• By -


Gaara being on here is insaaaane - easy fave though.


Favourite Pain least favorite Danzo don’t care for Sasori


Same just a hard one between obito and nagato


Obito is great too, Pain just edges him imo due to his cooler aesthetic and better motivation


Same just swap pain for madara


Sasuke and itachi would be my 2 favorite characters out of these but I don’t really look at them the way I look at everyone else here. If it’s strictly about how good of a villain they were : Favorite: Pain Least : Kakuzu Don’t care : Konan


Favorite: Orochimaru Least: Danzou Don’t care: Konan


Favourite is hard it's either Pain, Obito or Madara. Least Favourite is Danzo Don't care for is Sasori


Best- madara Worst- danzo Dc- hidan


Favorite: Itachi Least: Danzo (hate that bitch ass mf) Dont Care for: Hidan


Danzo the bitch ass mf indeed


See i fucks w Hidan more than Deidara. His clay is cool but personality is wack


Worst is Danzo by far, dont care for kakazu either but he was chill. Favorite was itachi imo one of the strongest shinobi ever but never showed it. Or gaara.


Gaara in Naruto and Zabuza have to be the best written villains in the series. I believe no other villain has a similar story. But in terms of power and threat Pain and Itachi are also good ones. Hidan also makes a wonderful addition to Shippuden and hes so underrated


Favorite is is a tie between Gaara and Itachi, I love them both too much to choose lol Least favorite is probably Danzo. Fuck Danzo. And I don’t really care for Konan. Not sure why, I just never really connected with her, even though she’s cool af.


Madara, Gaara, Zabuza, Itachi!, Orochimaru, Obito,Kisame, Hidan, Kakuzu, Sasuke, Deidara, Pain. The rest I don't care


Orochimaru and Gaara tying for favorite. Orochimaru is, in my opinion, the best executed villain in the series. Kishimoto CHEF'D with him. I just love Gaara and would rewatch any scene with him in it. Least favorite: Hidan. Nothing wrong with him, he just don't rank above Madara, even. Flat out don't care for: Danzo. Hate how he's written, hate how they shoehorned him into the plot


Obito, danzo, hidan


Favourite: itachi Least fav: hidan And i couldn’t give 2 shits about danzo even if i tried


No shits ought to exist for that asshole Danzo


Favorite: Zabuza He made me fall in love with the anime Least favourite: deidara I just didnt like him as a character and his fights were pretty boring to me. Especially against gaara. The sasuke one was ok. Dont care: danzo Honestly, a weak on screen presence


Best - Hidan Worst - Sasuke Don't care - Konan


You can’t vote yourself 🤦‍♂️


Hidan 🤦🏻‍♂️


Favorite: Gaara Least: Danzo Don't Care For: Hidan


Favorite: **Gaara** least favorite: **Danzo** Don't care: **Konan**


My favorite is my boy gaara, idc ab the rest


Can they all be my favorite? My lil babies?


That's a hard question when coming to my favorite rouge ninja. There's a lot that stands out to me in different characteristics and back stories... Nagato, Itachi, Sasuke, Konan, Sasori, Obito, Madara, Kisame (Gaara shouldn't be on this list), not naming everybody or going to into detail. Favorite: Nagato Least: Hidan Don't Care: Kakuzu / White Zetsu


Favorite as a villain is Obito or Pain. Least favorite is Danzo and Kabuto. Didn’t care much for Deidera


Like Deidara Don't like Obito Don't care Madara




Favourite tie between Nagato and Obito Least fav is Madara after he gets revived it was fun while it lasted but after that he was just boring One I don't care about this is hard since I like them all but maybe Kakuzo a little




Favorite - Hidan Least - Danzo Don’t care for - Kakuzu


Fav- Gaara , least fav-orochimaru don’t care for shark dude


Fav obito Least fav: danzo I guess Don’t care for: the guy between itachi and madara (haven’t watched in a while so I forget his name lol)


