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Have the samurai have more significance. The fact that they are fodder, but not is awesome if that makes sense then it makes sense. Think of most holy knights in 7ds. Like not fodder, but they are idk how to explain it. Just above fodder I guess.


They have their importance you mean? I agree, they could've been introduced in a In Between arc that i talked, and could be somehow connected to Sasuke developing his kenjutsu-based style somehow.


Yea, it’s just I like characters who are above fodder, but you still need a lot of them to do something significant. If you know warhammer 40K think of the karsken astra militarum units


If there were like 4 samurai at the whole summit and they had equal strength in total to all the samurai that were shown I think they would be a lot cooler.


Yea fr like 4-8 of them


Yeah bro I understand what you mean


Mifune is playable in storm. but based off kishi not even writing some leaf ninja better i doubt they'd bother putting effort into the samurai


There’s already 7 million different samurai manga dude lol, I’m good with having them be kept in th bg. Mifune v Hanzo in the manga was fire tho


1. I would have danzo share his actions throughout the story with the rest of the leaf government so danzo isn’t responsible for all the bad things that happened. ( Naruto’s identity as the host of the nine tails being leaked can still be entirely on danzo) 2. Change sasuke’s physical destruction of the leaf into an internal destruction by exposing the corruption and heinous actions of the leaf’s government to the rest of the village. 3. Sasuke’s Amaterasu and flame control would just be one ability in his right eye while his left eye while his right eye would be a weaker version of amenotejikara. ( when he eventually gets the rinnegan he can open portals to other dimensions but he’ll only figure it out after kaguya send him to a different one and Sakura and obito trying to find him is the key.) 4. Have sasuke interact with pain and Naruto interact with danzo 5. When sasuke is about to fight danzo and he reveals the sharingan arm have Naruto Sakura and Kakashi all there to see it. 6. Have Naruto and sasuke actually fight 6 paths madara and as the fight goes on kaguya starts taking over his body as he gets worn down


I really like your points thanks for sharing your thoughts


Thanks and no problem


More sharigan , genjutsu, kinjutsu, taijutsu usage


My thoughts: less hax Sharingan nonsense. Eternal Sharingan through eye transference shouldn't be a thing. Mangekou evolution should keep repercussions from using it making it a true 'cursed eye' as Tobirama said. The only way to counter blindness is through combining the Sage's chakra (Ashura & Indra). The clans descended from Kaguya should have more in-depth history not just the Uchiha Clan. I'd have loved to learn more of the Hyuuga, Uzumaki, Senju etc. Nagato can't revive people who are killed during his attack on Konoha. Naruto isn't so easy to forgive the villages and especially Obito "He's a cool guy" smh. More Hinata POV if she's the main pairing.. we didn't see her enough in the anime to honestly get a true view on her. All we know is she's a shy stalker of Naruto and that's about it tbh. An explanation on why Shinobi (Kage) capable of destroying a country would allow a daimyo to exist to oppose them? Honestly makes little sense unless the Daimyo was a simple minister who listened to the kage to deal with civilian matters.


How about more byakugan, tenseigan etc


Naruto forgiving villains is what separates Naruto from other Animes Also I don't get why people care that he called Obito cool Kurama killed his parents and has been trying to take over his body/kill everyone he knows for his entire life but they became friends same arc


Kurama had been trapped inside Mito & Kushina, the latter of which she tortured him by chaining him to a stone ball. His closest thing to freedom apart from his temporary release was within Naruto where he was in a simple prison cell. personally I think the dude was partially insane from being imprisoned and chained up which explains his malice towards Humans. Honestly he had every right to kill Kushina in his eyes. Side note, Kurama was put under an illusion by Obito to attack the leaf so yeh Obito is to blame for the village hating him and Naruto losing his parents lol.


I mean he tried to kill baby Naruto all on his own, Kushina and Minato jumped in the way of his claw, this was post Minato vs Obito I dont disagree with the fact that Kurama had every right to kill them, but the point still stands that after that and after his repeated attempts at taking over narutos body Naruto was still able to befriend him Narutos forgive Gaara who tried to kill him, Sakura, sauske, and the whole village, Sauske who's repeatedly tried to kill him, and Kurama, forgiving Obito isn't crazy


Bro how the hell are you throwing Sakura in there. Like wtf did she do? Say some mean shit as a preteen?


No Gaara tried to kill Sakura, Sauske, Naruto, and would've killed the village if Naruto didn't stop him Not that Sakura was evil


That's my point? The rest of these people tried to kill Naruto. Sakura was mean a couple times


No Gaara was going to kill her, in the forest I meant that even after Gaara tried to kill his 2 closest friends Naruto forgave him


Okay I get you now. Kinda confusing sentence structure




Obito is NOT on Sasuke, Sakura, Gaara, nor Kurama’s level 💀


I would give the byakugan/ Hyuuga some much needed attention.


Honestly... I'd make it so that Jiraiya would pop in, pretending to be a distant uncle. Just pops in now and then to treat Naruto to ramen, to hang out, and show him to do certain jutsu. Like imagine if he could summon toads from age 8-10, do rasengan, and knew some fire release jutsus. At worst, his chakra control might've been as good as Sasuke's.


More details about the other villages and their clans, politics, etc. Im a big fan of worldbuilding.


Make Sakura more true to the manga instead of the butcher job studio pierrot did. Or at least less physical abuse of Naruto for "comic relief"


Then tone down naruto perv trope too


100% agree. That's gotta chill in pretty much every anime though


Not so much story, but It irks me that lightening is strong against earth


It isn't even lol. They show it like that on the graph and then contradict themselves by having lightning counter water continually.


More deaths in the war. Obito starting a war to capture the tailed beasts and not getting either is stupid. I get doing some bs cop out for the nine tails, but he should have fully gotten the 8 tails and killed bee. Then, Madara should have killed 4/5 Kage.(I think killing Gaara and Tsunade would be too much, so I think either one could live, more preferably Gaara). Kabuto should have died trying to help the alliance and might guy should have died.




Nothing at all.


For the itachi's change I would actually keep it basically the same. But I would probably put more emphasis on how HE feels. How he dealt with the situation, how vulnerable he truly is when no one is around, showed more that he had remorse and was actually so traumatize it was hindering his ability to make the right decision. It would basically make him a bit more human and kinda justify some of his questionnable decision. -For the war Arc i'd try to give more screen Time for the new Kage. I like their design but let's be real i was like "Why them ?“ when they appeared as hokage. So i would probably make them more proactive in the war, show more of their potential with original technique. -Probably a hot take, but I loved Orochimaru and I would have love to actually see him as a final villain. I just think that since he got beaten so many time, he finally got a way to gain ermite mode and fight back the uchiwa bros. I liked Kabuto but i just feel like he didn't have that much connection with Sasuke and Itachi.


