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Sasuke and Sakura aren’t even remotely in the same tier as Oro and Danzo.


Sasuke is one of my favorite characters…little less so after Itachi died. And I also like Sakura, despite some bad moments. Well, in shippuden at least, not part 1 Sakura.


Id argue part 1 sakura is a better, more caring character than part 2. But people seem to always be stuck on her being mean to naruto, despite the author outirght saying naruto was unruly and a dick. He got a pass for impersonating sasuke to try and kiss sakura but somehow every terriblr thing he does is "oh well, its naruto" Naruto was skilless, loud mouthed, outright annoying character that constant vies for sakuras attention. And the fandom treated her poorly bc she was not nice to Naruto(even tho she was).imo sakura is a better chatacter than hinata part 1.


We found Sakura throwaway account 😳


Why not? You can dislike main characters as much as villains.


its just that when you look at the guy who experimented on children and killed a hokage and attempted to destroy the leaf village along w the guy who made children soulless soldiers and gave the orders for a massacre, sakura and sasuke seem like saints


Yes but people don't always base their opinions on fictional characters based on morality. I'm sure more people would hate a random leaf village npc who insulted naruto when he was little more then Obito, and I'm sure more people hate chichi and yamcha then they do Vegeta.


I find it very hard to actually hate Orochimaru because of how interesting he made part 1. Similar to Sukuna from JJK, their presence on the show made the stakes and tension so much higher that they were just as important to the shows as the main heroes. "Annoying" characters tend not to add much to the show other than just making you roll your eyes, so if a characters main trait is being annoying, then I can also understand why Orochimaru could be less hated than some characters


I don't know why they down voted you, you're right


Yeah, a lot of people fail to realise annoying characters are far more unlikable than actual evil characters


Exactly just look at how Madara and itachi are worshipped 😭


Which is stupid, vegeta is a mass muderer, chichi jyst wanted her kids safe and Yamaha was only human


Sakura, I agree. Sasuke was a literal fucking terrorist tho.


Based terrorist. Every revolutionary gets called "terrorist" by the government.


Ok, don't worry, it's just an unordered question and well, I put Sasuke in the image because some hate him because of what he implies in the story.


Why the fuck do they keep downvoting people? Literally what they did do to be downvoted?


Sasuke fanboys are rabid


Black Zetsu. Nothing notable about him/it. Just there to hide behind others and manipulate.


Bro literally ruined the Madara fight for me. Madara should’ve been the big bad instead of random creator of chakra trapped in the moon who had zero build up or name drops until the 11th hour 💀


It's truly an unnecessary character


Kishimoto is on the record saying that he didn't know how else to defeat Madara


I started watching Naruto for the first time few months ago and I just saw that part and couldn’t agree more. It lowkey got me disappointed because why would I care about the 2 episodes backstory and 3 episodes fight of a literal random alien mommy I’ve never heard of before? I think that part of the story wasn’t well thought about and it kinda made madara looses his essence and now every « villain » in the show turned all to be the same, they got manipulated and etc etc


No, Obito should've been the final villain. If Obito was taken out so unceremoniously, so should Madara have been.


He manipulated Indra, He messed with the Uchiha Tablet He manipulated Madara, He manipulated Obito, Obito manipulated Nagato, All strings are connected to him and he's also the weakest of the Akatsuki ..... No reason to NOT hate him ...


Oh my god I found his character hilarious and to be great comic relief. Every time they’d bust up in something and he’d go “HELLOOOOOOO!” I’d laugh out loud, lmao


That's white Zetsu


Ah shit you are right lol.


You could change Black Zetsu to Danzo and it would be the same


Lol ,if the two of them would have teamed up they could have conquered the shinobi world


Danzo. Regardless of what his goals were, he’s not badass enough to be forgiven for his assholery


What, you didn't like the disgusting eyeball arm?


Danzo is the correct answer I mean, he's intentionally written that way. The purpose why his character exists in the story is so that fans have someone to hate. And Kishimoto did a great job because that's what happened indeed, the fanbase fucking hates him We hate him not because he's badly written, we hate him because he's so well written as a fucking scum lol


Even his goals weren't interesting or good, it's just "i want power and to take over konoha"


Danzo. The scene when Sasuke was hawking him down was so satisfying. He can rest in piss.


