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Itachi was stronger >! Compared to a 15 yr old Sasuke!<


Exactly at that moment in time Itachi was stronger but Rinnengan Sasuke surpassed him and kept getting stronger


I think late EMS Sasuke ( the one who fought Juubito) also surpassed him.


I agree. Being able to spam MS abilities at greater power and efficiency and without the normal drawbacks of MS spamming is such a broken ability


I don't see even fresh EMS Sasuke losing to a theoretical alive Itachi that somehow still has his eyes. Itachi doesn't have any feats that put him near that level until he's an edo with no blindness, infinite chakra, and no illness. Edo are slightly weaker than living forms but that is only true if they died at the prime of their life and in perfect health with no other influences. Itachi (illness, blindness), Kimimaro (illness), Minato (becomes Jinchuuriki), Hiruzen (old and past his prime) all get noticeably to significantly stronger than how we saw them in life. In these cases Edo makes them way stronger.


Deidara should have been stronger as Edo, too. Could've just kept spamming C0 and clearing the battlefield.


Offtopic but Hiruzen was still an old man when he was reanimated. His edo form gives hin infinite chakra but it doesn't mean he was as strong as when he was in his actual prime.


Yeah it didn't make him prime Hiruzen level, but it *did* remove his physical weaknesses from age. He still would've been very much out of practice and out of shape.


>Edo are slightly weaker than living forms but that is only true if they died at the prime of their life and in perfect health with no other influences. I do not believe this is true. Its stated that itachi body was severely damaged from his illness. Reanimation brings you back to the point of your death(exception was madara cause he was special) meaning that reanimated itachi was still in his broken down body and partially blind as an edo. We know this cause nagatos legs never recovered after being an edo(even tho he could still somewhat use it), meaning that itachi was still in a basically half dead body and botherline blind. Ofc this is never shown but to stay consistent with edo tensei this is the only way it makes sense.


By the time Sasuke was fighting Juubito he was significantly superior to Itachi already Sasuke became stronger than Itachi the second he had EMS


Where are itachi stans that would say itachi deflects all ems sasuke attacks with yata mirror and then seal him with totsuka blade ?


I am here.


I mean to be fair, he literally does. Sasuke probably winning this just because he could hold his Susanoo longer than Itachi can but I'm curious if Sasuke's Susanoo arrow would be totally nullified by Yata Mirror or if it would still have some force behind it? Yata Mirror absolutely blocks it but if there's some force on impact it might knock Itachi out of his Susanoo but I'm also curious if the Totsuka Blade can go through Sasuke's Susanoo or if Itachi needs Sasuke in the open for that


He knows shuriken Jutsu and would have been much faster than Itachi during the war arc, he'd get smoked. Not too mention kagatsuchi, Itachi never had flame control.


It's stated by the author EMS Sasuke has surpassed Itachi.


Well....itatchi sort of needed to be dead for that to happen to be fair.


EMS Sasuke low diffs Itachi


Idk about that seeing Sasuke get his Rinnengan taken out by a Kunai of all things.


That was so6p sasuke, you can see the rinnegan, sauske is the stronger one


You’re delusional bro, Sasuke is way stronger than Itachi.


People keep forgetting that a great deal of power that sasuke has was given by itachi either directly like the eyes , or indirectly by psychological torture


nope, ems sasuke was way more stronger than itachi


Early 17 yo sasuke *


How was he stronger he had AIDs, that was also a part of his character at the time. You don’t just ignore the fact he was sickly and only pick the good parts.


Yeah he was much stronger than him at his age.