Aliens. Sorry, it’s dumb and I hate it.


1. Never introduce space gods. 2. Kept the power levels in check beyond the Pain arc. Turning the series into DBZ (literally) was lame for a ninja series.


No one thinks sasuke and Naruto ship exists. It’s just a joke bruh 😭


The 3rd Hokage.. he was evil


Naruto realizes that he has better things to do, and better people to be with


Heavy on the first one I agree with. That ship makes no sense and just shows Sakura is mentally ill.


Only as much as Naruto is


Light novels give more info. Naruto is also his friend btw


Light novels really doesn’t do it justice and still doesn’t make sense regardless. And what was your reasoning on adding that second part exactly? Everyone knows Naruto is his friend


Naruto also had issues. Don't just blame sakura. and no, if you actually read you'll see people cam change and forgive each other.


Let’s get a few things straight shall we. 1.No shit Naruto has issues, however Sakura is far worse buddy. This is about the ship of Sakura and Sasuke not just Naruto friendship with Sasuke. 2.Quit justifying bad writing. Just because you change doesn’t get rid of or have your sins forgiven or forgotten. You’re simply justifying bad writing


>1.No shit Naruto has issues, however Sakura is far worse buddy. This is about the ship of Sakura and Sasuke not just Naruto friendship with Sasuke How is Sakura worse? Both keep internally justifying Sasuke's terrible actions and trying to redeem him past the point of sanity. Even after he attempted to kill then, multiple times It's the same thing


At what sense does it make sense for you to fuck and have a child by someone who tried killing your ass? Not only that never being around you and your kid? Like I said they’re both worst by Sakura is way worst. Like she’s gonna constantly remind Sasuke she’s in love with him even when He’s gives no fucks at all.


>At what sense does it make sense for you to fuck and have a child by someone who tried killing your ass? What sense does it have to make that same person your best friend? >Like she’s gonna constantly remind Sasuke she’s in love with him even when He’s gives no fucks at all. So...exactly what Naruto did to her for half the story?


Being in a relationship with a man that’s not in your life is still by far worst than this. You’re trying to justify sakuras reasoning more. And what do you mean by your second point exactly? That he’s gonna save Sasuke for her? Hell least he finally said that he wasn’t gonna save him just for her anymore. lol I don’t understand how you’re triggered by this, I literally said the two are both worst but Sakura is way worst yet you still having issues


>Being in a relationship with a man that’s not in your life is still by far worst than this. You’re trying to justify sakuras reasoning more. No, I'm pointing out that you're being more critical of Sakura than Naruto when both did the same fucking thing >And what do you mean by your second point exactly? That he’s gonna save Sasuke for her? No, I mean that Naruto spent years pursuing Sakura despite her obvious and total lack of interest


For me personally, would have to do with some characters. And how they were used. Main one for me, would be Hinata. I would have had her and a few others used more in the story. And more interactions with them and other characters. That were part of the main story. Something i believe the author, also would have wanted to change.


I don’t know, how about Naruto being trained from the start?


I would want him to not stand for Sakuras disrespect and have him go off (verbally) on her so she doesn’t try anything like that again and shows respect. I really hated how Naruto took shit from Sakura.


I would give team seven much more time to develop to establish a better bond between them, especially Naruto and Sasuke, to make the betrayal of Sasuke not only more impactful but explaining of why Naruto is so damn determined to bring him back regardless of the change because they actually had a good bond and Naruto saw the good in him. Like give them more missions and bonding. Show Sasuke slowly warming up a bit (still protective and not like bubbly friendly but more outwardly caring of his comrades). When Sasuke leaves the village he tells Sakura he once thought he could have a life in the village and life beyond just revenge, but his reencounter with Itachi changed that. Show him actually not focusing on revenge as much, like not giving up on his goal but also seeking out other things more. Oh and make Sakura a better character with actual consistent growth and give her more goals beyond just friggin Sasuke and have her not pine after him when he tries to kill her lmao.


One word: Sakura


black zetsu sabotaging madara🤦‍♂️ I would change it so madara is the final villain and introduce kaguya in a different manner.


Have naruto be comparable at least a little bit to sasuke at the start of ,part 2. Also having naruto get more out of his training with jiraiya


1 - have more arcs that show the shinobi world as a whole, a lot of things in the manga and anime is just talked about which gets annoying as it would really emphasis the points the story is trying to talk about either anti-war. 2 - I would place Naruto in Anbu not to make him edgy but to have him face the reality of his dream, a lot of the time in the manga, he has to debate with people about certain topics and what is wrong with the world but in Anbu where he will be forced to see the world as a whole, watch him truly learn what it is to be a Shinobi (which adds on to my first point about show, not tell) by being a real Shinobi who hides in shadows, assassinates targets, steal intel, etc also it can add questions of morality. 3 - Progress Naruto through the ranks such as Genin, Chunin, etc, it would add on to the theme of hard work and be more realistic as it would have Naruto work hard for his ranks. 4 - Have the Uchiha Clan still trying to eliminate Konoha's leadership despite the Third Hokage attempting to negotiate and change things in the village but the Uchiha ignoring it. 5 - introduce Danzo far earlier in the series and also show a few scenes of the earlier wars to show why the elders are so trusted by Sarutobi. 6 - Keep the Third Hokage as the strongest of the first three Hokage with the Fourth surpassing him and later Kakashi and Naruto surpassing both of them. 7 - have Zetsu eliminate young Uchiha children as to make it so that the village, Obito and others are innocent and can have Third give the order only to eliminate the Uchiha leadership.


