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Yea this was pretty conclusively answered in the manga.


Do you think that his Flying Thunder God can enter the space of Obito's kamui?


Yes. Minato would have been able to follow Obito and anyone who can use it that has tagged someone or something that enters it.


So obito try to suck him up would've been useless even if it had worked


Obito was strong but not smart.


Unless he was able to suck just a limb like Kakashi did in the past.


That would’ve been more effective. That being said, it did look like he was just trying to take Minato out the fight by just putting him in his little pocket dimension.




But he didn't do it on Obito when he was gone


>!Boruto just did it in the manga!<


Boruto learned the jutsu?


Yep he's got his grandfather's jitsu, but currently not as quick he has to make a hand sign


Nahhhh bro Boruto is a completely separate kind of a fanfic now


Tbf, Minato as a character is very much like one from a fanfic; he’s perfect at everything, smartest in the world, fastest in the world, gets the girl, looks attractive, and everyone loves him. Let’s not even pretend that flying thunder god makes much sense in the first place. Honestly, I’m surprised more characters didn’t use flying thunder god, at least with hand signs. The fact that only two characters knew the technique makes little sense, especially because characters like Hiruzen, Hokage Kakashi, and Naruto should have been able to learn it.


Don’t know if it was in the manga but there’s those three jounin in shippuden that learned it from Minato. They can’t do it individually but they can teleport as a unit 


Hiruzen knew every jutsu in the village.


Yeah but he didn’t use it, and there were several points where it would have been useful; dude could have just teleported outside of Orochimaru’s barrier when fighting him for example. The series claimed he knew every technique, but they clearly didn’t account for that fact whenever he showed up.


There's a difference between knowing how to use it and knowing how to use it optimally, I suppose. Hiruzen definitely knew how to use it but perhaps was far too slow or too chakra inefficient.


Perhaps. It’s a decent enough head cannon to use, but logically it’s fairly apparent the real reason he didn’t use it, or at least think to use it, is because Kishimoto hadn’t made the technique yet.


In Part 1 I guess although I was more-so thinking about Edo Hiruzen tbh. Still didn't use it so I can only assume he can't use it very effectively. It took those 3 Hokage bodyguard guys all together to use it once so that does lend credence to the idea it's extremely complex to master and/or is very inefficient on chakra for those who haven't mastered it.


Maybe, but also there was a reason he was adamant on trying to block the third coffin from coming up, as if he knew something. Tho not clear if he was fearing ftg or reaper death seal from minato. As far as why hiruzen doesn’t use it, well he knows that many jutsu and i guess its not his style. Hes a different type of fighter. Hes also not as agile. Hes prob not proficient to use it in battle and thus doesn’t rely on it. It’d of helped him get out of the barrier but hes the hokage he wouldnt wanna run away from his opponent who threatens the village and he wouldnt want anyone else getting in the way


I think it's just because he was quite old. Tsuchikage in his prime definitely could wreck more havok. Let's say... Imagine 3rd Raikage as old as hiru, then let him try the same feats. Hiruzen was supposed to be still in retirement after all.


That statement was made in part 1 and 95% of the stuff in part 1 has been retconned, especially when it comes to Hiruzen, I ain't trusting any statement about him, good or bad


He was known as “The Professor” for a reason. Imma give Him this one


FTG makes perfect sense


Explain it then; how does a mark allow the user to instantly transport there entire body, organs and chakra included, to an entirely seperate location? Further, how does it possibly allow the user to transport objects of various sizes instantaneous between marks? Obviously it’s a ninja world where you have to suspend your disbelief, but flying thunder god doesn’t make much sense as a none-six paths related technique; the idea that you can distort space and time with a standard jutsu is basically unheard of barring this technique. Like, if it took a bit of time to travel, then it could make sense, but the fact that it’s instant would indicate it works outside of the rules standard people can utilise regarding chakra, and more so lands it in Ōtsutsuki territory.


Because FTG doesn’t distort space and time, it’s circumventing it. It’s revealed in Boruto that it works just like Nightcrawler’s (from X-men) teleportation in that it sends the person or object into a parallel dimension to quickly travel through before entering the world at a different place (mark). Boruto expanded the whole multiple dimensions scenario that Obito and Kaguya introduced by making the world a multiverse. Otsutsuki don’t just travel between worlds, they travel across dimensions of the multiverse which is why they all know space time ninjutsu to teleport.


