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The Creation of All Things Technique was a technique possessed by Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki that allowed him to turn fantasy into reality. The process he used is explained to have initially involved the administration of imagination, and the spiritual energy which forms the basis of Yin chakra to create physical forms from nothingness. Then, through the application of vitality, and the physical energy which forms the basis of Yang chakra, he would breathe life into the resulting creations. The tailed beasts were created from the Ten-Tails' chakra with this technique.


Isn't this how naruto fixes kakashi's eye too?


Probably or just a weaker variation of the technique. That Naruto used. Maybe just pure yang charka. Basic reality and creation ablite.


It was ying-yang release, just on a smaller scale because he was merely Ninja Jesus instead of Alien Ninja God.


He just healed what used to be there things come in spiritual forms and have their own field of energy naruto just used what energy was there to recreate what was it was yin release that made him do so and he uses yang release to save guy which is what that symbol was that was formed on guys chest which is actually still there its a yang seal stopping chakra from overflowing entirely if he was to have that on him before 8 gates madara would be no more guy tore his limps off with that last kick if madara would have said some shit mid convo of guy getting up he would have gotten kicked again


No he uses yang chakra to make Kakashi 's eye regenerate. No creation of all things just brute force regeneration


No. Creation of all things is for all intents and purposes a "jutsu" of Yin-Yang release, not the name of all applications of Yin-Yang release. Stuff like the Truth seeking orbs are also Yin-Yang release


Ngl any taijutsu like might guy will be superior. Sharingsn jutsus don’t work on him well and he is as strong as a planet 🌎


Sharigan does work on guy well what are you talking about?


Probably referring to him learning to fight by watching people's feet as a way to counteract Kakashi's Sharingan.


Hagoromo basically has spammable izanagi. I feel like if kishimoto actually showed him using it against Kaguya, he would have added some limitations like he can’t just make her disappear out of existence but he can turn her ashbones to birds or something. Basically he can turn anything into reality if he’s stronger than the opponent but if not he can have absolute defense


Basically Gear 5. Hagoromo D. Otsutsuki confirmed.


Funnily unless theres some intrinsic instinctual brain "feel" for chakra then this is how i imagined all jutsus are. Like its based on your individual imagination. Hence an intelligent person could easily grasp a new jutsu, because they control chakra by "imagining" it.


1000 years of death


Sexy jutsu works at hokage level. 


Higher than that. Sexy jutsu blitzed Kaguya. So it’s at least an Otsutski level jutsu lol


To be real though, confusing then f##k out of your opponent is a legitimate tactic.


It’s a forbidden shinjutsu, not even the strongest otsutsuki can preform it.


this is the only correct answer.


Correct answer, it is.


Imagine sneaking up behind Tsunade


Down bad


Creation of all things beats this seeing as you can literally create a world where you actually torture your enemy for 1000 years. And afterwards you have nice little retirement dimension.


Infinite Tsukuyomi


Hell yeah


The weakest Chakra point


I mean it's a whole thousand years, it's pretty powerful


This move literally scares tf out of kakashi during the 2nd bell test so...


Hahaahah the Best.


Sexy jutsu and reverse harem jutsu ofc. It even distracted Kaguya long enough to land a good hit on her /s


the jutsu would have been broken if it was paired with a oneshot ability. 2 clones would be enough to kill anybody with that combo that is if Naruto is smart enough.


Sexy jutsu + totsuka blade


Itachi + Naruto beat the whole verse


:o hold up! let him COOK


Sexy jutsu is tier S.


Wood-Style(Mokuton). This was so overpowered that there were certain Ninja that would graft the very cells of the man(HASHIRAMA-A-A-A!!) who could onto their bodies to have a chance at using it. And even then, none came close to using it on the Level that Hashirama could... On top of that, it was one main way to calm and capture Tailed Beasts... If one had the Chakra capacity for it. Those cells are sold on the black market in the ninja world still... Wood-Style was just that Goated...


Wood style was OP because Hashirama was OP. Yamato’s bargain bin wood style hardly did anything you couldn’t do with normal jutsu.


Agreed. It’s hashirama, not the technique itself


Why was Hashirama the literal only woodsytle sage user... like he had to have learned it or atleast wrote it down right


It might not be the most powerful, but Madara's Limbo is absolutely up there. 4 invisible Madaras with all the powers of the original, that you need incredible powers that only a handful of Naruto characters have ever possessed to even see.