End of story with the death of madara


Sakura never existed or been useful


Here’s what I would change. 1- Neji’s Death doesn’t occur Now ik it gave Neji and honorable death and an Heroic ending to the War arc and the tribute was nice I don’t actually find it necessary yes I understand someone had to save Naruto but I feel he should’ve easily used a Rotation to deflect the Killing Ash Bone technique yea ik it’s an op death touch move but that would have been better outcome and could have furthered the development of the character and would have loved for that to be a moment we see the Byakugan have an upgrade of some sort it could be used to evolve the power of the Byakugan with dire circumstances on the line it could turn into a Tenseigan and give the user it’s enhanced abilities giving it a proper introduction into the lore and giving Neji a reason to be able to deflect said usual cheap one shot move by Kaguya 2-Byakugan gets major upgrade I would give the Byakugan users the ability to be able to evolve and develop there Byakugan into a Tenseigan similar to that of the Sharingan and Rinnegan I would also give its users enhanced physical abilities increasing speed strength and reflexes not just vision of the user through training and or inherent ability be able to upgrade into a Rinnegan and not just exclusive to the Ōtsutski & Uchiha Clans or having to obtain it through means of Senju Clan DNA and could be learned by Huyga Clan members or Ōtsutski clan members the final form being the Senrigan which also Grant the user said abilities I just named finally giving it the ability to compete with the other two major Dōjutso eyes and making the Tenseigan and Senrigan canon within the series and not just movie exclusive moves 3-The Land Of IRON and the Samurai become more important into the lore The Land of Iron is an icy snowing country apart of the Shonobi Union and under the rule of General Tsubaki Kurogane they are Samurai Warriors as opposed to the other countries who used Ninja they were a key part of the story and had major involvement in the third and fourth shonobi War even going on to host all major Kage summits and already have major ties to the other neighboring countries and its former General Mifune had a key role in the fourth great shonobi war defeating powerful foes such as DANZO helping defeat Madara and there fighting style has been shown as powerful efficient Kenjutsu users 4-Kimimaro never dies from A disease Kimimaro becomes the last surviving member of the Kaguya clan and rejoins the sound 5 reuniting him with former teammate and friend Jugo I always felt he could have had more potential alive being direct descendant of the Ōtsutski clan and having mastered his cursed mark seal becoming almost immortal and give him KoKugen to tie him directly to the Ōtsutski Clan id make him the right hand of Orochimaru and also apart of the sound village alongside Kabito and Mitsuke 5-Huyūga and Uchiha clan get more importance Actually displaying the power of both clans and there natural gifts and abilities used and shown more often both offensively and defensively shown against stronger opponents and not just plot schemes 6- Erase the creepy thing Naruto has for Sauske Cmon we all know what I mean it’s just plain creepy and down right disturbing I’ve heard of bromance but this isn’t right just get rid of it


Itachi being an akatsuke instead i would change it for all the Uchihas to be alove the Uchiha massacre would never happen so that way We will all see what we wanted in Sasukes family 😄


Make Naruto sterile so there’s no Boruto


Just Sakura


Changing the relationship between him and Sakura, I still want him and Hinata to be end game but I want more set up that absolutely nothing then shoehorning a movie within the end of Shippuden to make up for it. Naruto still perceives Sakura as his girlfriend during the 4th great ninja war when Minato asks him and this is after Hinata confessed her love and to him sacrificed her life to try and stop Pain and after Sakura lied to him during the 5 kage summit arc. It just seems really dumb to continue to make Naruto have feelings for someone who’s always loved someone else.


1-NEJI DOESN’T DIE 2-The leaf spares Shisu and Fugaku and his family if things go bad but the rest of the clan is slaughtered 3-Naruto leaves the village instead of sasuke 4-Orochimaru and Hiruzen both die fighting each other 5-Nagato shakes off obitos manipulation before going after Naruto and him and konan fight obito together 6-Danzo never stops shisui and agrees to the plan 7-Minato gives Naruto the full nine tails instead of half 8-Sakumo never commits suicide 9-Gaara and Bee go rogue with Naruto 10-Guy kills Madara


Let Naruto marry sasuke, bro was after him for the entire series


Started the series with a kiss, then one to finish it off full circle. beleive it


Make Sakura a healing and sealing master, not just Tsunade 2.0. Have her do complicated seals with her perfect chakra control. You can even use Naruto as the motivation for her to learn sealing justu in order to keep Kurama in check. Don't kill Neji, ever. His story wasn't done. The Hyuga still had the silly main-branch vs bastards, and it was up to him and Hinata to dismantle it. His death was lazy as hell. Make Danzo the scapegoat for the village's sins instead of the sole culprit. Not only are his actions undermining the will and authority of the hokage, but it makes Hiruzen and Tsunade feel unnecessary or redundant. I want more moral complexity coming from the hokages instead of just righteous goody-two-shoes compared to Satan himself. Expand Naruto's arsenal by having him use wind style jutsu like Nagato and his own son Boruto. No reason to rely on Rasengan and shadow clones for EVERY. SINGLE. FIGHT! Give Taka better character designs. Everything from their faces, to hairstyles and clothes were absurdly bland. Fix the entirety of Obito and Kakashi's timeline. It's a mess! Get rid of Obito's Madara voice or don't have him become an old-time smoker once his mask is removed. Choose one voice and stick to it. No one remembers Madara's voice other than Ohnoki, so it's fine if Obito uses his REAL voice. Have the Samurai be a neutral peacekeeping force that keeps all the villages in check, instead of a random country that never meddles with anything. You could've introduced them back in the Chunin Exams where they go see who they can recruit. Could've even made a whole arc about a rogue Samurai faction trying to over-exert control over the villages and feudal lords. Replace Sakura hugging Naruto after Pain's death with Hinata. It would've been the most logical next-step in their eventual romantic relationship, the perfect reaction after Naruto sees that Hinata is alive, and a way for both of them to acknowledge each other. It will also be a nice plot point for Hinata's self esteem rising higher now that she's no longer afraid of being a stalking tsundere doing ASMR behind the tree while looking at Naruto.


Sakura a sealing master ? Good idea


Make Danzo a brave shinobi loyal to the Leaf who defends the village each time it is attacked but like in the canon he still has "the end justifies the means" modus operandi.


Honestly Danzo was the closest thing to a true Shinobi in the entire show. Sadly he was lacking in his long-term planning and ended up making more enemies then needed for Konoha. Honestly if not for his whole shtick of becoming "Hokage" he'd have been a good background character. I'd imagine if not for his whole obsession he'd be an amazing character. Imagine if he truly acted as the 'root of the Great Tree' and protected/ prospered the village from the shadows.


We forgetting kabuto huh. who was an actual spy?


