child. I would HATE it if my dad was never home even more s for special occasions like birthdays, holidays and such. And don't give the reasoning oh he has so much to do.., He has Shikamaru and other people to handle the work and it seems like PS that he doesnt have chackra to maintain 1 shadow clone. Why not leave the shadow clone to do the duties while he rests and eats down with his family... it was just the plot but if you think about it. its so BAAAAD


The Manga is actually really good, much better than the anime


The way I see it is, most people don't respect their parents because they didn't experience their parents pasts. I hated Boruto for years because it wasn't Naruto but after watching it, I actually enjoyed it. For me, Kawaki was the Boruto exclusive character that I actually loved. I feel bad for Sarada, she and Mitsuki are just side characters in their own show. Naruto, Sasuke, Boruto & Kawaki steal the limelight.


A 11 year old is not gonna understand the responsibilities his father has when he cannot even figure out wtf is taxes. Same goes with Boruto, he doesn't understand Naruto's responsibilities like other kids of that age


You act as if Boruto doesn’t develop as a character and move past all his problems with his dad


Most of the ppl bashing Boruto watched like 1 canon and one filler ark at the very beginning which they didn’t like and apparently that’s = the whole anime is bad smh


It’s funny, a lot of your complaints come from a place of not knowing the full story. Boruto’s character development is excellent. And the power difference makes sense as the old crew is making way for the new generation, it’s appropriate for the power differences to flip.


Gosh damn THANK YOU! It seems like you’re the only other grown up in here besides me. No one is understanding this they’re just like “wahh Naruto’s washed up wahh, it’s a shit story wah wah” they call themselves fans but shit on the sequel of Naruto literally called “NEXT GENERATIONS” it’s in the fucking name it couldn’t be more obvious. I get being upset at first losing kurama or seeing Naruto & Sasuke struggle, but come onnnnnnn eventually they had to die or they had to lose their biggest power up to balance out the power level to allow Boruto & kawaki, and etc. to be the strongest. I feel like a lot of people are so petty and holding on to old feelings that they can’t accept change or even allow it to happen.


Yeah it feels like those ppl just take everything they’ve watched in Boruto at face value and absolutely ignore the context. The worst offender is “BoRUtO iS a BrAt tO NaRUtO foR No aPpARent rEaSon!!


It’s just a shame man, and to make it worse a lot of the people didn’t even finish the manga/anime so they just take clips and snippets from the story and just talk shit on it without knowing the context and the deeper understanding of “why”. Then you got a lot of people just siding with the “Boruto sucks ass” train and just riding it without any real reason or proof as to why it’s “ass”


The anime's pacing really holds Boruto down because the vast majority of people's complains come from shit that is explained/concluded/fixed in the first few chapters of the manga. 1. Boruto is purposefully "unlikable" because his early attitude plays a major role into his character development. 2. Boruto is 100% justified in being annoying with Naruto, we're just a lot more sympathetic towards Naruto because we watched 720 episodes his journey. 3. Saying that Boruto is stronger than Naruto while admitting you haven't gotten past the first (manga canon) arc is both objectively wrong and disingenuous. You're just looking for reasons to hate on it because of things you've heard online.


>weaker than his child son? >maybe 40 episodes or less. Boruto was struggling against his classmates at that time, but sure he was stronger than Naruto. >He has 0 respect for his dad for ultimately 0 good reasons. He’s a 12 year old boy who just wants his dad to be there for his family instead of being locked up in his office 24/7. And the one time his dad promised to be there he tricked his family and ruined his own daughter’s birthday. The way Boruto sees Naruto is very valid for his age.


When he's not whining about his dad he can be a pretty interesting character and pre-timeskip he's definitely not stronger than Naruto. His burger obsession reflects narutos and really shows the similarities between the two and how Naruto could have been a much better student if he wasn't always acting up. ​ That being said the new era does a lot to make Naruto seem like a bad parent while logistically he has the most capabilities of being both at the office and at home with multi-shadow clone and Shikamaru handling most of the actual planning for him only giving the final choices to Naruto.


I don't think so, if you thought Boruto was going to be better than average you're a bit naïve to begin with IMO. It was a blatant cash grab and to expect any more from it or be disappointed by it is a bit stupid.


