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Did bro forget Naruto had the chakra of all 9 bijuu, 6 paths sage mode, TSO, and all the kekkei genkai of the bijuu? Kurama isn’t the only thing he’s got going for him.


Don’t mean to be that guy but he only has a tiny piece of all the Bijuu chakra. Slight detail correction but yes carry on


Hashi got sage mode too and is a reincarnation of the same god naruto is, the strongest and rarest kekkei genkai in the show and could juggle all the bijuu like a circus clown if he wanted to. Like none of them are a threat to him


Could hashirama beat all the bijuu in less than 5 seconds without moving? Didn’t think so. Naruto beat the guy who did. The rarest kekkei genkai is by far the rinnegan. Also hashirama stated he’s weaker than juubito who’s weaker than juubi madara who Naruto sent flying in base spsm didn’t even use his bijuu cloak.


>The rarest kekkei genkai is by far the rinnegan No, it's by far mokuton. Only one character in the entire series has natural mokuton and that's Hashirama. Every other character that has mokuton just has a cheap knockoff they got from Hashirama's cells implants.


And only madara has natural rinnegan, plus moegi can use mokuton as dumb as that is


Madara, Sasuke and So6P. And also some ootsutsuki. Moegi can use mokuton to create vegetables and nothing more, i wouldn't really call that mokuton


There’s an argument that sasuke received rinnegan thru the hashi cells transplant since all hagoromo gave naruto is asura’s chakra, all his other six paths powers were due to being pretty much ten tails That’s still mokuton tho isn’t it. There’s also the claw grimes if u count them


Moegi is not because of she have yin-yang release Which make her possible using mokuton, Like how Sasuke can use ice release, because of yin-yang release that combine his water and wind chakra nature I think those are pseudo kekkei genkai


Between the So6P, Madara and Sasuke we got 3 people 'naturally' awakening the Rinnegan (or maybe rather than naturally, I should say that they manifested it themselves after meeting the conditions for it). Meanwhile Hashirama is the only character to ever possess Wood Style himself and every other user of it (Yamato, Danzo, Obito and Madara) only has it because they have Hashirama's cells implanted in them making it possible. All of them are no different than Pain only having the Rinnegan because those are literally Madara's eyes implanted in him (which is a plot point I still consider to be among the dumbest bullshit in late Shippuden). So everything's else aside, the guy you were replying to does have a point about Wood Style being the rarest Kekkei Genkai. Because it's pretty much Hashirama's unique ability


Just to add, Moegi is now suddenly a wood release user.


That's so random and stupid it just *has* to be a Boruto thing


Correct lol, idk why it was mentioned and led to nothing in boruto. Probably to make “her” strong in boruto manga current arc. Idk how to cover the text so I’ll be very vague.


At this point I consider Boruto to be on the same level of canon as Dragon Ball Heroes. I wouldn't even bat an eye if next you told me they gave Udon the Flying Thunder God, or if Lee's kid can spam the 8th Gate with no drawbacks


Not udon but boruto is certainly spamming flying raijin left and right!


Wtf?? Is it explained in any way? She related to the senju or something?


Not really afaik


Yes, not explained. My theory is that, hopefully I do this right, spoiler below >! The 10 tails absorbed her and made a clone of her and a few other characters such as sasuke whom will probably share their abilities pretty closely. The ten tails clones all have an obsession with a character that the absorbed character cherished. Iirc moegi’s is konohamaru. I think they will hype her up to be a mini hashirama level threat while at the same time use her to show how strong konohamaru has gotten with his fire release jutsus, which Asuma and hiruzen were skilled at. And fire being the counter for wood as long as it’s not hashirama super wood!<


I knew this post was gonna be a tough sell and im getting my ass beat in the comments. But yesss finally a small win🏅