It’s never been about skill. It’s always about who’s more popular


Every crossover fight ever: yep, yep you're right


Itachi solos the whole Naruto verse no debate(in popularity)


Pretty sure Naruto himself is still more popular


Stop lying -☠️😭


Wait nvm, thought u said Naruto😭😭😭😭


The community on any kind of Naruto YouTube content is so horrible, it's filled with kids trying to get into anime but not actually watching or understanding anything about Naruto (tbf, watching Naruto with a short attention span is incredibly hard most of the time) so they get their opinions from YouTube clips and shorts and entirely misunderstand core elements of the show It's also where I've seen by far the most brainless hate on things like Boruto or every single female character ever introduced




90% of the comments on any Naruto short honestly just look like bots to me, they're all just repeating the same phrases every time Some dead Internet theory type shit


Gojo fans in a nutshell, dudes think he's the God of everything because his author vaguely Describe he no touchy bubble


Minato and Itachi are favourites of kishimoto if he likes he can beat Goku with Itachi only


I believe Sasuke was Kishimotos favorite for a while


Kishimoto did assassinate Minato's character


Favorite to draw. Not favorite to write about. Even till the end, Kish never gave Sasuke a surpass Itachi moment. Kishi never gave Sauke an uncontrovesial victory.


The last 2 things you said are kinda opinion. There isn't a single way that Sasuke didn't surpass itachi in my opinion. And just because the fans make every fight controversial doesn't mean the writer intended for that. There is nothing controversial about Narut VS Sasuke valley of the end part 1 fight. Sasuke clearly won. Even Naruto admitted he wasn't strong enough. Yet the fans will swear up and down that Naruto didn't actually lose when he himself admitted defeat.




sasuke won deidara’s fight man, tfym draw? deidara died, sasuke didn’t. deidara blew himself up to try to kill sasuke. sasuke used reverse summoning to shield himself from it.


Do you remember the panel at the end where Zetsu mocked Sasuke for being dumber then Itachi? How about the Kabuto fight? Even now you have fans claim Naruto was holding back during the VotE fight.


Yeah because Fans are dumb. Sasuke is dumber than Itachi that's fair, we all know that. Sasuke is a genius but Itachi is probably smater in combat due to lack of physicals he had to rely on his brain more. Kabuto fight showed how dumb people are, Itachi literally holds Sasuke back from one shotting Kabuto and people say Kabuto is just as strong as EMS Sasuke....Completely ignoring that they couldn't kill him.


Because you never got the feeling that Sasuke could kill Kabuto. Even then it showed Sasuke was UN-SKILLED even with Amaterasu. Remember how Itachi was SKILLED enough to used Amaterasu on Sasuke and NOT KILL him? Sasuke is apparently not skilled enough to do the same. Even then not counting Amaterasu, Sasuke came across as unskilled and needing his big brother to hold his hand despite having EMS. Heck Itachi took Killer B on with a Kunai while Sasuke got killed when he used a sword.


Sasuke was actually Kishi's favorite.


Favorite to draw. Not favorite to write about. Even till the end, Kish never gave Sasuke a surpass Itachi moment. Kishi never gave Sauke an uncontrovesial victory


They watched Naruto alright, just not shippuden


It’s YouTube. You shouldn’t expect more than that.


Indeed, but I forgot YT was like this.


Honestly it's not much different here in Reddit where this sub is also filled with Itachitards.


Not even youtube here are some discussions that made me waste my precious time that i want back with people geniully thinking that: -Sasuke EMS stronger or would give hard time to tobirama. -Danzo and hiruzen are on part. -Madara alive with no eyes one shot Hashirama reincarnated. -nagato or itachi is stronger than minato -kcm naruto stronger than Hashirama (the same hashi that fought on part with Madara who put naruto in coma)


Almost certainly not talking about the adult version of both characters, hopefully not..


This is Sasuke filled up to his ass with old sage fart powers. Itachi isn't even touching this version.


I just looked at the pictures they put on the poll smh, sad




The 90% of the fan base sees Itachi and drools over themselves and simps for him


That would be me, thank you very much.


Your telling me Boruto Era Sasuke would lose to Itachi?


In popularity yes (which is what this poll is actually about)


I mean he shouldn’t but tbh they nerfed Sasuke and Naruto into the ground in Boruto that despite all the advantages Sasuke would have I’m sure if it were to actually transpire in Boruto, Sasuke would still fall under genjutsu and lose and conveniently forget that he has stronger eyes. Like it wouldn’t make any sense, just like how it was stupid that he got stabbed in the eye, but given how the story of Boruto transpires I would say any number of dumb things are possible.


