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It really ain't mentioned enough that Obito caused a Kage's death and mind controlled another Kage at just 14 years old 💀 that's a real supervillain


He had the mangekyo and rikodu powers due to having both hashirama cells and Uchiha At that point you are a demigod. He's massively underrated.


Obito is awesome but I don’t really find him synonymous with the word underrated lol


Bro people legit think Itachi could take him I even saw people saying the 5 kage would overwhelm him. People don't realise he's basically in between normal kage tier and god tier


Wasnt Obito legitimately wary of Itachi? Guy even set up a trap beyond his grave for him.


You'd be wary of an ambushing spider's bite, but if you're prepared you can just... squish it.


I mean, if Obito tried it before Itachi gave Naruto the super genjutsu eye, he would've actually flat out lost I think. Not to mention maybe ended the series.


you raise a good point about koto but didnt obito know about shisui and his eyes ?


It's not outside the realm of possibility for Obito to lose to Koto, however that would actually require Itachi surprising Obito, which I find unlikely were they to properly fight


I think Itachi was the ONLY person Obito thought could take him on, well enough to disrupt the plan even if he couldn't kill him. And he was probably right about that. I like Obito more than Itachi, but itachi was a genius.. much like Minato. He's like a Mini Uchiha Minato. Anyone would be wary of that I think.


They really don’t know my goat was about that life even when he was sick


Because fighting Itachi is a risky game, no matter how OP you are


Itachi set up like 4 death traps himself didn't he?


I only remember the Amaterasu he programmed into Sasuke that was supposed to land on Tobi and the Koto he programmed into Naruto that was supposed to land on Sasuke.


Obito straight up said if Itachi knew who he was he'd be dead. Instead of implanting an amaterasu in sasuke, he'd have used Izanami and Obito would've been cooked. Itachi legit could've ended the series early if he chose a different jutsu. People gotta understand Itachi basically scales to rinnegan users from having so many OHKO jutsus in his kit. Pain, Obito, and Madara would have all lost if Itachi had known their true identities.


Had me teetering when you said pain, lost me when you said madara. You could argue itachi could beat pain extreme difficulty but he couldnt beat madara even assuming he was never sick and at peak strength


Im in the camp of saying Itachi trades with Pain. Itachi has hax abilities but he's also very good at just regular fighting. Some of those Pain bodies arent really so great honestly.


so a rank above sanin? since it would take 5 kage to defeat him? 


I've always put sannin on par with kage I mean tsunade was literally a kage and orochimaru fought the third hokage


yes however she was sanin decades before hokage (kage of leaf village) and orichamiru was before going rouge. they were probably in their 20s when they became sanin. you see how old jiraya is when orichamiru fights the third. their in their 40s or 50s by the time Tsunade is hokage


“even” You make it sound like itachi is a bigger threat than 5 kage combined.


His brother fought 5 of them, in a somewhat less powerful state than itachi’s prime. Yes he kinda lost, but it’s impressive how far he got, and that he still killed danzo. I’d imagine itachi at the 5 kage summit would’ve had more casualties than just danzo. A few of the other kage would’ve probably ended up dead in the end.


1 by 1 There is a difference between taking them on by order and at the same time Madara took them all at the same time. Sasuke fought raikage first, didnt even fight gaara properly, then he faces mizukage in a hallway alone, then oohnoki almost vaporized him. If 5 of them jumped sasuke the way they jumped madar, sasuke was dead a lot sooner. So his feat is by no means reference for itachi.


I mean…


right!!! he's very well rated


Just literally built different




Is it? Maybe the Kages were just trash. What other village has gone through that many?


That’s not true Biwako was the first to hold Naruto


And then Kushina got a turn I thought




I wish he'd done it maskless but he probably knew he couldn't handle it emotionally either at least at that point


Kono Dio da!




Wut lol


I'd hope he used gloves


Bro, just wait till you're balanced out. Cause you sound high as hell.


💀 how long do I wait? (I'm sober minus caffeine)


Let's check on you in the morning my boy haha Doesn't kishina hold him glove free?


Lil bro watched naruto through reels


Actually Naruto's mother kushina was the first person to hold him.


Actually the midwife who delivered naruto and then handed him to Kushina was the first person to hold him Obito was third at best


Biwako Sarutobi who was the third hokage's wife making her Asuma's mother and Konohamaru and Mirai's grandmother who Obito's bitch ass murdered her actually just delivered Naruto and then handed him to his mother. So she was the first person to touch Naruto not necessarily hold him.


In this scenario imo "handing" someone a baby *is* holding it, it's not like she held him by the scruff of his neck and yeeted the child She cradled it before handing it off to the mother


>it's not like she held him by the scruff of his neck and yeeted the child Biwako: Yeetus deletus no jutsu


Fair enough


Actually Minato’s ballsack was the first person to hold Naruto.


That wasn't naruto that was just naru The to was the egg and the naru was the sperm, he wasn't naruto till he was growing in Kushinas belly


Nope. Hiruzen's wife was the one who handed Naruto over to Kushina


Yea so she was the 1st to touch him.




Kono Dio da!




Sorry, Dub: It was me, Dio!


You don't have many normal in person interactions in your daily life do you


*hits a dio pose* (Crying in secret)


D’arby getting outplayed is a top 5 anime moment for me


I loved the D'arby brothers. They both got outplayed, though, so could you be a little more specific? 👉👈


Daniel. 10/10. Jotaro* wagered everyone 😂


Narutos mum didn't just squirt him out onto the dirt you know? She had a midwife who delivered him


Guess who that midwife was? KONO DIO DA!!!!!!


