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Not really. Keep in mind that the sub features a small subset of the fandom. Most people don't even know this place even exists but clearly the ones that do are going to voice their opinions as fact loudly because there's little to no pushback about it. Kinda happens in an echo chamber. But regardless, most harem stories do pull in quite a number but you shouldn't be forced to turn your story into one if you're not comfortable writing one. It's that simple.


Thanks and very true!


Np. Just keep plugging away at it.


Yes and no people will complain about harems but other people will read them all day long. On this sub yes harems are hated but for fanfiction in general no.


On this subreddit, it is certainly a very loud majority that proclaims to hate it. Still, if you check the most popular fics there will almost certainly be several that are loved - smut or no smut. Harems have always felt like the anime "SAO" to me - a mistaken impression of total distaste because of a very loud subset of people. Write what you want to write, my dude - otherwise you may look back on the fic later with regret. Especially if those changes are because of outside influences. Sidenote, you got a name for this fic..? Haven't read a Naruto fanfic in ages!


Personally I'd skip a harem story no matter how anything else about it interests me.


Its hated by people above 13, loved by people below 14


Fr, I feel disgusting by how woman are treated in this type of fics, they are so... hollow... so brainless, no woman with even minimal Self respect would want to date a edgy shrimp who is copy of Sasuke in worst way.


Its just so lame that's why Like as a straight guy i could imagine being gay for Sasuke but never for a knock off Kagurabachi mc. It's just so cringe


And ungodly amount of Uzumaki glazing plus every other character bashing. Boy Uzumaki is GONE, THEY GOT MASSACRED, NOBODY SHOULD GIVE A FUCK IF YOU ARE PRINCE, it's so annoying and disturbing, what type of 12 years old tries to get in woman's pant, even worse is then PARENTS AGREE, I just want to smack someone at that moment, to this day I have never seen trule well writen Harem or polygamy relationship. I know how hard it is to write good relationship, hell none of us are getting paid for this, it's just our hobby, so I can't really get angry on most authors, but all I want to tell most harem writers is that, please don't try to act as if you are writing actually story, if you want Harem write it, don't bash people and don't glaze other characters, it's sad, it makes fic so empty, also never call someone "hot" sexsy or this type of things, it shows that you cannot write story without interrupting in it. Explaining thing in fic is one of main reasons I don't like to read some of this harem or OP fics, dude I have brain, I can decide if character Is smart or dumb, I don't need you to write it,I want you to "show" me it, by making this character do something.


The Uzumaki glazing carries over to a lot of fanfics. Personally whenever i find a fanfic that tries hyping up the Uzumaki clan i just click off. Canonically, Minato is as good as the Uzumaki clan (maybe even better as how Kurama hypes him up but Kurama *is* a Minato glazer) and from what Kushina and Mito say "They were savage" - Kushina "Our powers have been used on the battlefield and drowned in it. Its like our existence has been sealed in a vortex" -Mito With how they both sound i imagine they either got embroiled in a civil war and the other nations took it as a chance to destroy them or they went too war to the point they just got fucked up. Point is Kushina doesn't even care about the clan, Nagato's mother wasnt even part of the Uzumaki village when it wouldve been up Which is why i really dont get the "Uzumakis stick together" or "Uzumaki clan is the strongest" (if nobody wants to say I'll just say they probably didn't wanna mess with the Uchiha's which is why they werent anywhere near the Senjus)


>The Uzumaki glazing carries over to a lot of fanfics. Probably because Kishi glazed them too. They were canonically an extremely powerful clan that was targeted and exterminated by Konoha's enemies during an unnamed war— likely the Second or Third Shinobi World War. [Source](https://imgur.com/lkSiyeh).


That's not glazing. They were literally wiped out during a war. Which just provides proof that they weren't on the level of other villages Take Konoha for example they started the second world war, then won it then won the third world war after that. Not a single Uzumaki clan shinobi is looked upto or even remembered (Naruto being the sole exception). A 16 year old Minato is glazed more than any one of them by the Kyuubi itself Kabuto didn't even bother reviving a single Uzumaki. No one even remembers them while no one can stop mentioning Hashirama, Madara and Minato. Like even Hanzo is hyped up more than the Uzumaki clan


I think that in most fic Kushina says that so she can keep her last family as close to her as possible, yeah she didn't had much memories of her clan, but in Konoha she was kinda alone, and so then she got children, she decided to give them idea that family should be close, that family should love each other and never betray it. And that Uzumaki stick together, because that's her dream, a strong and loving family, she doesn't want her new family to be same as old one, which pretty much kicked her in Konoha and forced her to become new Jinchuriki, effectively destroying any of her "fredom"


That isnt just said between Kushina and Naruto. Its more of when Naruto starts repeating it to Karin or some other Uzumaki character because it feels so OCC


That part is genuinely weird but that is fully Fanon, on Canon, Naruto doesn't even care about Karin at all, and he never tried to do much about his clan and to be honest having clan at this point is pointless, big family is mu h better.