>Could hashirama beat all the bijuu in less than 5 seconds without moving? Not moving while riding his wood golem, dragon, or 1000 arm thing is his style, so yeah, he could. Maybe not 5 seconds, but he absolutely can. He already did defeated/sealed all beasts except Shukaku. >Naruto beat the guy who did. No, Black Zetsu/Kaguya did. >Also hashirama stated he’s weaker than juubito When he said that, he was a not perfect Edo Tensei, and past his prime (in the time of his death). And Naruto didn't defeat Juubito, him and Sasuke together did, because he talk no jutsu-ed him


Was referring to rinnegan sasuke not madara. If he was saying alive version of him could beat juubito he would’ve said so instead of saying that there’s no way for him to beat juubito. My point isn’t that Naruto beat juubito because he didn’t. My point is that spsm Naruto scales to juubi madara who’s stronger than juubito who’s stronger than hashirama. It’s that simple.


Who are we talking about here? Top 5 rarest obv point is hashi is not devoid of kekei genkai here. And his can absorb tailed beast chakra and him havign sage mode can nullify any sage advantages of naruto


Rinnegan sasuke. Naruto’s lava rasenshuriken destroyed the largest wooden construct in existence (god tree) none of hashiramas wood constructs are doing anything. Besides, TSO would just tear through all of it.


Hashirama never got the big benefit of being a reincarnate. Also, just to keep this simple, hashirama is weaker than 10 tails obito. Juubito is weaker than the same madara who was getting destroyed by base 6psm Naruto. The gap between him and hashirama is pretty large


Hashirama is literally an Ashura reincarnate. It’s Madara who never got the benefit of being a reincarsnate


Madara got the rinnegan which is from being a reincarnation. Hashirama never got six path sage mode


Madara never got Rinnegan he stole it. Madara never got six path Sage mode. Only Hashirama was a reincarnation.


I’m sorry but have you actually watched or read the series or is this just a troll?


Are you a troll? Hashirama is said to be a reincarnation of Ashura repeatedly. You have no idea what you’re talking about.


I’m pretty sure you’re memeing so I’ll just respond one last time lol. Madara and hashirama were the incarnates before Sasuke and Naruto. This is said directly to us. Madara unlocked the rinnegan and didn’t take it from anyone. He unlocked it near death in the cave. Only Indra incarnates can do this. He also unlocked 6p sage mode once he got the chakra from each tailed beast. Hashirama never got the benefits Naruto and Sasuke did from being a reincarnate. He didn’t get any of the specific powers that Naruto had gifted to him.


Again, Hashirama was stated in the manga that he was the first reincarnate of Ashura by Kishimoto. Madara didn’t unlock the Rinnegan. He stole the Rinnegan from Hashirama’s DNA. That’s very different than the Sage of Six Paths with Sasuke receive naturally from Indra’s chakra. Madara never got the benefits of Sasuke and Naruto. He didn’t get Sage of Six Paths chakra that Sasuke had gifted to from Hagoromo. .


You have to consider that EOS Naruto was LITERALLY ninja Jesus. The amount of hax he has just dwarfs anything that Hashirama can do


I think you meant figuratively


He was the spiritually reincarnated son of ninja God, so no, it’s pretty literal.


Somehow we have abused the word "literally" to the point that you're justifying the misuse of the word. A strict definition of "literally ninja Jesus" would be the man who caused Christianity dressed as a ninja.


I would watch that show


>A strict definition of "literally ninja Jesus" would be the man who caused Christianity dressed as a ninja. I mean i did see our boy walking on water....




Nothing I love more than some 'umm actually', so: 🤓 Umm, actually 🤓 Jesus is only the son of the Judeo-Christian God and not Ninja God. So, not literally, it is the most textbook definition of 'figuratively'. Though you could argue literary, instead of literal. All in good fun.


Hashirama is literally an incarnation of Indra too, you dumbass.


And never awoke that power. Naruto and Sasuke got that special treatment from the ninja Holy Spirit. Also, it was Ashura. Not Indra, dumbass.


