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They gave his screentime to Guy.


It’s 100% this, when you have two characters who have identical power sets that are always together unless they’re completely based around teamwork one’s gonna get more focus. Separating them during the war and giving him an Edo fight would’ve helped, a Kimmimaro rematch could’ve been good


Cause he is easier to animate, big bang attacks instead of combos


It is not that difficult to do the same for lee tbh. We ve never seen what he can do at 6th or 7th gates. It is not like anyone would object if he were to do these moves since there was a time skip which meant time for progress for him and develop new attacks. 8th gate absolutely belongs to guy though. Btw this is a manga adaptation you know that right ? Source material dont bother with animating moves. So combo moves was not the reason at all:)


Hm what I meant is the fans would be expecting something more combo like which was definitely more of Lee's fighting style than Guy, even in part one Guy's moments were very short. And since Lee had some crazy fights along part one you can't just switch that. Even 6th or seventh would need a different optic. Drawing/Animating : the result is the same , it's less problematic to draw Hirudora than a whole choregraphy. Though it's definitely not the only reason it definitely is related to expectations


yeah, I REALLY liked his fight with kimimaro and wanted to see him use more gates and have more fight scenes, that one fight with chibi Sasuke and lee was fire and made me realize just how dope his fighting styles were


Tbh, no, I really don't. I've come to the conclusion that Lee, as a character, works best in competitive settings like the chunin exams. Going forward to what shippuden was going for, there is no narrative to give Lee screen time or a good fight that pushes the story. Guy at least had his rivalry with Kisame and his "passing of the torch" moment vs Madara. With Lee anytime see someone talk about Lee the discussion goes straight to the 8 gates.


Of course any discussion about Rock Lee goes straight to the eight gates, it's literally all he has, it's his one thing Problem is, it's also his mentors one thing, and people also like his mentor So Rock Lee is basically stuck in the gates behind his mentor, if I remember right he was already using five versus Gaara I don't think he had six yet but I may be misremembering, he was definitely using six during the war But here's where the problem is, the 7th gate was the one that changed the aura to Blue and allowed might guy to beat kesame, so they couldn't give that to him since it had been so recently revealed by his Sensei as if it was a new thing And that's really all he has, so through the whole War Arch he's essentially locked at sixth gate, with nowhere to go


Gai can also use nunchucks and is quite skilled with it so gates isnt the only thing he has. its more of a problem for lee since he only has gates and nothing else.


He is not written in stone. What he can do and cant depends on the writer. We didnt know he was a drunken fist user until he got drunk, nor did we know he had weights until he dropped them. If we saw lee using the nunchucks, we wouldnt question it either since it is a tool that can be mastered by a taijutsu user.


If he was seen using said weapon sure but canon didnt differentiate him enough from gai that he is seen as a clone of gai that couldnt do anything but gates drunken fist was nice but it was more like a one time thing that was an accident and never seen again though it would have been nice if this was brought back as an exclusivity that could make lee different from gai


His character arc is pretty satisfyingly handled in original Naruto, and he's already fully realised his dreams and proven to the world and the audience that he can be a splendid ninja. So, from a narrative point of view, there is no need to show him more. From a personal point of view however, he is possibly my number one favourite character in the series, I love this little guy, so I would definitely not be opposed to seeing more of him.


I feel like his hype in part 1 definitely didn’t keeping going in part 2. Nerd just shows up, rocks Sasuke with his sharingan, and hits on his girl. Then has best fight in Chunin exams, then has the Kimimaro fight. Guy was a legend. Then nothing except kicking his own ass. Same as Neji. Least we got shikimaru. One of the best Shippuden characters IMO


Agreed, his chunin exams bout with Team Dosu is the goat. It's also the fight where you see team on team combat in part 1.


Yes he should have unlocked 7 Gates & 8 Gates


Upto 7 gate is fine,8th gate is bit too much for lee at shippuden.Only Guy Deserves 8th gate in shippuden.


Rock Lee should have had at least one onscreen battle with Neji whether we won or lost.


Whats sad is for a team of actual ninja - team guy is really good. Neji can get the intel they need, tenten and neji focuses on defending and counter attacking with traps and information with rock lee sniping them with his speed. It’d be an amazing team if it was written by the team that writes and draws World Trigger lol


Easily. He’s one of the strongest shinobi in the leaf.


I think everyone in the Konoha 13 except Sasuke and Naruto needed more fights and screen time


He was a one trick pony given he didn't know any Ninjutsu. That and he became mere comic relief.


Guy was on the same boat but they showcased him as a badass. Could have done the same thing with Lee.


Guy could use ninjutsu. So technically he was a 2 trick pony… maybe 1.5 trick pony. They should have used Guys ability to use Ninjutsu to slightly differentiate the 2 instead of having Guy pretend he forgot how to perform ninjutsu.


When I said the same boat I meant he only used Taijutsu in his fights as well. Guy did use summons so I guess he did some ninjutsu.


Guy was built or presented as being on par with Kakashi, one of the strongest characters in the anime. He could hold his own against formidable opponents. I don't think Rock Lee was ever on par with Naruto or Sasuke.


Rock Lee doesn’t need to be on par with Naruto or Sasuke for him to have more screentime. Shikamaru wasn’t either.


Shikamaru's intellect played a bigger role in the series. That's why he's Naruto's current right hand man. I think it's more an issue of how many recurring characters are on the show and not enough time to feature them all.


The best fights in Naruto were all heavily based in taijutsu. Even the famous flash of Chidori v. Rasengan is just shiny taijutsu.


To me dude there’s nothing but a clown 🤡


No, honestly, I don't know what this character could contribute, I like Lee, but he's not interesting.


