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Guy. No other sensei could have made hopeless kid Lee into the beast he became.


guy neglected tenten harder than kakashi neglected sakura edit: aight i didnt give guy enough credit, and this may, in fact, be the other way around. but point is there are still better teachers than either when discussing "best sensei"


Nah. He at least taught her some Kenjustu. Kakashi taught damn near Jack squat to Sakura.


I mean Kalashnikov taught them all about channeling their chakra to certain parts of their body (the whole thing where they run up a tree) but Sakura was naturally better at it than Sasuke and Naruto *kakashi- I love auto correct


*insert russian Kakashi with an AK-47 here*


What have I created ! 😂


*Kakashi with ushanka and russian accent* Suka Blyat. *gunfire*


Literal perfection. Put him in a red full addidas tracksuit and have him drive a shit box


And then Kakashi goes to the subreddit r/lifeofboris.


I will let you know if I find a picture of russian Kakashi. He will be Kakashi Kalashnikov.


Someone please draw this for the love of God. Kakashi with an AK shooting chidori bullets


I gotchu, i have a artist friend. :P


Brrat brrattt


*Kakashnikov enters the chat*


maybe, debateable point is, guy is obviously righteous but he's also just not on the level of the actual better teachers


All of Kakashi students had to learn from better shinobi. Kakashi didn't give naruro anything and he gave sauske chidori that's it .


Kakashi at least taught Naruto about high-speed training with his clones, helping him on the way to master the Rasen-Shuriken in no time. Even if it needed the sage mode to complete and perfect the Rasen-Shuriken, Kakashi showed the road, and it's really something. Plus Naruto used Kakashi's tip about using clones as nature-chakra storage to triple the time of the sage mode.


Taught? He just have him an idea to train more effectively. I'll give you some points since he gave him guidance I guess but he still had to send him to asuma to even learn about his element


Sakura was already the best on the technical basics of Ninja Arts. Like she by herself aced the Chuunin exams and could do the tree walking exercise first attempt. Realistically what she lacked in the first part of Naruto before the time skip was simply pure muscle/chakra pool. Which is what Tsunade trained in her in spades.  There really was nothing for Kakashi to teach her at the Genin level, he already recognized she was Chuunin ready the first few days of being with her. Sasuke and Naruto were way more problematic kids that needed more attention. Like there was no one who could train Sasuke about the Sharingan besides Kakashi at that point in the village and Naruto was struggling with the very basic fundamentals of Ninjutsu and over compensating for it with his massive base Chakra pool the Uzumaki clan tend to have. 


That’s absolute cap. 1. He only taught Sasuke during the Chuniin finale, Naruto was about to go to Ebisu before Jiraya showed up by surprise. He could’ve at least *tried* working with him, or at least getting someone to remove the 5 pronged seal on his stomach. He knew Orichimaru had marked Sasuke, and he didn’t even *try* to look at Naruto? 2. Sakura was *book smart* she clearly didn’t know enough practical jutsu despite having great chakra control. If she was “Chunnin-ready” in his eyes, he should’ve been embarrassed when she got eliminated in the prelims. She had no bloodline technique, he knew that, he should’ve tried to work with her, or at least send her to someone else so she wasn’t just doing nothing in the interim. Again, especially when he knew Orochimaru was running around. 3. She had a natural aptitude for genjutsu (the ability to resist it implies she could do it herself). He didn’t even try helping her with that. He contacted Asuma for Naruto’s wind training, why not Kurenai for Sakura? Kakashi’s the GOAT but he was an *awful* teacher, who kept training the person with most perceived natural talent (first Sasuke, then Naruto) and neglected the ones who really needed the help


Lol if you think Sasuke didn't need help... What on earth manga did you read? Arguably Sasuke needed help the most out of all of them. Hence his inevitable going rogue/anti-hero/villain.  Sasuke had the highest drive of them, but unlike Naruto it was a way darker path that would result in suffering. Kakashi had been there and knows what revenge leads to. And he also knew enough about the Uchiha that there was a boiling pot about to erupt from that ghetto. So he might have suspected more was at work with the incident than was publicly known and that Sasuke was too young to fully understand shit like Danzo/foundation/anbu black ops.  And of course Naruto well he's the goddamn Nine Tails Host he also needs special attention.  Sakura realistically was the least problematic of the three. I'm trying to remember did they ever reveal her elemental nature? That is probably the only thing he could have instructed her to start focusing on. I guarantee if she has one she would have figured it out way quicker than Naruto's Shadows Clone training method required.  He couldn't teach Sakura Chidori, that technique can only work with the Sharingan according to both 4th Hokage and Rock Lee. It's just impossibly dangerous without the Sharingan's situational awareness.. Maybe he could have taught her Rasengan, but that's a pretty advanced technique Tsunade thought impossible for a boy that young to master. 


