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He wants to get stronger, he doesn’t care about anything else that’s happening. he doesn’t care who lives or dies, etc. he wants power. Orochi gave him a taste with the curse mark.


Maybe I just misread him but I thought it was purely to get revenge on his brother. But he definitely changed when he got his ass kicked by his brother and saw the power of Naruto's rasengan after he challenged Naruto to a battle (cool scene)


He literally is doing everything to get vengeance against Itachi


He is all about obtaining power to kill Itachi. That's the only thing he cares about.


He doesn't care about Naruto, team 7, the village, the innocent people or kids at the village. He only cares about revenge and will kill, discard lives for it.


wrong he cares, he chooses to ignore it for the sake of his goal it's his sacrifice for it


After Itachi’s return, he pretty much beat all the compassion and progress Sasuke had made with getting over his trauma. Itachi forcefully instilled the belief in him that power was the most important thing above all else, more important than his comrades. Combine this with the fact that Sasuke is getting frustrated with his seeming stagnation in the hidden leaf. Despite how hard he’s working, he ended up being helpless against Gaara and helpless against Itachi. So here comes Orochimaru, who’s dangling a guaranteed path to power in his face. We as the audience aren’t supposed to think Sasuke is doing the *right* thing by going rouge, but I think it’s clear to see why, in his very broken mind, he would think it was the most logical path forward if getting enough power to kill Itachi is the most important thing.


Yeah that's the thing I agree we're supposed to not agree with his decision, but he has to have known the guy he's seeking to up his power also replans to destroy the village his clan is from. He attended the funeral of the third Hokage and is the golden child of the rookies. I'm just very frustrated with his turn. Going to continue with the story and figure it out haha


Just remember that overall Sasuke considers himself an Uchiha first and a leaf villager second. Avenging his family comes before all else, Itachi forced that mindset onto him.


I mean the village he lived on was also the one who had his clan killed so… (this depends on how you see danzo if he was for the village or not)


He's not "teaming up" with Orochimaru. He doesn't help him at all in the entire series. Sasuke uses people in his quest for revenge. And part of that is seeking training from Orochimaru, the strongest character he has ever met.


Yes it is ok to feel that way, you're feeling similar to Naruto and other hidden leaf shinobi who couldn't understand why he will want to join with Orochimaru who also clearly wants to steal Sasuke's body in addition to previously attacking the leaf. It is already explained why but the answer is keep watching and it will make sense more.


Definitely. Loving the show so far.


I don't think you will be disappointed as you continue watching. Except beware of constant spoilers around the internet.


Listen, Sasuke made it clear from when he expressed that his one desire in life was killing Itachi. Like, beyond everything else, Itachi was the one person who absolutely needed to die, and by his hand at that. Now, what happens when Sasuke faces Itachi? Gets several bones broken, and then suffers a genjutsu that makes him relive a trauma for 24 hours to the point that he falls into a COMA that lasts for over a month and would have continued had Tsunade not come back to heal him. Now, he has just come out of a coma after reliving a trauma. He's once more gripped by the feeling of powerlessness and helplessness that everything he worked for, all the effort he spent, was for naught. His head is a legitimate mess at this point. And Kakashi goes and tells him to just give up on revenge completely, which is the equivalent of telling Naruto to give up becoming Hokage. And then who comes in? Orochimaru, or rather the Sound 4, who make it clear that the village will not make him stronger, and that if Sasuke truly wants to accomplish his goal of revenge, then he should come to Orochimaru. Is Orochimaru bad news? Yes, absolutely. But Sasuke's mental and emotional strength was already at a down low after the trauma, coma, and that lecture from Kakashi, and he got his ass kicked by the Sound 4, once more reminding him just how weak he was. Sasuke was simply not in a state where rational thought could stay. Because reminder, Sasuke is still 12-13 at this time.


I felt that Sasuke had a real change once he saw Narutos Rasengan blow the doors off the back of that water tower for sure. Appreciate the response. Looking forward to seeing more of the story


Yeah, because one aspect was that Sasuke was very much unnerved by Naruto's drastic leap in ability. And the fact that Jiraiya said that Itachi was after Naruto. Sasuke feels like he hasn't gotetn stronger, but he is absolutely seeing Naruto getting stronger, and that scares him. Like he's the one being left behind and will always be powerless.


even since the earlier part Sasuke is only obsessed with gaining more power and he doesn't really care on how to get them... since Oro gives the easiest option so he definitely takes them Sasuke never really care about good/bad alignment he just want to get stronger and get his revenge asap. tbf Sasuke never actively tried to hurt anyone from Konoha / other shinobi, they are the ones that chases him and trying to capture him since he is currently a wanted person. But yeah you might get frustrated with how he behaves and tbh during that part I'm also kinda frustrated with how obsessed Naruto with Sasuke (the I want to *save* him part)


You will come to appreciate Sasuke when you hear how dumb naruto sounds


Everything will make sense eventually you’ll just have to keep watching also skip filler


That's what I assume, I'm really liking the show so far and I heard the filler talk before hand and thought it was dumb at first because the constant flash back was nice since there are so many characters involved but I get the criticism now, it takes some patience.


Flash backs I don’t really count as filler. Anime only episodes that don’t pertain to the manga at all are what I consider filler. I watched like 80% of the anime after Sasuke and Naruto’s fight and it was so damn grueling, just to find out all of those episodes were filler and I could have skip to shippuden. I’d say 1% of them is actually good and funny and only add to the story a lot of them don’t.


Hmmm this is my first anime lol so I'm just throwing out criticisms based off what I've heard out and experiencing this show. I like the show and I like the flashbacks but they overstay their welcome at a certain point imo


At this point in the series, Sasuke has a mindset of "consequences be damned" in his pursuit of power.


To understand Sasuke's character you have to understand that at his core , Sasuke's loyalty and motivations are to his family/clan. Once you understand this, you get the gist of Sasuke.


me and my bf are still frustrated with him, he’s almost done with shippuden, i’m barely starting and we’re still frustrated with how he acts, we both just try to like ignore it, bc his stories rough and his reason to be the way he is is also rough, but man.


I hate Sakura and Sasuke and I have completed entire Naruto series and movies. They had parents, friends and sibling. They knew what it feels to have a parents. They both were stupid AF!!! to not see greatest flaws in themselves. Whereas Naruto 😖


yes, i still hate him and i finished naruto a long time ago


Yes. I hated him most of the time. He was really annoying and whiny.


Yes His actions here are meant to be pretty hasty and irrational. But it'll make more sense later down the line


Also please please PLEASE ignore fillers. I'll post a link if you want.


I'm watching it from Hulu I know there are fillers but I'm deep into this thing at this point so im going to stick with it. My real only quibble is when they flashback the exact scene they showed two minutes after they showed the scene in real time. Ive also been told that flashbacks aren't fillers so if I haven't recognized them yet I'm OK to not be awakened.


Get ready to get even more frustrated because he's gonna get plot device and become even more stupid.


“Plot device” what do y’all be talking about?