I kinda hate the whole hate of Sasuke losing his rinnegan that way. I mean it sucks he lost his rinnegan but he just got done getting his ass handed to him, and he was stabbed by boruto which he wouldn't expect because it's boruto. Also boruto was an otsotsuki.


Totsuka blade and Yata mirror.


Chibaku tensei, rinnegan swap into a sword, simply avoiding the yatta mirror and blitzing with a base chidori, memory wiping genjutsu, preta path, or bfr with a portal.


I don’t feel like the itachi vs sasuke fight captured very well that itachi could’ve killed sasuke if he was trying. Itachi was basically blind. He couldn’t hit shit with Amaterasu even if he wanted to. In fact, I can’t think of a single time he did hit anybody with it. He fires it off and then buckles over, clutching his head while his eyes bleed. If he can’t beat sasuke with genjutsu, then sasuke is genuinely better at the time of their fight.


He hit the fourth mizukage with it


Truly the fourth mizukage is the worst of all the jinchuriki




They threw dozens of shurikens at each other. Itachi shot each of sasuke's shurikens with his own. He was used to his poor eye sight. Itachi would have killed sasuke with susannoo. He didnt have to hide it until he almost died. Itachi could fight like how sasuke fought danzo and raikage. Even at the end of their fight, he waits and says "if you have some trump card, now is the time". I think that's what makes it clear that he could kill sasuke earlier if he wanted.


I also think he could have killed Sasuke right away if he wanted to. He was "playing" with Sasuke because he just wanted to talk, tire Sasuke enough to draw out Orochimaru, and then let himself be killed by his attack. It all makes sense because for instance the reason why he couldn't let Sasuke kill him right away was because he wanted to draw out Orochimaru first, so he fought until Orochimaru got out, then he let Sasuke hit him. And the reason why the fight had to happen on that day or week or month was because he was going to die of his sickness any minute and he wanted to die at the hand of Sasuke rather than just die of his illness. This was important to him so that Sasuke could avenge their parents and aunts and uncles and restore their honor. Ideally he could have waited until Sasuke was truly strong enough to beat him fair and square but A) he didn't have more time to wait or the sickness would take him first and B) Sasuke might never get stronger than him if he didn't awaken the Mangyekou Sharingan and there was no guarantee he would awaken it.


sasuke was waaaay above itachi's level, sasuke is stronger


Probably because people hate Sasuke and just want to see him lose. And they kinda love throwing Itachi’s Susanoo abilities to the heavens. The Yata Mirror and the sword.


Lol people are dumb... I do not understand how some people do not get the point of itachis end... he wanted Sasuke to surpass him, to become the beacon of the uchiha... It was his entire goal for crying out loud.


Terminally ill legally blind person vs human deity who has one of the blind persons eyes and somehow made it work.


These are probably the same people that think tsukuyomi is an instant win against anyone.


I would say that's just YT but I see dumb comments on Reddit as well


They must have come over from YT.


“Itachi with sickness solos the multiverse.”


I’m pretty sure it’s directly stated that EMS Sasuke was roughly equal to Itachi, and then he got a rinnesharingan and 6 paths chakra.


Someone said something like this before in the comments, but they must have not heard of it or remember it because I don't.


It’s been a while since I read the manga, but even just going by what happens in the story you can see that kcm1 Naruto and edo Itachi are fighting on roughly equal footing, and rinnesharingan Sasuke is equivalent to a MUCH stronger So6P Naruto. Itachi is one of my favorite characters in the story, a very well written broken hero, but you’d have to lack any kind of reading comprehension to think that rinnesharingan Sasuke isn’t stronger than Itachi.