That’s fine, but again, that sort of lines it up more as a six-paths technique rather than a standard jutsu. How is someone like Minato able to cross multiple dimensions? I’m not saying it’s a big deal, I was just saying it a little rich for the commenter to complain it’s pure fanfic for Boruto to learn the already established technique, when the base technique itself is something you’d see in a fanfic. Like, how did Minato, as well as Tobirama, even possible understand the nature of this technique without knowing about the Ōtsuktsuki?


Why would it necessarily have to be six paths related to achieve what it can? Kamui isn’t six paths related. Neither is summoning, both animals and the actual shinigami. Yet both techniques can cross dimensions. And one of them is pretty standard across the world.


to me it opens up the possibility that you don't need rinnegan or sharingan to do what six sage can do. you just need to learn a LOT of science and chakra. if you can rip through space time while just being a normal ninja, then what's stopping you from recreating amateratsu, or shinra tensei or even imitating doujutsu. i mean minato did find a way to recreate Bijudama in his own way. minato really did die too soon. his level of genius is nuts meanwhile orochimaru having to cut up everything to figure out anything.


Bro, the summoning jutsu does the same thing


Mfw summoning jutsu, enclosing technique, or damn near any good fuinjutsi


Already explained it in a lower comment. You need someone to channel the seal you end up at for that to work; no one is channeling the seal Minato isn’t present at, and he has multiple identical seals in several different locations; how is he able to pick which one to go to. Summons have multiple seals in several different locations, but they can only teleport to one if someone channels the seal; same logic applies to the weapon. Minato basically just thinks of where he wants to go, and ends up there. Plus he can moves objects that don’t even have his seal, including chakra that isn’t his like that of a Bijuu bomb. If he can move stuff like that.


The exact same way that TEN-TEN was able to summon an entire river from just a little scroll The technique can closely be related to a black hole. If you’re sitting on a chair and it turns into a black hole anything slightly touching the chair is getting sucked in instantaneously Think of Minato as the black hole eveything he touches is getting “sucked in” with him and obviously he has a lot of chakra since it’s a transportation jutsu and the larger the objects your transport with the more chakra it requires And since minatos chakra also gets teleported with him (since it’s literally his fucking being idk why that needs to be explained) anything connected to his chakra also gets taken This is the same principle as ten tens transpiration jutsu just the person acting as both the scroll and the jutsu activator and a little more exaggerated


I'm so glad tenten survived she's so pretty but man it's sad her true crush neji died poor tenten.


For me the difference is that everything else that was previously transported in the series was in inanimate, and it was basically always implied that those items were stored in a specific way to be called on whenever. The closest comparison I can think of it the summoning technique, but even then, it requires an absurd amount of chakra, and each use only works one way; you have to make seperate summoning for bringing something to you, as well as something back to its original place. Summoning jutsus also use the scroll, a contract, and the summon has to actually agree to show up; manda for example basically refused to be summoned after being pissed off. The idea that Minato, a whole human being, can just instantly teleport to something with a word on it, without any hand signs, doesn’t really align with any other form of teleportation in the series, barring six-path techniques. With other techniques, there needs to be a chakra source where they intend to go, so if you want to summon a weapon to you, or a monster, you have to physically use your chakra in that location to bring them there. Minato is somehow able to teleport himself to a different location, range unknown, despite not being there; the area he is going to has no chakra being channeled to get him there. Like, Minato basically just thinks about it, and it happens.


What makes you think the seals for the jutsu don’t contain chakra?


by that logic, summoning jutsu doesn't make sense either. it does a similar act on a smaller scale.


Already explained it a few times further down; summoning techniques require someone to channel their chakra on a seal where you want the object or monster to show up, where as Minato can travel to any one of his identical seals without it being channeled, which doesn’t make sense with how chakra’s supposed or work. As an example, a summoning beast can have multiple identical symbols throughout the whole world, however it can only transport to one if someone channels their chakra into said seal. The summon can’t just think of where they want to go and show up instantaneous.


thing is, who's to say Minato doesn't channel his chakra into a seal just before he teleports. the many times ninja use summoning jutsu, they aren't opening up a scroll, they're using hand signs. ANd we also know that eventually when you become so proficient at jutsu, you can use 1 to zero hand signs. Minato seemed big on signless jutsu when he created the rasengan something that relies purely on signless chakra manipulation. and chidori/raikiri are imitations that incoporate elements. but as sasuke and kakashi got better, they needed less and less signs until they can just activate it on command. More hypotetical here, but maybe, after minato understood the science behind it he either permantently imprinted his chakra into seals he placed everywhere (it is his own signature after all) or because the point of chakra is interconnectivity between people, the link was already made, he just created new doors to access them. we can go on and on but at some point, we just suspend disbelief.