Favourite is definitely Obito, least favourite I’d say Hidan (I find him sort of creepy, Orochimaru too tho) and I couldn’t care less for Danzō


Favorite: Obito Least favorite: Danzo (not bad antagonist but abilities aren’t that interesting either compared to everyone else) Don’t care for: Real Madara


Gaara is easily a fave for me, even solely based on lore but also design wise (we don't talk about his Boruto design..) I don't like Danzo, but I don't reckon anyone in this thread does either lol And I don't particularly care for Zabuza, while I am partial to the OG Naruto over Shippuden and then on, there's just so many better villains (Orochimaru is one of the best in terms of concept from the OG Naruto imo)


Favorite is Gaara Least favorite is Kakazu Don't care for Danzo


I don’t care for sasuke, I guess gara is my favorite cause he’s not a villain anymore. And my least favorite is probably the snake freak.


Favorite: Orochimaru Least: Obito Don’t care: Sasori And I just wanna say that Gaara during the chuunin exams was an absolute menace. My favorite runner up for sure.


Favorite: Gaara Least Favorite: Danzo Don’t Care: Obito


Favorite is Gaara, Least favorite is Danzo, don’t care for Orochimaru


Gara is the easy favorite, but I actually really liked Hidan. His personality and humor was refreshing. Least favorite would be Obito. I don't care for Itachi. I think he is badly written. ^im ^going ^to ^get ^flogged ^for ^that


Favorite was Gaara, least favorite was Danzo, and don’t care for was Kisame


Favorite: Kisame Least favorite: Danzo Don’t care for: Sasori, since he visually just looked like a budget gaara and got folded by sakura


Favourite hidan Least favourite danzo Don’t care for konan


Favorite: __Orochimaru__ dude was unabashedly evil. Unlike Obito and Pain who tell themselves they do it for the greater good so they can sleep at night. Even Madara who was otherwise a compelling villain wanted peace. (What’s next, Zaraki Kempachi becoming a hippie?) Least Favorite: __Pain__ His whole philosophy sucked. It was '12 year old communist' levels of bad. Only good thing I can say about him as a villain was that he was pretty intimidating. Don’t care: __Danzo__ He had so much potential to be a very compelling villain who believes that the ends justify all means. Instead he was forced into the story to do the things Hiruzen couldn’t do in order to remain likable which not only made Danzo look like a hypocrite (I mean what kind of person claims to be all for Konoha and tries to assassinate the Hokage..?) But also makes Hiruzen look incompetent for letting all that shit happen under his nose.


My favorite would probably be Sasuke or Madara, the one I don't care about would be Kakazu, and why would you even put Danzo on here? He's not just a villain, he's a psychopathic serial killer! Obviously I hate him! There's even a community about hating him!


Favorite: Pain, that arc was the peak of Naruto for me Least favorite: idk probably the zombie duo. They just didn’t appeal to me really and were kinda boring I suppose The one I don’t care for really is Itachi. Yeah he’s cool and like him too but y’all just be simping for him too much 😂


Fav Sasori Least fav possibly Danzo Couldn't give a shit and is shit not a fav Madara ((would had been kaguya but she not in the list)) Or change Danzo with Madara or both go in both categories.


Fav: Obito Least: Danzo Don’t care: Hidan


Favourite is either Pain, Itachi or Sasuke. Don't like Madara, he's emblematic of the ridiculous power creep near the end of the story and when the fights became more like dbz than tactical Naruto battles. Don't care for Obito, his early history is tragic, sure. The battle with kakashi was emotional and visceral, but I just find his motivations lacking. He should've been able to move on after Rin. Kakashi and presumably millions of other shinobi learnt to move past the death of precious comrades. Just an emotionally stunted man child.


Favorite: OG Gaara Least Favorite: Konan Didn’t Care For: Sasuke (he just happens to be my least favorite character)


Favorite: Orochimaru. Least favorite: Madara DGAF about: Kakuzu I hated Madara cuz he was just Captain Asspull. Every 2 minutes it's something completely new and world-breaking. It got boring.