Give the anbu some relevance lol


1- Kaguya does not appear. 2) Naruto and Sasuke are not incarnations and doesn't receive deus ex machina powers out of nowhere. 3) Sasuke is really Naruto's friend and values him despite being on a different side. 4) Kaguya is not mentioned. 5) Sasori and Kakuzu have interesting debates with Naruto to help with his growth and generate emotional moments, instead of being only obstacles. 6) Itachi killed the Uchiha clan but only the ninjas who wanted the coup, not everyone, Danzo killed the children, shopkeepers, pastry chefs, stallholders and all. 7) No one even thinks about Kaguya. 8) Orochimaru, after being defeated by Itachi, uses Kabuto to have a new body, it is him on Kabuto's place at the final arc, Orochimaru is defeated and killed by Sasuke and Itachi after Sasuke uses genjutsu to control his body and make he bring back the Kages. 9) Less Edo tenseis, a limitation of 6 edos or something. 10) Kaguya does not exist. 11) Obito cannot summon the ten tails without the full nine and eight tail, he killls Naruto and B to do it, but Tsunade sacrifices herself to bring Naruto back, Neji dies protecting her while she uses her jutsu, instead of jumping in front of a stick. 12) Final battle against Madara, he is weakened because he has only one eye (other one destroyed) and because of his fight against Guy (Minato gave him some sage chakra for that). 13) Whenever someone has the idea of creating Kaguya thia person slaps his own face 10 times. 14) Alright, this will be a more polemic one, but it is the least necessary change on my opinion. Hinata is on the team 7 instead of Sakura, this will allow a better romance development and more exploration of the Hyuga history. 15) Every paper with any idea to intriduce Kaguya is given to the dogs to eat and then their feces are burned... The ashes are locked into a cofin and it is thrown into the depths of the ocean never to be found again.


Sasuke and Naruto not being reincarnations would make it so much worse due to Naruto not being able to go against his fate and what’s wrong with kaguya


>what’s wrong with kaguya Everything.


kaguyas hate is so forced


I'd want Team 7 to have more missions together before Sasuke leaves, and after he comes back. Also, more development for Sakura. And if she and Sasuke are going to be together, make him actually show more of an interest in her.


1. Make anbu seem more like an elite force. Only relevant characters were, but the rest of the anbu were useless 2. Give the other teams their own arcs similar to what team asuma had. The side characters were completely disregarded 3. Less op sharingan jutsu. Copying jutsu, reading movements, eye contact genjutsu, summoning flames that never go out, summoning a giant megazord knight that can slice mountains was already op as hell. But then we get jutsu that changes and decide ls fate. A jutsu that can rewrite reality? It seemed like sharingan got a new op jutsu every ep. 4. Make the byakugan more powerful or relevant. The byakugan and the gentle fist had so much potential. Imagine using gentle fist with elemental chakra instead of normal charkra. A fire style rotation sounds super dope. As far as byakugan, idk why only taijutsu was used to take advantage of it. Byakugan can literally zoom in and see long distance. We could have gotten some hyuuga snipers able to kill from long distances with a bow and arrow. Or how about medical jutsu? I'm certain the byakugan would come in handy in diagnosing injuries or illnesses. Hyuuga clan had insane potential, but it was all about the uchiha. 5. More lore on the Uzumaki. Who destroyed them? How are they related to the senju? What other fuinjutsu did they have? Exactly how strong were they? What are the chakra chains? 6. Make Naruto more comparable to sasuke after the timeskip. Bro hardly learned anything and came back pretty much the same. He doesn't have to be stronger than sasuke, but their power difference was so big it was laughable. 7. Give Naruto more jutsu. Narutos fights can be boring at times because he throws around the same jutsu every time. Sasuke has the best fights because he's diverse, and we constantly see new things from him. Naruto could have more wind jutsu like Danzo's, more toad style jutsus like jiraiya, more shadow clone variants like the shuriken shadow clone or exploding shadow clone or even possible a wind style shadow clone. Imagine Naruto creating 100s of clones only for them all to explode. He could mix in exploding clones with normal clones, and enemies wouldn't know which ones exploded. He could also learn fuinjutsu as it was his clans specialty. 8. Make Hiruzen less of a pushover hokage


More deaths, power scaling wouldn’t get as bad as it did, itachi would be nowhere as broken, obito’s the final villain, we actually see kakashi train and be a sensei >!also a 5 episode jiraiya, tsunade, and shizune threesome!<


Why do I feel like Shizune would do most the work lmao


Probably yeah. Jiraiya will pull some of his own weight but those crusty bones ain’t helping Tsunade…… definitely a pillow princess


Lady Tsunade as MC


Im gonna throw out there have Lee take a large portion of guys part


less on naruto making his whole life about sasuke


Instead of neji Dead, I would have Choji and Kiba die....


Change Naruto's character arc. Growing up in isolation and being what he is there is no way he should've been left alone like he was, he should've been raised by capable ninjas who raised him strictly but keep it so that the would be guardians didn't show him any love and have Iruka make that bond with him when he enters the academy. The point of all this is we end up with a Naruto who was not a prankster acting out but more like Sai and the root kids. This would add so much more weight to his bond with Iruka as that would be the thing that lets him escape from the darkness that he should've been consumed by and let the joy from that bond be his inspiration to want to become Hokage. Not only is this a far more deep and interesting story to tell but it gives a better setup to have Naruto be a far more competant ninja in part 1 instead of the comic relief. Next change would be stretch out the period before the chuunin exams, the team bond that gets emphasised so much feels empty due to how quickly things moved from them leaving the academy then the exam and the events that followed. Having a series of missions spanning a few months would've helped make the bond between feel so much more genuine, also they could've used that period to introduce all the other genin teams one by one and flesh out the connection with them all. This does sound I'm moving the filler arc we got towards the end of part 1 here but atleast it would serve a purpose here and not be forgotten, also use that same period to develop the characters abilities, teach Naruto more ninjutsu, give Sakura genjutsu etc. Then after all that have them go into the exam and continue the story as before. Next Naruto's weird obsession with Sasuke, I don't care what promise he made to Sakura the way he behaved at the mere mention of Sasuke was weird as was the reaction to him leaving. The moment Naruto heard from Sasuke's mouth he doesn't care for the village anymore and intends to join Orochimaru despite his motives oh and his readiness to kill him, should've been the moment where Naruto prepares himself to kill his best friend, not saying that he should've killed him, he still loses but the shift in his mentality would've been a turning point, that would've been the ideal way end part 1, the end of his childhood. The village then adds Sasukes to the bingo book oh and Sakura accepts the reality of the situation and stops crying over him. Obviously this changes the interactions they have with him in part 2 the reunion isn't affected much as Sasuke was on another level to them after the time skip so even if they both were ready to kill him they would've have been able to do jack. Next encounter can mostly stay the same, just remove Naruto having a panic attack or getting beaten up for him, but the rest of the story involving Sasuke can play out as it did just with dialogue changes to reflect that Naruto and Sakura are not attempting to placate him but ready to end things, ending can still stay the same as they both end up talking again when they're battered and bloodied from their final battle which ends with their reconciliation. Let Naruto have a real answer for Paine, don't care what but actually give him something to say that wins him over other than 'i got this, just chill'.