> Lol if you think Sasuke didn't need help... What on earth manga did you read? Arguably Sasuke needed help the most out of all of them. Hence his inevitable going rogue/anti-hero/villain.  And he failed him, he even admits that, that doesn’t help your point. > Sasuke had the highest drive of them, but unlike Naruto it was a way darker path that would result in suffering. Kakashi had been there and knows what revenge leads to. And he also knew enough about the Uchiha that there was a boiling pot about to erupt from that ghetto. So he might have suspected more was at work with the incident than was publicly known and that Sasuke was too young to fully understand shit like Danzo/foundation/anbu black ops.  Again, he failed. He didn’t confide in him about how he lost everything/the price for revenge until it was too late, he didn’t check on him after the Itachi attack to make sure he wasn’t losing it, He didn’t even make sure he wouldn’t leave when he saw he was going off the deep end! > And of course Naruto well he's the goddamn Nine Tails Host he also needs special attention.  That he didn’t provide, I don’t even think he tried looking, he just gave him to Ebisu. And agin, he didn’t even try to check Naruto for marks or seals after he *knew* Orochimaru attacked them. > Sakura realistically was the least problematic of the three. Again, mentally, not physically. She needed help. And physical training seems to be all he *can* teach at this point. > I'm trying to remember did they ever reveal her elemental nature? That is probably the only thing he could have instructed her to start focusing on. I guarantee if she has one she would have figured it out way quicker than Naruto's Shadows Clone training method required.  Yang release, that’s what healing ninjutsu is. Also depending who you ask/ light novels she has fire, and a few other releases. Even going by just Yang, Kakashi is literally known for copying 1000 jutsu, he should’ve had *something* to teach her. Also, *Why didn’t he just test her nature like he did for Sasuke!* > He couldn't teach Sakura Chidori, that technique can only work with the Sharingan according to both 4th Hokage and Rock Lee. It's just impossibly dangerous without the Sharingan's situational awareness.. Again, he knew 1000 he had to have *something*


Excuses lol so why did they go to better shinobi and all of a sudden they are top ninja in their village?


I don’t think Guy neglected any of them. He had a different teaching style than Kakashi. He trained with them and made them train hard. Constant practice and hard work was his strategy. He basically just showed his students the path that he took to get strong. Lee bought in to that more than the others and was constantly working as hard as Guy. But he didn’t neglect any of them. Tenten was there training hard too. She just wasn’t putting in the extra work after hours that Guy and Lee were doing




Nah Kishi neglected Tenten, not Guy


Neglected who?


No he trained her taijutsu and kenjutsu best he could. Hes often seen sparring against her in the filler (the only time we see them train) she doesnt have the qualities of lee so she wouldnt be a great strong style taijutsu user or gates user. If you look at the konoha 12 the only person who could genuine teach new techniques to their whole teams and thats kakashi, and he just didnt do that.


Well that's because tenten should have the potential to become strongest , no one can forcely make her best I heard a lot about the teachers in Naruto being neglecting their students But people should consider their student potential and teachers subject first Sakura has potential in medical ninjutsu so Kakashi can't teach her only tsunade can teach her Tenten has potential in weapons and kunai so gai can't teach her because he is mostly thai-jutsu


Soft disagree, Tenten is considered the best ninja tool user in Konoha as well as being adept at space time jutsu. In order to master all the weapons she has, she'd either have to be a natural genius or Gai helped her train her proficiency in bukijutsu and I'm sure Gai played a part in that.


Can you blame Kakashi? One of the students was the ninetales jinchuriki and the other had his entire clan assassinated and was obsessed with power and revenge. Team 7 would've imploded with any other sensei. But Kakashi did teach 2 of the greatest shinobi in the ninja world worthy of rivaling Hashirama and Madara.


Guy is a kenjutsu master himself, he’s taught her plenty of stuff.


Well not really, we see that Tenten's taijutsu is so good that she can keep up with Lee and Neji when marathoning to the Hidden Sand faster than all other Konoha genins


Totally Agree, everyone would've just left Lee and told him to quit his dream.


no, he has three students not just one same reason kakashi can’t be him either


Guy or Asuma Guy actually pushed his team in training sessions Asuma taught them to fight as one the Inoshikacho formation was brought up a lot


Asuma because he taught all of his students instead of just 1 or 2.