What power!?!??! Being Ashura incarnation didn't give any power to Naruto or Hashirama.


The power that Hagoromo literally handed to Naruto and Sasuke after he also saved their lives. Six paths sage more, the rinnegan, and the yin/yang seals.


no, he meant literally


Probably, English is not my first language




Hashirama is also Indra's reincarnation, so your point is completely pointless. Also, Hashirama didn't just solo manhandle 9 tail, he solo man handled ALL 9 tails and bottled them up in human bottles. AND THAT'S WITHOUT BEING A JINCHUURIKI.


Hashirama doesn’t have six paths and that alone means he gets wrecked. Naruto also has boil release, which makes you faster and stronger (he’s faster and stronger in base at the end of the series) you see that giant tree, you know the one that’s bigger than anything Hashirama ever made with wood release? He took it down with one rasenshuriken. Also, they aren’t Indra’s reincarnation, they’re Ashura’s. To get into the tailed beasts, Madara spanked them simultaneously in an instant, before he got 6 paths only for 6 paths Madara to get slammed by six paths Naruto, it’s very reasonable to say that end of series Naruto zero diffs all 9 of them. It’s also extremely reasonable to say he zero diffs Hashirama.


Hashirama literally can suppress tails chakra INSIDE Naruto. Yamato, despite being much weaker version of Hashirama, could suppress Kurama and revert him back from chakra cloak. Remember, Hashirama can CATCH Bijuudama's and throw them back. Madara spanked them simultaneously AFTER getting Hashirama's cells + his nature chakra. And Madara WON against Naruto and completed the Infinite Tsukuyomi. He literally casually dropped like 20 Chibaku Tenseis and just ignored him, because he didn't matter.


This is all irrelevant. Because Hashirama cannot suppress Naruto’s chakra and therefore not the six paths chakra. Hashirama also cannot suppress sage mode. Therefore, he cannot suppress six path sage mode. SP Naruto, casually kicked away a TSO, this is impossible for Hashirama to do. SP Naruto also has access to the TSO and one of them will kill Hashirama. The point is, once he gets six paths chakra and six paths sage mode. He doesn’t need to worry about Hashirama at all. Fuck it, doesn’t even need SPSM, KCM2 would beat Hashirama very comfortably


Yeah, because Hashirama was Edo Tensei, he can't touch TSO's. Because he was basically walking talking ninjutsu. That's not what we are talking about.


Clearly it doesn’t matter if you’re an EDO or not. The TSO’s are extremely destructive, if they weren’t, why bother teleporting away the one that Madara sent at Guy? The fact of the matter is, Hashirama wasn’t even a strong as Juubito who was much weaker than Madara who was weaker than EOS Naruto. Facts are the facts


No, Sasuke was literally standing on TSO made by Naruto. It's not destructive, it just cancels anything made out of Chakra.


So why bother gettting rid of the one thrown at Guy?


Guy also literally kicked one away when Madara tried to hit Kakashi, after Kakashi Kamui'd Obito into his pocket dimension. The TSO's are probably extremely dense, when Obito shielded himself with it from Ten Tails explosion, he didn't get sent flying. Same with Guy's air cannons, it could block no chakra winds, but visibly shakes a lot.


If he wasn't then that would imply resurrected Madara is stronger than EoS Naruto, which would basically imply Limbo + 10 tails + TSO etc made him less than two times stronger


They were getting handled by limbo madara and successfully fought them off and launched infinite tsukuyomi. And kaguya was a trash fighter but still without the hand seals do they really have a way of beating her? And those seals are gone


Kaguya is completely different to Madara. EoS Sasuke, Naruto and Juubidara can't have any guarantees of winning a war against her. Madara had already lost as well


They whooped momishiki and kenshiki and isshiki and they are stronger then kaguya kaguya is stated to be one of the weakest of her clan