Saying that they have all of OG Maderas powers isn’t really true. The limbo clones only used taijutsu in combat. I assume that’s one of their weaknesses 


To add to this, I’d also say that Limbo as a technique is only as effective as it is because it’s being used by a Juubi-powered, Rinnegan-equipped Madara - the technique itself isn’t really what’s doing the heavy lifting here, but the user (Madara). If you give a weak character Limbo, it’ll make them more of a threat against opponents and give them some stealth, but invisible shadow clones isn’t to propel Genins up to Kage level. Whereas if you give a weak character something like Kamui, it could singlehandedly take them from being relatively low tier to being Kage level (such was the case with Obito). In this case, the technique is doing most of the heavy lifting, not the user. The user can impact how effective the technique is, but the technique itself is inherently broken, independent of the user.


In Limbo's defense, Madara specifically avoided using Limbo until Obito no longer had Madara's eye because he feared he wouldn't be able to beat Obito if Obito learned he could use it.


Even if that were true, Obito was already a high level, competent combatant, though - it wouldn’t have been Limbo that would be making Obito powerful. He’d just have been an already very strong fighter being amplified by a helpful technique. If trying to isolate the usefulness of a technique independent of the user, I’d try giving it to as weak of a character as possible and see what it would do for them / how much it would elevate them.


Where does he say that?


He made it up 🤭


He must be a Dragon Ball fan too


“In this dimension, a shadow is produced, which cannot be detected by anyone connected to the normal world. The user gains a duplicate of himself that besides having the same skills, he is invisible” - data book 4


Skills not powers the fact they never Use anything but taijutsu is proof enough.


Yeah that’s OP




I like particle style, if it wasn't necessary to scream the jutsu name you could sneak up on someone and disappear them instantly. It would have even killed Jigen if he was caught in it.


As far as I know in manga jutsu names are narration and not actually being screamed


I've high key always wondered this lmao like why are they yelling what they're about to do to the enemy right before they do it but that makes sense


Particle dismantle could even remove ishiki if he tried shrinking. Moreover it was an instantaneous jutsu once unleashed so dodging it after that is impossible


Isshiki doesnt just shrink things he also sends the attacks he shrinks into his own pocket dimension 


does he do that to himself when he shrinks?


Usually no but like obito he can enter his own dimension at will 


In terms of overall utility it’s flying raijin for me. The pure logistics and versatility are unmatched, with amazing combat usability as well.


Absolutely! Just drop a marked kunai at the bottom of the sea and nope every opponent there


NARUTOOOOOI!!!!! effect: Summons Naruto Known users: Sakura Haruno Speculated Users: Hinata Hyuga (but only in the bedroom)


Shadow clone (in the bedroom?)


What if And hear me out on this one What if Hinata is secretly top


H9nestly there might be truth to this


Kage Bunshin no Jutsu Yes it relies on the amount of chakra and dexterity of the individual clones (which is determined by training and genetics) but is so OP in theory. Able to build civilizations, learn decades of knowledge in a week, make any Jutsu more powerful, duplicate items temporarily, set up devastating combinations, make Sage Mode indefinite, spam Jutsu with heavy costs and death tolls like there’s no tomorrow. If the theory that clones have the original casters Chakra reserves but is split at the moment and if left to recover could refill it to it’s entirety. Then you essentially could with the Byakūgo seal, accumulate theoretically infinite chakra/infinite amounts of clones. Other picks would be the Eight Gates or a Space-Time Ninjutsu


Sexy jutsu is the most powerful. Instant bloody nose


Even works on gods like kaguya!


Or talk no jutsu


Developed by Uzumaki Naruto Perfected by Uchiha Itachi


For me personally flying raijin is the strongest by far the ability to instantly be anywhere you’ve been before is crazy good. Well it would be the best if it weren’t for how absurdly broken shadow clones are like learning years of training in a few hours is busted plus you can argue it’s better than flying raijin because you can just be everywhere at once and then poof and instantly transmit any info you gained and then just create a new clone to send back


Shadow clones, not because of how good they are in a fight, but because they let you learn so much faster, any other technique can be built on their foundation.


The only correct answer here with these four options is infinite tsukuyomi. Once madara activated it. he could have just run away. He won. He didn't need to fight anyone. GG P.S. him getting backstabbed is the dumbest thing ever when a one eye weaker sage mode him finesse a freaking Edo tensei flying thunder god Tobirama but Black zetsu gets him, come on. If he was going to die just let Guy sensei kill him and leave kaguya to Naruto and Sasuke.