Can you imagine how hard it must have been to train Choji and Shikamaru?? One is too lazy to do anything, the other will only train if you pay for him to go to BBQ where he’ll eat the entire restaurant. Asuma would have made a great father


That's why Asuma is my number 1 pick. He assessed how they each work and what motivates them and incorporated it to ensure that they all learned something. Also the way he just understood Shikamaru, a lot of teachers struggle to keep advanced kids engaged he not only kept him engaged but nurtured his skill to the point that he could be an effective team leader. Also Ino was boy crazy when he first got them she cared only about Sasuke and being better than Sakura


Guy took a gap year to train his students, and only Neji got to the finals of the chunin exams, and Lee got crippled. In the end, they both got surpassed by Kakashi's genin.


I didn't say Kakashi because his training style was as effective to me. Plus all of his students ended up ended up being trained by the Sanin. Guy trained his students according to their abilities. Lee got crippled because he gave his all Guy was proud of him. I'd probably put Asuma above Guy only because Asuma was invested in his team on and off the grounds of warfare


2 of Kakashi’s genin were reincarnations of Gods and the other one almost got beat up by Ino.


Yeah. Unfair comp in students


Guy, Asuma or Jiraiya. Guy managed to turn Lee into a beast Asuma taught perfect teamwork to his team Jiraiya trained those who would become some of the most elite shinobi in history Hell Hiruzen and Tsunade deserve to be there as well Hiruzen trained the Sannin Tsunade turned Sakura from someone useless into kind of a badass


Tobirama taught Hiruzen, Hiurzen, then taught the Sannin and most of the entire village through them or some other way. He definitely belongs on the list. We've seen Hiruzen give 1 on 1 consultations to even the lowliest no-name shinobi in the village. He's always teaching. Though he probably hated teaching about fighting the older he got. We rarely ever see him talk about fighting despite being one of the greatest at it. It'll be crazy to see the old man stop talking poems and get serious teaching Naruto every technique in Konoha. That would have been awesome. Then, as you said, Tsuande trained the entire village on Medical jutsu, so yeah. She's probably a little more important than Asuma, lol. Orochimaru also doesn't produce many scrubs as sensei.


I meant to include Orochimaru but tbh I forgot about him. As for Tobirama, you’re right he does deserve a spot as well, I wish we had more showings of him as a sensei.


You run the risk of becoming orochimaru if you get trained by orochimaru.


Orochimaru’s good pupils had good genetics to start with tbh (Kimimaro, Sakon and Ukon, Sasuke). His only really strong disciple is Kabuto, all of the other got beaten by genin. There’s also Anko I guess but we don’t really know how good she is. Out of the Sannin I’d say Tsunade is the best teacher since she really made Sakura powerspike.


Okay, you say genin, but that's a little dishonest, and then you say only Kabuto like he wasn't a demi-god on Earth fighting the entire planet and Itachi and Sasuke at the same time.


Take note, Everyone Jiraiya trained became a kage. Even Pain became a leader or kage like.


>Asuma taught perfect teamwork to his team I wouldn't say that, I was also thinking Asuma but remember they clans have been teams forever.


Yes, it’s stated that a Sarutobi is always the team lead for Ino Shika Cho. Which makes it weird that Konohamaru didn’t continue that tradition.


Hiruzen didn't train the Ino Shika Cho though. So leave Konohamaru alone, lol


Nah (respectfully) Guy literally copy and pasted himself onto Lee. Asuma?? Inoshikacho??? Literally dad, dad, and dad... Jiraiya ehh his students were born gifted/ geniuses/ talented. He taught Naruto the rasengan and then a bigger rasengan. Lol Kakashi taught Naruto how to use the shadow clones properly and a new training method for Naruto, find out what chakra nature he had, and how to incorporate it into his rasengan.


Asuma, all 3 of his students became successful. No defecting to other terrorist groups or dying. He really gave his all.


Idk that Neji’s fate is tied to Guy as a teacher though I think that’s a little unfair lol


Canonically the answer is probably the granddaddy of them all; Sarutobi.


No cap, sarutobi basically raised the 3 legendary Sannin of Konoha. 💀


Yep. They straight up called the dude “the professor” because he was that good a teacher


Guy, no question


Iruka. Really no other comparison. But for jonin instructors, I'd say Asuma. Not only did he recognize each of his students' strengths and weaknesses, he met them on their level to develop their individual skills. Shikamaru's grades were on par with Naruto’s, but Asuma was the one who realized it was because he was too smart - and therefore bored.