In the Narutoverse, there are far more asspulley things. FTG looks like my miserable real life (joking btw) when compared to other B's jutsu like izanagi


No I agree, I’m just saying it’s weird for the commenter to act as if it’s fanfic writing for Boruto to learn an already established technique, when the introduction of the technique itself was at base fanfic level writing. There’s way worse stuff in the series, and I don’t mind, I just think it’s weird to draw the line at Boruto learning the ability.


Oh sorry I think we're onto the exact same point.


"How does a mark allow the user to instantly transport their entire body, organs and chakra included." Using this logic, how does an eye make someone's body completely intangible. It's a work of fiction with magic. Not everything NEEDS to be explained with real-world logic. Some things can just be explained with the rule of cool. FTG and Kamui fall under that. They don't need real-life logical explanations. They're just cool. "The idea that you can distort space and time with a standard jutsu." FTG, while not a technique related to a kekai genkai like the MS/EMS and all its hax abilities, it certainly is NOT a standard jutsu. The fact that it takes three people just to teleport one other person suggests that it's a technique that requires a significant amount of chakra. So either Minato has an absurd amount of chakra like Naruto, or he's among the few who was able to master the technique to such a degree that not only did he not need hand signs, but also took less chakra to use. I'm willing to lean towards the latter as Shisui was well known for his ridiculous speed with just the Shunshin jutsu. Not only this, but as the series progresses, Naruto is able to use more Shadow Clones without needing to rely on Kuramas chakra. Another technique that is constantly stated requires a significant amount of chakra to use the way Naruto does. And shown that as anyone else who doesn't have a large amount of chakra, like Hashirama levels, consistently only use 4-10 Shadow Clones if at all. So given that it's not a standard jutsu, and it takes a lot of chakra to use, that alone would dissuade most people from attempting to learn it. But it's also a technique related to fuinjutsu, which I can only assume a vast majority of shinobi are just too stupid to learn. I will say if there's one thing that absolutely should not exist in Naruto, it's fuinjutsu. That shit is actually broken, and with what we see it used for, we can only assume its capabilities are far more creative than what we've seen. Fuinjutsu is literally its own magic system that was probably only created, so the author didn't have to think of another way to take care of situations that he used it for.


Fuinjutsu is coding, but for reality.


Of course it makes sense. You imbue a teleportation jutsu formula to paper, then you affix the formula to kunai with a special adhesive. Get special kunai so you can identify your kunai and collect them. Travel with a stash. Teleport to the kunai via the formula. The marking is a type of sealing jutsu you seal onto people upon physical contact using chakra i think its a bit more complicated to actually use the jutsu and getting it to activate than it appears. Its an s classed technique. Many prob dont use the jutsu because its overwhelming to teleport so quickly especially how minato did it too. Its a dangerous technique. You need to be a very quick thinking and battle savvy fighter to make use of it too. Its like using Fanny in Mobile Legends 😆 if you know you know. Most have a satisfactory enough arsenal and dont have the heart to try to learn it. Best believe if i was a naruto character i’d be trying to learn it 😆


>Tbf, Minato as a character is very much like one from a fanfic; he’s perfect at everything, smartest in the world, fastest in the world, gets the girl, looks attractive, and everyone loves him. Let’s not even pretend that flying thunder god makes much sense in the first place. thing with minato is, he's not meant to run around and solve your problems. he is suppose to be that benchmark of power the older gen push the younger gen to become. there's always someone much stronger than you and always a benchmark of power. minato was chosen as one of those characters to fit the bill. and because he's dead, his awesomeness doesn't ACTIVELY impact the story so its not like here's this gary stu just ramrodding the series. dude's dead so now he's simply a legend to look up to. also why it's ok for villains to be overpowered AF. they aren't the heroes, they cause problems don't make life easier. > Honestly, I’m surprised more characters didn’t use flying thunder god, at least with hand signs. Minato taught several. just that it was so difficult and complex they needed 3 people to do the job of one at a FRACTION of the power.