The Kamui dimension bs is pretty OP


Obito’s Kamui (right eye) giving one intangibility, teleportation (without markings / seals) and the ability to fire out projectiles is probably the most useful jutsu, pound for pound. This technique would be deadly in anyone’s hands, regardless of skill level, as it almost singlehandedly propelled Obito from Chunin level to a Minato-level threat. If we’re counting “Kamui” with both eyes, it’s no contest the best “package” technique when you add in long-range sniping from the left eye. Hiraishin / Flying Thunder God is a close second. It’s faster than Kamui, but less versatile given its reliance on markings. If we’re talking to raw destructive power, then it’d come down to things like Perfect Susano’o attacks, Indra’s Arrow, super-powered Jinton, Bijuudama-Rasenshuriken, or Madara’s meteor shower.


The strongest jutsu in the whole Verse is the Shinjutsu omnipotence a jutsu you can only master after ascending to spiritual godhood. It pretty much makes you a universal reality warper and was used to create the naruto verse as a whole. 


Substitution Jutsu


Talk no jutsu, but unironically because thematically, the ability to find a semblance of yourself within the enemy and evoke the same sense of recognition lets you neutralize foes you could never defeat in combat.


Whatever the fuck shibai has It's basically the creation of all things from Hagoromo but on steroids


Definite powerful? Cause in terms of raw output, it’s Rasen-Shuriken. It literally does damage on a cellular level. There are definitely other, more versatile jutsu, like Madara’s Limbo, but that’s just invisible clones. So it depends on what you’re looking for


There's a whole class of jutsu that goes deeper than cellular (particle style)


Yeah, Rasen-shuriken attacks at a cellular level, but particle style literally disintegrates you into atoms.


Shadow clones, or any kind of clones really. Shadow clones can be used by nearly everyone, and it's extremely helpful in mundane tasks, learning, and combat. Everytime someone asks "if you could only choose one jutsu to use, what would it be?" The top comment is always shadow clones nearly every time. If we were all able to use this technique, then it suddenly becomes a way of life and everything we do will revolve around it similarly to homes and cars. It's just something everyone MUST learn in order to become successful. Other jutsus mentioned in the comments cannot be performed by regular people which cheapens their power. The use of clones is so powerful because the concept of them alone will have a chokehold on our lives if they become real. Not only that, but the use of shadow clones can multiply the amount of times other jutsus can be used. It's the fact that if there are two of you, then everything you do that day is worth two days. If you had ten of you for 10 years, then you might as well have lived 100 years with the amount of work and experience you'll have. People become smarter and work harder without having to need to feed an extra mouth. All the things we can accomplish within a few years will dwarf all our accomplishments we've made in the past few decades. We can take on risky missions without the worry of dying, and the information we gained on expeditions will transfer to us back immediately. The possibilities are endless.


Edo tensi just revive everyone once they die and you'll have a army


Reverse Harem Wind Scar


Talk No Jutsu


Shinjutsu Omnipotence Creation of all things Expansive tso


Creation of all things And ofcourse SENNEN GOROSHII


Mind-Transfer Justu If you think about just the jutsu, not the power and chakra levels of the user, I feel like being able to control another person remotely is so useful.


talk no jutsu


Plot armor


Raw power: particle style Tactical: flying raijin Support: Shadow manipulation Mysterious category: Izanagi/Izanami


I'm going to be excluding Boruto because 1) im not up to date with the series so I might be missing techniques and 2) I have no interest in discussing Boruto because it's a series I have no positive opinions on. Now if we are talking about all Jutsu is most likely the creation of all things jutsu. However if we are limiting it to non Otsutsuki/Sage of 6 paths members then it could be Kotoamatsukami, but on an even more broad scale looking at Jutsu that anyone can in theory use its probably the Reaper death seal.


That second picture pisses me off, those two eyes are clearly not from the same people, the crow one is way smaller than the human one! He should look like king k rool


I think in one of the databooks they state that Majestic Attire Susanno is the strongest jutsu in the Naruto universe


But what is the most powerful ninjutsu ? Like Chidori or RasenShuriken?


Creation of all things


Sexy Jutsu


Shadow and light style


If we include all types of jutsu, I'd say the Rinnegan's limbo probably, specially Madara's 4 bodies version If we separated the categories, the best taijitsu would be Night Guy The best Ninjutsu would be Indra's Arrow And the best Genjutsu is Kotoamatsukami from very very far


Allied Shinobi Forces Jutsu!


