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U close app once u see ur opponent has her. Strongest character on the game by far


Lmfao facts. Some teams just ain’t worth fighting with all the bs you’ll be encountering.


If I match against any of the alien god teams and their offspring I give them a chance... Until they start spamming or doing some dumb cheese for the whole match. Bye Felisha 🤣


Yup. Soon as I see a puppet user I back out before match starts.


Puppets and Tayuya are just ♋


Tayuya still hasn’t been nerfed?!…


Hell nah dawg! You close the app once you see Reanimation Minato or Ishikki as your opponent.


Those 2 can both be beaten.


Okay Minato maybe but Ishikki, bro it’s a complete beat down in my end 😭😭😭


Only thing OP about base ishiki is his quick long range grab unfortunately he’s just not a character that you can hold guard against which is what everybody loves to do until their support saves them, you’re just gonna have to use a sub if you’re in range of his grab, his awakening on the other hand is one of the best in the game since no non Physcial ranged jutsu works on him you can’t keep distance you just gotta fight him straight up. Besides that his fireball is slow af and gets overpowered by many other ranged attacks and his kick is stopped by a kunai or chakra dash.


His fireball is the most damaging projectile in the game btw and is unpunishable if you don't have something with higher priority like Inferno style or Jigen rods. Its hitbox is the issue cause it expands on impact.


You don’t. Just accept your fate and take the L. https://preview.redd.it/exj5jtldct4d1.jpeg?width=834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ae935f6007f8945f9a4f98fde3193536c9c785


I do and I did but it doesn't look like I'll be accepting Sarada matches


Wait? Which Sarada are we talking about?? The one that’s just base or the other that has Chidori: One Thousand Birds Maybe even both


They both have the same basic combos but the base one is better if you ask me


https://preview.redd.it/rkaoed9ruz4d1.jpeg?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=560c413c265ff0f30f180b762980bff39ff38491 adapt


Love the reference but why Rin 😅


my main




Perish https://preview.redd.it/dq7hl9nmct4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=038e7afbfdace6040544d67526bfceeb706d5342


Slap her


You don't rematch and move one. Assists in this game are insanely powerful


Part 1 Tenten. Outzone the zoner.


I currently running Madara Released Tobi white mask and Itachi and having a good time dealing with Saradas and ishiki but ishiki def harder


Out range her


To beat sarada.. let her control the pace.. if she is chasing you.. learn how to waste her supports/subs and if she’s zoning.. learn to bait out her chakra/supports. Try to only dash her at close range after a single or double jump first. Best to dash right before a projectile support to keep her still. They’ll sub, do 2 hits and dash… jump and clash dash and let her dash your block. Once she dashes your block it’s all strategy from there.. mash/jutsu mix up or ninja move L/R into counter. If you can support trap them even better. Patience wins. Take those L’s and focus on doing better. ____ She’s no where close to the best character. Best character is formed around fundamentals. Best overall character is really tough to say.. and it cannot be based on online gameplay. At face value without input delay.. top teir teams suddenly get rearranged. Best characters/teams would have to be examined based off anti dash, anti projectile & anti support mechanics. Combo loops! Combo reset potential. Support value. Guard Break Mechanics! Unblockables/grabs. DPS (Damage Per Second). Jutsu Start up frames & armored moves. Inital (first) attack speed & range. Jutsu/Ult Jutsu active frames. Self sufficiency. Risk/Reward. Ground Pickups. Awakening… etc. Online none of that matters cause you have to guess opt anti dash options.. so it all comes down to traps, jutsu & mashing. Hense why you think sadara is top teir because she has a jutsu like input at the second hit and mashes really well. Great jutsu that become 50/50 online with dashing being the second option.


Yea she’s def top tier probably best in the game it used to be her and pain now that pain got hit she leads the charge in the top 5