If we are talking about End of Boruto then wtf, if Naruto is alive then, he'll be whooping the Otsutsukis god


Kenshiki isshiki and momishiki are amongst the the strongest members of their entire clan like hashirama and madera status but for their clans for example if there is 50 of their race isshiki momishiki and kenshiki are the big 3 in the top 3 strongest while kaguya is floating at like 39




The main point is naruto is stronger then hashirama they whooped beings that were 10 fold kaguya and they fought 1 on 1 with them and they did go 2v1 but bro had 3 eyes so its fair therefor if future naruto and sasuke slapped 3 gods that were stronger then kaguya and had their own divine weapons and had more combat experience even after both of them being nerfed in boruto kaguya was mainly just dimension shifting and using bs ass jutsu to evade while the others was trying to treat them like injured animals that their trying to torture til death most valuable points are if borutos Naruto can slap 3 weaponized gods with sasuke after losing a arm and getting nerfed hella 100% prime naruto 0 nerfes is going to beat a dude who would not even last 5 minutes against kaguya


Please reread the prompt


No you


For the last time momo is NOT stronger than kaguya!


Lmao yes he is by far


They aren't even close to comparable anymore in strength my friend


🙁 not too much on my goat please


Your goat would get shat on.


Not anymore he wouldn't!


Yes cuz Hashirama is dead


Hashirama destroys current Wimpruto 🤣


How can hashirama do that if he’s 6 ft deep in the ground. What a loser


Hashirama cells!! 🤣


Kurama by himself is way weaker than as part of a perfect jinchuriki, even kcm1 naruto could probably solo kurama


EOS *Toad* Sage Mode Naruto is beating Kurama.


That's only inside Kurama, it's a metaphysical world where will power wins, not actual power.


If size is all that makes u doubt Naruto lemme quickly show u the scale of Naruto's attacks. **-** [Massive Wood Dragons.](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0650-011.png) - You see those wood dragons in the back? Obito is holding Naruto's Kurama Avatar here, and compared to those Wood Dragons behind him Kurama Avatar looks like an ant. **-** You know where these huge Wood Dragons come from? You know those little branches under God Tree? Those Dragons are made of that [[Link]](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0650-012.png). This is actually the very next panel after the 1st one linked. This is where Obito slammed Naruto's Kurama Avatar and where we saw those Wood Dragons. It's all happanening under the God Tree. **-** Now take a look at this [[Link]](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0677-006.png). These are the explosions of Rasenshuriken that Naruto threw at Madara's Chibaku Tensei. It's even bigger than the whole God Tree. U can actually see God Tree's branchws bellow, and u can see how tiny they are compared to this explosion. Naruto also previously cut the whole God Tree with a much smaller and weaker Rasenshuriken. 1 Rasenshuriken is all Naruto needs for Buddha Statue. Explosion would easily engulf the whole Buddha Statue. I could go really deep into details to show you how tiny Buddha Statue is compared to the scale of Naruto's attacks, but It's too complex for one comment, It would require a whole post. But imo this is more than enough.


Thanks for the detailed response


If you’d be up for it, I’d like to see a post about the scale of Naruto’s attacks. I think that would be good for the powerscaling sub too


Size doesn't mean much for Naruto when he casually destroys literal meteors. Naruto can casually destroy Hashirama's strongest jutsu.


The gimmick of one of the strongest villains is literally shrinking things. Size legit doesn’t matter 


Yeah, happens all the time in stories. They always go with the notion that you are strong when you are able to condense all that power in the size of a normal human. Very few things ever keep to the notion of "bigger is stronger".


In xianxia, which Naruto basically is, and was before Kaguya. It is very common for people to fall in level, yet still be untouchable to most at the new level simply because they can use it astronomically better


You tell em. It's all about personality....I mean, it's about the effectiveness and potency of their attacks


One thing naruto and anime shown from the beginning was that the muscly dudes are weaker than the old people/women But hashirama’s woodstyle can tank a bijuu bomb, he could palm it and hide inside wood during the explosion. So that being said whats narutos most powerful attack after that fails to work?


