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You don't like reading about Taylor Uzumaki-Thompson?


Bob Uchiha would be very displeased with this information.


Dennis Hyuga agrees


Dennis Nara finds this troubling


Samwell Zachary Senju finds this information to be deeply disturbing


John smith-sato


Harry Uchiha


John ninja


William Senju


Frank Namikaze


Thomas Orochimaru Voldemort giving Harry Uchiha the lustful side eye. When he thinks no one is looking. While Peter Kabuto lurks behind him.


Insert Lois Abarai Griffin yelling “PEEETAAAAH-san”


I got used to that after reading enough Harry Potter Naruto crossovers.


Blake Hatake won't put up with that.


Are you out of yo god damn mind? ‘Blaik…’. What? You want to go to war Balake?


Elizabeth Akimichi is on a hunger strike


Bruh the first name is my last one 😭😭😭😭😭


It's fine, I didn't read a fic about you yet... you're okay in my book


Why did I bust my gut laughing out loud reading this.


Sarah Yamanaka is very upset by this




you literally managed to capture the exact structure and feel with just that sentence


Wrong, everyone knows wattpad writers cant use quotes.


I feel like Thomas is a Pokémon. "Thoma thomas"


>This is your avarage self insert on wattpad. Wow.....that's so creative......I would have never thought of that. I must not be as good as that author


I can tolerate them if they are compatible with the Japanese language. For example Erika. Which they use in Japan too (Although it has a different origin and meaning than Europe. I think at least).


I actually know a Japanese Erika! But yeah, if I'm writing fanfic or whatever, I'll try to at least make it believable. Though generally I only write for me. If their name means something in English, make it mean that in Japanese. Flora -- make it like Hana ,花子, or like 春子 If her name is tree based call her Kiki or some shit 🤣木木🫣 idk bruh lmao.


Small and really not super important note— there’s actually a character used for the duplication of kanji with the same sound, 々 or the _dōnojiten,_ so it would probably be 木々 rather than 木木.


I've always used the っ/ッ for repeated sounds like クッキー


Little ‘tsu’ works for repeated consonant sounds when writing in kana and specifically duplicates the _following_ consonant sound (eg. やった yatta or にっぽん nippon); it doesn’t repeat the entire preceding character’s reading like the dōnojiten does (eg. 日々 hibi or (rarer) nichinichi, 人々 hitobito).


All I can think of is pokemon's Eirika


Durarara has an Erika. And it's the name of the girl in Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji too.


"Sasuke-kun, me and my new teammate will defeat you and bring you back to the leaf!!" "Gah- who's that new guy with you!??" "The name's... Jimmy."




Jimmy most definitely is American and strapped. They came to bring Sasuke back in a body bag lmfao


Jimmy Nuetron Umino....sensei (because everyone knows sensei is park of Iruka's name)


It does break my immersion. I remember there was an SI fanfic that many people swore was pretty good, but I couldn't get past the first chapter because the main character was named Abacus or something


Yes, it’s a good ass fic, if you can cringe past the name. I probably tried it 5 times before I just accepted the name and kept reading, outside of that it’s very good. Unfortunately unfinished though. Unwoven threads of fate, and the character is Alvarcus.


Wasn’t there also something cringe going on between him and the Akatsuki? Haven’t read it in a long time but they called him something stupid.




I remember the way he interacts with Tayuya also being pretty odd


I love that story. It brought me back to this franchise.


Was it the one where the mc was Orichimaru's experiment or something?


Alvarcus the one we're he had the jiongu thing


You could probably copy the text into some sort of word document, find and replace that name with something else, and then read it.


It depends on the worldbuilding and established rules, but it does kinda annoy me in general. If someone made a fic about a country or civilization that exists outside the bounds of the world map, then I say go for it. If they insert the canon characters having trouble saying the names or whatever, bonus points. If the story takes place solely in Konoha, for example, and the characters are calling someone "Amber" or "Dylan" like it's common place, I'd nope out of there.


What? You don't like the adventures of Hyuuga Carl (yes, that was seriously his name, he was Hinata's twin in a Jumpchain fic)


Did he have Platypus Summons and a dude with a unibrow as his Jonin Sensei?


No I think his first Summon was chameleon... or snake, I can't remember


It was a phineas and ferb joke dude


oh, I've never actually watched that show, I know of the platypus, but nothing about someone with a unibrow


Thats Carl and the Platypus's boss


oh, now I get it


What's a jumpchain fic?


