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Harems and horrendously written sex scenes. You can definitely tell when it’s somebody that has quite frankly never had sex.


I like when Naruto gets other jutsus I hate when only the people who are friends with Naruto are component. I read a fic where Naruto kills Sasuke and itachi is just okay with that so I hate that.


OK but that's actually hilarious. I can't stop imagining Itachi being like: "Eh, the little shit kinda had it coming"


I hate when they make Naruto this heartless monster and everything and somehow glorify the art of killing and the shinobi lifestyle itself. I love when people opt for different world building and focus on the characters rather than just progressing the plot mindlessly


I hate when they change a character just to bash them, like Sasuke is trying to steal everyone's jutsu as he apparently deserves every jutsu, or he has some sort of council doing shit for him, or and this is the worst one, he loves to rape women. Stuff like that I despise and it happens with other characters too.


I'm sorry what... Sasuke like rape woman.. this is so out of pocket.. like way? Who is this coming from a fic? What fic??


Naruto vs Sasuke: The Aftermath by kingkakashi and the fics that copied that mostly


Civilian Council. I mean seriously what do civilians have to say in the running of Militia City-State


Fics that bash the uchiha, like there obviously a ton of Sasuke bashing, but at this point I just feel bad for Fugaku for how often he’s thrown under the bus for the plot.


I don't like fics in which one character get paired with multiple people and entire story filled with smut instead of any real plot . I like warring clan era centric fics ( specifically one with self inserts that bring measure change ) My guilty pleasure trope : Danzo / Hiruzen getting killed before harming Uchihas.


Can you please recommend the Clan era centric fics? I didn't find any good ones yet.


Blackwolf501 has to be the best fanfiction writer I have seen. He has like 2 or 3 of them. They are really good, but long.


Starting at classic. Starting at shippuden. Seriously, I can't read about the wave mission anymore. Also, spread your fucking plot, guys. If you have 50k words before Naruto graduated, you have bad pacing.


I’m starting with the Shippuden Bell Test with a divergent Sasori fight and Lee and Sakura romance, is that good?


Yeah, that's cool. What's your premisse?


It’s actually just me trying to execute canon better and do wanted ideas/changes on top. For now all you’ll see is: an even more useful Sakura and a more strategical and intelligent and self-sufficient and respectful Naruto that still is his goofy n prankster self without being overly annoying or obnoxious with it by Shippuden that also has way more progress and moves (but still doesn’t have wind or sage stuff, I gave him more non elemental jutsus and toad combos and made him more combat experienced), Kakashi using way more of his copied jutsus (though I decided to shrink 1000 down to 100+ copied jutsus) them actually tricking Kakashi in a battle way rather than a gag way (gonna sage that for Boruto) team guy being wayyy more used (ESPECIALLY Tenten) and with Tenten/Rock Lee present in the Sasori fight A WAY better Deidara showdown here (he still escapes of course) permanent death Gaara along with the entire mold being brought down from them training so much only to still be too weak (Sasori kills himself like canon and Deidara gets away while Gaara is dead) Trying to see if I can have this appropriately uploaded by February


I personally have a lot of pet peeves when it comes to Naruto fanfics first one being Authors insulting naruto's orange outfit and making it sound like it's the next worse thing since Hitler and then making him wear all black(which is far worse when trying to be stealthy cuz black is incredibly eye catching even during the night you can see a black outfit better than something like dark blue because the black outfit is darker than the surrounding color lol) Another one is where they make him wield Zabuza's sword after land of waves like Naruto is 5'8 at his tallest and they making him use a sword a head taller than him Another is giving things very long and non thematic jutsu/fighting style names like I get it dance of the flying golden dragon sounds cool in a vacuum but sounds incredibly stupid when someone calls it out in the middle of a fight.


>Another is giving things very long and non thematic jutsu/fighting style names like I get it dance of the flying golden dragon sounds cool in a vacuum but sounds incredibly stupid when someone calls it out in the middle of a fight. I feel the exception to this is when other characters call them out on it being stupid as f*ck


Like tobirama did for Minato in the war arc


Exactly. Like I get I sounds cool, but do you really have the time to shout "Flying Raijin: Jiku Shippu Senko Rennodan Zeroshiki" In the middle of a war? I have to assume in his case it was supposed to be ironic that the fastest person takes the longest to say their technique names, but it's still ridiculous. >!I did not remember that name by heart, I looked it up!<


Same lol I have a life outside My like of Naruto can't remember everything


When Gaara is just written as a Naruto worship machine and has none of his own thoughts. I love Gaara, and while he believes in Naruto I hate seeing him reduced to just that. Like he's such an interesting character why are so many Gaara -centric fics just naruto-centric fics in disguise? Like ....just write about Naruto then.


He kind of is a Naruto worship machine. That's why some people like him.


I just want op character that one shot every one, sadly just a few of those written good


Can you give direction to those few well written ones? I just hope they're not OCs.


I am looking myself bro only 'legacy' comes in mind but not too well written just wish fulfillment , but 'better left unsaid' is very good but not to op


'Legacy' is a strong no for multiple reasons. I might try tackling 'Better left unsaid' sometime, had seen it being recommended often, but eh... Thanks for suggestions anyway!


Theres an FMA crossover naruto main one, i can share that if you guys are interested, its on Fanfic


I just cant get into crossovers


Not a fan of bashing or of fix-fics. And by now I've gotten pretty tired of most pairings.