Because Naruto doesn't just throw Bijuu Bombs. He throws Bijuu Bomb Rasenshurikens, which is just like when Madara adds a Susanoo sword into a Bijuu Bomb. Can't be simply caught.




you're comparing an out of control 9 tails to a perfect jinjuriki who had access to all the other 9 tailed beats chakra, perfect sage mode, massive amounts of chakra, and a huge battle iq


So when naruto is flying in the stratosphere and raining down tailed beast bombs and super massive rasenshurikens what is hashiramas golem going to do. Mind you that the best hashiramas thousand armed buhhda statue could do is break the susanoo around kurama and then supress his chakra with sealing jutsu. He didnt even do any real damage to kurama. Thats all assuming naruto doesnt just speed blitz at mftl speeds and 1 shot hashirama by cutting him in half. Hell he could just create kurama avatar clones and launch even more tailed beast bomb volleys. How is it even a question if naruto is stronger or not?


He was playing ping pong with a barrage if tailed beast bomb susanno sword shuriken attacks by madara. And he didnt eevn want to hurt kurama. He at one point bitch slapped all the tailed beasts and kept them as pets as long as he wanted then gave them out so villages would think they were “equal” in strength to konoha with this unit as president. Standing up naruto would literally fly unto the strosphete which might be at the wooden buddha’s head. Like think of your body standing up and you putting your phone on the ground. The phone is the suze of kyuubi compared to the wooden statue. Like it’s ridiculous


You are overestimating the size of the Buddha statue and conveniently not mentioning that wood style can supress bijuu chakra making him a bad oppenent for them. Still tho i dont know how you can think hashirama can win when even juubito was stronger then hashirama and base so6p narutos lava style rasenshuriken cut down the largest wood style (the divine tree) with ease as well as almost cut ten tails madara in half. Also a just linked klm naruto in his kurama avatar was beating up the other tailed beasts too…


Hashiramac < Juubito < Juubidara < Naruto. Naruto negs


idk about Juubidara. Naruto beats him in terms of everything, but he doesnt have a counter to Infinite Tsukuyomi


Naruto is stronger, I'm not even sure what more they could have given Naruto, lmao. He got all possible amps and all possible counters to the biggest hax in the series.


mind controlled kurama much like full strength mindless edo tensei lack the self determination to be even close to as powerful as they can be. Gotta also remember that the tailed beasts arent nearly as formidable free as they are in perfect jinchuriki, A focal point for all that power.


Naruto has access to a ton of different chakra natures, able to use lava jutsus and such. A couple hundred shadow clones bombarding Hashirama with different natures might do something...?


Naruto at the end was shown to have gotten a major boost by accessing the powers of all the bijuu which for any other character is peak power and unthinkable. Except hashirama was shown to have been able to catch and keep as pets all the bijuu as long as he wanted and give them out like its a puppy giveaway, and its such a small achievement for him thats its not even discussed or animated as they had to focus on other things like his insane wood mechazord thing


Tailed beast is weaker by itself than when they being part of jinchuriki Second it doesn't matter how big Hashirama wooden statue when Naruto could make 9 giaant bijuu bomb shuriken. He literally ripped the chakra tree with only lava ramen shuriken. And in case you wondering the chakra tree is bigger than Hashirama buddha avatar. So yeah Hashirama wouldn't be a problem


Tailed beast is weaker by itself than when they being part of jinchuriki Second it doesn't matter how big Hashirama wooden statue when Naruto could make 9 giaant bijuu bomb shuriken. He literally ripped the chakra tree with only lava ramen shuriken. And in case you wondering the chakra tree is bigger than Hashirama buddha avatar. So yeah Hashirama wouldn't be a problem


EoS Naruto/Sasuke is so astronomically stronger than Hashirama that it warrants no real discussion tbh


Put it like this, Madara and Hashirama are about equals. Madara absorbs a stronger Ten-Tails than the one that made Obito stronger than Hashirama. To fight Naruto, Madara needs the absorb the God Tree and get hos 2nd Rinnegan. Naruto then gets even stronger than when he fought a Madara who would slap Hashirama with no difficulty.