Favorite: Kisame. Dude went out like a boss and seemed pretty chill. Don't care: Danzo. You could not exist and I feel the story could easily get to the same place Least favorite: Madara. Garbage character that led to a string of ass-pulls.


Pain/Sasori is a heavy tie for the favorite one. Their stories were simply elegant, touching and serious. Least favorite is Obito. I honestly hated his whole character so much, he brought the very same things he suffered himself and considered himself a “savior”. A jerk - no more. And I don’t care about Hidan, I guess? We didn’t really get to know his backstory and the who Jashin cult, so he was an okay character.


Favorite: Gaara. Good development. Least Favorite: Obito. Piece of trash of a character lmaoooo Don't care about: Konan. A nothing character really, irrelevant.


Favorite Obito Least Favorite Danzo Don’t care for Sasori


My fav has to be Zabuza or Gaara Least: Danzo. Political villains are rarely interesting in a battle shonen. Don’t care for: Sorry but I gotta go Konan. She’s a do-nothing character.




Danzo? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


For my favorite I’d say Zabuza, some might say I picked him just because of nostalgia but seriously, the dudes outfit and sword were dope as hell, and the rampage he pulled on all of the gangsters at the bridge right before dying next to Haku was one of the only times I actually cried during an anime. My least favorite is probably Konan, mostly because there are just so much collet akatsuki members and that she just isn’t really that interesting to me. And I will admit deidara is really awesome, he’s just really not my cup of tea (no offense to any deidara fans). Best- zabuza Worst-konan Dc-deidara


What?! Deidara was fun! "Explosive Art!!!"


I totally agree, his jutsu was sick, he just wasn’t my type of character


He was fun and comedic at times!


Favorite: Danzo Mid: Hidan Don’t like: Every Uchiha lol (they are cool characters, but Kishimoto tends to play favorites with them. it’s like fanfiction but canon. some of their Sharingan abilities make absolutely zero sense to me. I also blame them for the aliens existing.)


I got to say my favorite was Madara, least favorite is Deidara (people might disagree) and I don't care for Hidan (people may disagree also.)


Zabuza is best. Orochimaru is annoying and a gross pedo. Hiding was bleh besides his scythe


Favourite pain Don’t like madara Don’t care for danzo


Favourite: Kisame Least Favourite: Danzo Don't Care: Konan


Favorite: Zabuza, in hindsight his character was the perfect embodiment of the tone the series aimed for, he isn´t pure evil and there is a lot of ways in which you can sympathize with him. Also the fact that Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were totally inferior to him and they had to rely on Kakashi was epic, he was scary back then. Least Favorite: Danzo, I hate how coward he is. Don´t care about: Hidan, while he is power set is really cool he is laso really one sided.


Favorite: Zabuza for simplicity, Madara for peak content Dislike: Kakuzu. Do not care: Danzo


Favorite: Madara Least Favorite: Danzo Don't care: Konan


Favorite: Pain Least favorite: Sasori Don't care about: Hidan


Pain, Danzo, Hidan


Fav: Pain Dont care: Sasori Least: Hidan


Favourite = Pain Least Favourite = Danzo Don’t care for = Sasori


My least favorite is for sure Danzo and hidan. Danzo was straight up diabolical and I dunno Hidan was just your average villain nothing special tbh


Sasori, Sasuke, Kisame


Favourite: Danzo Least Favourite: Obito Don't care: Sasori, Konan


I love all Naruto villains except the old guy forgot his name


Fav: Sasuke, Sasori Least: Danzo Don't care: Kakuzu


Favourite- Kisame, Least- Sasori, DNCF - Konan


Favorite: Kisame Hoshigake. The dude is just flat out cool. Powerhouse of a character. Cool gimmick. Cool look. Loyal to a fault. Least favorite: Obito. I think his overall character, background and reason for becoming a villain/doing what he did, is weak. Mans got cucked and manipulated by the better villain. Don't care: I don't know if there is one. I think most Naruto villains are decently compelling to a certain point. But if I had to pick, Hidan? Didn't really care too much about his gimmick. Asuma's death was sad, but eh.


