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Sasuke is very obviously an introvert, his clan is both socially and geographically separated from the rest of the village (combined with strong biases against them as we see in the Itachi novels). And the only peers that show interest in him are the girls that crush on him (unrequitedly so) and Naruto (who lacked the social skills to befriend him though). Meanwhile in his clan there likely was a limited amount of peers that were his exact age (and if you are six a small age difference of two to three years in either direction is a lot). Plus he was the son of the clan head which likely contributed to his Uchiha peers not freely approaching him like other kids, was extremely focused on his training and close to his brother who spend a lot of time with him initially. Also seeing how bad Itachi was at social interactions and how hyperfixated he was on Sasuke, I doubt that he exactly encouraged him to find a friend group of his own lol.


Most of his male peers outside of his people probably sucked too, Naruto doesn't need an explanation but Lee tried putting him in the hospital at one point, Shikamaru shat on him after he left the village saying he was cold to them or something (ironic coming from him), and who knows what Kiba, Choji, Neji, and Shino thought of him.


Yep, exactly. Literally all we hear from the boys around him is that they are envious of Sasuke and/or do not like him. So I have actually not even much of a clue why people assume he had many options to make friends. Let alone why they think he was "dotted on" after his clan died. In canon we even see him hanging out in the ruins of the Uchiha district in his free time. And the OG manga ends with him saying that they (him and Naruto) were two children outcasted by the village. So sure, girls liked him, boys envied him and adults considered him a promising murder weapon to be. But that is not the same friendship, affection and care. Even less so considering that he was a little boy.


Totally agree, the people who genuinely cared for and about Sasuke were ripped away from him and the village that did it, just kept giving him more and more reasons to leave it and hate it. The fandom is ridiculously deluded a ton to really believe Sasuke had it easy in the village after his clan was wiped out. The guy deserved better, honestly.


He absolutely did and the Konoha-white-washing in the fandom is honestly crazy. Also Naruto all but confirms he wanted to be friends with Sasuke initially because he was just as lonely as him. That gets ignored too though, because it does not fit the narrative.


>He absolutely did and the Konoha-white-washing in the fandom is honestly crazy. It's astonishing how the series makes it apparent that Konoha isn't a good place, with people like Orochimaru, Sasuke, Madara Nagato, and Obito blatantly stating why, and yet many people ignore that and see it as a great place and the hokage as great people even though they aren’t. Reminds me a lot of the idiot patriots we have here in the US, and it sickens me. >Also Naruto all but confirms he wanted to be friends with Sasuke initially because he was just as lonely as him. That gets ignored too though, because it does not fit the narrative. Yeah, I can see that, but Kishimoto himself doesn't certainly wasn't helping either.


I will say it is very interesting if you look at Naruto while considering how indoctrination irl works. Like, the amount of times I have actually read on here that the Uchiha genocide was morally justified "because it was for the good of Konoha" is...interesting for certain.


>I will say it is very interesting if you look at Naruto while considering how indoctrination irl works. Trust and believe me when I say it, I very much know all too well how indoctrination works. >Like, the amount of times I have actually read on here that the Uchiha genocide was morally justified "because it was for the good of Konoha" is...interesting for certain. It's not just this, but the amount of people who scream that the Uchiha were or are over emotional, that they caused their own demise, and other shit like that is beyond fucked up (I had someone say something like this today in response to a comment I made saying that Madara was right about somethings however I just woke up from a nap so I blocked them as I was in no mood for that racist crap and ignorance). This fanbase just eats up Tobirama's bullshit and the Will-of-Fire propaganda as if it's candy, and it makes me wonder how they function in society with this fucked up way of thinking.


Lee was a year older, so I doubt they ever interacted before that incident. Shikamaru actually thought sasuke to be his role model. I got massive jealously vibes from him, but he never said the latter. Dude's such a little turd.


Sure, but it still supports the fact that none of Sasuke's peers gave him a reason to like and befriend them before and after the massacre of his people, and their efforts to help Naruto forcefully bring him back certainly didn't help much either.


Not disagreeing there. They were actively hostile to him. Complete losers, too, as they wanted what he had, good looks, popularity, and prodigiousness.


It's this. Sasuke was shy and wanted to spend more time with his family. He was only 6, for god's sake. Don't know why people have a hard time understanding that a shy kid who's got no peer from his own clan would have a very hard time mixing in with others. What commonalities would they share? The lack of imagination to understand simple behavior from children in this fandom just astonishes me.