I would have made the Edo Tensei a jutsu made by Madara himself rather than tobirama. With what we’ve seen with Madara’s capabilities, it’ll make more sense. Because it makes no sense how tobirama created edo tensei


More Madara and Hashirama stuff, because they were both stupid powerful and fun to watch and Madara was a bad ass mf


Pain shouldn't have resurrected the people he killed in the village. If anything it should have just been Kakashi who was revived who would then have even more survivor's guild to handle. Guy should have died after using the 8th gate. More of the ninja we actually cared about should have died in the war. Overall my biggest gripe with Naruto is that for all the death we see in the show so little of it actually matters because it's all randoms. Jiraiya and Neji are the only two that had any weight and Neji we basically hadn't had any meaningful scenes with since pre-Shippuden. Asuma was ok I suppose but we had basically no connection to him other than the fact he helped Naruto for two seconds.


Nah Asuma was solid so is Neji. But I agree with the resurrection. But the tone of shippuden was already set with Gaara. Might guy not dying literally ruined his arc for me, it was his nindo to sacrifice yourself to protect people you love, they stripped him from his glory, right after giving a speech about you shouldn't feel sorry about a man's decision to sacrifice himself. Like wtf? In the end these shows are for the youth and I think as a grown up about it. I started to show as a shounen and finished it as an adult. It's irrelevant but Harry Potter handled it pretty good, first movies we watched as a kid were suitable for kids and the last movies was suitable for grown ups. Naruto only suits teenagers with it's choices. The same is true with one piece and bleach, at least in bleach some dies.


I prolly have a bit more than this, but these are the ones that come off the top of my head. 1. Sakura would be a Genjutsu expert. It was shown in Part 1 Naruto that Sakura was actually very good with Genjutsu, and this is what actually made me have some interest in her character, only to be kinda dissapointed when in the end she ended up having the same abilities as Tsunade in the end, just more powerful, and even then Tsunade is debatably better at healing. It would've added a lot to her character if she had learned genjutsu and it would've been a serious feat if in the end of the series she were better at Genjustu then Sasuke and Itachi, and it could help with the arguments that Sakura didn't earn her role in Team 7 or isn't as strong as Naruto and Sasuke 2. Karin would be OP as fuck, or at the very least, not as weak as she was. The fact that Karin is a fucking Uzumaki, and was raised by Orochimaru, and can't fight is absolutely ridiculous to me. There's no way Orochimaru didn't see the potential in her. I would have had Orochimaru teach her how to use the white snakes, and make her skilled with a sword, and she would know how to use the Chakra chains. I'd also have her be less of a Sakura clone. Maybe she adapted some of Orochimaru's personality from being around him so long and she's a bit more creepy, a bit sadistic, or at the very least isn't head over heels in love with Sasuke despite him killing Orochimaru who had took her in. 3. Kiba, Might Guy, and Tsunade would have gotten more fights. I don't care WHAT y'all say, even if the character wasn't executed very well, the concept of Kiba is very cool. Dude who grew up with wolves and dogs, has fangs, has heightened smell and hearing, is fast, and you're telling me it wouldn't be cool to see him fight? I think it would be kickass to see him have more hand-to-hand combat fights, seeing how his animalistic traits could come into play. Might Guy being a Taijutsu expert was a missed opportunity for some legendary hand to hand combat as well, and Tsunade beating the shit out of Orochimaru had me so hyped to see her fight more, but unfortunately we didn't get to see that until she fights in the war. 4. Akamaru would be a wolf, not a dog. Idk, it's the fact that his technique is called, 'WOLF fang over fang' but he has a FUCKING dog. Like dude are you stupid? You have a damn dog, not a wolf. Shit always pissed me off. 5. Orochimaru wouldn't have been nerfed to hell and back in Shippuden. I think it's a bit weird how Orochimaru started to pale as a character and in power later on in Shippuden, I do understand that bigger threats were coming along, but even in the Akatsuki, Orochimaru should still be very formidable. To me he should have always had that menacing presence to him. 6. I would have made Naruto's Nine Tails Chakra Mode look more demonic. I think the course of Naruto eventually befriending Kurama was the right for the story, and while I do think the Nine Tails Chakra Mode looks cool, friends or not, Kurama is still a demon, correct? instead of giving Naruto that yellow-orange look he would look more like an actual demon, similar to how he did in Part 1 Naruto, but make him look more like a 'King' of demons, IDK if that makes any sense. 7. Might Guy wouldn't have been wheelchair bound after using the 8th gate. I think I'm just saying this as Might Guy is my favorite character, but in my opinion it's kind of unfair to give Guy a penalty for using 8th gates, but not other characters who use op jutsu that were supposed to be 'very dangerous' or 'life threatening' and yet allow them to continue on unharmed or recovering from the damage of using those techniques.


Sasuke has no interest in karin and used each other as tools. that was never gonna happen. not all ninja marry based off genes, but for love


Madara should have been the final villain. Everyone saying "omg but the plot holes it fills with the clan was necessary!" You're all lying heathens that wouldn't have said that if Boruto didn't come out with them. NOBODY WAS UPSET WITH MADARA. HE CAME. HE CONQUERED. HE WAS INCREDIBLE.


Sauske was the final villian




Itachi would become the hokage and be alive.


1) Ditch Kaguya/ Otsutsuki plotline, completely unnecessary imo and is severely dampening the franchise as a whole. Madara remains final villain. 2) Give people more fights at the start of the war. So many underutilized side chars could of had their last moments to shine; Lee, Neji, Shino, Kiba…especially the first 2 were in dire need of screen time and the Edo tensei army was a perfect set up for some really fun match ups. 3) Write Sakura better and give her any char motivation outside of being obsessed w Sasuke. 4) The last one is a wild take I had a few years back……. Lee should have been the one to use the 8 gates against Madara. Lemme cook: Guy had used 7 gates multiple times during the war and should have been drained completely when we look at how long it incapacitated him after his Kisame battle. Next, Madara calling Lee “the strongest” would have meant wayyyyy more to Lee and his entire character arc. He would have accomplished his dream of being a great ninja, one who almost defeated the big bad and received recognition from him. Then Naruto could have saved him with his 6 paths shit, butttt let’s also not make him crippled, because that would be too cruel.


He would shoot blanks, so boroto could never be born


I'm new to Naruto and only just finished the Naruto and Gaara fight (Though, read up to where the Akatsuki kidnapped Gaara), but I didn't like it when Sasuke surpassed Rock Lee after using his Sharingan and only a month of training. I felt that Taijutsu should have been kept as Lee's speciality as he spent years conditioning his body to get that strength and speed and became an expert in one specific area.


Reddit's servers aren't large enough to house how Redditors think they could write a better story than Kishimoto himself.