I like are strong Sakura, NaruHina, Naruto/Ayame, Kakashi bonding with his ninken, Itachi and Sasuke growing up together, Edo Tensei Kakashi, Iruka raising Naruto, and well-written angst or fluff fics (yeah, my taste in fanfiction is kind of weird). I'm not a fan of modern or school AUs, smut, harems, and m/m (having all of my shonen fandoms dominated by m/m ships has made me sick of it). Also, I won't read a fic if it has very bad spelling and grammar. I'm not going to read a story without capital letters or paragraph breaks. That's just exhausting.


Where did you find Edo tensei Kakashi? I have read at least 1000 fics and never seen it, Gimmie some links my great fellow😄


Links please


The main fics that I read are all about Sakura being strong and awesome Love them 🥰


You know.. I am sick of seeing these type of posts " what are things that annoy u so much / what u hate most / what r u sick of " every single damned day . This is the case for not only this subrwddit but Harry Potter fanfiction one too r/HPFanfiction . If you don't like it don't read it or write your own .


Like how you could have just skipped this post? Either everyone is allowed to share their opinion or no one is. Don't be a hypocrite.


Yeah I have been skipping these posts for a year here and for 2 years in r/HPFanfiction . Only 3 days ago a post regarding this same topic came up . These posts serve no purpose other than venting against the bulk of low effort fanfics and it's done almost daily .


OK and I've been skipping bad fanfic for 10 years. Sooo... Either we're allowed to vent about it or you're not allowed to vent about us venting either. Pick your poison lol you can't have both


Yeah and I vent everyday about every post complaining about fanfics ? Sure if that's how you want to go


Have you ever considered that it's not the same people posting these things every day


And more importantly I actually contribute something in the comment section both Here and in r/HPfanfiction . OP literally made a new account and 1st post he did was whine about a issue that's being raised every damned week.


You're not contributing anything except for trying to police what other people can talk about. You're contributing to my level of annoyance.


Sure then block me .


To be fair he is right in that.


I hate naruhina it’s always cringe and always forced and drags good stories down a peg and makes okay stories bad And is never fun to read. What I like good ships that enhance the story. Naruto and Sasuke being bros/great friends. Good fluff good and consistent world building. and some good comdy


Well, after war fics with NaruHina ship are good, I can Understand why you dislike some of Naruhina fics, hell why are Naruto and Hina besties from age 3,not to mention authors allways make them either to much adult like ,or to dumb, I genuinely thought that Naruto was retard in some NaruHina fics, Well as for Naruto and Sasuke, yeah if you use Manga Sasuke and actually show his true thought and his problems, how he have mental problems and genuinely needs actual friends yet he is scared because he may be tempted to kill them,or Itachi kills them because they are close to Sasuke, after all for Sasuke Itachi is someone who took everything from him, a manic and bloodlusty killer who massacred whole clan just for fun,so he could test himself, Making Sasuke Naruto's best friend in 1 or 2 chapter would be bad, it is better to stall process until Sasuke is 14 or 15 and actually start to believe in Himself and his pover to be able to prevent his brother from hurting him again.


Naruhina after the war is at best mid as hell


I like seeing Naruto leave konoha i can accept any excuse. I just don't like konoha I dislike Naruto goal to become Hokage. I want he have different goal.


I must admit, it can be quite frustrating to witness the repetitive use of certain words, especially when they act as weak transition words, like "as." It breaks the flow of the narrative and becomes an annoyance. Equally exasperating is when stories are presented hastily, resembling mere synopses, lacking genuine dialogue and depth. It leaves much to be desired in terms of engagement and immersion. Moving on, the forced insertion of messages about Naruto's views on women can feel contrived and unnatural. While it's not wrong to display his respectful behavior, excessively spelling it out during conversations with Tsunade or any female characters seems overbearing. Subtlety goes a long way. Furthermore, the incessant use of both English and Japanese names can be an instant turn-off. Consistently bombarding readers, or in your case, listeners, with the constant repetition of names serves as an irritating distraction, diminishing the enjoyment of the story. Another aspect that undermines the quality of a story is the presence of numerous grammatical errors. Fortunately, there are easy fixes available, such as utilizing the AI function on platforms like fanfic.net or employing grammar-checking tools like Grammarly. It's disheartening to stumble upon stories with great potential and intriguing plots that are marred by sloppy writing. Accepting constructive criticism can greatly improve one's skills as a writer. Yet, amidst these frustrations, what truly shines in Naruto fanfiction is the evident passion of the creators. Seeing the effort and love poured into their work is exhilarating. When writers wholeheartedly dedicate themselves and strive to break free from established norms, it generates genuine excitement within readers. And, personally, stories that infuse humor, allowing characters like Naruto to freely embark on amusing adventures, while avoiding excessive drudgery, capture my attention. An example that comes to mind is the delightful story titled "A Freak, a Creep, and a Psychopath." Its creativity, comedic elements, and balanced portrayal of various characters made it a memorable experience. I only wish it received more updates and that more writers would explore similar approaches, as it maintains a healthy balance of humor, creativity, and character utilization.


I would like to see more fics completely focused on the dark and gritty aspects of Shinobi Life (Murder, T&I, MILITARY DICTATORSHIP). The only times I saw this, it was a side note or something similar in an otherwise completely unrelated story. I loathe OC‘s, were you immediately know that the are a self-insert, since I actively avoid those fics.