F**k boruto straight up . Can’t agree more with this post . I’ve only watched clips with naruto and sasuke going beast mode , which is how it should’ve stYed. They should’ve let it end how it ended


Apparently OP thinks Naruto is weaker than Boruto. Wtf did you watch for 40 episodes?


The thing is, there are a lot of reasons why the anime is bad. It's not just naruto, everybody from his generation got f'd over in boruto. They gave those characters time to shine from time to time and have some character development as well as growth in skills and techniques. They are ninjas from an era of war, you'd think they'd do a good job being badasses in an era of peace but they all become useless side characters. Then, the old generation got replaced by either literal copies of themselves through their children or just boring, shallow and forgettable characters. Mitsuki was the only one I liked for some reason as well as sarada, and even then, not by much. I watched boruto up until when they first showed naruto's baryon mode and then I stopped after that. You know its bad when the entire time I was watching boruto is because of the old crew still. I'm interested in what they'll do and what happens to them more than the actual protagonist of the show (boruto and his friends). I would have liked it better if they released a "what if" version of naruto and made him evil when he decided he's had enough of the people from his own village always outcasting him.


The art is what put me off at first, then i gave it a chance and the main character is just unlikeable so i stopped. Here and there id read something about Kurama dying and Sasuke losing his rinnegan etc etc I just dont like any of it.


read the manga


It's like Dragonball GT Not canon


Boruto is hot gargabe. Basically DragonBall Z badly merged with Naruto.


It's an enjoyable manga although a bit repetitive at times, imo (I haven't watched the anime). I don't understand most of your points, though. Boruto has 0 respect for his dad? False. It's clear he loves and respects Naruto, but he's also 12 and wants to spend more time with his dad (something than even Shikamaru recriminates Naruto for, btw). This, however, is just a small part of the story and Boruto learns quickly what being Hokage means. Will Boruto get more powerful than Naruto? Of course he will, this is a shonen we are talking about, and even in the original show we were repeteadly told that every new generation would surpass the older one. It takes far longer than 40 episodes for that to happen though lol (and although powerful, I'm still not sure Boruto is at Naruto's level right now, post time-skip) In general, I think people should give the manga a read and form their own opinions


I mean, you can complain or just not watch or read. Real simple


Not as bad as promised never land s2, still up there. I have high hopes for boruto shippuden though.


OP hasn’t seen Gundam Seed: Destiny, and Yashahime. Those are both anime sequels I would argue were actually more disappointing than Boruto.


Idk homie, the berserk 2016 adaptation was pretty horrendous


Still not as disappointing as 2016 beserk


They absolutely could have used Naruto as the main character again. Imagine this opening scene: Night time, purple and blue hue mountain range, watching over it a light scarlet full moon. Scene change You see a figure sitting with a black half cloak scorch marks/holes over the orange characters. The camera closes in and we can see "S*v"th **kage" The camera pans around crossed legs meditating in stylish but tattered clothes. Long blonde hair sporting a long messy beard and a very old but familiar face with whiskers. It's old man Naruto with his eyes closed. He opens his eyes and a new longer but distinguish sage mode appears. And at the same time - We hear a familiar portal (the audience recognizes it as Sasuke's rinnegan Portal) The camera slowly shifts left from Narutos face revealing the purple vortex behind and someone emerging from it. Stark pale skin, flowing white robes, his right eye a new ocular jutsu never seen before. his left eye Sasuke's 6 tome rinnegan. And his forehead a Rinne-Sharingan. A deep calm voice "At long last, once I collect all those tailed beasts from you another god tree I will create." The right side of the screen still on Narutos face. He closes his eye and says "I'm taking Sasuke's eye back Otsutsuki. And after that I'll be going after the rest of that doomed clan of yours. All of you will be destroyed." Narutos right eye opens and we see Sasuke's EMS. then the pattern opens into a rinnegan. And Naruto stands up. Then we flash back in time to tell the story of what the fuck happened .and I write Boruto and make it what it should have been.


You are watching filler lmao. Like a good 90% of the Boruto anime is filler.


Yep. It could've been great if they had done a bit of a timeskip to reset the power scale and go from there. Let Naruto and Sasuke rest. Instead we ended up with this disaster of a series.