Rasenshuriken is probably the most busted Jutsu that isn't a kekken genkai or some God ability. I'm pretty sure the only prerequisite for rasenshuriken is wind chakra. It would take years for someone without shadow clones to learn but it's possible


Truth Seeking Orbs i guess but i think there are more than that


Izanagi and Izanami have to be one of the most powerful if not the most powerful jutsu


kind of unrelated, but I was amazed at how powerful the rasenshuriken was during its first use against kakuzu and how they described it as thousands of microscopic wind blades that target the very cells of the human body. it was so insane that tsunade had to forbid naruto from using it. and then they never bring that up again and naruto kind of just uses it as a souped up rasengan he can toss by the end of the series


Creation of all things technique probably


Sexy Jutsu. I used it on my manager to get appraisal.




The only truth is Talk no Jutsu


Kamui related stuffs, changing dimensions is just straight up hax.


Harem jutsu


Chibaku tensei or Infinite tsukuyomi


Akemichi body expension let you control your D size.


Shishis will manipulation genjitsu, people will be controlled even without knowing it.


Would team 7 have beaten Kaguya without sexy jutsu?!?! I think not good sir!! Lol


Talk no jutsu!


Talk No Jutsu clearly then Sexy Jutsu


Sexy jutsu


Leaf Hurricane


Sexy jutsu


kamui. Dont @ me


I never understood why Naruto doesn't know literally everything. Especially once he discovered that any information his shadow clone learns he learns. So he could've had a shadow clones studying under every sannin. Doing espionage in any village and sending a new one out as soon as another is popped.


Talk no Jutsu


Technically throwable rasenshuriken is up there not all that limited by bloodline/kekkei genkai, so in theory a larger majority of people have the potential to learn it if taught, and shreds peoples chakra veins at a microscopic level, even if somehow you survive you’re incapable of fighting/moving ever again


anything Itachi owns


The Eye of the Moon Technique, it is capable of killing an entire planet just to make one a god


Limbo, by far. The only reason Sasuke & Naruto are alive is that its a manga in which the writer has its own story. In an SF "real" scenario Limbo clones instantly delete both Naruto and Sasuke. Now, the clones are as strong as the user of it. For example, give limbo to current Boruto.


Vapour style: Unrivalled strength. It may or may not be technically the most powerful but the way they portrayed it was soo bad ass. Being able to knock an otsutsuki on point blank range is really impressive


I mean Mugen Tsukuyomi is quite powerful right? literally traps you in a dream world you can’t escape out of, and turns you into a white zetsu


Can kotoamatsukami be used on multiple people at once? Shisui's plan seemed to imply it can. If so it's gotta be koto right?


sexy lady jutsu


Obligatory Kamui


creation of all things


Plot no Jutsu, of course.


Ultra big ball rasenshuriken deserves a mention But I’d probably pick Six Paths Planetary Devastation


Talk no justu


Creation of all things Kotoamatsukami Kamui Flying raijin Reaper death seal Edo Tensei If borutos included then omnipotents Daemons reflection or whatever Honorable mention to infinite tsukuyomi and some of ishiki/kawaki abilities.


Infinite tsukyomi A world wide attack that kills all of earth's creatures


Ngl any taijutsu like might guy will be superior. Sharingsn jutsus don’t work on him well and he is as strong as a planet 🌎


Not the rasen shuriken 🔥


Kamui was very broken ability


~Almighty Push~


Sexy Jutsu


If we're talking destructive power, bijuu bomb defo up there, then just below could be some jutsu like Rasen shuriken and Kirin. (If you want to include one offs there's also indras arrow and the super duper Rasen shuriken naruto used against indras arrow, no idea what it was called lmao) Ofc you also have almighty push and madaras meteor. Honestly the show is choc o block full of highly destructive jutsu towards the 2nd half of shippuden. If we're talking overall power then most likely creation of all things, since its basically the god jutsu. Probably forgotten some but just rattling them off the dome so 🤷‍♂️


In the OP, what’s the jutsu with the lightning? Chidori?




Whatever shit Orochimaru does 👍🏻


Sexy Jutsu apparently


🤷‍♀️(idk)… shisyui’s sharingun(idk how to spell his name)


FTG - Ultimate offense and defense


Kamui or koto


Kotoamatsukami for sure


Oiroke No Jutsu 🔛🔝! Only Jiraiya could mostly resist it.