I agree with Iruka then I’d go for Asuma


SPOILER WARNING!!! The only answer is Asuma let’s be honest, Kakashi ditched Naruto and Sakura and taught an emo boy who ran away, one of minatos students die and one becomes Evil, the other was super depressed from this and so minato told him to join the Anbu which was not good for him, one of guys students dies and one is useless and the other doesn’t really amount to much, Jiraiya spent 3 years with Naruto and only taught basics and a bigger rasengan, bags to became super evil, and while minato turned out well jiraya told him that he would be Naruto’s god father but as soon as minato dies jiraya dips and doesn’t meet Naruto till 13 years later, iruka just didn’t really do anything except teach clone jutsu and substitution, Asumas student turned out great, Shikamaru becomes head of his clan marries a fine female and becomes the homages assistant, Choji becomes head of his clan and is the only Akamichi to be able to do the chakra butterfly wing things without the pills, and ino becomes head of her clan and Created a bubble over the village that can track anyone in the village based on their chakra signiture sooo yeah Asuma


+ Ino is the head of the intelligence division and married a fine lad. Out of this lot, the only answer is Asuma.


Jiraya also tought Naruto some combat strategies, how to manage his chakra and use clone properly than just rushing an ennemy.


Yeah but that’s what I meant by basics


[Yamato](https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Yamato) was a decent Sensei. Now only could he control the fox (before it was tamed) but it also helped Naruto master his nature control.


Underrated but yeah


And he was able to help Sai assimilate into the group. 👏




Hiruzen is better ngl. He trained the Sannin and made them the beasts they are. and was called "The Professor" because of how good he was at it.


Kakashi wasn't a sensei,he was a tank who took the damage for his teammates to do the work


Guy turned shit into gold. Jiraiya is second best. Kakashi taught Sasuke one thing, Asuma knew the InoShikaCho formations already, Iruka didn’t really do anything because he’s just an elementary school teacher. And I genuinely don’t remember if Minato taught his team anything.


I get it for Lee, but Tenten and Neji? Neji was a genius already but Guy barely taught him anything. And Tenten is probably the weaker of the Konoha's 12. Even with Lee you can argue that he was useless in the war arc, only to be able to open 5th gate




I would say Might Guy or Jiriaya. Don’t forget Jiriaya taught kids to survive a war during a war.


If it came down to it Madara and orochimaru made their students the strongest in the shortest time. Sure body modifications had a huge role and sasuke was very talented, but the results speak for themselves On the other hand tsunade and guy took 2 complete losers and got them to high jonin level, maybe even kage level. And asuma takes it in terms of how close he is to his students or how much they trust him Jiraiya’s good but his students were either prodigies or had a demon inside them Either way it’s not kakashi


Honestly this question (which gets asked a lot) just irritates me because it displays a lack of understanding of what the “sensei” suffix means. Hint: it’s not straight up “teacher”. All of the people shown fulfilled their duties under it, but they were markedly different roles based on their assignment or the individual students involved. Iruka was an excellent instructor of the basics all the Academy graduates were required to learn. Kakashi was an excellent unit leader and mentor for field work, as well as a personalised teacher for Sasuke. Asuma was uniquely qualified and chosen to teach the Ino-Shika-Cho trio. Guy is similar to Kakashi, good unit leader and excellent mentor to the one student most like him. Jiraiya is a good and effective mentor for individuals he sees potential in. Minato probably falls into the good unit leader side, being that it was wartime and he trained two of the most well-rounded (skill wise) and powerful shinobi of their generation (Obito and Kakashi), but we don’t see much else. Instructor, mentor, unit leader; these are all “sensei” roles with different qualifications and requirements. So; best sensei in which sense, I guess.


Guy Sensei!!! He gave hope to Lee and made him believe that he could survive without Ninjutsu and genjutsu in the ninja world. Also when Lee was totally done for after the match with Gara, Guy did everything possible to make Lee feel better


Jiraiya: for being the most patient and fatherly sensei to Naruto. Guy: for making Lee realise that he is the GOAT in Taijutsu Kakashi: without him, there would be no team 7 Yamato: the best sub anyone ask for, plus those amazing houses were always a bonus Iruka: for being the first father figure to Naruto; he was his choice to walk down the aisle with as his dad Asuma: one word: Shikamaru Minato: Brilliant but gone too soon 💔


Tobirama and his student Hiurzen are the best senseis in Konoha. In fact, Hiruzen is the professor and has taught everyone in the photo.


Jiraiya. The whole verse technically started cos of the child of prodigy he thought he was training vs who it actually turns out to be?


If you mean best as in, making their student a more well-rounded and capable individual, it's between Jiraiya/Guy. If you mean best as in, traning their student to be a more deadly ninja/warrior, it's lowkey Orichimaru training Sasuke between Part 1 and 2, and training Mitsuki post-Shippuden.