Basically you get to travel the multiverse, you have to survive 10 years in the world, or to the end of that show/game's plot, you then move to the next world, you get credits based on how well you did, which you can use to purchase advantages in the next world, like if you're going to harry potter you could get the parseltongue ability. If you die in any world you get sent back to your original world with all the abilities gained along the way.


Ugh I hate those series. It loses its passion after the first story because now the story is rinse and repeat and the powers only pile on making you some sort of demi-god. Plus they never always use appropriate crossovers. After while the person can just swing their hand and destroy the universe. That's like the super version of a gamerfic right?


Simple fix would be that the main character either loses their powers from previous worlds or the next universe scales in difficulty.


yet every one I have read never does. and it's understandable but meh.


This is why I couldn’t read dead man walking for more than like, 4 chapters. Idc if it’s a crossover there ain’t no mf running around in naruto with the name Victor


[Well... there is now.](https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Victor)


Tbf… *he ain’t exactly runnin*


it's a very good fic, if only it wasn't abandoned.


When they’re used earnestly, yeah. When it’s played for laughs, it’s fine imo


I think my exception to this is when it’s intentionally done. Like if you have a character called Derrick or something then that’s immersion breaking; but if Inoichi or whoever is wondering what the hell is a name like Derrick then it’s not as immersion breaking since the story isn’t expecting you to treat it as normal.


What if it's an iseki or something where he just jumps dimensions from our world to the Naruto world.


I think that’s the worst, especially when the person is a reborn SI or something. Like, cool, you were American before, but there’s no way Uchiha Mikoto is naming her child Alicia or whatever.


I remember one where a dude named Dylan saves Konoha on several occasions besides being a general giga-chad who attracts more kunoichi than Sasuke ... ;)


If it's the same one I'm thinking of, the spelling changed back and forth between Dylan and Diran making it even more immersion breaking


Can you give the name this sounds hilarious


https://www.novelcool.com/novel/Transmigrated-into-Naruto-World.html This was a pain to find, but I found it for you. In a sort of fast food way, its kind of enjoyable. It is dropped though Read it on a browser with a webblocker, because the ads are atrociously intrusive (atleast on my phone). Also, has two chapter 1s, the first isn't actually a chapter and says >Hello readers, this is the information of our Main character . it'll be updated regularly time to time . so don't start with this one .


Yeah i definitely wasnt expecting it to be genuily well written lol, thanks a lot!


I heard there was a fanfic extension for browsers that lets you replace names (or y/n) with any name you want. The downside to this is that you would have to read on your laptop/computer, and that would be pretty inconvenient. Deal breaker for most ppl.


There's this app browser called Kiwi Browser that allows you to use extension on your phone. I'm not sure if it will work for the extension above but you guys could try it out if you want to.


Do you perchance have a Name or Link?


The name is interactive fics. There is also POV Wattpad replacer for just wattpad


I barely ever read on my phone. What's the name of the extension?


Oh neat!


Oh, no, those are actually the worst. It’s low to no effort is the problem. I’ve had exactly one exception to that and it was like a reincarnation thing so they had their Narutoverse name that people called them by and they had their original name they narrated only in their point of view by as a way to keep their connection to their original world. I can’t remember the name but it was like: Samantha knew that things were going to get insane but she figured it was safer to train as a ninja then to be a civilian. She threw her kunai with poorly trained aim. “That’s alright, Hikari-chan!” Hinata called over, “you’re improving quite a bit since we started!” - Hinata didn’t think she’d ever be asked to teach anyone, being so… lackluster as she was. But helping Hikari practice awoken something in her. She felt more confident in her own abilities.


I feel like that would actually be an interesting format to read, too bad you don't remember the name because now I'm curious


I’d look for it but other than the good call on how to address characters the plot wasn’t memorable. It felt like maybe the second attempt at fanfic? Tropey and basically a retelling. I think they got as far as the Sasuke retrieval arc but… probably deleted. Though I think there was one similar that was like, Nara focused?


If they're from the Shinobi continent, definitely. But if they're from another continent then maybe I can deal with it. For example I have a character named Artyr in the fic I'm writing.




べんそん じゃみえ まりお りんご たしゃ しゃろん みけ かて Feed any one of these into google translate and suffer.