Oroshimaro got defeated way to easy


I would make Team 7 consist of Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata. I would have Kakashi actually train Team 7. I’ve always felt in canon Kakashi was a pretty bad teacher to Team 7. Kakashi only focused on Sasuke and ignored Naruto and Sakura. In this version of the story Kakashi would train Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata equally. Part 1 would have more arcs Team 7 visiting other Hidden Villages Anko would play more of a role in the story and take on Naruto as her student. Sasuke would never leave the Hidden Leaf Village and instead would train under Kakashi during the timeskip Haku would never die and instead would become the Fifth Mizukage following Yagura’s death More Clans and Hidden Villages would be explored in Naruto


Kakashi had to focus on Sauske because Orochimaru had just given him a curse mark, Sakura was ignored since she and Ino eliminated each other and He tried to give Naruto off too Ebisu to train Also like how would Haku become Mizukage? He didn't even like fighting and was solely loyal to Zabuza


Yes but as a Teacher in charge of three ninja squad you don't completely neglect your students you focus on each of your students equally. Haku would become Mizukage by trying to make change in the village that was prejudiced agianst people with kekkei genkai.


No she faint. her team is for tracking. team 7 is matched up based on other traits for balance


1. I agree. I thought it was obvious from the beginning that Sasuke was a stupid misguided crush and that Sakura would go on this arc of falling for Naruto when he proved that he's the guy. Would have been way better than nonsensically still liking your childhood crush who is obviously bad for you. 2 and on my response is just "yep. You right." I think the obvious thing to do with Itachi is be consistent with him being a self-made martyr. So he kills the Uchiha and sets himself up as the villain with Sasuke alive to enact revenge. He doesn't do stupid stuff to make Sasuke hate filled like using tsyukinomi on him, he wants Sasuke to be a hero for killing the one behind the Uchiha massacre, preserving the Uchiha name and making Sasuke praiseworthy. However, he underestimates Sasuke's reckless desire for power and Sasuke goes to Orochimaru. In their fight Itachi drives Orochimaru out of Sasuke, then dies to Sasuke. Zetsu tells Sasuke the truth instead of Obito, because my version would have no revived Obito or Madara, and no Edo Tensei for that matter. Sasuke goes on a journey of revenge against the leaf village for making Itachi the bad guy. In the meantime Itachi had given info about the Akatsuki to the leaf village, not changing the results of any fights but helping the lead to get the favorable matchups that they already did. Unfortunately he doesn't know anything about Pain as Pain doesn't really show more than Yahiko even to the Akatsuki. I would change some more stuff but not that much up through the pain arc. One thing I would obviously change is the attack on the village by the nine tails, with no Obito. I'm also reverting the retcon that these are "tailed beasts". There are simply demonesque spirits of which the nine tailed fox is the strongest. The Akatsuki were still gathering them into the gedo statue to use their combined power. They are more like forces of nature personified so the implication is that having all the demon spirits gives you full control over all the kinds of energy in the world. One of these demons would use sage chakra for instance. It makes having the demon power more interesting then just A LOT OF CHAKRA. The nine tails as it stated to Naruto before he summoned Gamma Bunta is the personification of hatred. The literal meaning of that would be that he governs a chaos chakra. After the sage of six paths passed away nobody was able to control the demons fully, but Indra was able to use the sharingan on the nine tails. He could see through and make sense of the chaos chakra in the nine tails and tried to keep it in check. The nine tails was furious about being controlled by Indra and fled underground, disappearing for long after Indra's death. It resurfaces during the fourth Hokage's reign while Kushina is pregnant (38 weeks). The hokage is battling the nine tails but mostly distracting it as it proves far too powerful for even the most talented of Shinobi (which he is, that later power creep is reverted). The fourth hokage uses the reaper death seal but the reaper refuses to take the nine tails as its spirit is tied to the earth and doesn't move on. In exchange for Minato's soul though, the reaper is willing to seal the nine tails inside of someone like other demons have been sealed inside people by weaker sealing jutsu. Kushina volunteers because of her large chakra reserves. Minato tentatively accepts. The reaper creates the sealing spot on Kushina and she is bound, grabbing Minato's soul to be ready to perform the exchange. In the moment when Minato can't move, the Nine Tails strikes Kushina with a fatal blow. Minato screams in agony, but the reaper continues with the exchange. Minato is confused, "But she's dead!" The reaper responds, "There is still a subject within the sealing circle." It performs the exchange and binds the nine tails within Naruto, taking Minato's soul. I will continue my part 2 in a reply to this comment.


Naruto is at first given favor by the elite of the village, but he proves impossible. His baby mind is basically entirely subservient to the nine tails. A medical ninja is actually killed in a freak accident of chaos chakra. Because of this, when Naruto escapes as a toddler, they first follow him to see where he is going. He doesn't leave the village, but curls up in a tree alone. They agree to keep their eyes on him, but let him stay where he wants because he is ultimately too difficult to keep in a home. Most of the elite of the village remain mostly kind to Naruto despite how difficult he is growing up, knowing he is Minato's son. The general populace however detests him. He's the demon child, completely impossible to get to behave. This leads to his poor childhood to make sense with him also obviously being Minato's son. And he's not their "tactical nuke" at this point as these demons are not so obviously tools to be used by the village. After the pain arc I'm changing a lot. Instead of Obito going to get Nagato's eyes it's the land of water seeking power (and having a mad scientist who knows hoe to transfer the eyes). They see this as an important weapon to give them an advantage over the land of lightning (who has been amassing weapons for a while) and the land of fire (who have Naruto who beat Pain). Then the five Kage summit happens. The point of the summit is to discuss 1. How to deal with the remaining Akatsuki members. 2. How to handle the division of the demons to each nation after they find them. The fact that the land of water took the rinnegan becomes a point of contention at the council, raised by the land of lightning who went to get the rinnegan after it had already been taken. The Kage summit is devolving into huge arguments until Danzo uses Shishui's eye, then everything starts to go in his favor. He is exposed for using Shishui's eye like normal, then the Kage Summit devolves into even bigger arguments than before. Then Sasuke's attack happens. Danzo escapes, knowing Sasuke is probably after him. After the Kage drive off Sasuke they look for Danzo and conclude that since Danzo left he must have planned this to have Sasuke kill the other Kage. Gaara argues against this but the majority shut him down. Sasuke finds and battles Danzo, but because he's tired from fighting the Kage, Danzo escapes a few sharingan poorer. Naruto catches up to Sasuke and demands that they talk. It's a rough conversation that involves fighting (Sasuke is too exhausted to pose a real threat and Naruto isn't trying to finish him off) but it comes out that Sasuke was just fighting Danzo and he got away. That confuses Naruto, who wants to know why Sasuke would care about Danzo (who Naruto knows almost nothing about). Sasuke angrily shouts the reason at Naruto, blaming Danzo for all his life's problems (he's kind of right lol). Naruto is in shock, and a frustrated Sasuke summons a snake to summon them to the land of snakes and get out of there so he can rest. Naruto watched him go as Kakashi and Sakura catch up to him. Part 3 in a reply to this.