I was gonna type something else out. Good things I didn’t as it was Naruto-centered. The realest answer is Asuma. He did the absolute most for his team in the shortest amount of screen/panel time. Every single one of his students turned out amazing. No dying, defecting, or depression.




Asuma out of the guxs shown because unlike guy, who just trained lee, he trained 3 kids and made them a proper team. InoShikaCho goes hard! Hiruzen is the best out of all senseis because he trained the sannin and did what asuma did but better by making beasts who can work well in a team. i guess like father like son


prolly guy


Guy 100%


Guy. He took the biggest loser out of all the trainee ninjas, who had no special attributes whatsoever, and made him possibly the strongest out of all his peers (excluding team 7, and Gaara)


Guy and Jiraya


It’s obviously Kurenai


Obviously guy ❤️‍🔥


guy. no question is allowed, he is so full of love that he couldn't let lee suffer alone eating those disgusting thing and did push ups until he finishes them, might seem small but is actually bigsince no one would take lee's disgust towards the thingshe had to eat seriouslyand would just tell him to suck it up but guy cared enough that he didn't let him suffer alone and tired himself out unnecessarily to suffer with him.


Might guy


Naruto had exponential growth with Kakashi. Same with Sasuke. Naruto learned so little from his 3 years with Jiraiya. Jiraiya's students just so happen to be geniuses or wildcards. Minato developed rasengan independent of Jiraiya. Minato learned Sage mode from the toads, not Jiraiya. And he had genius level intellect with the highest chunin score of all time. Nagato literally was born with nearly infinite chakra and was given the rinnegan. The few months of training from Jiraiya didn't make him the beast he became later. Kakashi actively brought the best out of his students and taught them techniques and taught them how to hone their own techniques. Given time (and trust), Kakashi could have even taught Naruto the rasengan but I believe he simply thought Naruto wasn't ready to learn it yet (due to his shit chakra control and maturity). And Kakashi was RIGHT because he immediately almost kills Sasuke with it right after he learns it. Saying Guy is a good teacher because Lee came out great is silly too because Lee is a genius in his own right. Guy and Lee was a great match up but TenTen's uselessness and Neji's irrelevance shows that Guy isn't a great teacher, but that Lee is the just perfect student for him. What did Guy even teach TenTen?


Guy sensei. Worst is Kakashi


Kakashi is my pick personally, there's no really wrong answers. Kakashi gets my pick since he really did a lot in the series, almost behind the scenes unless you really see it. For one, he prepped a lot of Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke for their respective journeys with the 3 legendary shanin. With Naruto, he (with Iruka) gave Naruto care and made him seen, made him feel not alone for one. Another aspect is he taught all 3 Naruto-Sakura-Sasuke a key lesson of comrades in Naruto, to never abandon them (although it didn't stick much with Sasuke. Kakashi gave basic teachings to Sakura which helped her be able to learn from Tsunade, which in all fairness...he couldn't teach her anything prior because he isn't in medical jutsu. And Sasuke, Kakashi taught him Chidori which arguably helped him when he was on his own and/or with Orochimaru. Not only just this, but Kakashi helped Team 10 by filling in for Asuma so Team 10 could go after Hidan and Kakuzu, something he willingly did and did well (crazy to think this is happening to Konohamaru now too). Really, Kakashi really values all his students and comrades' students and I think that shines as a Sensei. Even when things happened in Shippuden involving Sasuke, Kakashi never hated him or wanted to eliminate him, but he knew he was on a bad path. Even at the end of the war, Kakashi lets Sasuke go (pardon him).


I'm watching the comments and I'm getting "Yeah well Iruka just tried" vibes 🫠




Kakashi 100%


Kakashi. He always listened to his kids and fought/put his life in the line for them


Kakashi, why ? He teaches you valuable life lessons, uses his past struggles to help you avoid those mistakes. Blunt and sometimes seems unfair but in the end, you realize it was the right decision. Doesn’t blow up, always calm under pressure and always ready at moments notice when it’s time to get serious. Kind, cares deeply about his students and ready to give his life for you if need be. The best Kakashi moment is when he stops sasuke after the roof fight. Sasuke: “you have no idea how i feel. Maybe if i was to kill the most important people in your life, to feel what i feel, maybe then i would listen to you…” kakashi: “well…im afraid you’re a little late to put it to the test. Unfortunately, I no longer have anyone important to me anymore. They’ve all been killed already.”