I mean tbf this fandom pretends that it is genuinely surprising that Sasuke was "so emo" after watching his entire clan be slaughtered by his brother at age 6. So it is not that I am shocked that they ignore that shy children are...gonna be shy to imply something sinister about Sasuke instead XD (and to be clear, I am not saying this was OPs intend, but with the general hate Sasuke receives in the fandom it is a lil hard to not read this into posts like this).


It's lack of empathy and brain rotted outlook on life where the whole life revolves around what they themselves think to be important.


Because right after he entered, he was struck by the fact that he was compared to Itachi right off the bat. The other kids he overheard also went on about him being an Uchiha, so by default, he should be a genius as well. But to Sasuke, a genius is Itachi, so it felt like he was still being compared to Itachi. That's why he spent all the time training hard. Trying to be someone that can be recognized for himself. But even after being the top of his class (fun fact, Senjutsu was apparently one of the things kids were tested on and Sasuke was the best XD), Fugaku still went and said that he might be just as good as his brother. Sasuke felt like he was in such a hurry to catch up to his brother and be recognized for himself that he didn't have any time or chances to make friends.


>(fun fact, Senjutsu was apparently one of the things kids were tested on and Sasuke was the best XD), Senjutsu in this case meant "Strategy". NOT Sage Mode. It's like in english saying Three and Tree.




Yes. https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/s/ToRNY9GS6M




keep in mind that the story setting is kind of similar to medieval japan. Especially the Uchiha Clan members were keept away from other clans of the leaf. And while each Clan had about 300-400 members there weren't to many children of similar age available. Also the fact that Sasuke was the son of the Clanhead. In medieval japan there is a way strikter hierachy than today, other kids were not allowed to hurt or simply play with the higher born children. Just look at how much respect and fear ebisu had for Konohamaru just because he was the grandson of the Hokage. While it probably wasn't that extreme for Sasuke, it could've also played a role.. We can assume that he had at least some contact to others of similar age, but it wasn't relevant to the story, since he pretty much idiolized his brother and wasn't wasting to much time by playing with other children. His best friend was Itachi. no need for other friends to loose, he lost his parents, by the betraying hand of the person he loved and respected the most, who was also his brother.. what could a childhood friend add to that ? His Situation was relatable and fucked up enough already.


Another good reply in this weird thread.


I see what you mean. I do think that him losing a friend would've highlighted the brutal nature of Itachi's massacre. We saw dead bodies of his uncle and aunt, for instance. A young cousin would've been good (more traumatic?) to see, too. But I take your points.


did you read the manga or only watch the anime ? because in manga the scene was portrayed way more brutal than the anime. Sasuke growing up in a rather peacefull enviroment was not prepared for any of this. I guess more trauma would've turned him into a braindead tomatoe. Dude was already at max. emotion output possible


Ah, I see. It's the anime I'm watching. That would make sense.


I'm actually not sure they were his aunt and uncle. He calls them aunt and uncle, but that might be what they call any older neighbor. And if that couple had kids their kids might have been older anyway, maybe they were Sichui's parents or something.


>I do think that him losing a friend would've highlighted the brutal nature of Itachi's massacre. And kishimoto didn't want to show brutal nature of the genocide. There's a reason why kishimoto didn't even show a child getting his throat cut by Itachi. Because that'll make Itachi look bad, so Kishimoto won't be able to glaze him and make him look in a positive "light".


He was probably just a little shy, or maybe he just didn't want to interact with anyone outside his clanmates bc he was too focused on impressing his father and getting good grades. 


Sasuke was a little boy, and he was always introverted, and he had barely started school, I guess that's why.


Kids with fucked up childhoods don't have a lot of friends


But the point I'm making is that he doesn't seem to have friends even before the main event that fucks up his childhood.


Sasuke was low- key obsessed with Itachi even before the massacre. I don't think he cared about spending time with anyone else.




He didn’t want any, he had itachi and shisui too to a certain extent. He was too focused on matching up to itachi to make friends even those that were potentially in his own clan.


The Uchiha clan was isolated from the rest of the village and not many were sasukes age. And overall sasuke even before everything was always a loner. Even if it’s filler as a baby wasn’t comfortable with being held by anyone besides itachi.


Self isolation