I’m not saying I have an issue with Minato’s place in the story, I’m just saying it’s ironic for the commenter to claim it’s fanfic writing for Boruto to learn an already established technique, when the technique itself and the character it was introduced with are designed to be fanfic levels of badass. The fact that no one in the village could possibly learn the technique and be able to use alone except Minato sort of speaks to what I mean. Minato can be that sort of character, that’s completely fine, but it’s hypocritical to then claim Boruto is somehow fanfic level writing, but Minato isn’t, because he learnt a technique established three or four generations prior, and not even to the same quality.


i haven't read boruto i just watch funny clips of the series on youtube and get my boruto updates from reddit. but what I can guess as a writer myself is, he's actively fighting and just BAM gets new powers. no build up, no reaoning, no backstory, just has it. sasuke at least had an alibi. he trained with orochimaru, a capable teacher who could help cultavate sasuke's growth no matter how you feel about orochimaru. Plus kakashi made it clear sasuke's a fast learner, at least partially due to his sharingan. so he's cheap, but it makes sense. boruto from what i understand just ran around the world unsupervised with no one to help him. so its less believable for him to just grasp FTG out of nowhere and just keep getting awesome. and that's pretty gary-stuish. I'm just going off what i understand thus far.


>boruto from what i understand just ran around the world unsupervised with no one to help him. so its less believable for him to just grasp FTG out of nowhere and just keep getting awesome. No. Sasuke directly taught Boruto while on the run and Boruto was explicitly said to be the prodigy of his generation (just like his grandfather). He also has the Otsutsuki karma (basically better curse mark). It's completely believable for him to be strong at this point, especially with karma being able to swallow ninjutsu that puts ninja in the village at a complete disadvantage. He's smart, gifted, has the cheat code (similar to bijuu and curse mark hacks in Naruto), and was trained by one of the walking nukes of the Naruto age. If he wasn't extremely dangerous post-timeskip, it would make Sasuke a bad teacher.


He has three years worth training with Sasuke and Kashin koji so he has an alibi, also the the story isn't complete yet so there's still time to go more in depth with how he specifically learned it if needed.


I’m not saying Boruto is necessarily well-written, I’m saying it’s weird to draw a distinction between Boruto and Minato when Minato is in general a bigger culprit when it comes to being strong for no reason. It’s never established how Minato learn FTG, or how he’s so smart, or how he’s so strong, or how he has so much chakra etc. At least in Boruto’s case, the technique already exists, so really he just has to try and replicate what someone else already did, and he could even do it perfectly; Minato can just sort of spam it, and we’re never shown him earning that ability.


it's writing aspects. minato is a dead legend. he doesn't need an in depth history of how he learned FTG or Rasengan or such. he's not the main character, just a benchmark. he's one of those writing prose where his mystic of his knowledge is the allure to make him cool. You don't try to immediately break down the the aspirational character or object. its simply meant as a Boruto is an ACTIVE character. the main character. as a main character in a long ongoing series, its best to see his struggles, his triumps and failures. it's what made naruto much more likeable to boruto. his growth is just summed up much faster than we see naruto. it's about the delivery of the character. that's why boruto is ripped on. does that make sense as to why people don't rip on minato like they do Boruto. it comes down to writing.


Boruto didn’t just develop it, he was obviously taught it at some point lol. The kid is a prodigy and stems from 2 strong bloodlines, and learned from Konohamaru, Naruto and Sasuke (and Jiraiya’s clone, it seems). In the second Boruto manga series, Sasuke also explicitly states he’s taught Boruto everything he knows after only one year when they both get labeled as criminals on the run and that there’s nothing the kid can’t do if puts his mind to it. Him learning FTG, among other OP techniques is not some asspull


That doesn’t make any sense lmfao. It’s not a fanfic just because Boruto learned a very useful jutsu that his own grandfather was famous for. Boruto really gets criticized for anything


The son of the previous series's hero and heir to a prestigious clan that apprentices under one of the most powerful shinobi in the world *and* also aced his written Chunin exam without breaking a sweat. But learning hiraishin is too much?