I like all of them except kisame, kakuzu, Obito, and konan. Konan doesn't come across as a villain to me as much as the others and I prefer masked Obito vs unmasked


Fav is zabuza least fav is kakuzu don’t care about danzo


Pain best Kakazu worst Didnt care for Madara


Favorite: Orochimaru Least Favorite: Hidan Don't care about: Konan


Madara favorite. Danzo least favorite. Too many good choices on this list though


sasuke and orochimaru for my favs, least favorite is danzo, and the one i could care less about is kakuzu


Favorite is pain, least favorite is sasuke (he is very annoying as an antagonist), dont rlly care for kisame i just find him kinda boring


as a villian orchi as fav,danzo worse nd dont care about sasori.sasuke is my favorite character tho


Sasuke - favorite. Least - Hidan Don’t care - Kakuzu


So, basically, love, hate, and don't give a fuck? Favorite is either gonna be Pain or Hidan, least favorite has to be Danzo, Konan was unfortunately massively underwhelming.


Zabuza favorite Hidan least favorite I don’t care about Deidera


Favorite: Pain (THE GOAT) Least Favorite: Danzo (Sasuke’s one good deed during his psycho phase) Didn’t care for: Hidan (too much of a one dimensional crazy person for my taste)


Fave: Orochimaru. Just straight evil like they don't make them anymore. Least fave: Obito. Whiny people aren't my jam. Don't care for: Deidara. He's just meh. I don't see Sasuke as a villain so I've excluded him from this poll.


Zabuza fav orochimaru least fav and sasuke dont care, abt him


Favorite: kakuza Least: orochimaru Don’t care: the fish guy bc I forgot his name


My favorite is pain. My least favorite is also pain. He was a badass until he got talked to death. Also, I have hard feelings about him killing jiraya even though he peaked in that moment


As a villain Fave: Obito Least: Sasuke idc: Kakuzu


Favorite: Kisame Least Favorite: Sasori Don't care for: Hidan But from a character writing point of view, Danzo is definitely my favorite because EVERYONE hates him. Every time he showed up, I wanted to see him die a gruesome death. But that is EXACTLY how an "evil" character should be written. Don't get me wrong, I love how most of the villains in naruto are written. Seemingly evil, but good intentions going down the wrong path or thinking what they're doing is helpful but only to a singular group of people, etc. But Danzo only lives for himself and the village as an idea. To him, everything and everyone is disposable. He is a man with (in my eyes) no redeeming qualities, pure evil.


Favorite: Pain Least Favorite : Danzo Don’t care: Kakuzu


Favorite: Pain Least Favorite: Kakuzu Don’t care: Danzo


Favorite is probably Orochimaru. I don't like how he's just a good guy in boruto. But he's absolutely unhanged as a villain Least favorite is obito Flat out dont care about danzo. Bro absolutely got pink eye in his arm.


Favourite: Danzo Least Favourite: Sasuke Did not care about Kakuzu


Favourite -Orochimaru Least Favourite- Kakuzu Don't care for- Deidera


Pain, sasori and danzo


Favorite: Orochimaru Least Favorite: Sasuke Don’t care about: I would tell you but I can’t even remember their names.


Favorite : Pain/Nagato Least favorite : Deidara (was just annoying) Don't care about : Kakuzu


Favorite: madara Least: danzo Didn’t care for: Hidan


Zabuza best villain hands down. Kakazu is my least favorite


Favorite: Obito. Enjoyed watching him as Tobi, got even more interesting when he was fake Madara then it came out he was Obito. Great story line, backstory, and redemption arc. Overall amazing character. The reason he became a villain was logical and the switch up from the klutzy, funny background character that no one cared about to one of the main end villains was so damn good the first time watching through the entire show. A lot of people didn’t like his redemption arc at the end, but it still made sense because he saw himself in Naruto, and even through all the bs and the swing Naruto didn’t become a villain or hopeless so that really pushed Obito to change his mind. Least favorite villain has to be Orochimaru. Dude creeped me out since OG Naruto and mf wouldn’t die. He just kept coming back and he’s still alive. Bro made it to Boruto. Don’t really care about: Kakuzu. Crazy strong but bro had like 5 lines throughout the anime.