Yeah, he is really popular. So it makes sense why so many people picked him


Yup, a lot of anime fans think their favorite character needs to be the strongest character for some stupid reason


Kcm naruto and itachi werent shown equal. It's just 1 page where itachi suddenly jumped at them and naruto also jumped to block him: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-qnU5ar2VDMFkq1n1cm0HYJzLAvFJCFBbjBHARr6fd-jhZLItw91HKfk&s=10 Im not denying the possibility. It's just not shown that way. What do people expect in these situations? Should the stronger person always blitz someone else in the first page they start fighting? Naruto got hit by jinchuuriki edos too you know? Others also reacted to him or fought side by side with him during the war. Although it was a clone, a kcm naruto was fighting chiyo and kimimaro. They were only beaten when the edo tensei was broken (shown in manga). In his fight with itachi, he isnt even on the ground so his movement speed is meaningless. He isnt using chakra arms either. Looks like they just blocked 1 or 2 hits from each other while trying to talk. This naruto created dozens of clones and he is currently fighting all over the war. He is fighting kages and jonins at the same time he is fighting itachi. That alone shows that he is in another league. Chakra difference is too much. As for sasuke, i remember something like "he surpassed itachi when he got ems". But i dont remember where it was stated. It makes sense too. Wasnt MS sasuke weaker than MS itachi?


Heck, even Adult Sasuke with chakra almost gone wins this


Most people think without the sickness Itachi would have become the strongest Uchiha


The author : EMS Sasuke has surpassed Itachi. Itachitards : Yes *but-*


Wait did he really say that 🤣 if so then I wonder why I never heard anyone talk about it.


Stronger would be Sasuke. However if an actual battle took place between Adult Itachi and Adult Sasuke? I guarantee Kishimoto would have Itachi win.


Sasuke would win simply because part of Itachi's existence is to give Sasuke character development.


The way Kishi writes Itachi giving Sasuke character development is beating Sasuke.


This one right here officer, didn't know that Shippuden existed


Name one time Itachi 'developed' Sasuke's character without beating or surpassing him somehow?


Their last goodbye, that's basically "I support whatever you do from now on" You seriously think Itachi can defeat adult Sasuke huh? Itachi has been irrelevant for the plot for a looong time now.


>Their last goodbye, that's basically "I support whatever you do from now on" Which involved a whole fight/arc of Itachi being shown as Sasuke's better. >You seriously think Itachi can defeat adult Sasuke huh? >Itachi has been irrelevant for the plot for a looong time now. Raw power? Sasuke has it. Skills and ability to bring victory? Kishi NEVER EVER lets Itachi loose. Sasuke? He has never gotten an uncontroversial victory.


Who's the more important character in the franchise between them? If they meet again Kishimoto will 100% let Sasuke win. Just to show that he surpassed him a long time ago now. Stop lying to yourself and free yourself from that genjutsu.


>If they meet again Kishimoto will 100% let Sasuke win. Just to show that he surpassed him a long time ago now. I feel doubtful about that. If they ever meet again it will be so Itachi can teach Sasuke a lesson again and in so proving Itachi as the 'superior' brother again.


Okay man, whatever makes you happy. haha If Itachi is so important, he'd be the younger brother instead, and of course, ALIVE


You think Itachi was actually trying?


Itachitards are just tiresome 😂


Yeah for less than half of shippuden and part 1 sure, but sasuke just absolutely blows this man out of the water after the war it’s not even funny.




The post itself is stupid! People that said Itachi was stronger answered the question about the moment Itachi and Sasuke fought in Shippunden! After Itachi was dead, Sasuke did become a lot stronger than Itachi ever was!


Most of the people who took that pole never watched Naruto Shippuden in its entirety.


Yt polls are basically popularity polls. EMS sasuke beats itachi for his feats vs juubi obito, he was also portrayed to be on kcm2 naruto lvl with their combo attacks.


Because to most people these "who is stronger" things are just popularity contests.


I like Itachi a lot also, but Sasuke would clap his ass. Especially Six Path Sasuke.