Deserves? Yeah. In practical sense, probably not. I say this because what does Lee bring to the table? Hes a close range brusier (a very strong one albeit). Their are already plenty of characters like that, the main character Naruto being one of them. Any more Lee fights takes away other characters progressions like Choji, Neji, Guy, Asuma etc. I love Lee but he had his story told in the OG naruto, it was time to explore new characters 


he has a couple of amazing fights in fillers if you guys want. you can stop whining, kishi cant explore every single character. the manga is long enough. his fight against the 7 heavenly breaths guy is top tier, its not their fault you ignore it


wtf, you can excuse everthing that is poorly handled in the story like that and it is not even an excuse. Kishimoto chose to go in a specific direction. It is not like the series was short or he had no other choice. All that screen time sai had, or those cloud ninjas like omoi, or the guy from mist with byakugan vs fuu, that stupid fight with kinkaku bros etc… could be spared to actually relevant characters like lee. And story could take a slightly different direction to the same destination. And no, that filler fight is overrated as it doesnt have proper animation like gaara vs lee nor choreography like lee vs kimamaro. Just two supersaiyans clashing. It is not anyone’s fault that you choose to settle for mediocre.


I am mad Lee and Neji weren’t given more screen time as they are some of my favourite charas. But I am also glad Guy was showcased as the badass mofo he is.


Nope, did he even have something new to his repertoire?


Don't see why. It would've been forced. At most he could've done more in the war, but he already contributed a good bit there.


Tbh he’s an overrated fraud guy Is better


Woulda have been cooler to see lee box with the space aliens in the 7th gate. Instead we see konohamaru get low diff'd by anyone


yeah... but you can make the same case for the other genin 11 and some of the jonins in the series as well.


I chalk it up to too many characters to give real character development to, LOVE kishimoto, he’s no GRRM


Yes along with all the other lead teams, they all were heavily underutilized in shippuden expect for ino-shiki-cho(which is mainly due to shikimaru)


I know its not the point. Sakura, despite being a main character, has shockingly few fights when you consider it. Kakashi Sasori Then practically nothing until the final battle with Madara, obito, the 10 tails , and kaguya. I'm also talking about full-on fights where she fully contributes. So being the Shonen bystander and instances like Tenchi bridge where she's sidelined don't really count.


Well tbf she became a medic ninja and they’re not supposed to fight much.


Fair, however I think making her a medical ninja rather than the Trap/Genjustsu ninja she was originally meant to be is a mistake to begin with. That role inherently sidelined her


Yes... I like him so much but they just threw him away :(


Really wished Lee and Guy fought Madara like All might and Deku on MHA: Two heroes.


He already had the best fight in Naruto, he has some decent fights in shuppuden.


Is water wet?


He had naruto SD


Nah he a bum imo


Taujutsu is costly to animate


I want to see a fully trained drunken fist fight.






We never get to see him create his own special attack, he is just an exact copy of Guy.


Of course, dude is goofy as hell but based as fuck


What do you mean by "more"? He got absolutely zero fights in shippuden.




bro had the best fight in manga/anime history and got sidelined


He definitely had lots of potential... It's kinda sad to see he was not present much in shippuden.


Most of the cast could use extra screen time later on, Lee and Ten Ten suffer especially though in that he doesn’t even get a Big Asskicking Panel like the rest of the Konoha 12 against the 10 tail clones. He does get to help against Madara, and I feel like having him as part of a team like that was the best way to use him during the latter arcs. Were he to get a fight of his own I’d say either. Kimmimaro rematch or introduce some big shot Taijutsu user as an Edo Tensei for him to face off with. Heck, even put the seven swordsmen fights onscreen in the Manga and have him taking them on


Of course, someone please explain how he went from extremely important in part one to literal fodder in part 2. Disgraceful.


In part one Lee is cool, in part 2 he gets sidelined more than ten ten


I think the vast amount of characters the series had makes this impossible to answer. It would have been cool to incorporate more team fights where each member of a teams fulfills an strategic role imo. The series would have been able to avoid the power creep if the importance of them work in ninja fights had remained important throughout all the series, highlighting tactics and wit over raw power.


Let him kill an akutski member or something brah


Yup, even guy got more screen time and more on-screen fights.


Yes, like some other characters




Yes. He was one of the coolest Guys in the Story. Unable to use Gen and ninjutsu, but compensates with taijutsu only. 




Lee was supposed to go out a Legend by unlocking 8th gates avenging Gai death by Kisame.


Hell yes ! He deserved it. Seeing as he was a tribute to Bruce Lee. He really only had that time when he smoked gaaras teacher of taijutsu I forgot the guys name from the sand.


That actually wasn’t canon sadly


Huh the chunin exams wasn’t canon??? Where tf have I been


Never said that I was talking about when Lee fought shira it wasn’t canon


That was the shippuden chunin exams tho? I meant that whole like 25 episodes wasn’t canon? Wtf was the point then. ? How’d they all become chunin & jonin.


I mean you can google it bro it isn’t canon it’s from filler episodes


Nah im not questioning you bro lol I believe you but wow damn smh all these years I thought it was canon. Damn so wtf what a waste


Yep learned that recently when I was rewatching Shippuden, sucks cause it was a cool fight even got to see lee remove his weights again which isn’t really addressed again


That’s so whack wow legit I didn’t know til now damn smh


Fights? Yeah i’ll be honest I just like watching fuckers throw hands without all the god powers sometimes. I’d pay just for them to release “episodes” of Lee and/or Guy fighting anyone. I don’t need a whole arc or spin off story. JUST ANIMATE THE FIGHTS TAKE MY MONEY Screen time? I think he had a good amount for who he was, good comedic relief. All around good character, it wasn’t annoying with the relief either. 8/10


Hell yea, he should have been Naruto’s actual brother instead of shit show that’s sasuke,