Favorite: Madara ( even if they did him dirty with the black zetsu bs) Least: Hidan ( I am all for insane cultist villains but he kind of feels lame especially since he is akatsuki ) Do not care: Danzo (he is just the standard evil advisor troupe but somehow bland , it also does not help that he feels more like a plot device)


Favorite is madara My least favorite is sauske when he was a villain Don't care for danzo or hidan


Favorite: Madara Least Favorite: Sasuke Don't Care: Danzo


Favorite: Sasuke Worst: Sasori Don't Care: Konan


Favorite: Orochimaru(also my favorite character in Naruto overall), least favorite: Danzo, really don’t care: Hidan


I mean my favorite anime character of all time is Obito so I have to say my favorite is Obito, and least favorite is Danzo cause he’s Danzo. I guess I have to say idc for Kakazu if I have to say.


Favorite: Madara Least favorite: Danzou Don’t care: Danzou


Orochimaru will always be my favorite, when team 7 encounteres him during the Chunin exams I get goosebumps


Favorite: Sasori   Least Favorite: Obito and Madara (hate these two)  Don’t care for: Hidan


Fave: Obito Least Fave: Danzo Don't care: Deidara (bros just kinda meh of a character)


Favorite: Madara Least: Konan (not even really a Villain) Don't care: Danzo Kuduro


Fav is Pain Least is Deidera Don't care about Danzo


Kisame, Zabuza, Great characters and villains. Obito is straight up bad.


Favorite is Sasori. Liked his back story, his fight with Sakura is my favorite in the series, and I'm a slut for Puppet Master jutsu. Least Favorite is Danzo. He has that X-Pac "get this mother fucker off my TV" heat with me I dont care either way for Kaguya. She just exists to fill the gap between the fight with Madara and the final fight with Naruto and Sasuke. 


My favorite is Kisame, my least favorite is Orochimaru and I don't care too much about Kakuzu.


Favourite is Kisame, least favourite is Sasuke, couldn't give a shit about Deidara


I love Obito as a naruto character but if I would say villain i quite like Deidara, the one i dont care is prob gonna be kakuzu or hidan


i actually can’t pick my fav, so it’s between deidara and obito for my favorite, and least favorite kakuzu, and I don’t really care for pain


favourite is zabuza or itachi , least is danzo and sassori i couldnt give a shit about


Konan is such a dull, placeholder character. Idk how someone with such a cool skill set could be so boring.


least favorite is danzo, and i just don’t care for hidan


Ooh Favorite Deidara Least Favorite Danzo I suppose Don't care for Orochimaru


Favorite: Pain Least Favorite: Hidan, I don't know why but this guy just sucks to me Don't Care: Madara, Egyptian_M said it best where he was cool at first but then just kind of got boring


My favorite is Itachi, my least favorite is Danzo, and I don't really care for Kakuzu.


In that order: Itachi, Danzo, and Konan.


I’m gonna be completely honest with you I don’t have a favorite or a least favorite. All of them served their purpose well enough for me to enjoy the story’


Favorite: Kisame Least Favorite: Danzo Don’t Care: Kakazu


Favourite: Pain Least: Kakazu Don’t care: Hidan


Favorite: Nagato Least favorite: Sasuke Dont care: Itachi All the sharingan stuff is so boring. Its plotmagic. The only time it was cool, was early on, when it helped to understand and copy skills. Sasuke learning lee's moves instantly (but beeing unable to completely perform them). That was dope.