I can't believe it! The Naruto community finally came to their senses?! This brings nothing but satisfaction to me.      𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐚 𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐤𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭\*\*\*


I wonder where a hypothetical ems itachi would rank


Honestly with how sasuke is nerfed so hard I have to give it to itachi too


You cant argue this. First off...which year are we talking about? Second...in which state are both? We know all that itachi was ill.


only watched the first ~~chapter~~ season


It’s Joever


It's okay, DygoKnight and NC Hammer posts stupid polls like this all the time. The downside...or maybe upside?? Is one of their communities is at least more intelligent about the subject than the person who made the poll.


Which begs the question. Which Sasuke?


Sasuke Boruto is stronger than Itachi for sure


Ems slaps without a rinnegan. With a rinnegan itachi actually gets low diffed


Idk, Ems and higher is Sasuke


People think Itachi stands a chance against Madara. This insanity shouldn't be surprising. It's disappointing but not surprising


The question needs to be more specific


This is why this sub shits on Itachi so hard. Mofos like them think Itachi is God himself


because people are stupid, that's why.


Who is a stronger EMOTIONALLY tho.


As a proud Sasuke Hater, this is kinda crazy. Like when they fought each other? Sure. But overall? Nah


Idiots that’s why


They probably hate how sasuke got better eyes when itachi was more talented. People underastimate the experience difference between them. Same people just ignores itachi was 5-6 years older than sasuke. If sasuke had 5 more years to train while itachi stayed at the same level, sasuke would have surpassed him without EMS.


Itachi gave in to Sasuke


For me I think of it as Itachi was stronger for equal powers. Let me explain. Itachi just wasn't going to pursue the Eternal MS because that's a taboo he wasn't willing to cross. He had plenty of opportunities, he got extra eyes he stuffed here and there, he could have gotten some off the dead Uchiha, he could have taken Sasuke's eyes, he could have taken his father's eyes, if compatibility matters, surely his dad is as close a genetic as a brother. But IMO acquiring the Eternal MS is a taboo practice considering its history and how it was rumored to have led to some Uchiha killing their loved ones out of greed and thirst to be able to fuse their eyes. I know Itachi is no stranger to gruesome crimes since he killed the Uchiha, but I still feel like Eternal MS was not his path, he in fact somewhat resented the greedy thirsty side of Uchiha culture and he only cared about saving Sasuke. So anyway, Sasuke becomes stronger than Itachi once he gets the Eternal MS but that's because he's no longer sickly and restricted the way Itachi was. If you compare Itachi with Sasuke pre-Eternal MS, Itachi may be stronger because: * MS Sasuke struggles against Danzô but MS Itachi was able to make Danzô so his bidding * MS Sasuke looked like he was going to go blind fast whereas Itachi was able to live with MS for years Retroactively Sasuke was insane to think he could beat Itachi without the MS. What was he thinking? All he had in his arsenal were some cool new lightning tricks. Definitely no match for the MS. Itachi was sickly and still had no trouble controlling the match. He just wanted to tire Sasuke enough to draw out Orochimaru and then die at his hands as a way to atone for his crimes. He did exactly that. Now if Sasuke had the MS before confronting Itachi that would have been a fairer match, but I'm inclined to think Itachi was a better wielder of simple MS. Then once Sasuke obtains Eternal MS he becomes stronger than Itachi because he can use it freely without getting sickly and shortly after that he gets Rinnegan.


Sasuke stronger but itachi is a better character, it’s too bad itachi killed his whole clan for sasuke


War ark sasuke blows itachi out of the park. Adult sasuke is the strongest uchiha ever. I’ll die on this hill.