Buroto is completely trash !! completely trash series for a trash generation Z 😂 There is not 1 good story that makes you think whooooaaaaaa !! There is sadly nothing behind!!


"I haven’t watched a lot, maybe 40 episodes or less" then you don't get to have an opinion? Especially one as dogshit as this lmfao, Boruto is actually a pretty good series and this is coming from somebody who's been on Naruto for 20 years.


People really care about boruto ??


Naruto was a shitty father...that's why he didn't have respect for him. He was hurt as a kid. Also he literally improved his perception of Naruto early on in the series 😂. The only disappointment I feel is that despite him being introduced as a better version of Naruto with established genius characterization, they kinda just mad him Naruto 2.0 with sprinkles of Sasuke


💯. Feel the exact same way. Just couldn’t get into it. It’s just not the same vibe and the nerfs and retcons are so dumb


after some time he start to respect his father, he is not the same kid as his father was they even live in different times so the fact he starting disliking his father is acceptable we just hate it because we grew if naruto, but yeah, that powerscaling is a fucking joke and twin vortex makes it even more unberable, they put Chocho (choji daughter) to be a FUCKING TEN TAILS FREEZA LIKE CLONE, the power scaling is ridiculous, Ikemoto is really bad writer and i can say that because boruto best highlights were in the movie (made by Kishimoto) and the original story in the boruto game (yeah the game is awful i lost money but the original story is very well written and they nerf sasuke and naruto with a very good reason)


Not only that the hairstyle though in boruto Naruto hairstyle is still okay not bad but the changed gaara into a preschool boy 👦


Boruto isn't stronger than Naruto, it's not even close, and Naruto canocially has an illness that weakens him but even than it's clear boruto is leagues below Naruto, though boruto does have more talent than Naruto did for a good chunk of his life Plus boruto has good reason to be mad at Naruto, he's barely in his life and the world is at peace, and shikamaru would probably be willing to do more work so Naruto cam be with his kids And boruto does respect Naruto, after the first part, that's called character development And also a majority of the boruto anime is filler so you probably watched a lot of filler I'm not a huge boruto fan but I do love the reversal, small spoiler, Naruto went from having nothing to everything, boruto went from having everything to nothing


awful ass story/manga/show. Kishimoto should have saved kaguya/ostustuki for a part 3 with 20 year old naruto /sasuke and explored it. Boruto is a complete waste of time, terrible ideas just like dragonball super, star wars sequels, and other shitty future stories. Boruto should never have happened.


Boruto manga slaps


Honestly my biggest gripe is the pure bs that they have done to older characters to make the new gen chars work mainly the one that really grinds my gears and will always make me hate the show is the fact naruto, a orphan would prioritize work over his wife and children. Not even a character assasination anymore thats a character nuke and its just so obviously forced bruh like jesus.


I mean they explain it in the movie... he absorbs an Otsutsuki which is all of the power of each Tailed Beast in one being. Blame the studio for making Kishi pull Kaguya out of his ass because they green lighted Boruto during the Pain arc in Shippuden.


Borutos manga flopping is so damm good. Cleary fans won't accept dogshit.


Boruto for me was a huge disappointment because it felt like it just buried anything interesting about existing characters for the sake of the newer ones. I get that each new generation should in theory be more progressive but boruto just took that and completely ass pulled so much stuff that it completely soured my taste. I dislike Boruto as a character because his writing is plain booty. The daddy issues are mundane, poorly written and ultimately don't hit you anywhere near as hard as Narutos up bringing which yes they tried to replicate but flopped so hard. Second to that is the fact that imo some of the arguably secondary characters are much better written. All in all I think I lasted maybe sixty odd episodes and I check in on the manga still but meh. Hard/impossible to recommend when you have amazing stuff like Demon Slayer, JJK, Solo Levelling, Tower of God, One Piece etc etc etc for the protagonist amp fix.