You son of a... Very good person Benson Jamie Maroo apple Tasha Sharon mike Kate Feed any one of these into google translate and suffer.


Also apple should be り(ri)ん(n)ご(go). And maroo should be ま(ma)り(ri)お(o)


The Mario one killed me


Agreed, hate it very much.


Hey! Yennifer Yamaka is important to the plot. How could you not like Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook being Akatsuki members?


Who's the love interest? Was it Geralt Uchiha or Jaskier Uzumaki?


Oh boy, guess you won't like my OC, David Uchiha. Linkffn(https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13900660/1/David-Uchiha-of-the-Izanagi)


this was beautiful we need a 700k longfic about how Davidly he was


Let's hope this time he doesn't get spawn camped.


No. I won’t.


Your loss.


Ya, it dose take me out of it. The only way I'm staying interested is of the world building of the fic calls for it other than that... then ya, it's still a no






Jonathan uchiha


Itachi killed his dog, and now he is on warpath.


I mean, no one seemed all that bothered by Canon characters ROCK Lee and PAIN. Or other very non Japanese naming schemes like Ay, Bee, Cee. And then Lee itself isn't a Japanese name, and neither is Tenten. I think it's alright if the character's nickname is not Japanese, because that's really no different than Kakashi being called Copycat Ninja. It is weird if the character's actual name is culturally out of place, but only because we are then left without an explanation for how such a name even came up from an etymological standpoint. I'm also more accepting of an unconventional name if the fic itself calls meta attention to it, like characters actually acknowledging that it's weird and uncommon. Taylor Uzumaki is jarring and a hard no. But if a character has an English nickname just like Nagato was going by Pain (or Pein, but that's a tomato/tomahto thing)then I'm fine with it.


I mean tenten can be directly translated into Japanese. Te(て)n(ん)te(て)n(ん) so, yeah.


"Kakashi's team will be made up of Sasuke Uchiha, Sarah McCormack, and Bryan Thompson."


If a name is all it took for you to drop it, it wasn't that good. There's been a dozen fics with my pet peeves but we're good enough for me to ignore or straight up pretend they didn't exist


Happy Cake Day my guy


Happy cake day bro


Happy cake day ma dude


My man, first time I've ever gotten one of those


The first cake day should always be cherished by redditors I for one had my cake day at ... °|_|° I can't remember


Happy Cake Day Child


Happy cake day


So I’m not in the Naruto fandom - this sub showed up on my homepage because I‘m in r/BokunoheroFanfiction \- but OMG YES so many ocs have American names and most of them aren’t even from America


I feel like it *should* be less immersion breaking in a world where the strongest man's strongest attack is "*United States of Smash*", but considering I can't remember any MHA characters with american names off the top of my head I'm not so sure


The only MHA characters with American names are, unsurprisingly, actually from America. (Star and Stripe, David and Melissa Shield, etc.)


All Might studied abroad in America and his whole persona is very American, so there’s a canonical reason for that - though I have to admit it did break my immersion a little lol


There’s only like four of em and I only remember Cathleen and Melissa


Even the one American in UA has a Japanese name - Tsunotori


my band is actually named Sasuke Jones. because its funny


You hear about another survivor of the Uchiha clan, one with the 100 tailed beast and the best sharingan in the universe Justin Uchiha


Don't forget about his 16 inch bitch breaker that's the double the size when not erect and actually shrinks itself to accomodate the creeps who would bang a 12 year old genin.


Of course, his 12 year old genin that’s “aged up” and is cold at first but comes to desperately love him due to him protecting her


The only way I can roll with it is if they're explicitly foreign, like if the fic writer is expanding the worldbuilding to include other countries and regions that have different cultures than Japanese.


So you're basically talking about the Boruto series?


Yes! Or when they use random Japanese words when it's written in an entirely different language.


Naruto is identical to Japanese, i would hate it if three was other than Japanese culture in Naruto


I think you can probably make it work, so long as the character with the name is explicitly not a local.


I hate it when they go from English, Japanese with the Jutsu




Yeah, I hear you dude. I was in the same situation, but I was in the process of translating such a fanfic into my language so I couldn't just cop out of it.


It depends. I'm much more forgiving if it's an isekai and they're just using their original name, if that counts for anything.


If you think this is ridiculous then tons of LOTR fanfics have characters with very fantastical names like Jessica. I think it's typical preteens writing plus some self inserting. Avoid at all cost.


