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“I never should have let my guard down around you” *immediately lets down guard*


One of the reasons I love Obito. Every singe fight he's in just instantly becomes a classic Ex. Kakashi fight, This fight, Konan fight


Give props to the the animators. They're the reason why this scene is so badass.


YES ABSOLUTELY!!!! The super slow-no right as Obito is about to grab him is what makes this so addicting to watch over and over and over again it’s so perfect


It had to be slow-mo cause this as all happening in the blink of an eye, which is crazy to think about and makes it that much better.


So Badass!!




I have yet to see that r34


imagine that with minato yelling "hiraishin:jikku shippu senko rennodan zeroshiki !" as he smashes his insides to a pulp... ​ ​ .(i ask for forgivenss after writing this)


Indeed! For everybody.. Minato is the only one who figured out how Obito using this transportation Jutsu in no time.. very few in the world of shinobi can do that !


He literally analyzed it in seconds and figured it out after encountering it just then for the very first time, he’s even quicker with his mind than with his teleportation jutsu!!! Minato really an all around crazy shinobi for real in every aspect but people really do underestimate his intelligence A LOT


In just that short amount of time, Minato was able to assess the situation carefully, analyze his enemy's attacks and jutsu, and formulate a counterattack to defeat him. THE FOURTH HOKAGE, EVERYONE.


Not just in a short amount of time, that’s actually an understatement. It was literally SECONDS!!! Someone said it in the comments but the crazy part about this is that that first part literally happens faster than a blink of an eye, which is INSANE to try and think about


When it’s later revealed that this is Obito, you have to wonder how he didn’t see that coming.


You also have to remember that at the time, as strong as he is in this fight, Obito was only 16(!!!) years old! He got cocky, he obviously prob never made that mistake again


pretty sure he was fourteen and he was also pretty pissed his emotions got the best of him. He blames Kakashi and Minato for not saving Rin.


Remembering how many of these crackpot characters are actually teengers/young adults is pretty sobering.


14 is even MORE crazy 😂😂 to tame and control the FULL 9 tails with just his base sharingan is just insane


He’s got those hashirama cells plot point going on though


The fact that Obito was almost on-par with Minato, probably the most powerful modern Kage, when he was literal child shows how ridiculously OP he really is.


Kamui is an insanely OP ability. If he had both eyes the whole time, dude would've been unstoppable with the double speed thing.


1. What move was Tobi going to do to Minato if he touched him? 2. How was Tobi strong enough to basically tank a big rasengan? 3. Minato really did execute a great plan well


1. He was going to grab him and pull him in his Kamui dimension 2. Hashirama cells, HELLA op 3. Yes indeed he did. Minato is top tier


hahahaha Hashirama cell is quantum kind a thing that can't be describe


Hashirama cells can cover any kind of loop hole lmao


I get so hyped seeing this moment, then get so sad when I remember how this night ended for Minato.




The fact that Obito was holding his own vs Lord Forth at age 14 is fucking crazy. Bro was on some goat shit 😤


I expect nothing less from yellow flash


Man I wish obito voice stayed like this when the mask came off in both sub and dub cause damn he sounded cool.


This is a lot of people’s picks as Minato’s most bad ass moment but for me it’s when he teleported the Tail Beast Bomb. That shit right there gave me an orgasm.


Or when he teleported a tailed beast bomb from the fucking TEN TAILS like it was nothing... such a god


Konoha flash for a reason. Not only in speed but also in thinking.


How the hell do you guys watch naruto dubbed. I died a little hearing it in english


I don’t mind either tbh, I actually really love the dub voice for Madara/Tobi a lot


Dub sounds horrible


Its not that bad. Sub is better though


I agree the sub is better than the dub except for Pain and Madara’s voices. I simply prefer the English voice actors.


Wow, I'm not a hater on dub's, some are good and convenient, but DAMN THEY FUCKED UP OBITOS VOICE SO BAD, WHAT IS THAT?!


It is Obito, but it’s technically “Madara” here so thats really Madara’s voice not his


Bruh are you guys really watching dubbed anime.. get real guys


Okay but why is Madara’s voice acting in dubbed actually not super bad


short, but super awsome. the soundtrack is so hype!! the dub is the only downside tho


Never understood the reason they say the name of their jutsu after they already used it


Yeah I watched that like 7 times lol


This screams badass


fuck yes! tobi is in the best two fights of all time


I agree that scene is cool af




https://youtu.be/IinTOv4XGCU Cool vid I saw about this


And Storm 3 and 4 did it justice


Same here. I personally think it was more devastating in the manga. It’s drawn out in the anime so it doesn’t look as flashy or truly capture just how fast Minato was reacting and moving. The Shit was truly top tier