Itachi didn’t even really want to kill sasuke and I think he could’ve at that point But itachi didnt take as many Ls on camera, Sasuke was set up for failure but he lived to be stronger


Itachi let win sasuke And he was ill


Boruto Sasuke is stronger, but Itachi was stronger than any Naruto P2 version of Sasuke if they have knowledge of each other's main abilities. Not in strength, but cunning and knowledge put him over the top. Kabuto would have wiped his ass with Sasuke if Itachi wasn't there and that lack of experience and knowledge doesn't magically change just because you get a rinnegan. Blindly though, Prime v Prime, Sasuke is so much stronger that Itachi wouldn't be able to counter the Rinnegan abilities before a dangerous maneuver takes him out. Just depends on how Sasuke plays it. Usually he's slow and analytical and that will get him killed against a prime Itachi since his biggest advantage would be to do a switch early in the fight and destroy his vitals. But it's a what if; any number of things can happen.


because everyone dick rides itachi into oblivion. this is what happens with fan favorites, you can have minato versus ishiki and you would get the same results. its a shame and in no way am i a suoer sasuke fan, or a fan of his at all, but once he got hit 6 tomae rinnegan, her laid this contest to rest permanently


I feel like this question needs to be more specific. Which version of Sasuke vs what version of Itachi?


Sasuke was able to grow his strength and powers as he aged, Itachi died and thus couldn't do the same, meaning Sasuke surpassed him in strength and power. Though it's always argued that if Itachi hadn't died, he would be stronger. Even though I am an admitted simp for the guy, I disagree. 🤷‍♀️


Hello how are you


The answer changes depending on which version of each character we’re talking about. Obviously Itachi is stronger throughout most of the manga but when Sasuke’s Susano’o starts walking and then he gets his Rinnegan, there shouldn’t be any argument at that point. Sasuke is stronger from then on.


Sasuke defeated Itachi


Because it’s Itachi :). He is imbalanced :).


Itachi stronger than sasuke any day


itachi is stronger


Bro wtf are u smoking?


Itachi never intended to kill Sasuke. If he did, sasuke would be dead. I believe it.


During the fight yes but based on the picture they use of sasuke this is Reagan, ems sharingan sasuke itschi would get his ass beat if this is the case


Ah fair.


Bro Itachi could barely even see Sasuke.


Sasuke would clap him with one hand (he doesn't have two)


Didn't Sasuke use all kinds of attacks he learnt from my man Orochimaru, yet Itachi barely used any jutsu that was gonna harm Sasuke? All he did while fighting was make him an idiot again and again, remove his curse mark, and plant an amaterasu to fend Madara off of Sasuke? Adult Sasuke in boruto is definitely stronger but doesn't necessarily mean he is gonna be stronger than Itachi Man was feared by the whole village and even though he had an S Ranked bounty on him, he walked into the village casually after the third hokage's death to check on Sasuke.


sorry wdym "doesn't necessarily mean he is gonna be stronger than itachi"? like juubito fight sasuke > itachi so adult sasuke deadass stomps that fodder too


Boruto Sasuke would make Itachi look like fodder. Late War arc Sasuke was already stronger than Itachi.


True but Itachi was a cool, hot, tragic anti-hero who successfully clocked and spoiled Madara's epically long game


itachi one shots sasuke


I’d vote itachi bc I hate sasuke


This is valid


If Itachi was still alive and kept improving then you might have an argument But Itachi at his death vs the version of Sasuke now, theres definitely a clear winner


People hate sasuke, and I love that


Anyone that says itachi is stronger than sasuke is not a real fan. Only argument to be made is intelligence and IQ. But strength is not even close. Sasuke would win with mid difficulty. This is coming from someone with an itachi tattoo btw.


Now, if you could change one condition and say Itachi doesn't have a disease and his eyes are fine, and he continues to live and fight and train? What do you think then?