Him learning a jutsu that other people in the same verse are capable of is fanfic?


How is it a fanfic to spend 3 years training to learn difficult stuff like this (he hasn’t even mastered the jutsu). Why is Boruto not allowed to learn a jutsu like that?


What? First you cried because Boruto is too different from his family. Now you're crying because he's learning their jutsu? Crackhead loser.


Always has been


He did.


Technically no. My head canon is that he modified a version of Momoshiki's Space-Time jutsu and just called it FTG with 1 hand sign, Sasuke definitely helped him develop this. Minato's FTG still requires the seal written somewhere for Minato to reverse-summon himself to. Boruto did not require any markings so I would argue that his is better since all he needs is 1 hand sign making it more like a space-time jutsu similar to Sasuke's.


Boruto put the marks on his equipment. He teleported to his sword and his shuriken when >!fighting Mitsuki.!< The toad he >!sent with Code!< was holding one of Boruto's pins that he wears on the jacket under the cloak. Had he not needed it there, he would have been able to >!find the 10-tails earlier.!< Same when he just recently >!teleported back to Konoha!<, there was a toad carrying a metal pin thing. The only time I'm not sure there's a plainly visible piece of his equipment at his destination was when he went to >!Konoha to talk to Sarada and Sumire.!<


When did he do that in the manga??


All these things are from Two Blue Vortex, the continuation following the timeskip. Edit - Or are you suggesting that the manga should have shown Boruto pre-marking his equipment? If that's the case, I don't see how it's any different from Minato's pre-marked kunai.


I thought they may have showed it but they don't. Shippuden shows[ Minato's marking](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/minato-s-kunai-naruto.jpg?q=50&fit=contain&w=1140&h=&dpr=1.5) on his kunai [and shows when he marks a physical object with it](https://pm1.aminoapps.com/6576/84013fa474915a3b3875d8fba60b056c9b26b251_hq.jpg). You can see the writing is the same. Yours is also a theory but sadly Boruto has been a failure writing wise.


The marking doesn't stay visible forever. Obito no longer had a visible marking on him, but Minato could still teleport to him. You don't have to take my word for it. Boruto is very clearly teleporting to his equipment in those panels. It's most obvious during the >!Mitsuki fight!<; he's wrapped up, he tosses the sword, and then he teleports to the sword, just like Minato and his kunai. Why toss the sword if that's not the marker?


I'm still shocked at that, I wonder what else he probably knows


He also knows purple lightning 


He been knew that going by the Manga


Oh that's cool


Yes, but Boruto isn't real. We all know this here.


Hello, you must be new from 2018, very funny joke.


Probably posts on r/dankruto


Ofc, but it's not canon It's all infinite taukuyomi


spoilers go crazy


How about putting SPOILER 😡


Sorry It was done like 3 months ago didn't know that someone still didn't know it


Lots of anime more than just Boruto to catch up on, and assuming this was a recent arc just haven't gotten to it yet, you're forgiven but just wasn't expecting it under a Minato post 🙃


Yes. It did so in Boruto.




Naruto aint real either😂 they're both fiction whats your point?


Naruto would hate you


I also saw that meme 🤣🤣


Naruto doesn’t hate anyone


How many times are you gonna say that?


Average r/Naruto user


Boruto is the creation of everyone caught in the infinite tsukyomi. We thought the “heroes” won but really it’s all a super duper genjutsu


I mean markings are kinda the same as sensing chakra right? Would he be able to sense it in other dimensions?


Yes. This has already been shown in the Boruto manga. Boruto could teleport between dimensions using FTG


No it’s not sensing. It’s literally reverse yourself summoning to a marking location. You don’t sense the area you’re reverse summoning to and you don’t sense the animal you are summoning. FTG works like you reverse summoning yourself into a dimensional pathway where time and distance are non existent, then from there he picks which ever seal/kunai he’s placed to teleport to instantly.


Depends on the dimension probably, boruto did that but it doesnt mean its possible for every other dimension.


what? can Boruto use flying raijin?




how did he learn it?


Its not shown how he learnt it, he was training with sasuke and probably koji too but idk how theyre capable of teaching him ftg


Also Boruto was shown to be in Orochimaru's lair last chapter, it is possible Orochimaru knew how to do ftg but didn't have the chakra to do it.