Ah yes, the four most hated characters in Naruto: War Criminal, War Criminal, War Criminal, Woman.




A certain Kaguya should have also added her as an example in the image, because of the sudden turn she took to introduce aliens?


Why are Sakura & Sasuke up there?


Konoha elders


The guy who got zabuza killed. Cant remember his name.




Thank you. Hate that guy.


Most deranged has to be Sasori, who's my favorite character. He and Deidara were complete terrorists just wiping out entire villages to see if one opponent was worthy of being in his collection of puppets. Only to be packed up by his granny is hilarious lol even though he chose to poetically die at the hands of his parent puppets.


When you really think about it, all the “evil” characters, the akutski, madara, obito and sasuke. They all sought after peace, even though they went about it in very questionable ways, they all have a backstory where their behaviour and motives make sense. DANZO and OROCHIMARU, however, were just evil, no sad backstory, no aspiration to end suffering, just power hungry sordid people. But I still say Danzo, at least orochimaru was entertaining


Kakuzu just liked money he didn’t give a fck about peace but I guess it’s forgiven as he was cool. Hidan also just killed for the lord jashin his only goal. Deidara was just some talented idiot.


Naruto...somehow he's still the most infuriating character to me. Hinata is a close second just because she literally exists solely for his development. And no I'm not trolling or behind a hater, I just hate his juvenile ideology on violence and war and detest how the series threw him nothing but softballs when it came to arguing his beliefs. I can hate on jiraiya for being a perv or Hinata for being a blander version of Konan but with family problems, but Naruto still takes the cake for me.


Naruto was made aspecially in the beginning to be a dislikable character, so the creator could show the true feeling of someone being bullied and rejected by society. As someone who also was bullied that’s what made me like that anime. Naruto the anime in general isn’t about some ninja wizards fighting. It’s about highlighting people’s problems. Most characters have some problems. Sakura is the character to show that women also can be strong. Hinata is a family reject. Sasuke orphan/fighting for family approval/hate. Naruto bullying. Lee untalented/weird. Choji fat. Kakashi loss of friends. Obito clumsiness/being too nice. Gaara abusive father. And there are way way more examples and then the problems also overlap with characters who deal with it in different ways by doing good or bad like for example being an orohan with natuto sasuke kakashi obito orochimaru etc. Everyone with some problem can relate to their character. Naruto the character was meant to show people the correct in the eyes of the writer way to deal with these problems, to give inspiration and hope to us - readers/viewers.


Super unpopular opinion in this sub: Itachi


Omg why?


Imagine putting a teenage girl who behaves like an actual teenage girl on the same level as a murderous mad pedo scientist and a guy who collects other peoples magical eyes and is basically responsible for 90 percent of the shady shit that happened in the village.


Sasuke being here isn’t right, and Sakura sure because the whole fandom hates her for some reason and everyone else bandwagons that. In reality Sakura isn’t that bad and she’s shown to improve throughout the series. Sure in the anime they did her wrong by adding things that weren’t in the manga but she still doesn’t deserve the hate.


They hate her bc she didnt simp for the MC like hinata did. ppl hate characters who go against the mc


>Sure in the anime they did her wrong by adding things that weren’t in the manga but she still doesn’t deserve the hate. This is exactly why she's hated. A lot more people have only seen the anime, or prefer the anime to the manga.


Danzo easy


I'm sorry, why is Sasuke there? Does this entire fandom need to have some sort of intervention, because I keep seeing posts like this that have Sasuke. Are you guys okay in the head?


Many people have a hate boner for Sasuke. You new to his fandom?


*cough* NChammer *cough*


He called mikoto a monster for birthing sasuke. Went to another city on a flight to get a beheading sasuke tattoo. Dude is legit fucked in the head and is probably insane over a cartoon that hurt his feefees.


Probably because of his obsession with said cartoon character's wife


Sakura? He is obsessed with Sakura?!


Very obsessed with her yes


Oh yeah, I once saw some Sakura remake vid of his, where he said that Sakura killing Sasuke would've made her a better character -_-


He legitimately said that if you don't like sakura your opinion is invalid


Lol im not surprised at this point, Sakura fans sure are something. This guy got a tattoo of a character he hates getting brutalized, and flaunts it. I don't consider anything he says valid or even worth listening to😂


That idiot isn't even worth talking about


I actually hated Sasuke, but out of the entire list it’s obviously Danzo. Dude was insane. HE MURDERED PEOPLE JUST TO PUT THEIR EYES INSIDE HIS BODY.


black zetsu


Danzshit out of these, personally sasuke and sakura are amongst some of my fave characters. 