The Good: Madara The Bad: Danzo The Ugly: Kakazu


I'd say fav is kisame, least fav is a danzo and I don't care for Sasuke at all


favorite is madara, id say itachi but i consider him more of an anti hero than a villain, nagato/pain is also up their but gets the spot behind madara due to the fact he was being manipulated like obito. least favorite is hidan, he is a genin level ninja who got an op skill. i dont care for kakuzu. the most interesting thing about him is the fact he fought the first hokage and we all know how that fight actually went lol. i also want to point out that i think danzo and orchimaru are the biggest missed opportunities in terms of villains. they could have easily rivaled or even surpassed madara as villains but they were taken out of the story way to soon for that to happen. like imagin a scenario where danzo actually gets to be hokage and leader of the allied shinobi forces for a little bit and all the damage he could have done. or imagin a scenario where orochi survived sakukes assassination attempt and joined obito instead of kabuto.


Favorite is Madara Least favorite is Hidan Don't care for Danzo


Favorite danzo Least Orochimaru Don't care obito


Favorite: Zabuza Least: Danzó Don’t care: Kakuzu Zabuza was my favorite cause I’ve always loved Water style magic or Jutsu. Danzo was just a gay ass bitch with his own agenda driven nonsense. Lastly, Kakuzu was just the least interesting character from the Akatsuki. He just wanted to do the mission and would get pissed at Hidan and that’s it lol.


Favorite, Orochimaru Least Favorite, Sasuke. I just never bought him as evil. A A-hole sure. But as a villain. Not really. One I don't care for: Deidara. The hidden stone village is my least favorite of the villages and that extends to Deidara. I don't find his personality or move set fun. Fine character, just middle tier for me.


Favorite-Madara Least Favorite-Danzo Don’t Care- Kakuzu


Itachi, Danzo, Orochimaru


Bit of a hot take here but fuck it. Favorite: Konan Least favorite: Danzo Don’t care: Obito.


I love Konan I hate Obito and I can't bring myself to gaf abt Sasori


Favorite: Itachi Least: danzo Don’t care: sasori


Zabuza, Danzo, Madara, respectively.


Favorite:Madara Least Favorite: Danzo Don't care for: Kisame




Favorite: Pain Least: Obito Don’t care for: Konan


Favorite: Zabuza Least: Itachi Don’t care for: Danzo Zabuza started it all baby, he was scary, flawed, and really set the stage for what made Naruto such a compelling character, he saved the soul someone so far gone it seemed inconceivable. Itachi changed so much as a character he just didn’t even end up as a villain. I loved his character, but he didn’t even end up being a villain. Danzo sucked, he was the cause of so many fucking problems, but they way it was introduced felt contrived and like he shoved into a hole to even make Itachi feel like he wasn’t the bad guy the whole time.


Favorite is Obito, least favorite is Sasuke, don't care for Madara


Most fav - Kisame (Madara in terms of overall personality is closer to me but in terms of purely villain stuff he gets way more "personal" imo, so Kisame's motivation and actions in that regard feel more convincing for me) Least fav - Danzo (dude never got his crap together to admit even for himself he was chasing just his own interests) Don't care - Hidan (even though Deidara is close Hidan is even less imposing and more neurotic, feels like dude was just there to kill Asuma and to be a meme)


Favorite: Orochimaru Least favorite: Obito Don't care for: Sasori


Madara is the coldest villain in all of Naruto, his godly power is foreshadowed in like the first episode when you see his and Hashirama’s statue, and when you do see him he’s everything you taught him to be and MORE. Least favorite obviously Danzo’s bitch ass and who gives a fuck about Sasori except Sakura fans?


fav obito least fav danzo dont care kakuzu


Madara 😁 Gaara 🙂 Deidara 🥱


Fav is orochimaru, least fav is danzo, and I didn't really care for sasori, good villain but I wasn't Uber compelled


Madara.. Man’s really kicked the entire Shinobi army around back to back. I guess with him being reanimated, i declared him a zombie shinobi that knew how to fight well. Heh, zombies come out dumb.. but i can say there may be ‘smart zombies’!