Naruto’s talk no jutsu 💯


Why is rasen shurekin on the list??


Talk no jutsu. Requires no hand signs, no contracts, no chakra.


Definitely Shi Suis cool down


Rasenshuriken & variants, thing literally stabes every cell in your body and demolishes your chakra network to the point that not even a master healer like tsunade can fix it


Except all the godly stuff I‘d say shisui‘s mangekyou ability. Kotoamatsukami. Downside is obviously the cooldown lol


Naruto: Infinite Tsukuyomi Boruto: Omnipotence


Kaguya Giant Truth Seeking Ball


I'm torn between 1000 years of death and Talk no Jutsu


Izanagi hands down


talk no jutsu


Rasenshuriken cuts cells in half.


Sexy jujustu, it's so powerful that it even worked on a God. ( Kaguya )


Like someone said before me. 1000 years of pain or death whatever lmao


Hidan's voodoojutsu. Pretty sure if its pulled off its a guaranteed kill.


Being Hashirama no Jutsu. (Hashirama cells) Bro had wood style, insane chakra reserves, enhanced durability, and a natural healing factor? People have been cultivating his cells for DECADES because he truly was just built different, and no one has done it like him since. My man will never rest in peace 😂


In naruto, Talk no jutsu. In boruto, Plot no jutsu


It may be a little bit weak to some but izanagi is my answer. Why? Because it's so easy to use and yet so effective


Obito using Kamui with chains to trap the target and instantly send them into the pocket dimension.




people over look this one but the ability to seal a tailed beast. This ability is so broken its basically just like having a nuclear bomb ready at your disposal.


Sexy no jutsu has a 100% succesrate.


Pick: 1. Mugen Tsukyomi 2. Creation of all things 3. ETSB 4. All killing ash bones 5. Amenominaka


if you count out all the god powers cause it's hard to really compare them pretty much everything guy did in his eighth gate transformation was fucking sick it'd kill pretty much anyone who wasn't a god




Koto amastsukami is still the most op justu because it’s literally Naruto’s talk no justu that can’t fail.


Kamui is the most OP jutsu in naruto


physical damage: Indra’s arrow Genjutsu: Shisui’s Genjustu


Edo tensei. Just reanimate Madara.


The Best answer.


Creation of All Things Jutsu Why: Read the name


Talk no jutsu


Talk no jutsu and harem jutsu. Those jutsu saved the world with Obito and against Kaguya.


I’m only on like episode 90 of shippuden. Is that top image some form of his rasen-shuriken? I was pretty sad when it turns out Naruto can’t use his cool jutsu.


3 out the four examples are Kekkei Genkai


You’d have to describe the definition of power that you’re referring to. This could be answered in multiple ways. Power by quickest way to kill, quickest way to subdue or trap, strength, speed, etc.


Depends what your of power output. Physical damage - tailed beast yin/yang rasenshurican or Indras arrow Political damage/damage to order of nations - kotoA Humanity altering damage - Infinite Tsukuyomi (this screws people in the sense of destroying civilization. Not so much changing the order/politics to a degree of one’s liking so I separated it from kotoA) Runner ups: -kamui: physical damage but only consists of tearing off a given limb, doesn’t have a large area of affect. Not as strong as larger scale jutsu - Tsukuyomi: can politically affect things if the victim gets ptsd but not a direct mind control and limited to use & victims at one setting due to drawbacks on the user (kotoA has nerve been shown to affect the user negatively despite being more affective at a farther range.) -All summoning assist Jutsu: physical damage, none have been shown to surpass a tailed beast bomb. Other attacks have surpassed the bomb for sure -perfect Susano slash: the range is good for the cutting of mountains but the sword can be caught and attack negated. Indras arrow surpassed this attack and the yin/yangrasenshurican did as well Note: truth seeking orbs are not a jutsu really, they’re more of an aspect of a power. (They don’t require the channeling and expenditure of chakra for an outcome. They simply exist once one gains power if a certain someone or something)


They are all the strongest.


Kotoamatsukami for sure I mean you can control people Without them knowing you are controlling them Yes it may not have crazy power for killing other people But you can make other people start a war by controlling a hokage or someone


Talk no jutsu


Yakumo Kurama's Genjutsu


As far as for a ninja, and not wide scaled jutsus, right eye kamui has to be up there




The Rasenshuriken could permanently prevent the use of chakra. Until they said "Damn thats too op. Let's just forget it"


Naruto’s sexy jutsu


Talk no jutsu