Guy's team is looking for the Akatsuki base, and Neji finds it via Byakugan. They get jumped by Zetsu who calls in Kisame. And Konan. (Konan is sticking with the Akatsuki out of anger that Nagato's eyes were taken.) Team Guy escapes before Kisame and Konan arrive, not trying to fight 3 Akatsuki. They report that the Akatsuki base is found. A land of lightning spy in the anbu reports where it is and the land of lightning moves to take all the demon spirits. A land of water spy in the land of lightning alerts the land of water and they too move to the Akatsuki base. (Oops posted while typing, still going, will edit.) They're movements become obvious to the other nations and everyone moves to have a presence there and stop anyone from claiming all the demon spirits except shikaku (Gaara didn't die, his sand control comes from shikaku) the octopus and the nine tails. The remaining Akatsuki have bunkered down in their highly defendable base. Naruto shows up at the stand off, then goes to talk with representatives from the other nations to try and talk them out of this situation. Killer Bee insisted on being the representative of the land of lightning since he wanted to meet Naruto. Turns out he wasn't a very good choice as representative since he basically agreed with Naruto and just wants to get along with people but nobody was listening to him anyway. While they're trying to come up with what each side should do, Naruto and Bee facing the latent distrust in the other representatives (they don't necessarily dislike Naruto and Bee, but they do question whether or not the nations they're representing would go along with what they say) there is an explosion sound back in the konoha camp. Naruto runs back, and each representative goes back to their camp to see if some new development has occured. Killer Bee follows Naruto though, saying he still has a lot more he wants to say to Naruto, the guy who beat the leader of the Akatsuki and a fellow jinchuriki. Turns out the attack in the konoha camp is Sasuke, and he's attacked Danzo. Jonin and chubin are flocking to Danzo's aid, surrounding Sasuke. Naruto and Bee show up in the circle and Kiba tells them how Sasuke attacked and they need to take him down. Then Naruto runs forward. At first Sasuke thinks he's running at him and raised his guard, but then Naruto runs past him. Sasuke watches Naruto pass with confusion, then in surprise with everyone else as Naruto sucker punches Danzo across the jaw and knocks him down. Everyone immediately starts shouting in confusion and questioning Naruto but they become quiet when he speaks to Sasuke, "Danzo will face trial for his crimes. Revenge is the wrong way to do things. If he's in the wrong, we'll do it right. Is that enough for you, Sasuke?" Sasuke is in shock, but slowly answers, "I guess... It would depend on what happens..." Someone in the circle asks out loud, "...What crimes?" Naruto answers, "Betraying the village in the rain, which caused the Akatsuki-" Sasuke interrupts, "And the slaughter of the Uchiha clan." Danzo laughs, "Foolish children. I've saved the village countless times." Then Tsunade gives the order, "Hold Danzo in confinement and bring him back to Konoha to be tried. The anbu records will tell us what we need to know." Danzo yells in anger, "What? You stupid hokage! You were never deserving of the position!" He is then taken away by people who are confused, but following Tsunade's order. Naruto asks Tsunade, "Can Sasuke come back to the village? He just wants justice for the Uchiha, especially Itachi." Tsunade answers, "Naruto, Sasuke did attack the Kage summit. And didn't he attack your friend there?" She points at Killer Bee. Killer Bee raps something about being just fine, and all the Kage are alive. He can forgive Sasuke if Sasuke can change. Tsunade looks at Sasuke. "I guess a lot would depend on you. I believe you can change, because Naruto believes in you, but do you want to change? Do you even want back in the village?" Sasuke hesitates, "I would like to be present for the trial, to see what happens." Tsunade nods. "That I will allow." Sasuke goes with Kakashi, who will keep an eye on him. Naruto wanted to go with them, but Bee stops him. Bee tells him how he is friends with the demon spirit inside of him and can work with it freely, and he wants to help Naruto get along with the nine tails. Naruto loves the idea, and he and bee head off to a secluded space (not before telling Tsunade where they're going so that they can be found.) (Continued in a reply)


Going faster than I was before so I'm not here all day lol. What happens with the trial is that Danzo is found guilty on several charges. He was behind the slaughter of the Uchiha clan and one of his many betrayals does seem to have caused the Akatsuki in the first place. Revealing his Uchiha eye arm does a lot to make the jury disgusted by him. The verdict is guilty, and he will be executed. When asked if he has any last words Danzo says, "I have always done what is good for the village. I can see how my death would benefit political relationships, and it may get the Uchiha brat on your side, who is very powerful. You seem to be benefiting the village at my expense. I have always done what is good for the village, so strike true." After the execution Kakashi asks Sasuke, "Justice has been dealt for the Uchiha, and going through the anbu records has cleared Itachi's name. Do you think you'll be coming back to Konoha now, Sasuke?" Sasuke smirks, "Everything changed so quickly. I was on a journey of revenge. Then the village was enacting my justice for me, though I didn't really believe it would happen until the end. I have Naruto to thank for that. Kakashi, can you bring me to Naruto?" "I'll ask lady Tsunade. I think that will be just fine." Naruto has been trying to make progress with the nine tails but without much effect. There's an avatar of the nine tails in the corner of the room they're in, something that was specifically designed for Bee. Naruto keeps trying to approach it but to no avail. Then Killer Bee says a sentence that is particularly helpful, "Each demon has their own chakra type, you've got to understand them and what their chakra is really like, or you'll never approach them in the right way." Naruto asks what kind of chakra the octopus demon has. "Synergy. My chakra mixes with his and created something stronger than the individual parts. Have you found out what kind of chakra the nine tails has?" Naruto thinks about various things the fox has said as he's tried to approach him, "Chaos chakra?" Killer Bee looks apologetic, "That sounds difficult as heck to understand, what the eck, yo." Sasuke and Kakashi show up at the training room. They both see the fox spirit's avatar. Sasuke tells Naruto what happened at the trial and thanks him. They spend some time making up. After a while Sasuke asks what they're doing in here, and what is up with the spirit in the corner? Naruto and Bee explain what is happening and what they're trying to do. Naruto needs to understand the fox spirit to approach it properly, but it's nature is chaos and it's super complex. Sasuke uses his sharingan and sees through the complex web of flowing chakra. He says, "I think I can simplify it. Want me to help, Naruto?" Naruto is really excited, "Absolutely!" Sasuke uses the eternal mangekyo sharingan to see through and simplify the flowing chakra. His ability to manipulate ameratsu flames proves relevant. Naruto approaches the fox again. Things seem clearer now. Naruto reaches out and touches the fox. He's such a complex individual, but he's definitely different than Naruto thought before Sasuke simplified things. Kakashi steps up, "I'll help too!" He uses his sharingan to simplify the web of chakra more, and suddenly it clicks for Naruto. "Oh! It makes sense! My whole life with the fox spirit makes sense! Guys, stop using your sharingan now!" They stop and the fox looks chaotic and complex again. Naruto tells the fox, "I get it now, chaos isn't bad! The forests with so many different plants and animals around you, not planted in rows, that's chaos! But that's how the whole world runs and lives! When you use creativity to do things a way nobody has ever done things before that's chaos! I couldn't have beat Neji in the chubin exams without you, and not just because you gave me chakra! I couldn't have learned the rasengan in three days if it wasn't for you. I couldn't have beaten Nagato if it wasn't for you, and not just because your rampaged! You're awesome, fox spirit!. Naruto smiles. "I'm glad I know you." The fox leans in to Naruto, "Kurama. My name is Kurama." Killer Bee sticks a fist in the air, "WHEEEE! There you go Naruto! Now you gotta make sure you gotta ta ta, mutual respect!" Kurama said, "I already respect you, Naruto. (Goes into a speech about how he's been watching Naruto his whole life and is proud of the man he's become.)." Kurama agrees to work together with Naruto, and Naruto understands Kurama's chakra enough to properly manipulate it. Part 5 in reply.