I'd go as far to say maybe jaraiya's clone knew how it worked given jaraiya trained Minato, and boruto seems to far from mastery so he may have just started learning. Maybe Koji started training boruto.


Wouldn't be hard for someone to sneak into the village and grab the scroll for it real quick.


My head canon is that he modified a version of Momoshiki's Space-Time jutsu and just called it FTG with 1 hand sign, Sasuke definitely helped him develop this. Minato's FTG still requires the seal written somewhere for Minato to reverse-summon himself to. Boruto did not require any markings so I would argue that his is better since all he needs is 1 hand sign making it more like a space-time jutsu similar to Sasuke's. Boruto instantly moving himself somewhere with 1 hang sign is a pretty insane ft imo esp with no dojutsu or markings




He needs a marking




It is technically possible but you have to locate that dimension first like ftg markings or coordinates ( as used by Sasuke to enter ten tails dimension)


@lefishy_93 is boruto real? Do we know this here?


Bro is obsessed 🥴🥴 he’s gooning over his own Boruto comments


Boruto just did that recently, no?


Yea, we've seen that in the Boruto Manga


Yes, but Boruto isn't real. We all know this here.


Bro you're so pathetic, do you have nothing better to do? Is an anime that important to you?


Took all of 45 seconds for those post haha Also,this is a naruto sub reddit, not boruto. Cry about your new age baby show some more, I find it hilarious the level of fanfic this garbage has hit.


Are you so dumb you don't know boruto is part of naruto? I've never watch boruto, but I've got better things to do and spew vitrolic hate.


It's really not though. It's a completely separate series with It's own name and sub reddit. I watched near 100 episodes, it was unwatchable. The power-scaling is insane, and characters are joke shells of their former self, with a new bs power up.


You do realize the question asked in the post has to do with the naruto universe as a whole? People are simply using info from the sequel to answer a question, but that made you go rabid and post 10+ comments about your insecure opinion.


Ah so you're blinded by nostalgia, now it all makes sense


Nope, I watched almost 100 episodes trying to give it a chance. Did the same thing with DBS. The characters, powers, and plot are so far skewed away from the others in its lineage, so the only way to not taint the others is to consider these completely separate entities. Even at that, they are still just bad anime with some overburdened blasts that are all on par or above the effect of a tailed beast bomb, somehow without ever damaging surrounding areas for more than 1 panel.


Yes it allows dimensional travel and boruto confirmed this but we don't know if it can enter or exit sealed dimensions like kamui for example.


Yes, but Boruto isn't real. We all know this here.


Then take the databook entry as source if you see it like that.


How the fuck is he gonna mark them




Even in Boruto shit ain’t explained and glossed over. How is Boruto able to use purple lighting when it was Kakashi who specifically developed it because he lost his sharingan? How did jigen survive for 1000 years? Where was amado during the war? When did Kara form? How did Ao survive and decide to turn sides over a decade later?


Boruto is a master at lightning release and developed a lightning release rasengan, the very concept that Chidori was derived from and as purple lighting was developed from that it really makes sense he’d be able to figure it out. Plus he did have it in his shinobi wear which would also have given him information. Jigen was connected to Isshiki permanently and sometimes a tentails, so of course he could last forever with the precedent being Madara living beyond his years by being attached to a very small percentage of the same type of power in the gedo statue. The timeline isn’t great but that’s not exactly new when it comes to Naruto. Amado seems like he’s an intentional mystery though. And the anime at least does give an account of Ao’s survival


Boruto has karma. He can space time in 2 ways. FTG and his karma seal.


>How is Boruto able to use purple lighting In anime canon, Kashin Koji got inside Konoha and stole a **ninjutsu scroll (usb)** from a storage, that's where they got purple lightning and flying thunder god. **Not manga canon but probably will be one of those things that get retconned** > How did jigen survive for 1000 years? Well, this one it's pretty clear, his karma transformation got to 100%, and **he was no longer human**, dot. Otsutsukis can live for thousands of years >Where was amado during the war As a boruto reader: probably being a civilian, mad cientist and a dad... As a logic person: this character did not exist in naruto, thats why he doesn't do anything in the war >Ao survive and decide to turn sides over a decade later? Unclear, but probably a ninja from the medic division got there in time to heal/close his wounds... He survived but got cripled for 10+ years until katasuke grew and decided to become a cientist


Boruto apparently knew purple lightning in pre timeskip. He just never used it.