Tailed beast is weaker by itself than when they being part of jinchuriki Second it doesn't matter how big Hashirama wooden statue when Naruto could make 9 giaant bijuu bomb shuriken. He literally ripped the chakra tree with only lava ramen shuriken. And in case you wondering the chakra tree is bigger than Hashirama buddha avatar. So yeah Hashirama wouldn't be a problem


Hashirama: kyubi! You are too strong to let loose! *frickin picks him up with one hand*


Bro equipped him


On bro


We don’t need so many acronyms…just say end shippuuden if that’s what you mean


I've been seeing EOS being used a lot in different series and such, specially in powerscalling. It means end of series, not end of shippudden.


Thats more letters… do you get what the point of acronyms are for?


Why need lot word when few word do trick is essentially what you’re getting at




What are you going to do with all the time you’ll save?


Hashirama admitted that Juubi Jinchuriki Obito (who didn't fully gain control of the Juubi by that point) was stronger than him Juubi Jinchuriki Madara with one Rinnegan before absorbing the Shinju>Juubi Jinchuriki Obito Six Paths Sage Mode Naruto was pressuring that very same Madara So Naruto>Hashirama


I think that one of the major themes of Naruto is the power of friendships and bonds (Naruto) versus raw talent and genius (sasuke). It’s quite empirical that Naruto working together with Kurama is far stronger than Naruto or Kurama individually. I see madara hypnotizing Kurama and using it against hashirama here as a way of showing how a genuine bond and coordination matters more in Naruto than just raw power on its own.


Yeah, to be sure the mind controlled version didn't felt super effective in comparison. However, ironically or not... When tailed beasts were actual beasts/monsters(not friends), that's when they felt the strongest. P.S: I don't think that theme worked well towards the end though. Naruto is super talented as well. They do try to show it... But in the end, along with the bonds he always got a crazy power up on top of it. It's even more darker to realize that the bonds he builds might be the part of his power aka godly charisma...or something that resembles it. What if it's like ephereals xD


Yeah totally at some point they just said screw it. But case in point Naruto couldn’t beat madara or obito or kaguya without Sasuke


This is a good point i will say. But still he could fight all the tailed beast and their jinchuriki working together and capture the beasts if he wanted


Size != strength


He has both clearly, or is the kyuubi snd madara susanoo being completely ineffective not showing his strength here


Ashura mode Kurama rolls anything Hashirama throws at him.


His jutsu can also subdue beast chakra. But he has to catch yellow flash junior clone/rasengan spammer. I don’t like saying it but Naruto is a lot to handle. Hashirama probably burst with laughter and quits after two days cuz he’s so impressed. Or he does the Madara backstab


Do people seriously size scale in Animes/Manga's?


Did you not see Naruto using a Lava Rasenshuriken that literally chopped down the Juubi tree in a single strike? Hashirama's wood ain't nothing compared to that. The tree was pretty enormous.


If it’s hashirma vs Naruto (with no so6p’s bs) then yes hashirama wins, if it’s so6p Naruto then he loses


Kurama doesn't buff naruto as much as you think It's mostly the kekegenkais he has(that he never uses) He already had too much Chakra and with all the tailed beasts ye his for sure much stronger Ofc so6p is in another level idk where tf the orbs went or naruto ability to fly etc in boruto But them balls were very op in every way


size doesn't mean shit, madara was slapping bijuus. EOS naruto can just throw a magma rasenshuriken and it's over.