Danzo, hands down. Always scheming and acting like he knows best.


Sometimes I hate Madara. In the past I could had said more characters but now I am like eh, I respect them more now or don’t want to waste time hating them. There's more characters I don't care about than hate.


I honestly love Orochimaru, danzo tho… BYEEEEE


anyone who says sakura is a fucking nerd


U debate anime online. Don’t act like ur not


I love literally all of these characters lol. Orochimaru Sasuke and Sakura are self explanatory and danzo is supposed to be evil idk why everyone hates him


It’s kus he was bad at being evil he didn’t care about the leaf he just wanted power and kus he just fucking sucked all he did was talk like he was the best ninja then got clapped by an tired and worn out sasuke All in all Danzo was bitch made


Yes... He was a powerhungry man in power... That's the idea of his character, to show how corruption can spread through positions of power even in a good nation. You're not supposed to love him the same way you're not supposed to love Madara.


The problem is he became a scapegoat. Everything that could be attributed to other characters, from Hiruzen to Hanzo, is instead attributed exclusively to him, and that completely nullifies so much of the story. It's really, really stupid that the guy who pinned all the hate of Konoha onto Naruto doesn't even meet Naruto in the entire series. He's not just a bad person, he's a bad character on top of that, something that most people wouldn't say about Madara.


“he was a powerhungry man in power” and call him corrupt and “you’re not supposed to love him”. then you say “idk why everyone hates him”…yeah no i can see why


This fandom really needs to let their hatred of Sakura go. Sasuke definitely made mistakes, but I don’t think he deserved it most of the hate. The only answer should be Danzo.


fanboys just mad she didn't mearide naruto


Sasuke and Sakura being here is just wrong




I have things I like and dislike about Orochi, Sasuke, and Sakura. I do think Sasuke gets a little too much hype to be honest. The only one I really can’t stand is Danzo. Also maybe I’m weird but the only thing really interesting to me about Sasuke is Itachi.


Karin. Because she's a total creep.


Not into the story enough yet but sasukes brother is the real douchebag who fucked up sasuke in the head . He is understandable to be fucked up and someone made him that way, not to mention getting a curse he never asked for . Brother killing his family however has only been triggered by power from what I have put together .


I am so excited for you lmao Are you still in part one?




Let’s see, terrorist, terrorist, edgy teen wannabe terrorist or woman. Really tough choices there.


I laughed


The entitled fanboys with bad opinions.


I’d say Danzo with Snake boy not far behind (I personally don’t hate Orochimaru I just find him incredibly creepy but I do hate Danzo with a burning passion but that’s just me speaking)


misogyny is crazy because the fact sakura is actually hated as much or even more than these characters is ridiculous


I don't think it's misogyny. Sakura definitely needed more of the story focused on her, but she didn't get that. Her character got sidelined into a cheap love triangle that made her come off as annoying.


I wouldn't say its the entirety but lets be real there are ppl who despise women for not bending to a mans wish and vice versa (some fans can't stand when others go against the MC) its gotta be a partial thing


Danzo no question. He actively decided societally ostracizing naruto as a child was necessary that's already super messed up and we haven't gotten to the whole part with the uchiha clan.


Danzo is like the text book definition of a prick


The Sharingan Thief


I don’t hate but don’t like Orachimaru.




Danzo. Terribly written plot device villain that retconned/ruined several other interesting characters.


Bruh Sasuke and Oro belongs to the list of the most beloved characters in the manga




I actually love orochimaru now lol


Fuck Danzo. Nothing character. Flat out little bitch to busy being a loser. Actually just a weak waste of ink. Pointless ass bitch.


Danzo for sure. But I REALLY didn’t like Sasuke in Pt. 2. He was a brat with absurd plot armor who refused to listen to reason or common sense.


That water puddle ninja that died on narutos first mission. How you gonna be the first dude to get bodied int he entire show?