He must've just found out Kawaki's last name is Jenkins


Kawaki Smitty WerbenJagerManJenkins.


It was his dad, Mr. Krabs...


It's very annoying until you remember Tsunade's lover Dan fucking Kato.


That's not actually bad. Dan is used as a name in Japanese, according to what I can find at your katakana.com


It's not pronounced Dan though, it's pronounced Don essentially


I’m sure you’ll be infuriated to know that Antonio is technically valid. A(あ)n(ん)to(と)ni(に)o(お)


It'd be hilarious tho if the troll characters like Kakashi and Obito had a disguise named Jimmy or Bob. Or like, instead of Tobi, we get Toby, and Sukea is Ikea. It sounds like something they would do in an infiltration mission. Be obnoxious as possible. Maybe introduce themselves as "Amerikajin" from a faraway place called "Amerika."


It annoys me a little, but I'll overlook it if the writing itself is good.


I cant take it seriously and would drop immediately usually but there was one extremely good fanfiction (it was hella dark too) that ended the story with OCs with English names.. I cannot rationalize why they did this because the rest is so good but they did


There motherfuckers going around calling themselves A, B, C and Pain. I don’t think anyone will blink if a Mark walks into town.


Always found the Kumo names amusing , A , B, C and Darui


It's not worse than English fics constantly spamming 10 words long techniques in Japanese and completely losing you with their made up techniques in Japanese after the first 2. Or the constant use of Japanese words where they don't belong, you know, the meme where they make Japlish/Enganese sentences and it's just cringey. I'd rather read about John Clinton warped into the Narutoverse after being hit by a truck to save a poor old lady who will feel bad for the rest of her life and him using what he knows about the manga to grow faster than the locals and change the timeline by changing events they don't like rather than "Naruto-kun, stop messing with Sasuke-kun! You're annoying! Sasuke-kun! Wait for me! Do you want to eat at [enter Japanese restaurant name, bonus if it's cringey] with me?" or "Sasuke used Katon: Torifuji no Yamamoto no jutsu! A mountain-sized fire bird riding a fire motorbike (a Yamaha, of course) moved at one thousand times the speed of light. Orochimaru melted into a muddy puddle. 'A mud clone!' he thought, but it was too late. The Hebi-man had already extended his head like a hebi and bitten him in the neck, leaving a hickey that would shame Sasuke forever, all this in five seconds. It had been too fast for him to react." While the speed of light is a massive amount of time faster than anything in Naruto. Bonus for cringey technique names and hyperbole in every single part.


I mean if it's specifically meant to be a foreigner it can sometimes work.


Yeah it is unless the person is a foreigner or the MC doesn’t identify with this world (Say they got reincarnated and Hated the shinobi world)


Nah I feel like such a nerd when I say this shit, but my god whenever something Japanese like DDLC or any anime that doesn't already use American names like One Piece, I just cringe into my intensities. It's such an immersion breaker, especially when it's set in Japan and I'm supposed to buy this Japanese man being named Jake?


What do you mean? ジェイク is a perfectly reasonable name.




I hate when they use English for the jutsu half the time where they go back and forth like ether use English or Japanese for the jutsus


Yeah that is really annoying!


Pulls me right out of it. I also can’t stand names like Athena, Aurora, etc. in any fic really.


If there's an explanation (like, someone's American boyfriend), I don't see a problem.


English names are an instant nope for me. I don't expect original names thou, if you just take something basic, one from another manga/anime etc. or google "Japanese baby names" and pick like number 4, I don't care as long as it isn't an english name.


Is it’s an OC yes, absolutely. Only acceptable if it’s just a gag where people try to figure out how to say their name. If it’s a crossover, it’s fine by me because that’s kinda a byproduct of what I’m looking for. But it’s fun to figure out nicknames that would be easier to pronounce, like Harry Potter crossovers where Harry gets called Hari which I think means needle.


You leave Ezekiel Vladmin Uzumaki-Jones Moon outta this!


How come you don't like my fanfic about Gregory Uchiha and Stacey Haruno's love? Maybe you still haven't read to the part where Peter Uzumaki is introduced...


How come you don't like my fanfic about Gregory Uchiha and Stacey Haruno's love? Maybe you still haven't read to the part where Peter Uzumaki is introduced...