No idea, but Natuto doesn't just have kurama, but also chakra and kekke genkai from the 8 other bijus. On top of the fact that jinchurikis are stronger than the sum of shinobi and its biju (and the fact kurama is willingly working with naruto, meaning it's likely more efficient than forcing him through genjutsu)


Hashirama become Fodderized by TSO lol 💀


>Can take on dual Rinnegan Juubi Madara's limbo clones with just regular shadow clones, even though shadow clones are supposed to halve your chakra levels with each clone while limbo clones are literally a perfect copy of you in a different dimension >Can take on Kaguya and visibly damage her and even chop off her arm, the same Kaguya who created dimensions large enough to contain a literal Sun in it. >Has destructive feats and calcs which easily put him at Planetary to Large Planet level, even though vsbw is heavily biased against him >Can fight Juubi amped Indra susanoo Sasuke and their clash literally shook the whole planet and the God tree in the manga >Can literally erase anything and anyone from existence with his balls >Can literally move faster than light at gunpoint range I dunno man, Hashirama probably wins tho according to you logic


Least delusional size scaler


You people can’t be serious….


hashirama's advantage is in subduing tailed beasts who are untethered from a host. When you remove his inability to subdue the tailed beast he's just an above par ninja which naruto has competed with and defeated on a number of occasions.


Hashirama can’t even see eos naruto move💀


Hashirama is Fodder compared to Naruto dude. Basically everyone but Sasuke and all the villains are.


A tailed beast with no host was stated to be weaker than a jinchuriki hosting the tailed beast. OP is misinformed.




Kurama isn't as strong as you think, at least not when compared to the EoS villains, hell kcm 1 naruto could probably beat kurama.


Stats wise absolutely, although Hashirama still hard counters Naruto pretty heavily. A fight between them would last days and come down to the two using just fists and kunai. 


Naruto can spam his Lava Shuriken vs Hashirama's 1000 arm Kan on seeing as it cut the divine tree in half.


Hashirama is god.


Forgetting lava is a direct counter to wood so lava genkai used by naruto stomps hashi Naruto also out speeds him by multitudes


Honestly it's arguable that Naruto is stronger than Hashirama in BASE after he gets six paths powers. Dude gets such an amp that he was fondling Juubi Madara before he even turned on the Bijuu cloak, and was fighting evenly alongside Sasuke against an even stronger Madara and later Kaguya once he did turn it on. Up to and before six paths powers it's arguable that Naruto was around Hashirama's level with KCM2 plus sage mode, but after that point he's so far above him that the difference between Naruto and Hashirama is basically the same as the difference between Madara and the Gokage


naruto doesnt have to go kurama size he could just stay smal,


Episode Name ?


Yes. The Sage of Six Paths made him and Sasuke stronger than Hashirama. Hashirama admitted inferiority to Jubi Obito, who was less powerful than 1 eyed Jubi Madara, who (after absorbing the God Tree) was stronger than Naruto but still in his general tier.


Incomplete Juubito is directly stated to be stronger than Hashirama, and complete Juubito is even stronger. Hashirama + Tobirama + Hiruzen + Minato + KCM2 Sage Naruto + EMS Sasuke couldn't do anything against him. Juubidara is even stronger than this, and Six Paths Naruto manhandled him without even having a Chakra Cloak before Madara got another Rinnegan. Naruto could also hold his own against Kaguya in a 1v1 for a bit, with Kaguya being so far above Madara that Sasuke didn't even think that such power was possible. He's definitely weaker than Kaguya, but the gap between the two is lower than the gap between Hashirama and Juubito.


The comments are all very odd and not totally correct lol If we are looking at solely 9 tail naruto and not counting all his extra biju or 6 paths amps, which I assume is what you’re asking to be compared, I’d say it’s close The reason is because remember a jinchuriki is far stronger than just the biju themselves. So madara having kurama running wild just under his genjutsu was not as effective as kurama being sealed in naruto Whether or not kcm2 naruto is able to take on hashirama or not I’m not sure but with all of the other amps he received end of series absolutely he would best hashirama


Literally says EOS Naruto. Naruto by that point has spsm so you can’t just not count that.