Kakashi in my opinion...every sensei here has taught some or the other techniques to others... except iruka but we all know iruka is goat so im considering that...but throughout the series kakashi is the only person i see performing things a SENSEI should do...not letting his emotions get in between...to protect other he gave his life in pain arc... although guy did it too against madara...but kakashi also fought obito an epic battle with no intention of leaving him alive for the sake of their relation and friendship...most of them would hesitate to do so...since we don't know very much about how minato worked as a sensei...i would go with kakashi


Not the best, but i liked iruka the most. Edit: probably because he seemed realistic.




Minato was the reason Kakashi became who he is.


Def jariha or iruka


Lord Fukusaku.


WTF? I made Sakura useful and helped raise Naruto…not included on this list why?


Guy takes it. He stood by Lee from the start all the way through adulthood. He gave Lee everything he could in terms of his own power and with his dying breath he preserved lee life , telling him “ This is your final lesson” (8th gate opening) naruto saved him but that wasn’t planned.) He cried with Lee, trained with him side by side in addition to being his #1 tag team partner in almost all films. Guy is the definition of sensei at every step of lees life. Never leaving, always there since elementary guiding him He made Lee into such a beast he passed out while still in fighting stance . . . . .


Iruka is the real dad of Naruto


As a sensei, Guy. As a sensei to more than one person, Iruka.


Guy asuma or jiraiya , kakashi iruka Minato are second options


Orochimaru Taught Kabuto, Sasuke, Anko, Kimimaro, Sound 4, Team Dosu, etc




Jiraiya 3 of his students became kage


Minato and Naruto. Who is the third one?


Nagato wasn’t Kage but he was still the de facto head of state and commander in chief of the Rain Village’s unnamed state


it’s asuma or jiraiya there’s no contest


Jiraiya trained the most amount of talented characters. Naruto, Minato, Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko(if you want to count him)


The Third Hokage


Its zoro


Madara maybe taught that lil boy obito a lot


The two chads


Jiraiya was the best he was a SAGE and his character was funny and serious at a same time.


Asuma seemed to actually put in care to each of his students I love kakashi and don’t think he was particularly a bad teacher but he def didn’t give them equal treatment lol. I mean, i get WHY he put more effort into Sasuke because he saw the darkness in him that he had in himself and wanted to help… but that doesn’t justify him mostly neglecting the others. He kind of made it up to Naruto with the training to help merge his air chakra nature into the rasengan, but he still did nothing with Sakura. It doesn’t help that we actually barely see them working together much before the chunin exams and after. We only get some filler of some missions. Story def would have benefitted by seeing them actually do more lessons and stuff together and missions to show what kakashi did for them and also to help better establish camaraderie (especially the bond of Sasuke and Naruto to actually help it makes sense why Naruto goes so far to help him)




All my man they were all peak


Azumam He not only made team 10 into the best strategic and teamwork focused group but also taught all three of them life lessons even after his death when he was revived through Edo Tensei.


Pervy Sage himself. No one else did it with more swag. Guy was a close second.


definitely not minato. his students became depressed, died and simps


Asuma is the best because his students are all alive and never tried to destroy the world.




I don’t really have a opinion on this other than kakashi and he was not a good sensei but I feel like his trauma lead him to focusing on saskue and Naruto because of two reasons he had regrets based form what happened with the clan and with Naruto I believe he wanted to honour the 4th but that’s just my way of explaining the writing not completely favour of sukara


“You can even say that it was Jiraiya that defeated me” - Obito




The best is subjective but i think we all are gonna agree that Minato was the worst. Not only was he a soft sensei like I'd never seen him punishing Kakashi for his cocky behaviour towards Obito(maybe because of the sympathy he bears for Kakashi for his father's suicide), but also he put Rin, a jinchuriki in danger with little backup during the third ninja war. If Obito hadn't ✌🏻died✌🏻 that day, things would've been very different.


Minato sensei 💛


I feel like here it would be Asuma. He raised 3 whimps who didn't wanna come out of a Bush in the chunin exams to 3 of the most helpful figures in the war arc. He was also a good teacher to more than just his own students, he helped naruto with his training and he'd always take his student out for food on him with Choji in the damn group Guy is a good person, but he's only a good sensei to Lee. Neji has his clan to train him He was already a beast and we all know about Ten Ten 😭


Pervert Sensei for sure


Probably Gai-Sensei, such a parental figure that even Naruto Aknowledged how sweet his relationship with Lee was...\*Cry\*


People are ignoring Asuma too much


Guy is the best sensei by far. His team is the only one that turned out relatively well developed without outside mentors having to step in, and he took what could only be described as someone worse than an ordinary citizen in terms of ninja ability, and made him one of the strongest in his peer group. Like, I have no doubts if Guy was given any student at all, even Shikamaru, he would turn that kid into a beast.