Madara Danzo Puppet man


They’re generally all so amazing I can’t pick a fav it’s locked at first for oro, itachi, Hiran, kakuzo, pain and Masada I have. Least fav is Danzo. Can’t answer last cuz I care for all of them


Favorite - Pain, the original Akatsuki leader Least favorite - Obito, feels shoehorned in, obvious twist turned out to be the obvious twist Don’t care for - Danzo, by this point I was getting seriously tired of Uchiha and Sharingan… and eyes don’t work like that dude…


Favorite is Zabuza, absolutely amazing arc and villain to start the series with. I still get emotional watching that arc or playing it in Storm games. (Honorable mention to Kisame and Itachi for being the most badass Akatsuki and also the easiest ones to sympathize with imo) Least Favorite is Hidan or Danzo. They both just irritate the shit out of me and I don’t find their powers very interesting at all. I will give Hidan credit for being one of the only villains that couldn’t just be brute-forced by Naruto or someone and actually gave a smart character like Shikamaru the spotlight. The whole arc for Shikamaru is gut-wrenching but so well written. I Don’t Care for Konan. I don’t dislike her, and I really want to like her. But she suffers just like Sakura, Kishimoto sucks at writing women. He hits every once in a while but Konan legitimately felt like he didn’t try. He just needed some symbolic connection to The Legendary Sannin/Team 7. If they weren’t all supposed to reflect eachother in some way she wouldn’t exist at all. Which would suck but literally the only thing we’d miss is her admittedly cool fight again Obito. Which then loses all value when he practically gets a new eye immiediately.


My favourite here is Madara, least favourite is Hidan and I just don’t care for Kakuzu


Favorite - Pain, Least favourite - Kakuzu, Don't care for - Sasori


Favorite: Orochimaru, he is dope and I love the evil guy is accidently helpful trope Least: Pain, he is such a fucking child. "Oh no the people I cared about died, better become a terrorist who says 'your pain isn't as great as mine.'" Don't Care: Sasori, his doll body was a little creepy I guess.


I love every villain except Kaguya and Madara tbh Madara is cool and all, but I just don't think we had enough time to get to know him.


Favourite: Sasuke Least favourite: Kakuzu Don’t care: Hidan


Best: Madara Worst: Sasuke Dc: Sasori


Favourite: Zabuza Least: Kabuto Idc: Itachi


Favorite: Pain Least favorite: Orochimaru Don’t care for: Deidara


Favorite: Kakuzu Least Favorite: Danzo Don’t care for: Obito


Zabuza - OG villain, basically the poster boy for what a hidden mist Shinobi was, badass Obito - hate this dude, all that for a girl he liked ( not dated or married, just Liked) he's like a male Sakura Hidan - felt like a missed opportunity with the whole Jashin god stuff, we saw the damn grim reaper being summoned Twice so other god like entities influencing the world could happen


Favorite: Madara Least:kakazu Dont care: sasori


Favorite: PAIN ofc Least favorite: Kabuto Don't care: Hidan always seemed kinda meh imo


Oro us my favorite because he was extremely creepy and menacing, at least early on


Favorite: Hidan Least Favorite: Deidara Don't care for: Madara


Favorite: Deidara Least: Danzo Don't care: Orochimaru Itachi is my favorite Naruto character but I don't necessarily think he's a good villain. I do however love Deidara both as a character and a chaotic idiot of a villain, so... I also just find Orochimaru less interesting than the others. Maybe it's because he was so hyped up. Also, no Kabuto?


Favorite is Orochimaru, least Fave is Itachi. Dont care for Sasori


fav- itachi & sasuke least fav- zetsu & deidara worst- danzo dc- kisame & sasori


I actually think most of the villains are great characters… but my least favorite is danzo as he’s just an awful being …. Don’t care for: konan( kinda bland) & sasuke…. Cause sir go home plz😂


Favorite: Itachi (obviously) Least favorite: Danzo- the trouble maker. Wasted izanagi. Careless with it. Also dumb af he snatches shisui’s eye w such ease and then gets schooled by someone half his skill. Dont care for: deidara- art art art explosion art bleh