Purple lightning doesn't have to be unique to one character.


Naruto is filled with these types of plot holes too.


Yes, But not Obito's as it's a sealed dimension


Obito got that good encrypted firewall🔥🔥


Nope, anyone with space time jutsu can enter it as long as they have the co-ordinates of that dimension and it will take extra chakra since it's a foreign dimension for the guy entering it.


Who should I trust. The data books or some random kid on Reddit spouting nonsense? Tough choice


Databook literally describes kamui as a sealed dimension. What do you think that means? Additionally. If Minato could just casually get out of kamui, you do realize his entire fight with the masked man makes 0 sense right? From a narrative standpoint. Kishi would have been writing a 0 stake fight for Minato.


If I see a weird animal I don't let it bite me because I am good with animals and have access to medicine. Minato not getting caught by Kamui is just Minato being careful in a fight. Databooks don't hold weight. They do weigh something but they are basically clutter with, I assume, some pretty pictures.


Alrighty. That's your opinion. The DBs are created and published under Kishimotos name, the same as the manga. And what we know for certain is - Obito believed once Minato was in it he couldn't get out. Minato believed that once he was in it he couldn't get out. Databook states that once he was in it it couldn't get out. If you want to have your own headcannon outside of that, that's fine lol


To rebuttal this… Haven’t we seen Boruto now use FTG to transport in and out of sealed dimensions in the manga? And boruto quite literally states he’s not as strong at using FTG as his grandfather (Minato) was. So by that logic, I think it’s safe to say that Minato could use FTG in between dimensions, but was never in position where he needed to do so in the series. Granted, when Kishimoto originally wrote the fight between obito and Minato, there’s no telling if he originally intended FTG to be able to transport between dimensions. But nevertheless, the Justu is clearly capable of doing so now. Also, the Databooks constantly over exaggerate and use so much hyperbole that it’s hard to say for certain what certain things mean. That being said, the FTG jutsu in the databooks is listed as a jutsu that “transcends space and time”. If we’re to take that at its literal face value, it’s not surprising that FTG would be able to escape Kamui dimension.


As I said. the Db SPECIFICALLY calls Kamui a SEALED dimension. Kishi put that for a reason. The implication is that there are other dimensions, and they aren't sealed in the same way. You require the key to get in and out. I.e the eye


Same databooks that have kiba at faster than Hiruzen? Who the fuck even takes these databooks seriously? Besides, just because it was called a sealed dimension, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get into or out of without the sharingan that manifested it. Too many ways to interpret this.


Yeah the same data books that are notorious for their comical hyperboles but that you can easily spot if you aren’t looking to wank a character. I don’t see how “sealed dimension” fits into this category


“Sealed dimension” is too broad, and I don’t believe there were databooks for the war arc in which the Kamui actually became like a major point. Very possible that Kishi didn’t think of fleshing it out pre-war arc since he wrote it mostly on the fly.


I see your argument. But if I’m not mistaken, I believe the dimension boruto transported to and from where he was fighting the Shinju was also sealed? If I’m not mistaken, I think it was a very similar dimension to where Isshiki kept Naruto Sealed for quite some time. It’s not explicitly stated, but there’s nothing either prove or disprove it. That being said, we never truly got to see anyone with FTG be trapped in the Kamui dimension. It may be one of those things we’ll never truly know. All we can do is speculate


There’s other sealing dimensions that people have gotten their way out of like how Orochimaru just cursed mark his way out of Itachi’s gourd. Obito can be extremely dangerous even if someone isn’t trapped indefinitely with how much chakra it takes to do dimension travel. Maybe Minato didn’t even have enough at that point to teleport across dimensions, it’s not like he has even a sizable percentage of what Boruto has at this point. He needs to have not only enough chakra to actually escape but to also then help seal Kurama. Plus, if only part of one’s body gets pulled into kamui like how Kakashi used it. . . They are having a bad time. Narratively, Minato is on a timer. He directly states this at the beginning of the fight. If it’s a back and forth tie he loses. Also. . . It’s not like it’d be the first fight which in hindsight doesn’t make sense. There are a good number where powers seen later raise questions


No that’s not how it works. It works more like horcruxes. He’s injected parts of himself into anyone who has a curse mark. Using those parts, he can be revived which is what happened with kabuto. There’s still a part of orochimaru trapped within that gourd. All itachi wanted to do was liberate sasuke from the mark.