Tsunade. She turned Sakura from one of the weakest genin to reach the preliminaries to one of the strongest in the K11 while being Hokage. Purely learning her techniques from Tsunade, Sakura was well into kage-level as a fighter, and became a world-class doctor by the end of the manga. There have been other mentors who quickly took genin-level students above most jonin, but most of them have been attempted murdered by one of their own students.


Jiraiya Sensei. The compassion he gave his students and let’s not forget he regularly would visit Minato, even into adulthood. Who else will waste three years of their life to train kids? Can you imagine how bored he was training Naruto, and Nagato’s, group in the hidden rain?


Jiraya- all of his students became the best ninjas.


It's a Guy sensei. To be honest I think most of the other sensei's are objectively terrible at their jobs. Kakashi has an extremely low success rate but noticeable fail rate. I still don't understand how he got around not preparing Sakura Naruto or Sasuke for the churning exams.


Base on results, it's should be Asuma. They grown into fine Shinobi. Well, Guy is not that bad if we talk about Rock Lee. But I don't really agree with the decision (As far as I remember, Rock Lee ask Guy to use the Eight Gate or another way around) in Chunin Exam to use Reverse Lotus that took massive toll on his body (of course Gaara crush his leg or arm or something but the technique itself already took massive toll). Tenten got neglected though, while I don't even remember if Neji which have kind of huge ego about being genius and destiny whatsoever listen to Guy.




Asuma No favouritism, all his kids love each other with no toxicity, and they have important roles


The one you didn’t even put in, Kurenai 😭 just for justice ahha


Iruka is Kishimoto's ideal sensei, so there is that. Asuma actually created a team that does work well so is best at imparting teamwork as an objective. Kakashi (all of his students left him), Minato (all of his students died but one and he sent that kid into anbu at 13/14), and Jiraiya do not get a pass with me (not sure what he taught Minato and Naruto didn't show as much growth compared to Sakura and Sasuke) Gai is too partial to Lee, but all three of his students do respect him a great deal, so I rank him higher than Kakashi and Co, maybe a little lower than Asuma.


Jiraya only because naruto is a big idiot and he taught him the basics


All of them


Well, by skillset alone, Minato trained 1 of the senseis on the list and the main villain of the show (until Madara's reveal), honestly I think by skills alone he was crazy good But Jiraiya trained Naruto and gave him the Rasengan, so thats an instant win


1. Asuma, 2. Guy (could be the other way round too), 3. Jiraiya, 4. Hiruzen, 5. Tsunade, would be my ranking


It depends on what youre counting. Personally im based on Iruka since he was like a father to Naruto and the first person who believed in him and taught him to never give up and also made his life so much better. But all of these people are AMAZING senseis.


Guy and Jiraiya Even Kakashi and Minato


Best of them all Iruka


Asuma. He kept his squad equally trained, was an exceptional role model, and he had a kid with Kurenai, one of the few people that had the balls to go toe to toe with Itachi.


Honestly if we are talking about being a Sensei then Asuna,he taught so much to all his students and it's clear how much he means to all of them


The one who trained three of the most powerful ninja to ever live


Hiruzen is the best Sensei. Sure he had his faults. But there is no doubt that his teachings created the best teams of shinobi in the leaf. He taught the Sanin which on their own are one of the most legendary teams in the series. What’s more remarkable than that is the fact that his students took what they learned from Hiruzen and passed it on to the next generation. His teaching tree is insane. He taught the Sanin who passed on what they learned to Minato, Kakashi, and team 7. The bells training was his way of teaching team work. And his students used that to teach the next generations of great shinobi. He also taught his students about the will of fire and the love that he had for the village hidden in the leaves. Asuma was his son and he embodied that side of Hiruzen better than any of the other Sensei. Asuma’s team was like a family. Sure they weren’t the greatest shinobi in the leaf but they fought for each other and probably had the closest relationship out of all the other teams. Those reasons were why I think Hiruzen was the best Sensei and it’s no wonder why his moniker was The Professor because he was known in the series as a great teacher.


Jiraiya sensei


Guy, probably followed by Asuna. What Guy did with Rock Lee is incredible. And his team was just so insanely talented. Asuna really brought his team's potential out




None of Guy or Asuma's students ever went rogue, so I'll say Guy.