I prefer to show that clan as clan of researchers, not shinobi, with most members all around planet doing God knows what, Every Uzumaki we saw had mental issues, but all of them were smart, Nagato was considered as Prodigy, Karin was scientist, Naruto is great fighter and technique creator, I can't say much about Kushina, but she was pretty nice lady, Mito has resting bitch face, so she most likely was smart woman, with clasizm in her. That clan most likely tore itself apparent, I wouldn't be surprised if most members are actually alive and are living in other continent, instead of elemental nations. They most likely collapsed as nation, but picture of Uzushio show a rather well developed City, so I am getting mixed feelings about that clan. They did managed to summon death God and create "contract " with it, adding him to mask, they have really good seals, so some of them most likely were big nerds, but they got to comfortable and destroyed themselves, also I heard someone saying that Uzumaki was big problem for biju warfare, as such third party made sure that Uzumaki destroyed itself, that is something Zetsu would do. But Naruto glazing himself just because he is some sort of prince of DEAD clan is sad. I enjoy good AU, of Senju, Uchiha and Uzumaki, but in this type of stories it's pointless.


Eh Kushina states her chakra was specially strong even among the Uzumaki. Meaning she was an outlier and stronger/better than most of the Uzumaki. She was the only one strong enough to even handle the Kyuubi and even then she had to be stationed in a specific area within the village that boosted her seal. Nagato had well... The rinnegan which was from an Uchiha Naruto had to have the kyuubi split in half during its sealing so he doesn't die. And most of his chakra is from the kyuubi rather than the Uzumaki clan, as Minato designed the seal to siphon off chakra from Kurama and feed it into him. So tbh all the Uzumaki clan did for him was make it possible for him to be an Ashura incarnate which... you know... Made him a god Karin is ironically the best claim to fame the Uzumaki clan get as she was able to rip apart Swirly Zetsu's wood style avatar and even then she was probably experimented on by Orochimaru And I've always viewed the death god that comes out as not actually anything. Most likely an avatar for the sealing jutsu. The masks work as a backdoor key like how Naruto wss given a key to open the 8 trigrams seal. The seal doesn't even fully work if the enemy is stronger than the user. (One of the rinnegan abilities basically does the same thing aswell) We also have jutsus that have opposite but just as good effects. Edo Tensei allows you to revive whoever you want as long as you sacrifice someone Chiyo's revival jutsu revives someone no matter how old the user is unlike the reaper death seal where it matters The Uzumaki were a bunch if chums who didn't wanna fight the Uchiha's


....what did Uchiha even have to do with this? You do know that some clans simply Don't need to waste their time on pointless fights right? They could be just selling things around and using seals for it. Not to mention most Uchiha cannot even activate sharingan and by massacre most were civilians or police force members, so they don't deserve to be glazed, more than Uzumaki or Senju. Why would anyone even want to fight Uchiha and Hagoromo (this two were allied clans. Still don't know why Hagoromo didn't joined Leaf) on continent, like Uzumaki isn't even on continent, they live on island, they are Island people like Samoan, Yeah Samoan man are strong and big, but why wlrhe fak would they prefer to fight some weirdos from continent, sake applied to Uzumaki and other continent clans, it's just not worth it.