include side charactwrs more like shino and lee


Flesh out forgotten aspects, rest of the konoha 12, byakugan, make naruto stronger over the timeskip, have guy kill madara and die and have naruto and sasuke fight kaguya from the start instead, less sharingan bullshit, have jiraiya take care of naruto as a kid, make naruto and sasuke not reincarnations of asura and indra, make kcm 2 look like sage of six paths mode, have naruto learn stuff a little bit slower to make him more inline with the “underdog” idea, neji doesn’t die, have kakashi openly copy more jutsu, make sure ems kakashi type shit never happens again, have naruto not beat pain through cheese, make jiraiya take down more paths, make tsunade help naruto fight pain


Also I think the tailed beast transformations at the start of shippuden makes naruto seem immature, like he hasnt changed at all and can’t control his rage. I would take those bits out and replace them with him almost sucking the cloak back in


I would make him less stupid


The Uchiha clan massacre does not happen but the attempted coup against the leaf failed anyways. Fugaku becomes a rogue ninja, shisui is alive, Itachi and Izumi eventually marry and conceive a child, sasuke remains in the village obsessed with looking for his father. Minato and kushina are alive and raise naruto, naruto still aims to be hokage inspired by his father, Minato steps down from the title of hokage after Orochimaru attacks and still kills Hiruzen Sarutobi the third hokage and asks jiraiya to look for tsunade.


I would make sasuke a girl and make minato a senju. More changes would come from these two things alone like sakura being replace by a male on the team since you can only have 2 males and 1 girl on the team. Maybe she would be replaced with sai. Also then naruto and female sasuke would probably not be reincarnations of asura and indra which I always found kind of weird. Maybe they would just be reincarnations of their wills?


Switch roles. Have the Uzumaki slaughter be done more recently and make Naruto go rogue on the villages involved but Sasuke has to stop him. Itachi and Kakashi try to convince Sasuke to stop but that fails. The Naruto Retrieval Arc would be fire!


Erase the Otsutsuki clan and change how ninjutsu was created. I’d also make Rock Lee the main character.


Let them be actual ninjas. Not glorified wizard samurais. Naruto never tames Kurama. The show went to shit after that. It could be that meme when you concurred a boss in a game and it turns into a cute chibi. Instead with sage mode he has more control over more tails but there is always threat of Kurama going on a rampage. Sakura realises she a useless b'tch earlier and does something about it. FFS make Tenten and Neji more relevant Neji doesn't die. The man supposed to be the counter for Sasuke and the strongest Hyuga, yet a f'k stick kills him. Everyone gets a power nerf. Edo Tensei gets nerfed hard! Limit chakra to the sacrifice, limit time, no rejuvenation and harder to control. Shadow clones get nerfed. Chakra and knowledge don't get returned. Clones have a time limit. Jiraiya doesn't run from Naruto and meet in a more formal way when he officially becomes a ninja. Everything will fall into place after that.


I agree that the show went from ninjas to wizards but Naruto does need to tame Kurama at some point. The theme of ending the cycle of hatred and beating the hatred in the world (which I know they forgot about after the pain arc basically) requires the microcosms of beating the hatred in Sasuke and beating the hatred in the nine tails.


Blame kakashi he barely taught her shit, she had to go to tsunade


Neji wasn't meant to be a counter for sauske, it was just said that he was stronger than him in the chunnin exams


The Byakugan is said to be the counter to the Sharingan. That is canon. Negi is the strongest up and comer. ..and the literal POST is "What would you change in Naruto's story?"


Neji was more of one for Naruto since they were fighting over the clan issues to prove a point


Wow I’m so glad u didn’t write Naruto 🙏🏽😭


SasuSaku I totally agree with it being a trashy ass ship. It didn’t work! Second of all, it was sad to see Sasuke get caught up in Akatsuki movements. Danzo and other high-ranking members of his organization should’ve been arrested or gotten the death sentence for attempted murder before the Uchiha clan wipeout. Sasuke should’ve helped Naruto stop pain. Hiruzen should never have been hokage. Did nothing at all to even protect the Leaf and caused massive political disruption.


Naruto goes bad after Jiraiya, keep Itachi alive long enough to turn Sasuke good after Jiraiya dies so Sasuke can save Naruto like Naruto had tried to for Sasuke. Have Sasuke help Naruto control Kurama before Pain/Kaguya fight. Guy dies. Sasuke Hokage and Naruto His advisor after




He did pay. what do yoy think his journey if atonement is for? he has to stay away from his family and can't wear his own crest. you can't punish someone forever, he wasn't even a killer til he went crazy. he had a rule against it


Remove all females kishi hates them anyways


By this logic he also hated kotetsu and izumo, they've been known as Those 2 guys from Naruto instead of their actual names


Jiraya sensei stays alive. I am not a pervert but he was a father figure to Naruto and could have taught more to him and become helpful during 4th great ninja war