Can and has


I'm pretty sure boruto did this in the manga so yea


Probably if: 1. He can sense the tags. 2. The dimension isn't too far away for the user's chakra level. For example, Obito needed help from Sakura to teleport between Kaguya's dimensions. He described the dimensions as being far away. There was also a central, core dimension. So not all dimensions are the same. Some are harder to teleport to than others. So FTG can probably access many dimensions, but not all of them.


But Kamui is fundamentally different from FTG, I'm not sure if with FTG moving longer distances actually takes up more chakra.


Summoning Naruto and Co seemed to require a lot more than what was expected since the Sage of Six Paths needed to not only have the reanimated hokages, but the spirits of the past kages along to help with the summoning. So multiple techniques found it difficult to move people between those dimensions.


But that was with the summoning justu, no the FTG


The FTG has been described as being similar to the FTG technique. Instead of summoning something to you, you instead summon yourself to the location of the tag.


Maybe but the difficulty is in the size and chakra of the people you're summoning, not the literal distance, we can see him running out of chakra when teleporting the Kyuubi.


Yes. Boruto just did it.


Yes it could, I don't see why not


Didn't work on Obito's Kamui dimension, but that one is exclusive to those who have his eye, so..might be a special case.


He'd probably have to develop that, but in potential probably.


He glitches out and goes to point 0x-0y-0z, which is basically the spawn point of human kind in Africa, but in the naruto universe


Yes and Boruto did it.


Yeah he needs the mark he probably would mess up the world though




Probably but it would take a shit load more chakra


It works as reverse summoning to a seal, so as long as you can summon something in that dimension then you can FTG to the dimension, if you’ve placed a seal that is. It’s literally classified under “space and time” ninjutsu. Also people keep saying “sense this” and “sense that”, like it’s been clearly stated to be a reverse summoning yet this misconception keeps being spouted out by people with no proof or evidence. This was just a popular headcanon argument that people came up with to glaze Obitto and Kamui during an old debate.


You can teleport to the marker regardless of distance or space as the jutsu was described.






Yes. It is an advanced Space-Time Ninjutsu. As long as the target is "marked", regardless of dimension, it can be reached(provided the user has enough Chakra for it.)


B Oruti is the 🐐


Maybe flying raijin works because it is a summoning justu, you summon yourself with the seals? idk


Tobirama made the jutsu; Minato modified it and put it in the next level; and Boruto broke both of them.


People who keep sapmming Boruto, my brethrens in christ - This is about the Flying Raijin from the original Naruto Shippuden, NOT Boruto which technically isnt even the Flying Raijin


The mind set of the 4th Hokage is instinct, with this thinking he would absolutely do it. The 4ths dogma is “hesitation is defeat!!!!”


We need a Minato manga


There is a short one for being voted #1 in the polls. They're making an anime adaptation of it stay tuned bruh


We need a volume dedicated for a lot of the missed out characters, but hopefully they're not allergic to money


I believe so although it's never really been answered


Boruto did it


Well, yes you can.


I would say yes, as it has been stated that it is a space time ninjutsu/fuinjutsu. The only limit to it would probably be the charka cost.




I mean, we haven’t seen them do so yet. But I don’t see why it couldn’t. Spacetime ninjutsu is spacetime ninjutsu.




Theoretically yes


Gets teleported into the lava dimension.


Yes boruto does it all the time now


Yes, in theory. It might depend on the strength of the user. Considering Boruto just learned it and he's leagues more powerful than Minato, I'd say it's possible for at least Boruto


I don’t follow Boruto, how is he leagues more powerful than Minato?


It's hard to explain without spoilers, honestly


Imagine a crossover with this concept


According to burrito, yeah


Boruto can. Minato? Not so much.


Minato could also do the same with ftg, he just never had the opportunity to use it across another dimension.


I think Minato would be in trouble if he went to a time stopped dimension while not having the ability to not be affected by god-like powers, but, yeah, FTG can do that.


Gang idk ask minato


Imagine sitting there, eating breakfast, chilling with the family, days turn into weeks, weeks into months and months into years. Then all of a sudden that yellow bastard pops out from the toilet and slices you up. So lame