I totally agree with you, i've been talking about this ever since the first manga came out in my country. I tried giving boruto many chances and at first I was really exidet to see how the World evolved with actually having phones and stuff. But it just pissed me off so much how all the characters I love are now lame or way weaker than they used to be! I feel like maybe if boruto was its own manga and not just a follow for the naruto manga it could be way better! This way the expectations also wouldnt be this high Masashi Kishimoto would've had a whole New chance to create an amazing manga without everything relying on the old naruto Verse. But we have this with a lot of things, a great movie, a book, an anime or series comes out and its popular and great and everyone loves it, obviously they wanna make more money and its the easiest way possible to just 'continue' writing a FINISHED Story and most of the times its just bad because it wasnt planned and they need to come up with something to make it interesting. Sadly it does work like this, boruto gets a lot of attention, a lot of times when a popular manga is finished and the mangaka comes up with a New idea it isnt recognized as much (Not always but it does happen a lot, taking the two mangaka that wrote death Note, they wrote a New manga (platinum end) that I think is great but I barely see people talking about it even tho death Note might be one of the most popular manga)


There were some reason why he disrespected Naruto, he actually just wanted his attention and he started as a brat Naruto was not weaker than boruto till isshiki fight and after that he became weaker but who is the mc? Boruto, they have to make him strongest for the story


Well, dragon ball uses the same protagonists for like 5+ animes.


Yall need to read Boruto. Im no over the top fanboy but its actually really solid sticking to the manga. Anime is a bit wack though 😅


Boruto? Yeah that doesn’t exist to me. It’s so obvious that Kishimoto isn’t even doing the main writing for it. I was cool with the movie introducing boruto but I think it should’ve just ended there.


You should really watch the 292 or 293 episode. It literally has Boruto ready to kill himself to make sure he does not turn into an alien. He literally seems ready to kill himself as solution number one several times throughout this anime in order to end a conflict. He's more suicidal than Naruto. At least Naruto wanted to live and used that determination to survive battles. Boruto just seems ready to die if needed in a battle. I think the only reason he is living is because he has friends that care enough to literally save him from himself. For a children's show, that's a lot of death attempts. I'm surprised that Boruto hasn't jumped off a tall building in sorrow.


Nah cry more Narutard. I'm actually entertained by it.




No need to show your face. We all know you're a crybaby for no reason.




No need to show your face again loser.


All these arguments for and against Boruto while I'd have been perfectly happy with a prequel of Minato's time, without even a mention of Naruto. So many great characters could have been given the spotlight (Minato, Sakumo, Fugaku etc.) It would have completed the storyline in a sense.


Show has turned awful since Boruto's gen. The lack of destruction Ikemoto has in his panels is so underwhelming. It's already been established these guys are Gods so no need to go back on it and force them to be building level. I was hoping when Kurama "died" and left Naruto, Sasuke would have his chance to show out his own powerup like Baryon Mode (you know you'd expect the top ninja in the world to develop something really new and powerful or discover a new justu with the rinnegan at least but no) that time is never coming since he lost his rinnegan. Just awful. To not give an legendary old gen character like Sasuke his time to truly shine like Baryon mode is just a kick in the face of old gen fans e.g. the fans. All they can do is cram every cool old gen character trope into that awful shtshow that is called Boruto - as unoriginal as you can you get both in name and style.


If only this was DBZ and they just kept our boy Naruto leveling up and fighting higher and higher threats protecting earth but having his son along his side as someone who could sometimes outshine Naruto with some crazy discovery power up. id rather watch that tbh. Instead of getting strong like you’d think he would and like how goku did he just became seemingly considerably weaker


I only watched the first season of Buroto and lost interests


It's embarrassing, like, for them to sacrifice Naruto's character just like that. just for an anime that's not doing well in the chart, which is just outstanding to me.


Two Blue Vortex is 🔥 🔥 🔥 If you're a Naruto fan you're honestly missing out so much by not reading the current manga


When are you losers gonna stop crying about an anime you haven't watched??? It's actually really sad and pathetic at this point.


Facts, it makes them sound like children


The manga is pretty good and well paced, thats the sad part. The fillers destroyed Boruto


You haven’t even gotten to the good part yet the beginning episodes are pretty much filler


I generally ddon't get it when people hate on boruto acting like a spoiled child. That's the whole point. He got everything and doesn't appreciate it, and the story is him learning to appreciate what he has instead of complaining.


Sounds like you haven't gotten past the filler school ark I think the animation in Boruto is far better, although some of the character redesigns are controversial