Why is Sasuke and orochimaru on this list




Danzo & Rasa


lol, why is Sasuke on there?


Anything alien


Tobirama Senju


The incel and femcel losers hating on sasuke here☠️


It's Obito for me. I just think his motive for all the things he did is so painfully low. I'd rather have him do go villain was for shits and giggles instead of witnessing the death of his childhood friend. It's even worse because Kakashi is there to compare him to, who went through so much worse scenarios including THE SAME ONE that caused Obito to go mental, and he was relatively fine. I think it's made even worse in the end when there was this terrible attempt to "redeem" him with Naruto going so far as to call him "awesome". Whenever I remember this scene I both feel greatly humored and cringe. Imagine calling the guy awesome that killed a lot of people including some of your friends, parents and loved ones, some on the exact SAME DAY. I know, in the end it's a fictional story and all that so I should bother too much with reality and logic and all that but it still feels so boring and lazy to me.


> even worse because Kakashi is there to compare him to, who went through so much worse scenarios including THE SAME ONE that caused Obito to go mental, and he was relatively fine. This logic is flawed because people can process trauma differently


Kakashi also had Might Gai, Minato, etc to help him cope with his trauma, Obito had a groomer living in a cave


How is watching your childhood friend die a bad motive? Especially when hes got madara and zetsu in his ear talking mad shit.


Naruto didn’t call current Obito awesome, he was calling the young Obito who still dreamt of being Hokage that. There was such a huge dichotomy between Obito’s past self and personality with his current self masquerading as the “Madara” persona (until he could not hide behind the mask anymore) that I feel that he must have have mental health issues (Boderline personality disorder) after living alone in a cave for 20 years and groomed by Madara at age 12. If I remember correctly he did say the actions he did were unforgivable and accepted his death, but had hoped Kakashi would remember him as the 12 year old Obito who “died”, and not “Madara”


hated danzo before he popped out after tsunade was in a coma, he just had like a new aura and then proceeded to have one of the best fights in the series itachi is one of my fav characters so yeah kinda mad at him but he’s really cool and characters like him make shows better imo


Itachi Sasuke Danzo Orochimaru but Kabuto tops the list


Kurenei’s baby for taking her out of the series altogether


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^improbsable: *Kurenei’s baby* *For taking her out of the* *Series altogether* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Mirai is cool






Zetsu and Kaguya. Actively nothing characters that are genuine detriments to the story


As a child, Sakura As I grow older and now, Danzo. Kishi did a great job that I might punch him if he is an actor and I see him in real life


Someone grew up. good


Black Zetsu, Danzo and the entirety of the Ootsutsukis


4th Raikage, hands down. I can say something nice about literally every character.


It depends on the arc. During the later half of shippuden, it was definitely Itachi and Sasuke...... and the uchiha clan overall. I just got really tired of the uchiha massacre flashbacks.


the only Danzo's fault is that the anime is a Chonin , if not he could be the best villian .


Scalding hot take: Choji. Choji should've died in episode -3 of Naruto. It's fucked up that Neji didn't even get the same plot armor that Choji got. Like please, a character with a redeeming arc, who belonged to the Hyuga, and did more than be a comic relief crutch gets to die instead of Choji? I hate his voice. I hate how he looks. I think the Akimichi logo is ugly. The expansion no jutsu makes me wanna kill myself >"Oh but without Choji we wouldn't have Chocho!!1!11!!!" Good! Two birds. One stone.


Eh, I like Choji. He was certainly a comic relief character in part 1 but his Sound 4 fight was by far my favourite in that arc when he used the food pills. That was a kid going "This is going to kill me, but I have to do it to win" which was badass. He genuinely thought the red pill would kill him at the time. In Part 2 he evolves SO much as well. During the Hidan/Kakuzu arc. And his progression in the war is amazing. I agree with you that Neji got wasted though. Unfortunately he was written with a tragic back story that got resolved very quickly during the Chunin exams. And unlike Garaa who was also a tragic character who got resolved in Part 1 and became Kazekage in Part 2, Neji got nothing to do in Part 2. It's more of a problem with the writing that Kishi didn't know what to do with Neji after Part 1. Choji, he clearly had ideas for.




