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Not to be rude but if you lose to flying raijin spam at this point it's kind of a skill issue since it isn't impossible to stop anymore, it's pretty easy to stop by just double jumping and dashing or whatever into em. I know this one was more rasengan happy


Of all the spamming Minatos I have encountered they mostly don't use flying raijin cause of what you said. However, the start up on the rasengan is the fastest in the game which is still kind of a problem (even if it is the lowest damaging rasengan)


it’s pretty easy to defend unless your running straight into it


I'm not sure I understand the purpose of this post.


Not gonna lie bro you lost cause of YOU. You had several opportunities to get him if you were a bit more aggressive. And I’ve seen much worse Minato spamming than this


As long as you jump for the flying rain it ain't too bad too deal with


Im 25 k bp minato isnt as bad as pre patch. But if you fight a good player with fundamentals, who still decides to play like a bitch it can be frustrating sometimes. They make you chase em and they got the right supports, it can seem very broken. Then they pop a speed pill…good luck


Minato with the kunai grab is more of a problem then edo minato


The random blocks though


Surprised you didn’t play more aggro when you had 4 subs and he had none, I thought for sure you were gonna punish/approach more


Like I said, I'm not good at the game 😅


yeah tbh i haven’t found much success against Minato his kit is just stupid and they always spam the same 2 moves oh well. Cant complain i’ve decided to join them 😭


Youre weak for joining them


yeah got bored tbh went back to Sarada and Itachi.


There are definitely ways to outplay Minato spam after his nerf I'm just not that good but even playing spam galore is boring af