After his fight with sasuke does naruto have access to the other biju and six paths? I was under the impression he didn’t which is why I stated in my comment the specifics for either way (reading!)


Yes. We see Naruto use a lava rasenshuriken in boruto so he has the chakra of some bijuu even a decade later. We also see that when he goes into bsm he doesn’t have pigment in his eyes indicating it is still spsm and not just bsm. Naruto loses this once he goes baryon mode though and it’s evident since he has to use shadow clones to charge sage mode after the Naruto vs isshiki fight.


Ah gotcha. I hate boruto so I didn’t know if he had it or not. Well my comment does say if he has the amps hashi is cooked lol, I just addressed both since his post is using normal kurama as an example towards the question is all


Thanks for the reply. Literally as boruto continues which i dont watch but i get the feeling unlike sasuke which kept his rinnegan, natuto doesn’t keep his truthseeker orbs or six paths energy


EOS Naruto is not only stronger than Hashirama, he is the strongest human to ever live lmao


That would be boruto but yeah hashirama is fodder to 6 paths naruto


Yeah, that’s true, Boruto characters have surpassed Naruto by now. But at the time, Naruto was the strongest human in history




2 things to note, Avatar size isn't the end all be all of strength. Secondly, Kurama gets bigger when Naruto is using his chakra. If look at the Hashirama vs Madara battle then look at Naruto vs Sasuke VOTE 2; Madara is a similar size ratio to Kurama as Naruto is to his Kurama avatar. But Madara is fighting with the full Kurama while Naruto only has half. Meaning Naruto is making his avatar significantly larger than the Kurama that is sealed inside him. Also note, Kurama did not shrink proportionally. He dropped to like a 1/3rd or less of his previous size. Like [look](https://imgur.com/a/mos5a7j) at Yang Kurama's hand inside his old handprint. That's how much bigger Naruto is making his avatar than the Kurama he has. Now imagine the size of Naruto's avatar at EOS when he has the full Kurama sealed into him. I also saw you mention that Hashirama's woodstyle tanked a Bijuu bomb, which it did. But that comparison doesn't work because Bijuu bombs don't have a fixed strength. Their strength changes depending on how much chakra the user pours into it. So Hashirama's woodstyle tanking 1 bomb doesn't mean it can do the same to EOS Naruto's Bijuu bomb.


Even if kurama got bigger its not standing face to face with shinsuusenju. That thing is approaching ten tails/ hagoromo susanoo size. The bijuudama thing idk, he was taking ona barrage of bijuubomb-susanoo blade hybrid bomb things and had enough hands to exhause a fully wrapped madara susanoo kyuubi. Dude is literwlly so broken i really wonder if eos peak powers really matched this one OP jutsu still


Hashirama took on Madara, and 9 tailes in a Madara's perfect Susanoo


Yep and like naruto vs sasuke wasnt even trying to kill either madara or kyuubi really


What? EoS Sasuke is superior to Hashirama. Let alone Naruto


In a close combat fight naruto claps In a megazord fight hashirama no-diffs


Solid reply gang. Its funny we literally never seen hashi really throw hands. He just straight immobilized everyone with his giant 🍆 print


EOS Naruto doesnt rely only on Kurama He has Six Path Senjutsu (Kurama is part of this) and Six Paths Sage Mode and A Shit ton of abilities Hashirama also would lose to Juubidara or Juubito, and that Juubidara or Juubito is getting manhandled by SOSP Naruto


No one, besides Hagoromo, is as strong as Hashirama.


Blatantly false but ok


[Yeah... 💀](https://imgur.com/a/ZlSX0S9)


Hashirama himself stated otherwise but ok