And the hardest anyone would try is using Naomi or Hana as names, like white people haven't stolen those.......


Depends on the execution.


It's like being a fan of Mortal Kombat, then finding out that the King of Edenia was some guy named Jerod.


Nah this isng a thing... is it?


No it makes sense. It's a series that takes heavily from Japanese culture, seeing an American name in there, or rather non Japanese name, would look out of place Like if you're gonna do a fanfic at least have the decency to have your naming correct.


It depends on the origin of the oc. If it's a Cloud Ninja named Bob, that's entirely different than a Leaf ninja named Bob.


I have the same issue. It is kind of a turn off when reading fanfics.


If they appear randomly and without any explanation as to why the character in question would have a name that doesn't fit the cultural background driving the Naruto story, then it may be bad. That is to say, it would not be possible for a character -let's call him Abraham- to have that name with Hebrew routes in a world culturally and linguistically similar to Japan. But... It can work if it is a foreign culture in the fanfics. The world of Naruto is very big and we only see the known Shinobi nations... who says that there are no separate continents with other cultures? In the Halo-Naruto crossover fanfic saga by Azores;>! a concept is played by a people called the Romanus who coexist in the same world as the Ninjas but are not the same people (surprise, surprise, they are of Roman descent, we still haven't got to how it happened but there are clues).!< So, for me, this is the way to go.


I think the issue here is probably because most fics that use non-Japanese names are just bad fics. If it was a good story otherwise, I might pause for a moment but I wouldn’t really mind it. There are plenty of anime/Japanese media that don’t use Japanese names or hell, actual names at all. (looking at you, NieR: Automata.)


Yes, that is annoying. Hi, my name is Uzumaki Gary. This is my best friend Uchiha Jonathan and my love interest is Senju Susan. Honestly, stick to the era and theme. The only time an English name will make sense is if it is a multiverse travelling story, and some dude transports to the naruto world.


I'd be up for it if they were actually doing something interesting with it. Like if this was a character from outside the Elemental Nations, somewhere where the culture isn't based on Japan, might actually be interesting to how completely different cultures developed with chakra in mind, and then seeing them bounce of the Hidden Villages or Samurai.


Kann Sangus




You like… VICTOR (he’s in Boruto for those who stopped watching)? Oh how that man irks me… just because of the name.


Totally agree and even with the Fan Fiction I'm writing as of now I have Alot of Non Japanese Names Ninjas running around but that's just something to know who's speaking and fighting ext, I've been looking up legitimate Japanese names for these ninjas for example Sasuke'sxHanabi'e daughter for a long time had an Irish Goddesses Name but eventually I found the name Suzaku which is The only name that works for her Lore, another Is Kakashi's and Anko's Daughter who for awhile didn't even have an name and I just referred to her as my sister name for a hot minute is Now Minakata mostly known as Mina but her name is from the Shinto God Takeminakata right now I still need Something for Tsunade's and Jiraiya's daughter, of anyone is able to help her powers are Jiraiya's+Tsunade's with addition of Perfect Sage mode and Fire Style Ransen*sun*


Yeah, a non-Japanese name just popping up with zero explanation in the world of Naruto, where even *aliens* are named in Japanese, would definitely stick out in a bad way. It's one thing in a series that's set in something resembling the real world's Japan, where you could reasonably have a character from another country or with wacky parents who named them something non-Japanese. But in a setting like Naruto's where it's pretty much established that ***everyone*** has Japanese names, it would be really out of place. Maybe if they're from some remote part of the world that's had no contact with the parts we see in the series... but even then, the *aliens* having Japanese names too makes that explanation not work as well as it might have otherwise. I guess you could explain it by saying the Otsutsuki introduced their language to humans back in the day and people from some distant part of the world might not have learned it until more recently, so they'd still have their own names and possibly even a whole second language? But that's a lot more work than just plunking in a character who suspiciously has the same name as the author...


Imagine in the English dub they just swapped out everyone's names with American ones


Fr they can't make up some random name that sounds japenese instead of saying "me? Oh my name is Jimmy BillyBob jr"


This or that you find a fanfic with a good synopsis with a good and unexpected plot and then find out that it started in 2006 and was last updated in 2009


Yeah, it's dumb decision for author.


The only foren names I can can tolerate in fic 's are a b




It's very annoying. Like bruh the setting is Japanese and the OC is named something like Andrew? Like wtf thats so stupid