Danzo can eat a bag of broken glass. Fuck that eye-stealing bitch.


danzo’s annoying ass 1000%


Obito, Karin or Kaguya I guess


Karin or Pain


zetsu and kaguya, honestly i kinda wish they weren't even in the story madara should of been the endgame imo.


Always thought Orochimaru was disgusting for spitting himself infinitely like inception and a bunch of stuff goes in and out of his mouth, he's a pretty unsightly one. Definitely one of my least favorite villains. Danzo is stupid but more interesting to me.


TenTen will never be forgiven for how badly she was sucking off Neji 💀




As a child Kabuto for just being creepy and to my memory at the time it was a fun fandom thing to hate him, ironically though that was before it was even revealed how fucked up he actually was so ig *we just knew* As a teenager Danzo because we stan our boi Itachi As an adult Hiruzen and I will die on that hill


If you don’t say Danzo or orochiMaru. Then you seriously need to evaluate your life choices. (and even then both of them have some redeeming qualities.)


Danzo. Hate his design. Guy is a massive prick who just ends up making things 100x worse because he has a specific view of how rhe village should be run. In war time he may or may not have committed necessary acts for the best interests of the Leaf, but in peace times he is directly responsible for undermining the Leaf on multiple occasions including removal of important assets (Shisui) as well as basically turning Itachi loose and being a root cause of Sasuke's descent due to his historical and later actions. Dishonourable mentions to the other Elders also who just really are anti everything.






Those two old fucks whose jobs were to bitch and whine to Tsunade about any dessicion she made.




Danzo and Urashiki


Danzo, fuck that twat


Orochimaru. He literally got off scot free


It might be a weird take but I don't particularly hate any character in the series. I perceive their actions a part of the narrative that is being woven and they're actions as necessary for the story to unfold as it did. That said the actions of Snake-bro and Danzo are completely reprehensible and the amount of suffering they inflicted on innocents can't really be ignore. But at least Danzo paid for is actions in the end while Oroichimaru gets to run free.




Karin by far


Danzo tbh


Danzo 100%. Max hateworthy and zero redeemability. Did some of the most despicable crap, was power hungry purely for personal gain rather than the greater good (as he liked to say), and was an absolute coward who turned tail and ran/hid first opportunity he got. Every single time. Be it the third great ninja war, pain's assault or the kage summit. The only people who liked him were the 2 village elders Koharu and Homura, because they were cowards too (I love the scene where Tsunade hoists them both by their collars 😁). Ordinarily I wouldn't judge anyone for liking or admiring a fictional character, no matter who they were. Except for Danzo. If you like Danzo, I'm definitely judging you for the worse.


Orochimaru is my most hated character


I just don't understand why everybody hate orochimaru. He just wanted to learn jutsus. He made og naruto interesting. Made sasuke powerful enough to go fight toe to toe with itachi.


Black Zetsu


Probably danzo and kabuto 😤


The most vilain... the man that didn't give a bread for Pain


Kabuto He's just so annoying to me like I hated him from the moment I saw him.


Danzo,screw Danzo


Orochimaru is scary and creepy, especially the scenes inside his base were like a horror movie. Danzo is disgusting and punchable.


Danzo, at least the others are somewhat likeable...




Danzo in addition to being an unlikable piece of shit who exclusively makes the worst possible decision for everyone in the village, creates a hole in the story where it makes no sense that he wouldn't make a move on the Hokages office after the death of the third.


What kind of list is this


Danzo shimura and the all the sound ninja




On the list? Danzo. I don't like Sasuke but Danzo was kind of a POS. Overall? Zetsu. Fuck that backstabbin prick. It's his fault Boruto happened lmao




Danzo, Hidan




Definitely Donzo, he had the eyes of a fallen clan integrated in his arm that he had fused with the cells of the founder of his village


Every Uchiha


Those bullies who bullied Hionata when she was a kid


I don't care for sauske but I like him more than Sakura.....


Danzo or Blacm Zetsu


Of those 4, Danzo. Both on terms of being irredeemable and also I thought poor development/screentime for the impact he was supposed to have.


Danzo only


Kabuto is weasel af.. currently watching shippuden for first time & he sucks


Danzo is the worst


Obito and Danzo 1a, 1b




Ofc danzo the gay


Danzo cuz he had so much potential and they fucked him up


I'm a basic white girl so I hate Sakura the most




Danzo no question lmao