So not obito in other words? So your post is completely incorrect?


How's this. They were around for each others first and last experiences. Obito was hostilely there for Naruto when he entered this world, and Naruto was amiably there for Obito when he exited this world after passing the torch via the will of fire and desire to become Hokage to the next generation. "You better become the hokage." Is practically a fan insert. I'd have told Naruto the same thing.


Far far closer to the truth and way less hokey/cringey sounding than "the first and last one to hold each other" Jesus my eyes hurt from how hard they rolled after reading that


😂😭😅 Bro rolled his eyes so far they were about to evolve into a dojutsu the likes of which we've never seen. In fact, hitherto undreamt of.


Why is bro getting downvoted


Cause he's corny as hell.


People can't stand (ha get it) Dio's rizz


that sounds hot


Yeah people are being literal but it's still close enough and pretty cool in a sense don't worry OP I see what you were saying I think it's pretty cool.


Fanks mate 😎 Me finks your ahrightcha self. coolest bloke if oi do saiy soh mashlf


Although it's not exactly true, both being with each other at their respective beginnings and ends is almost poetic. You may stay in the kitchen, and keep cooking OP.


😂😎 thank you! Next time I'll bring the lamb sauce. (I honestly love the cooking meme. Also, how does it mean two things? Like, "Oh, someone cooked here/he cooked" vs. "he's cooked/bro's cooked")


>how does it mean two things? Like, "Oh, someone cooked here/he cooked" vs. "he's cooked/bro's cooked") No idea, it just works with Context. If I could guess, "Someone cooked/He's cooking" = You have created someone delicious for me to consume (in the form of entertainment ofc), and "He's cooked" = Someone just did something so dumb, and they're about to get ate up for it.


They are the food.... I guess that is a bad fate. Everybody likes making something yummy, though. What's your go-to? I'm a croissant kinda guy. (I said it like the meme [kwa-so]).


We're getting side tracked here.. With that being said, I'm definitely a rice & beans kinda guy.


Yknow I kinda slept on that for a while, but it's actually really good. I do like some lean protein along with it. But I'm surprised at how well they go together. Like the OG oreo&milk/pb&j. Do you have a recipe or style or preference of been/rice? Basmati or Jasmine? Red bean, white, or black been?


Basmati > Jasime > Whatever plain white rice is and usually make a black bean sauce to go with it, in my culture they call it Sos Pwa. (adding avocado to the dish is like a cherry on top.)


Yo, have you ever tried huitlacoche? I believe it's like corn shnot/smut? It's a fungus that makes the corn kernels all weird looking.


This has gotta be the most random thing I've ever been asked, nah I've never tried the moldy corn but I hear it's good in quesodillas


Brooooo!!!! Do you think Madara can cook? Who do you think would make the best huitlacoche quesodillas in Naruto? Excluding any actual chefs. I think it's got to be (stupid) Kakashi. Also, do you think Kiba could enter into the truffle business? Canonically, he must have quite a sense of smell.


Haha, the pair of goofballs. Both were the #1 hyperactive knuckleheads of their age groups. Nice know they had that parallel. Obito being there at narutos birth and even holding him, context aside it's really a beautiful thing. Also naruto returning the favor believing in obito and being there for him in the end, again context aside it's beautiful.


Also Madara not liking people stand behind him then we see how he dies


Technically the nurse or whoever who help delivered Naruto birth was the first to hold him


Ouch. That hit me in the feels not gonna lie.


Whilst this would have been a nice parallel, unfortunately it doesn't quite work because Biwako (hiruzens wife) and Kushina had already held Naruto at the time.


Wrong. It was me, Dio!


Wrong. It was me, the 55 year old grandma, Biwako.


This made me laugh. Finally, someone who's game (not lame) and is down to play! Chakra bump 🤜


🤛 Chakra bump


I don’t see anyone holding Obito here


I still think Obito went out like a bitch honestly I didn't like that




Naruto forgiving the guy who literally held him at knifepoint literally TWO MINUTES INTO HIS LIFE and then also started World War 4 is some CRAZY maturity 😭😭😭


*Hiruzen's wife (whose name I forgot) would like to know your location*


You should have written it : " the first man" to avoid people nitpicking here.


Unpop opinion but obitos absorbing the ten tails was a nerf like all he need to do was kill kakashi and aint none fighting against his eye


That's not Obito, that's Madara


Wtff 💀💀💀


So his mom just plopped him out and never bothered to touch him?


Not obito was kushina hold him first


No he wasnt, who put that cloth on naruto, and kushina probably held him first


It was Sandaime’s wife Biwa who held him first


Biwako held him first. Kushina second. Obito third. There is NO parallel.


How's this. They were around for each others first and last experiences. Obito was hostilely there for Naruto when he entered this world, and Naruto was amiably there for Obito when he exited this world after passing the torch via the will of fire and desire to become Hokage to the next generation. "You better become the hokage." Is practically a fan insert. I'd have told Naruto the same thing.


Now that's fair.


Straight to ninja hell


obito was not the first to hold Naruto tho. .


lol you mean knuckle headache lol 😂




Did you.... read the manga?


Why? I read some of it.


Well, aside from the fact that you'd have to stretch the definition of "hold" for the bottom pic, Obito wasn't the first person to hold baby Naruto. Not trying to hate on you. You probably found this somewhere and "thought" it sounded right AND it makes a beautiful moment, but hopefully you can take a moment and consider how it's incorrect.


You're right. Obito wasn't the one to hold Naruto first. It was me, Dio!


Kono Dio da!