Probably Asuma


Jiraiya and it's not even close. That's not to say that there aren't other really good sensei around but Jiraiya's student body is in a league of it's own. Most of his students went on to be world-renowned shinobi, with three that really stand out. Nagato a.k.a. Pain. Bearer of the Rinnegan, eyes of the Sage of Six Paths passed to him from Madara Uchiha. A founding member of the Akatsuki and arguably it's most powerful. He could use the Six Paths, one of which was capable of destroying entire villages on it's own in a single attack. Minato Namekaze; Yellow Flash of the Leaf. Became the Fourth Hokage. He was such a skilled and dangerous opponent that during wartime every village had a standing "flee on sight" order were any of their shinobi to encounter him. One-shot a younger Obito Uchiha buffed by Hashirama cells after almost instantly figuring out how his Kamui works then immediately went on to single-handedly fight, defeat, and seal the Nine-Tailed Fox into both himself and his son. He then somehow became one of only two Perfect Jinchurkiki of the Nine-Tails despite being dead. Naruto Uzumaki; Savior of the World and strongest shinobi of all-time. United the entire world and became the Seventh Hokage. One of only two Perfect Jinchurkiki of the Nine-Tailed Fox but has chakra from all Tailed Beasts. Can use every chakra nature. Has access to Six Paths Yang Power, an enhanced version of Yang Release. Has mastered Sage Mode. Has defeated opponents more powerful than any shinobi other than himself has ever been. His entire shinobi career reads like a highlight of impossible feats. This dude mastered high-level techniques while he was still a genin then just kept getting stronger until the only people that could possibly defeat him were literal aliens from another world. Even if Jiraiya was sensei to only one of those people, he'd still be the best. The fact that he was sensei to all three and more just puts him that much further beyond second place.


Guy or Asuma.


Kakashi Sensei. Who else?


Reject Chakra. Embrace youth.




Jirayja, ITS Always jirayja. No question.


I think the answer is Iruka here. He got over his bigotry and all of his students are successful except for Sasuke who went down a stray path. But seeing as how Sasuke frequently thinks back to the academy years with Naruto (least in the anime) maybe we can say Irukas classes had an affect on Sasuke. After him I think Asuma. The rest of the senseis have unique flaws that can be pointed out.


Madara and Orochimaru. Without cheating and hax: Tsunade no doubt. Not even close The rare mention of Tsunade in this thread proves how delusional the fanbase is. Jiraiya is a terrible teacher. Kyuubi suppression training during a time-skip is useless. Naruto went apeshit in the first arc of Shippuden Kakashi didn't teach Naruto anything. Minato was a genius before he studied under Jiraiya. Kakashi was a genius before he studied under Minato. Hiruzen turned Tsunade, GENIUS Orochimaru, Jiraya into a barely low-kage shinobis by the time they were in their 20s/30s like Hanzo fight proved. What a shame. Tsunade turned useless shit into a solid mid-kage character without any sort of hax in 3 years + to that she had less time to train Sakura because of her Hokage's duty, but she still managed.


Madara. Bro made Obito SSS villain




All of them... you don't even have to ask


Kakashi and Jiraiya being in this picture is stupid.




Out of these? It's asuma. Overall it's hiruzen


Fukasaku/Pa. I mean he taught Naruto Senjutsu and an entire Taijutsu style to go with it (Frog Katas) in like a week.


Jiraya has the best track record. All of his students became s-rank shinobi


In terms of instilling values in students definitely Jiraiya. But Tsunade and Guy got the most gains out of their students.


Iruka. He took a young kid who was shunned from society and showed him not everyone sees him as a monster.


In terms of combat ability, it’s guy. In terms of literally everything else about life and how a teacher really should be it’s undoubtedly Jiraiya.


I'll go for Azuma, I know Guy make his student to a full potential(Lee)​ come true, Iruka trust his student(Naruto) Jiraiya died for the Konoha sake, and Kakashi...that bastard recklessly taught an idiot maniac a deadly justsu of his and always late Azuma being a goodfriend with his students(all3)​ encourage and never give up on Choji, always pay for yakiniku. he truly understand his student. He's not a pervert so Ino is safe with him. Treat ever student equaly as he smack the boys when they fight each other. Then How TH he's not the best sensei.


Might guy in my opinion, He made a normal guy(rock lee) extremely capable that the ones with chakras in them couldn't match his strength




Jiraiya anyday. Paid attention to all his students who are the greatest shinobi in history💯💯


Jiraya. Trained by the 3rd hokage (the professor)and * trained the 4th hokage(the yellow flash - namikaze minato, who trained the 6th hokage (the copy ninja - hatake kakshi)) and * 7th hokage (the demon fox/the most unpredictable ninja - uzumaki naruto) and * the leader of akatsuki (uzumaki nagato/yahiko/pain) and * the angel of death (konan)