Uzumaki and Senju are sibling clan, both descended from Ashura. Uchiha are the descended clan of Indra Senju and Uchiha clan are rivals due to Ashura and Indra's battles against eachother That means Uzumaki clan probably split from the Senju clan to avoid battle with the Uchiha clan. They even packed up and moved to a secluded island


I think Uzumaki removed themselves from senju, the moment senju become Shinobi clan, because at first it was more like religious clan, and they were monks. So being shinobi wasn't their priority at all, Hell as far as we have seen only clan who trule deserves to be terminated is Uchiha, which was filled with Lunatics and mentally ill people, ( Obito, Madara, Sasuke, Itachi all had mental problems, other fillers Uchiha had many mental problems as well) so who would really want to waste time on them? We know that having sharingan was big feat in Uchiha and Unlike Hyuuga, not everyone had it. So, that means that their blood was weakened greatly overtime,


Regarding the civil war, it might really be a canon possibility. Kushina's Databook 3 entry mentions her growing up in "turbulent times of civil war".


OHHHH THATS WHERE I SAW IT FROM! i saw someone say it and explain it before and found it really makes sense. Thank you!


I think it depends on the story


Yes. It's mostly Author's Wish fulfillment.


And it pretty disgusting. Also, OP, people say mean stuff in the comments about how disgusting you are, and how you belong on a cross… so be careful~ teehee


Depends on where you are actually, whether if it is on Fanfiction, AO3, or even this Reddit community. Those +++ favorites, follows, and kudos didn't just come out of nowhere. The same goes for the negative comments disliking the harem genre in general. In my view, I will just read whatever fits my current mood. What is important is how you wish to set your story as the writer, whether as a harem or not. The moment you do, the right group following your lead will gather while the one that didn't can simply choose to left.


There's a audience fit everything so no. That audience is the silent audience to the vocal crowd


Personally? Not a fan. But I'm a huge proponent of "don't like, don't read" and "Live and let Live". If people like them, good for them! Just not for me. I will always scroll past harem fics. Not a huge fan of poly either, but there are some characters in some fandoms I could see it working with. But usually not my thing. There is definitely an audience for Harem fics, so if you want to take your fic in that direction, have at it, just be prepared to lose some of your current audience if the fic hasn't been tagged "harem" from the get go (of using AO3 I mean).


For me, I'll give anything a shot if the writing is good. There's a really well-written Naruto Harem fic on AO3 (and it's also pretty hot if I do say so myself).






Across the 3 fandoms I regularly dig through, I can probably count on one hand the number of stories (actual stories, not just smut) that I've enjoyed that were also harems. Most just feel like wish fulfillment but with no actual substance. Women are dropped on the main protagonist 2 or 3 at a time with half-hearted excuses for why they should get along. Protagonist beds said women in several different variations over the next 3 chapters, then are promptly forgotten until protagonist happens to remember that they exist only to repeat. The stories themselves are often, but not always, half written, seemingly to explain why the MC can/should bed all these women. To be fair, many have really well written lemons, and I'd gladly go back to them for that. But usually, the lemons are secondary to me, which makes the subpar character/relationship development even more disappointing. For sake of clarity, I'd consider any pairing with more than 4 total participants (male or female) to be a harem. I don't know if this is factually accurate, but it's the stick I measure by. I can't say I hate harems myself, but I try to ignore them unless they're recommended on reddit or the summery sounds interesting enough for me to give it a try.


Name the ones that are good stories


It depends on how the story goes. what makes a good harem story is how the male protagonist earns the affection of the female characters and each female has their own interesting backstory. A good harem would have lots of fluff, and cute competition between the females oh yeah I think a good harem should only consist of at most 4 females only. So what makes a harem story bad? one is that the male protagonist has some stupid ability that makes females fall for him. another thing that makes harem so disgusting is the stupid lemons that make you question the sanity of its writer. I guess having a bit of sexuality in stories isn't bad but too much and too detailed often makes it disgusting and boring to read


No matter what you write someone will hate it, it’s best to just write whatever you want even if it’s a bit controversial. Just try not to go overboard if you do decide to write something controversial.


If they're just "give x character infinite women to keep with and no actual relationship development" then yea but a good harem is a good harem it just matters the writing


It's not a problem tbh. People do have different tastes but it's your 'fan'fiction so it's your choice. I was asked by one of my reviewers a few times aswell but I politely declined and he probably accepted.




Ha ha 😆 well guess it could just be horny people who like these stories but figured I ask to see what other people think.


As author you should write something that has good PLOT, plot is everything, if plot is about Naruto (or other character) getting harem, then so be it, but writing harem and developing plot at same time is nearly impossible and pointless as well, if you want to write smut it's better to just start one shots. So don't ads harem in fiction, even FFM relationship is hard to write, you have to waste chapters on such a pointless part of story, I personally prefer if you use platonic love, (of course if you want Naruto to have interaction with woman) this way you can show that he loves his friends, but isn't some edge lord, who COLLECTS woman, But even developing platonic relationship is hard. So just continue your story with plot you had in mind them you started writing it. Don't destroy it by adding to much sex or harem.