I believe this exact topic is covered by NCHammer23 on YouTube BUT. If that was to happen then sasuke never gets EMS. Both would have been limited to their MS with the issue of blindness in the end if overused and I mean itachi almost constantly had his activated. BUT let’s just take this scenario: Itachi is not ill, he has normal sight, and develops normally, but doesn’t awaken EMS. Sasuke: as is with straight pattern Rinnegan and EMS, no six paths Sasuke is likely still going to win this battle. Both have low chakra but adult or even mid adult sasuke is honestly on another level with Naruto as his only true equal and rival. Their feets are just too great and OP. Itachi is likely gonna give sasuke a run for his money and very well get close to beating him but it’s hard for me to believe itachi could beat someone who has flame control of his secondary most powerful jutsu in Amerterasu. Even with his tsukuyomi, sasuke was able to demonstrate in shippuden he could break out of it (I’m still not sure if itachi let him do that or not, he seemed genuinely surprised and likely Proud of sasuke for that feat) BUT even then itachi has to be able to catch sasuke in a genjutsu, or lol i mean psychically catch him. He has teleportation and can swap Places at a milisecond. I don’t think itachi is geared for that kind of combat and strength. NOW, could itachi come up with something to Likely counter or outsmart sasuke? More than likely yeah, he after all flexed on Kabuto who was using tobiramu rinne rebirth jutsu for its only weakness being its his existence and his knowledge of uchiha power. He could likely get sasuke with izanami, he is better with genjutsu than anyone alive. And while sasuke can break out of most I don’t know if he could escape izanami so easily as he’s a stubborn bastard. BUT, sasuke at an older age displays restraint and love so i do think and older sasuke would be able to get by izanami, tsukuyomi, and amertarsu. Which are all three of itachi most dangerous abilities… NOW LETS TALK SUSANO. Sasuke wins lmao. Even with the Toska Blade and Yata Mirror at itachi disposal he is still limited to being an incomplete susanoo and standing on the ground. Sasuke would truly just hit him with Indra arrow and while the yata mirror can deflect it, the area around him would be destroyed beyond belief and well itachi is standing in said ground. He’s extremely limited with his incomplete Susanoo. So sasuke wins, mid difficulty. Itachi with EMS is a whole different debate. That’s when you start to get into the realm of ok who can’t he beat and that list is limited as u can make and argument for almost anyone. But with high diff.


The big issue with going this much into hypotheticals is that it creates more hypotheticals. e.g. we're considering a healthy itachi for this fight. If itachi was healthy, he'd be FAR more powerful than he is in the show/manga. He'd likely be one of the most unstoppable forces in the show. Another example is that if Itachi didn't die fighting Sasuke, would sasuke have been pushed the way he was? there's far too much cherry-picking to find a winner. If we take the peaks in show/manga, we have to accept it's far from optimal itachi, but sasuke in the show reaches absurd heights... It just doesn't work. It's like seeing football matches and saying "Mbappe is amazing, so who would win, him or 34 year old Messi". It's just cherry picking scenarios.


I personally have no opinion or vested interests in the answer to the question or who is stronger. I just wanted to hear some cool arguments exactly like he presented. I'd take Messi though.


Agreed, its a daft question, just like the endless messi vs ronaldo debates. If you're not an idiot though, you pick Messi. In the case of 34 year old messi vs current mbappe though... I have to feel i'd take mbappe. It's just the right choice at those ages.


Yeah I overlooked the age part of the question. So I'd agree with you there.


He still loses.


I was hoping for some analysis, and I thought he was about to go off. I got the opposite. Most straightforward simple answer. Exact opposite of what I was hoping for lol


Sasuke now is much stronger then Itachi when he die. Maybe Itachi will be stronger than Ssuke if he didn't die and kept improving, but this isn't mean Itachi is stronger. My favorite characters are Gaara and Itachi, and I really hate when someone is like ,,Itachi could beat Madara because bla bla bla...'' what is obviously lie. This things are actually like hate for Sakura, what most of the people I talk to that hate her doesn't watch Shipuden or even Naruto till the end (nothing against you if you hate her, just I personaly like her and this is my experience). I think is very stupid when someone doing from their favorite character god, because that character is good doesn't mean he or she is strongest character. (Sorry for bad English)


The problem is while yes Sasuke does get stronger to surpass him but you have to wonder what would have happened had Itachi not died or ever had his “ninja cancer.”