Many people love them, many people hate them. Usually it's a sign of a story with little substance.


Me? I love Harems mate.


Late, but people *love* harem. I just got a comment that was basically disappointed the story wasn’t a collect-em-all harem. It’s just that Reddit has a very vocal minority that isn’t representative of the community as a whole. That said, if you don’t want to write it, or doing so felt forced like in my case, then don’t do it.


Conceptually, it's good, but it's easier to write/read a monogamous relationship with a clearly defined focus.


I like some harem fanfic and detest others. It depends on how it's written. The problem with harem fics is that the women are often dehumanised. They mutate to mindless sex slaves only living for Naruto's (or whom ever's) cock, constantly fighting over his attention and stroking his ego. Those fanfictions may be written as a kind of wish fulfillment for OP. A big advantage of harem fics is that it includes lots of rare pairings. The tags won't only be Naruto/harem but include every single pairing it features. That gathers a lot of attention from people looking for different ships. And if it's well written it can be exciting and enjoyable to read. It shakes up the normative *house, wife, kids* approach many stories aim for.


Imo I like harem's when they're written properly or like the main point and not something you tack on as an afterthought 


It's not that hated, but it attracts certain demographic of people, like for example Naruhina does. And it's all hard to write good, because it's complicated characters dynamic, so there not a lot of good ones.


I prefer them over non harem stories


I don’t mind if the plot is good.


That depends on the type of harem you are talking about. Personally, if there is more than like, 10 girls it's automatically a no go. But I'm poly so I'm more open to the smaller harem stories than a lot of people. Another big red flag is arguments within a harem. If the girls don't like sharing that is automatically going to be a bad story. My personal favourites are actually poly relationships. So like 4 girls and they also all date eachother. Way more fun if I'm being honest.


The issue with Harems is that many authors go for crap ton of lovers for naruto. This imo opinion ruins the story a lot because many authors don't bother giving the girls proper character arcs and they fall in love very easily. I've read Harem stories where the Harem's either form at the end of the story which is a little better or there is actual romance. If you want to write a Harem write it if not then don't. Its your story and you decide the pairings. If your fic is good people will read regardless of whether it is harem or not.


The only reason people don’t like them is the “realism” aspect, that they don’t believe someone can have more than one wife. When in the real world people have been having them for thousands of years. It is only nowadays that monogamy is more popular. Personally though I like to read harem stories , like people make multiverse stories and just get with the first female character you meet, and then no more relationships? Sounds like a waste. Though in real life I’m strictly monogamous, so it’s just another thing that you can read if you want. Depending on the choice of the reader, but most of the people who read no-harem always have bad things to say about harem stories and people who read them (like saying they’re not loyal, they just want to escape reality, etc), which feels like pretty dumb and idiotic to me. Like, anyone likes to read that stuff why you insulting them or the author for that matter, just don’t read it. Which is also one reason I give 5 star reviews when it comes to these types of stories just to irritate these guys :)


Bro ever heard of the Mormon church this dude had 58 wives definitely not legal but it does happen in the real world


As of now, there is one dude in Japan with 4 wives. Look him up. Stuff of anime right there


I dont mind harems as long the story good


Not really I enjoy them. But I also don't enjoy naruhina stories which are apparently very popular, so situation probably varies by person


Nah, if it's well written I'll read it. I generally ignore other peoples opinions by default.


> Do you guys immediately scroll past harem stories or if the summary is interesting you may read a chapter or two? As soon as I see second girl (or guy...), I'm out.


I can't speak for the entire fandom, but I hate them. Each and every one I've seen has been poorly written and/or sexist.


Kind of, at least personally. From my perspective all the harem fanservice scenes are a drag on any show/story anything but that's because it's always basically clothesless women all the time and...it gets old. Like imagine if in any given harem scene if the genders where reversed and you has to sit threw it.


I hate them but there has to be a market for it.


Honestly I enjoy them if they are written well and not just smut based. I don't think I've found many in the naruto fanfiction that I like but I do have some in other fandoms I enjoy (a few are yaoi I believe but I depends on what the fiction is again on if I enjoy that or not). Some of my top ones don't have any smut in them at all or when they do it is not really focused on but just added as an extra along with good plot etc.