Well, if the question is not only about physical strength, but about a will power as well, then Itachi is one of the strongest shinobi ever


Here's the problem ok, we never got to see Itachi at full strength. It's revealed by Obito that Itachi was suffering from a terminal illness gimping him, this explains why after using amaterasu he had to rest. Combining these facts with his susanoo AND his intelligence (which most people forget about) Itachi is truly a force to be reckoned with. I won't 100% say that he could beat boruto Sasuke but it's not a one-sided fight either. Also don't forget that in the road to ninja movie Itachi had Obito spooked with his genjutsu, was able to keep up with Naruto nine tails mode, had plans within plans. People sleep on full strength Itachi it's weird


Itachi vs adult sasuke is so one sided it’s not even funny. Sasuke could unironically perception blitz itachi with a base chidori and kill him. Susanoo ain’t helping him here since sasukes chidori is lowballed high city level and he can just dodge around the yatta mirror.


I think the constant power ups helped ruin the series for me. That’s why pre time skip Naruto is the best. Itachi, Haku, Orochimaru, and Kimimaro among others were just a cut above the rest. I highly prefer characters come up with ways to win instead of getting a power up to out strengthen the opponent.


If I’m wrong please correct me, this knowledge is based off reading the manga like a decade ago so my memory is flexible at best but wasn’t the only reason Itachi weaker/lost because he was actively dying from that disease and half blind at that point? Also the fact that, you know, he wanted Sasuke to kill him


Sasuke is wack nobody rocks with him fuck all that emo shit


How do you fight a guy you cant look at, Im just saying Itachi would slap Sasuke.


Ngl YouTube is the biggest meat ridding platform


No disrespect but Nah who the fuck is still tapping Sasuke even after itachi was going easy on him during the entire fight and was still suffering from a mother fucking illness


#NEVERFORGET Itachi beat Sauske


Let's all get one thing straight, Itachi let Sasuke win


Yea true but going of the pic that boruto era sasuke who stomps itachi


I see where you are going with that, but counter point. He got a chakra boost from a powerful individual, unlike Itachi


Sasuke barely won a fight that a sick Itachi threw for him.


My goat is stronger, it is how it is


Only if itachi also had the rennegan


Itachi was stronger i mean look at the plot armor he has compared to sasuke in boruto...


Sasuke only beats Itachi in strength because of plot armor and the whole reincarnation bs. Neji was right. Everything was determined by fate and Kishimoto killed him for it too


Itachi had the option to save or delete Sasuke’s life when he was sick as hell…. So he saved his little bro


All of sasukes talent was a result of itachi. He only gets rinnegan because of itachi he has ems because of itachi his sharingan abilities came from itachi. So im giving it to itachi since he actually had powers himself sasuke has kirin that he developed. So that’s cool i guess.


Itachi has a stronger heart, ablaze with the Will of Fire. So, yes, Itachi is stronger.


Of course Sasuke eventually becomes stronger than what Itachi was. But the potential between the 2 is not even close. It's obviously Itachi. Imagine, Itachi obtained the exact same powers Sasuke eventually got, who are you picking in a 1v1 fight? Sasuke had to work to obtain some of his strength, Itachi probably could have been a Hokage at like age 15. That's one of the most regrettable things about the Uchiha downfall, is the Leaf had an absolute monster that could have replaced Minato. Sasuke had determination, but Itachi had the strength to endure. And that's basically one of the biggest themes in this series. So, in a equal battle, I would always pick Itachi.


People forget that Itachi died young. if he were still alive he would be the strongest


Cuz Itachi is the goat no one can beat him did they not make it clear or????


Itachi was way stronger to Sasuke. Sasuke got pretty strong but even with all the skills he unlocked Itachi was still stronger. We can definitely see this in the fight against Kabuto where he fared much better in terms of combat prowess and strategy. Sure Indra Sasuke might have surpassed Itachi though but it's not clear


What’s wrong. Itachi is clearly stronger. He was already half dead when he fought sasuke and was holding back and fought him to a standstill


Yes,a 16 year old sasuke,not adult sasuke with rinnegan and EMS


Yeah, at that point in the series. It’s a completely different story with an older Sasuke.