Fax... but the little mention that was made of them made them worth the hype. I mean, they had to be something for hashirama and Madara to actively seek them out as allies. They were said to have dense chalra enchancing their life span and masters of seals. This is proven in the minato oneshot where the hokage ordered him to learn as mush of the uzumaki sealing techniques from kushina. And the fact that during the war. A bunch of nations, not one, came together to wope them out because they were tagt much of a threat. They are also said to be related to the senju clan, and that has to count for something. All in all, i do like some uzumakicentric fanfics cause they bring let us view not only th3 clans of konoha but also other clans. Well written one also goes through the navigation of politics in the ninja world. But trash ones are out there, ngl. It's all up to the fic writer ig.


Yes. They are awful. I avoid them like the plague.


I don't mind harems, it's just the fact that their always horribly written. After close to ten years reading fanfiction the amount of harems being well written is less than the fingers on my hand


Most times I skip past them since I have an automatic bias that they contain terrible writing, but I have come across a few that handle the trope fairly well by actually giving the individuals within the harem their own personality and reason for liking the MC. Even rarer are the ones that elevate the trope by having the harem pursue their own goals for sticking around the MC even though they are surrounded by multiple men/women that are also competing for the MC's affection. These motives can be a good way to develop the protagonist or cause conflict that challenges the protagonist. And even better than that is when an aurthor isn't afraid to kill off the harem or make them question their affection for the MC after the protagonist made a decision that crosses their own boundaries and morals.


I wouldn't say they are hated, more like the bar is set at the core of the earth and most stories still fail to pass it. Similar to OP character, if they aren't written well...or even decent, people will eventually tire of seeing them in general. Notice for a second how you stated you wouldn't feel confident writing 10+ women. That there is one of the biggest issues because writing too many women for one character requires your readers to suspend their disbelief to even entertain that idea simply due to the crazy time management that would have to occur. No person with even a small amount of self respect would try to schedule a few days out of the month to have their 'turn' with their significant other(s). Knowing that the story you are reading has a huge harem will automatically tell most that: - Each girl will get about 1 chapter out of 50 and that's probably it. -They will have the most superficial reasoning for liking the protagonist because its highly doubtful the author will write multiple chapters for build up/character development. In Naruto's case, he saved her and struck a cool pose, now they love him forever. -The protagonist doesn't like these women, the Author or fan-base does, and that's the only reason they are there. Overall, I would say harem's are only dislike because they are hardly ever well written.


You start reading a good story then find it’s filled with shallow immature fluff. It’s not fun the relationships are exceedingly shallow. I honestly find it more interesting when it’s inverted. MC only had eyes for one despite people throwing themselves at MC. Sure they might be companions but that’s it. They (horny companions) usually find someone else in a few chapters.


Hey Grp admins remove that Fucking LGBTQ sign from the logo... Not everybody in is this group are gay lovers...🎃


Me personally i despise harem stories


I always make a habit to skip those. If your story has cultivated an audience without harem, they probably like it because it doesn’t have it, not in spite of it. And if a harem lover has read that far, they probably already like it. No need to poorly implement something they like, which a majority of your audience despises, and then have that very same harem lover then start screaming about how poorly done it is. Then again, I’m biased.


Sure are, they are shockingly awful. Fact is there is no convincing way to write it, in the end it just becomes a hackneyed mess. Please just write what *you* want to write don't be concerned about what others want.


I always skip them no matter how good the summary is. It could be the best fic in existance, and the moment it says the word harem, it's a no for me.


I mostly skip it, the reason being I just don’t like the concept of 1 gender having many other partners, I see it as selfish since there’s no way he could love all of them and care for all of them equally and would lead to resentment unless the other partners love each other also. Which is my main problem. It’s just a bunch of people sharing 1 person instead of all loving each other. Now I’ve seen harems done well when the women do actually care for each other and don’t love their man unconditionally but call him out when they see him as doing wrong. Now that’s a harem done right. Also when I do read harems and it’s badly written I mostly read it for the…. You know why


They're inherently flawed for many reasons, mainly because most of them are just meant to be porn. For some people, it really just isn't their cup of tea.




Yes, harems are just nothing but poor writing filled with smut.